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  1. Antifa training day... (9 replies)
  2. Coca-Cola, Ford & Xerox Announce: 'We No Longer Donate to Planned Parenthood...! (2 replies)
  3. Vigilante justice.......... (2 replies)
  4. Then...who`s going to feed them? (0 replies)
  5. Congress must act to end the crisis on our border (1 replies)
  6. Mueller Report a Win for Dems, candidates should run on it (2 replies)
  7. Pelosi is a hypocrite (4 replies)
  8. Maxine Waters gets scorched (3 replies)
  9. Deep State DOJ and FBI Operatives are Panicked, Ratting Out Each Other (9 replies)
  10. Works hard every day to help the forgotten man..... (1 replies)
  11. Ben Carson To Kick Illegal Immigrants Out Of HUD Housing, Give Aid To Poor Americans. (7 replies)
  12. His face says it all....... (6 replies)
  13. Tucker: Beto's campaign is dead.... (14 replies)
  14. Hey lying "Leftist"...Democrats....You people are Pathetic! (2 replies)
  15. Emails, Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, AGT Intl, Obama FBI and DOJ Crimes... (2 replies)
  16. Rashida Tlaib suggests Americans launch a hunger strike to "shut down ICE" (8 replies)
  17. Report: Evidence Doesn’t Show Trump Fired Comey ‘to Cover Up a Conspiracy’ (0 replies)
  18. CNN still says there WAS collusion (5 replies)
  19. Another angle the Dems are going after (4 replies)
  20. Running for President if you're a Democrat - the 5 stages (2 replies)
  21. Mueller Report Concludes... Allegations Carter Page were false - led to FISA (6 replies)
  22. Within minutes the Dems cried foul (14 replies)
  23. Trump and Game of Thrones (3 replies)
  24. Barr - these words will be the ultimate meltdown for snowflakes (11 replies)
  25. WATCH: Pres Trump runs toward police to shake their hands..... (0 replies)
  26. Alabama House passes bill requiring schools to conduct Pledge of Allegiance ........ (10 replies)
  27. MSNBC Meltdown Over Barr Holding Mueller Report Press Conference (14 replies)
  28. Nearly 40% of Americans believe Trump was spied on by Obama officials (1 replies)
  29. The Only Man in History.......... (0 replies)
  30. BORDER PATROL emailed this video..... (2 replies)
  31. Florida House committee OKs ban on 'sanctuary cities'...... (0 replies)
  32. FBI warned that Clinton's ENTIRE server could have been classified (0 replies)
  33. Trump states FBI made 11 payments to Fusion GPS for dossier (1 replies)
  34. Mueller report Thursday - Dems responses (2 replies)
  35. Nation of Islam defends Omar - with the truth about 9/11 (0 replies)
  36. New Effort to Deter Migrants, Barr Withholds Bail to Asylum Seekers...... (1 replies)
  37. Video FLASHBACK: Minnesota Gov. Tells Constituents To Leave MN If They Don't Like mus (2 replies)
  38. The geniuses who screamed Russia Russia Russia until our ears bled will now ..... (1 replies)
  39. Multiculturalism is destroying Europe............ (2 replies)
  40. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? ....WE KNOW. Valerie Jarrett‘s Book Sales Appear Dismal ` (0 replies)
  41. Rasmussen - Trump at 52% (2 replies)
  42. some governments will not be happy until #totalcontrol (1 replies)
  43. I still agree that Ilhan Omar married her brother to help him (2 replies)
  44. Catfight! Pelosi and Cortez (3 replies)
  45. An In Depth Analysis of the Simpson – Steele Dossier[s] (0 replies)
  46. Jail if you don't hand over "assault weapon" (6 replies)
  47. Thugs assault man with MAGA hat (4 replies)
  48. Columbus County, NC: 70+Democrats Switch Sides & Register as Republicans..... (0 replies)
  49. Outrage After CBS Show Tweets Image with Words "Assassinate" and "Trump" (0 replies)
  50. kuwait muslim talks about biological warfare on US............ (3 replies)
  51. Mayor Pete Buttigieg as Exciting as Ronald Reagan (4 replies)
  52. Meanwhile in Texas....................... (2 replies)
  53. Former Obama Border Patrol Director: Worst ‘In The History Of This Country’ (1 replies)
  54. Pelosi Calls on Trump to Take Down Video of Rep. Omar’s 9/11 Comment (4 replies)
  55. ‘Whatever It Costs' It's a 'Debt We Owe' (1 replies)
  56. We are living in a clown world - social war is insanity (0 replies)
  57. Trump: Hey Sanctuary Cities - you like Illegals? We'll give you all you want (2 replies)
  58. ll€gal immigrants have been on OUR taxpayer money for TWENTY YEARS...! (3 replies)
  59. Pres. Trump: MSM Running Fake Story On Homeland Security Pardons (0 replies)
  60. Pres. Trump Slams Democrats For Continued Attempts To Retry No Collusion Mueller Repo (0 replies)
  61. Treasury Secy Mnuchin Calls New Deadline On IRS For Pres. Trump’s Tax Returns ‘Arbitr (3 replies)
  62. If I Was President... (0 replies)
  63. Ya... Mexico Has A Handle On This... (2 replies)
  64. Revealing 2017 'Closed-Door' Meeting Between Rep. Ilhan Omar and Turkish President .. (0 replies)
  65. Fox News is about 80% OK...its the other 20% I piss on... (0 replies)
  66. Every Illegal Alien Costs Americans $70K Over Their Lifetime (2 replies)
  67. IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary's emails - Washington Times.... (0 replies)
  68. GREAT NEWS!!!! A HUGE WIN FOR TRUMP: Court Rules Illegals Can Be Returned ..... (2 replies)
  69. Better late than never!....Georgia Ethics Chief to Subpoena Stacey Abrams' Campaign (0 replies)
  70. "Some People Did Something"... the FILTHY MUSLIM WITCH from MN on 9/11... (20 replies)
  71. No one trolls better than DonaldTrump (4 replies)
  72. Levin: The media ‘cannot tolerate any divergent views. Period’..... (1 replies)
  73. Trump Doubles Down On Plan To Ship Migrants To Sanctuary Cities (3 replies)
  74. "If You're White.....You Can't Be This..." (0 replies)
  75. Huh!.....Rosenstein Defends Attorney General’s Handling Of Mueller Report! (8 replies)
  76. Nolte: CNN Sinks to 15th Place; Maddow Viewership Still Down Double Digits..... (5 replies)
  77. 18 States Offer In-State Tuition For Illegals................ (1 replies)
  78. Trump wants unnamed enemies investigated for treason: (3 replies)
  79. Migrants From Cuba And Africa Stage Violent Riot in Mexico...... (4 replies)
  80. N․M. militia vows to 'assist the border patrol' until wall is built ......!! (2 replies)
  81. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says US & China have agreed on the TRADE DEAL ENFORCEMENT (2 replies)
  82. Comey Plays Dumb After Bill Barr Drops Spying Allegation on Obama Admin..... (1 replies)
  83. "Can't we just drone this guy?" (4 replies)
  84. Jobless claims lowest in 50 years... (1 replies)
  85. Michael Avenatti to be Indicted on 36 Counts (4 replies)
  86. 234 Dems - 2 Repubs - bill to force schools to allow men in women sports (6 replies)
  87. Omar refers to 9/11 terror attack as "some people did something" (16 replies)
  88. Adam Schiff's Chairmanship On The House Intelligence Committee Is In Danger. .... (7 replies)
  89. THE PEOPLE support @POTUS because he gets results..... (0 replies)
  90. PENCE AT UN: “With all due respect, Mr. Ambassador, you shouldn’t be here...” (3 replies)
  91. Women with Great minds are the sexiest creatures alive....Watch This! (3 replies)
  92. SOCIALIST...Bernie Sanders makes no apologies for new millionaire status... (5 replies)
  93. Oh no...slimy cuomo! (1 replies)
  94. Google Manually Manipulates Search Results to Exclude Conservative Sites (2 replies)
  95. Attorney General William Barr Says He Thinks FBI Spied on Trump Campaign (4 replies)
  96. AOC Is A Complete Idiot... (5 replies)
  97. Kevin Hart speaks to the outrage culture and character assasination (0 replies)
  98. New Jersey Taxes.... RAIN... (4 replies)
  99. Actor Isaiah Washington praises @realDonaldTrump for supporting policy that benefits (0 replies)
  100. Trump Job Approval Jumps to 53% - Seven Points Higher Than Obama.......... (2 replies)
  101. Finally investigating the trump spies!... (4 replies)
  102. Netanyahu Declares ‘Incredible Victory’ in Israel’s election.. (6 replies)
  103. U.S. Wins Softwood Lumber Tariff Dispute -vs- Canada at WTO… (0 replies)
  104. Democrats in the House canceled a scheduled vote due to divided party...... (0 replies)
  105. The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party..... (6 replies)
  106. Nice!... (1 replies)
  107. Don't believe Jussie Smollett? You're racist! (3 replies)
  108. Hell Freezes Over! Mitt Romney Defends Trump From Dems Over Tax Returns (3 replies)
  109. Thank goodness they banned guns........????? (4 replies)
  110. Suspect held in shootout near US-Mexico border; Texas trooper 'critical' .... (1 replies)
  111. More Leftist Bullying Indoctrination And Intimidation By School Teacher @ 11 Year Old (1 replies)
  112. See What Happens When A Plane Violates Presidential Airspace..... (5 replies)
  113. "Those puny little ants outnumber "US" 100 to One!..." (0 replies)
  114. Ocasio-Cortez slammed as 'financially illiterate' at Sharpton event over Amazon...... (3 replies)
  115. Omar Upset Minnesota Democrats Want Her Removed From Congress....... (17 replies)
  116. ALL Democrats ‘Genuflect’ to Al Sharpton Now........ (1 replies)
  117. Report: Younger Americans More Open To Socialism Because They Did Not Face USSR (4 replies)
  118. Grassley: Democrats Are Using IRS For Political Purposes, ‘Nixonian’ Tactics (0 replies)
  119. Crazy Cortez wants us to pay reparations now............ (5 replies)
  120. Trump to Host>> MAGA Rally Instead of Attending "Boring" Correspondents' Dinner..... (2 replies)
  121. Merkel trying to figure out how Barry survived all of his treason She will need tips (1 replies)
  122. Stephen King, another idiot (4 replies)
  123. America Created 196,000 Jobs in March, Beating Expectations for 170,000 (2 replies)
  124. Missouri House Passed Bill Allowing Public Schools To Teach Bible Courses And Banned (6 replies)
  125. Gravy train is over and no one donates money because there are no more favors to sell (1 replies)
  126. Calif. County Sues Dept. Of Homeland Security Over Cost Of Asylum Seeking Migrants (2 replies)
  127. Obama was scandal free (7 replies)
  128. Democrat Ilhan Omar Pushes for Release of Muslim Brotherhood Leader from Prison (7 replies)
  129. ICE nabs 280 suspected illegals - largest workplace raid of Trump administration (3 replies)
  130. Stacey Abrams ‘Thinking About’ Running for President in 2020 (3 replies)
  131. Schumer, Pelosi and all the Democrats have obsessed over Russia and Putin for 2 years (5 replies)
  132. Should the millions of muslim refugees around western countries be asked to return... (5 replies)
  133. RATINGS BLOWOUT: Tucker Carlson Beats Every CNN Prime Time Line Up COMBINED! (0 replies)
  134. 1992 interview Donald Trump states I love getting even with people that are disloyal. (0 replies)
  135. Charges: OAC involved in dark-money scheme (5 replies)
  136. Another MAGA nut - abuses elderly man - gets fired (5 replies)
  137. True History of the ASSAULT Rifle (1 replies)
  138. If the President Closes the US-Mexico Border (12 replies)
  139. More Hits from a Moron: (3 replies)
  140. The Tables Turn in Russian Collusion Hunt (1 replies)
  141. Trump says gonna replace Ginsburg with... Liberals brains fall out their ears (5 replies)
  142. Memo to journos: If you're black, get out (0 replies)
  143. Ilhan Omar is under investigation for misusing campaign contributions (1 replies)
  144. Biden's unwanted touching (41 replies)
  145. The new minimum wage is killing NYC’s once-thriving restaurant scene (0 replies)
  146. Unreal (12 replies)
  147. politicians disgrace themselves: replace POW Flag with Trans Flag (2 replies)
  148. Why didn’t Obama do more to counter Russia’s interference in our election? (3 replies)
  149. Here Are You TYPICAL DEMOCRATS... (0 replies)
  150. Twitter Diva Claims Victimhood Over ‘AOC Sucks’ Chant At Trump Rally (7 replies)
  151. Liberals preparing for Civil War...... (8 replies)
  152. It's RALLY TIME.......................... (2 replies)
  153. Would be funnier if it wasn’t 100% true (2 replies)
  154. Devin Nunes Sending Criminal Referral to DOJ over Spygate: ‘Time to Go on OFFENSE' (3 replies)
  155. So HOPING THIS is true!.....................!!! (2 replies)
  156. Man Detained For Alleged Threat To Murder Trump, Blow Up Pentagon (2 replies)
  157. NOW things clearer as to why charges dropped Smollett case (9 replies)
  158. HUGE! Rand Paul Outs John Brennan – Pushed Fake Dossier in Intel Report (1 replies)
  159. Barbara Bush no longer considered herself a Republican after Trump became President.. (0 replies)
  160. Maddow and CNN losing viewers already (1 replies)
  161. The Senate crushed the Green New Deal 0-57 (1 replies)
  162. 'hateful' note left on office door for congresswoman Ilhan Omar (1 replies)
  163. Chris Matthews, now a conspiracy theorist (0 replies)
  164. Hannity slams Rachel Maddow (1 replies)
  165. The End of the Collusion Fantasy (2 replies)
  166. It Would APPEAR That The MUSLIMS Are Now In FULL CONTROL of Minnesotistan (4 replies)
  167. Trump: Investigation Started ‘Very High Up’ in the Obama Administration (8 replies)
  168. House fails to override the veto (2 replies)
  169. Mueller has exposed James Comey (0 replies)
  170. Trump: "People have done evil things, bad things, Treasonous Things..." (2 replies)
  171. Pentagon authorizes $1 billion to begin wall construction (6 replies)
  172. Trump Campaign Sends List of Russian Collusion Liars to TV Producers (2 replies)
  173. Winning! and it continues (1 replies)
  174. Marco Rubio Moves to Keep 9 SC Justices in the Constitution (0 replies)
  175. Liberals' Latest Outrage Over Chick-fil-a Is Purely Ludicrous (0 replies)
  176. Some democrats still pushing for impeachment (1 replies)
  177. Jussie Smollett - all charges dropped (23 replies)
  178. MUELLER MADNESS... Which One of the UNHINGED Dems Got It The Most Hysterically WRONG? (1 replies)
  179. California Upholds ‘Right’ For Pedophiles To Marry 10 Year Old Kids (2 replies)
  180. Omar Speaks At Radical CAIR Conference, Tells Crowd To ‘Raise Hell.... (2 replies)
  181. HERE is where to look for collusion with Russia (1 replies)
  182. Michael Avenatti Arrested in New York on Federal Extortion Charges, Prosecutors Say (5 replies)
  183. Biden or Sanders (6 replies)
  184. Obstruction without a crime (1 replies)
  185. The media's "bombshells" (0 replies)
  186. Liberals turn on Mueller (0 replies)
  187. Giuliani: Those Behind Mueller Probe Will Be 'Held to Account' (4 replies)
  188. Conway Calls on Liberal Hack Adam Schiff to Resign “Immediately" (5 replies)
  189. Criminalizing Free Speech (0 replies)
  190. this is the end of the Trump Administration (1 replies)
  191. 22 months, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI, 2800 subpoenas 500 search warrants, 500 witnesses (0 replies)
  192. Total exoneration for Trump - total failure for Muller and the left (7 replies)
  193. Another View (1 replies)
  194. Mueller report findings released (3 replies)
  195. Mad Maxine - another leader wanting to ignore the Mueller findings (4 replies)
  196. "Mueller report doesn't matter, we know there was collusion" (5 replies)
  197. MSNBC Demand Dems Ignore the Racist Mueller Report (0 replies)
  198. Obama updated on Trump campaign spying (1 replies)
  199. Mueller Delivers Liberals A Giant Crap Sandwich (6 replies)
  200. Ha Ha....Funny Political... (216 replies)
  201. Robert O'Rourke still lying about collusion - beyond a shadow of a doubt (4 replies)
  202. In 2018, ICE Arrested More Than 34,000 Criminal Aliens (0 replies)
  203. Street Artist Sabo Calls Out Ilhan Omar over Her Anti-Semitic Remarks (0 replies)
  204. MSNBC's Joy Reid already claiming cover-up (4 replies)
  205. Ilhan Omar fundraising for group with terror ties (0 replies)
  206. 5 paths to victory in 2020 for Trump (1 replies)
  207. Liberal media & the left has a meltdown (7 replies)
  208. Tucker nails it (2 replies)
  209. Stupid BUTT HURT Millennials... (0 replies)
  210. Uh-Oh... Big Trouble For The Democrats New little MUSLIM Skank Too... (0 replies)
  211. Mueller Report Released: NO COLLUSION (45 replies)
  212. UH-OH... Big Trouble For a dem Front Runner Socialist Darling... (0 replies)
  213. Democratic Constitutional Fairyland (1 replies)
  214. Some should apologize on Russian collusion, if... (1 replies)
  215. Liberal media avoids free speech (5 replies)
  216. Mueller Mandate (11 replies)
  217. ZERO Democratic Candidates to Attend Non-Partisan Pro-Israel AIPAC (1 replies)
  218. After 55 Years, Trump Calls on America to Recognize Golan Heights (3 replies)
  219. No More Indictments Expected in Mueller Probe (13 replies)
  220. Nancy Pelosi: Trump ‘Has Decided to be in Defiance of the Constitution' (3 replies)
  221. Andrew Gillum Targets Enfranchised Felons in 2020 Florida Voter Drive (1 replies)
  222. Marxist Student Gets HIT With A Dose Of REALITY!.... (0 replies)
  223. Georgia Southern University Calls Police on Students Exercising Free Speech (1 replies)
  224. Question (4 replies)
  225. Looks like some Dems want to stomp on the COTUS in 2020 (0 replies)
  226. Beto Suggested Legalizing Cocaine To End Mexican Drug Cartel Violence (25 replies)
  227. Trump says John McCain put him in 'jeopardy' by giving dossier to FBI (10 replies)
  228. Schumer Laments ‘Rural States’ Have Same Number of U.S. Senators as ‘Urban’ (1 replies)
  229. California is looking to tax drinking water (4 replies)
  230. Govt. decides just how many painkillers you can get for relief (6 replies)
  231. Three Ways 2020 Dems Want to Remake the Supreme Court (2 replies)
  232. Ari Fleischer Destroys Liberal 'Bush Lied, People Died' Myth About Iraq War (1 replies)
  233. HUGE! Pentagon Finds $12.8 Billion for President Trump’s Border Wall Construction (11 replies)
  234. Gillibrand: We Need to Allow Illegal Aliens Into Social Security (2 replies)
  235. Warren backs congressional plan for reparations study (2 replies)
  236. Glenn Beck: ‘We Are Officially at the End of the Country’ if Trump Loses 2020 (43 replies)
  237. Illegal Aliens Residing in My District Are ‘My Constituents’ (1 replies)
  238. I condone white supremacy (2 replies)
  239. Supreme Court Sides With Trump over Sanctuary Cities in Deportation Case (6 replies)
  240. What media won't tell you about the New Zealand massacre (0 replies)
  241. Dems wasting time, tax dollars & being petty - now ejaculations (3 replies)
  242. Sen. Warren pitches more than $100 trillion in new spending (0 replies)
  243. And now they want to toss the electoral college again (23 replies)
  244. There Are Sitting Ambassadors Who Were Involved with Deep State Coup to Get Trump (0 replies)
  245. Another idiot heard from on banning Ar15's (2 replies)
  246. Carson: I’ve Interacted with Racist People — Trump Is Not One of Them (0 replies)
  247. Bribery for votes has officially started (0 replies)
  248. Islamists kill 9 more Christians (0 replies)
  249. This little 3 ring Circus the left has running for President ..... (0 replies)
  250. New Zealand gun owners voluntarily giving up firearms in wake of mosque massacre .... (12 replies)