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  1. Sore loser Stacey Abrams (10 replies)
  2. Yet more election fraud - Florida in this one (11 replies)
  3. Beyond Words (33 replies)
  4. The Same Liberal Media Defending Jim Acosta BLOCKED Breitbart and Gateway Pundit... (0 replies)
  5. DOJ Office of Legal Counsel: Matt Whitaker Can Serve as Acting Attorney General (0 replies)
  6. Woodward Rips CNN Lawsuit: Media ‘Emotionally Unhinged’ over Trump (1 replies)
  7. Dem Sen Brown: ‘If Stacey Abrams Doesn’t Win in Georgia, They Stole It’ (4 replies)
  8. This is what happens when you anger papa Trump..... (9 replies)
  9. A Knock at the door......... (0 replies)
  10. Woke Lindsey Graham: There’s Nothing Democrats Won’t Do to Win (5 replies)
  11. This is lunacy: Florida election controversy proves the left has brainwashed society (0 replies)
  12. Democrats and voter fraud -2018 version (2 replies)
  13. CNN and Jim Acosta file lawsuit against Trump administration (56 replies)
  14. Senator Coburn Tells Congress What We're All Thinking... (3 replies)
  15. What should happen to Brazilian Communists when they seek asylum in the USA? (1 replies)
  16. Trump signs order limiting immigrants (3 replies)
  17. Men and the recent shooting (31 replies)
  18. Once again (1 replies)
  19. WSJ: Trump to Sign EO This Week to Revamp Asylum Process (9 replies)
  20. Vote: freedom of the press (27 replies)
  21. How the left starts fake news (1 replies)
  22. A mob showed up outside Tucker Carlson's home and ordered him to 'leave town' (30 replies)
  23. Ocasio-Cortez For House Speaker? (6 replies)
  24. I Think it Amazingly Funny (2 replies)
  25. Chelsea Handler blames white women for O'Rourke loss (3 replies)
  26. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Retire from the US Supreme Court in January, 2019... (20 replies)
  27. Sessions Canned Today (9 replies)
  28. **Exchange between President Trump and Radical leftist CNN's Jim Acosta .... (56 replies)
  29. I Think States Need a New Plan (12 replies)
  30. We Lost Our Republican Governor, Scott Walker, Yesterday... (17 replies)
  31. Did Anyone Else Watch The Final Trump Rally in Cape Girardeau Tonight? (8 replies)
  32. A Prayer for This Nation in its Hour of Need (14 replies)
  33. "Death to America... Death to Israel" (4 replies)
  34. Reporter gets shredded for saying something nice about former Navy Seal (1 replies)
  35. Closing Argument: Three Reasons to Vote Republican Tomorrow (1 replies)
  36. Hannity and Limbaugh join president Trump as special guests at final campaign rally (6 replies)
  37. “There’s Never Been Crowds Like This in History of Politics!” (4 replies)
  38. CNN Refuses to Air Trump Campaign’s “Racist” Caravan Ad (0 replies)
  39. Armed Black Panthers Lobby for Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams (11 replies)
  40. Gillum intern arrested for tossing chocolate milk (1 replies)
  41. I haven't seen Trump commit anything 'close' to an impeachable offense (0 replies)
  42. What’s your theory? (0 replies)
  43. Hey Rick (7 replies)
  44. What Kind of Democrat Can Beat Trump in 2020? (0 replies)
  45. If Blue Wave Fails, Liberal Rage Will Be Out of Control (1 replies)
  46. Elections Expert: Early Voting Shows Republicans Exceeding Their 2016 Numbers (0 replies)
  47. Trump and his non-PC comments (0 replies)
  48. A Nation in Turmoil Prepares to Deliver a Verdict on Trump (0 replies)
  49. Caravan File Class Action Lawsuit Against the U.S. For Violating Their COTUS rights (3 replies)
  50. Full Brett Kavanaugh Report: ‘No Evidence’ of Sexual Misconduct (0 replies)
  51. Republicans have delivered as Democrats went off the deep end (0 replies)
  52. "Political racist connections" (1 replies)
  53. Complete List of President Trump’s Accomplishments Two Years (0 replies)
  54. Why does Heitkamp continue to lie about hunting licenses? (1 replies)
  55. .....Why are Democrats so angry? (7 replies)
  56. Veritas - O'Rourke helping illegals (7 replies)
  57. Vote! ads and signs (0 replies)
  58. Remember The "KILL ALL JEWS" That Was Written On The Synagogue? (4 replies)
  59. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Since 1969... (0 replies)
  60. So I'm Watching The WEATHER CHANNEL And... (5 replies)
  61. You Are NOT Going To Believe THIS One... (20 replies)
  62. Facebook Eliminates Top Conservative Accts but Antifa Terrorists Still have Free Rein (1 replies)
  63. Trump "tries" to pay his respects for Synagogue victims (1 replies)
  64. Beto Campaign Appears to Illegally Spend Funds on Supplies For Caravan Aliens (3 replies)
  65. CNN really went out on a limb here (0 replies)
  66. Former Fox News Host Reportedly Offered Job of UN Ambassador (0 replies)
  67. Democrat Women Get Naked to Protest GOP With ‘Grab Them by the Ballot’ Campaign (13 replies)
  68. Obama Is Partly Why Republicans Have a Fighting Chance on Tuesday (0 replies)
  69. Highway Traffic BACKED UP FOR MILES to See TRUMP in Columbia, Missouri (0 replies)
  70. Dems in North Dakota Warn Hunters Not to Vote or May Lose Hunting License (3 replies)
  71. Dems encouraging illegals to break laws, they get welfare & right to vote (0 replies)
  72. Donald Trump: Military Should Fight Back at Caravan Migrants Throwing Rocks (0 replies)
  73. Trump: Migrants Who Seek Asylum Will Have to Present at Port of Entry (0 replies)
  74. Associated Press Spreads Fake News: Trump Kids Received Birthright Citizenship (0 replies)
  75. RED Wave Coming... (2 replies)
  76. Oprah Invokes Lynching, Oppression in Campaign Speech for Stacey Abrams (6 replies)
  77. FBI Likely Deleted Comey’s and McCabe’s Text Messages in Massive Cover-Up (1 replies)
  78. Maxine Waters: Committee chairmanship will be time for paybacks (4 replies)
  79. Trump’s reversal of failed Obama policies has created a booming economy (0 replies)
  80. Trump: 'Blue Wave Is Dead' (0 replies)
  81. Trump supporters line up at 6am, 12 hours early for his rally! (0 replies)
  82. The New RAGE For The Democrats: WHITE HATE. (3 replies)
  83. ‘Florida is a F*cked Up Cracker State’ (2 replies)
  84. Rabbi surprised with Trump's "warm and personal side" (0 replies)
  85. Sunshine State Poll: Dead Heat in Florida for Governor, Senate Races (1 replies)
  86. ***Live Updates*** Trump Holds Florida Rally for DeSantis, Scott (0 replies)
  87. Liar Jon Tester (0 replies)
  88. Liberals Call for Dialed Down Rhetoric, Then Brand Trump Evil, Nazi, Worse Than ISIS (0 replies)
  89. Trump releases ad that destroys the open border Democrat Party (2 replies)
  90. American University students try and guess who said what about immigration (0 replies)
  91. 'The President Does Not Have the Power to Erase Parts of the Constitution' (1 replies)
  92. Trump Nominates Openly Gay Lawyer to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (2 replies)
  93. CNN’s John Avlon Compares Trump to Mass Murderers Lenin, Stalin (0 replies)
  94. Third Migrant Caravan Forms in Central America Heading for U.S. Border (0 replies)
  95. Warren learns of ethics complaint during live debate (0 replies)
  96. Conflicting polls emerge on the Texas senate race with less than a week to go (1 replies)
  97. Steve King Meets with Gays and a Jewish folk in Austria – Liberal Media Says Nazis (2 replies)
  98. Obamas to Make Anti-Trump Netflix Show (4 replies)
  99. Barbra Streisand ‘Thinking About’ Moving to Canada If Democrats Don’t Win House (0 replies)
  100. 300K Anchor Babies Born Every Year, Exceeding U.S. Births in 48 States (3 replies)
  101. Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in streets' if Dems don't win (1 replies)
  102. Obama's "Taliban Five" officially back in Taliban leadership (0 replies)
  103. Trump sends bill to Stormy and Avenatti (0 replies)
  104. Graham: Kavanaugh and Caravan Have United GOP, Put Dems on the Defensive (0 replies)
  105. Scarborough: Trump’s ‘Been Playing the Racist Card' (1 replies)
  106. What would happen if Donald Trump said what Hildabeast said??? (3 replies)
  107. CNN Panel Denies Violent Democratic Rhetoric, Actions. (2 replies)
  108. Left angry at NYT over Beto O'Rourke Expose (2 replies)
  109. All black men look alike, or something (2 replies)
  110. Morning Joe - Trump/Republicans using racism... (2 replies)
  111. Steve Scalise Calls Out CNN’s Don Lemon for Denying Left-Wing Political Violence (0 replies)
  112. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Lived With Her First Husband while married to brother (4 replies)
  113. Pittsburgh to Trump: You are not welcome (0 replies)
  114. The audacity of Obama’s lying (0 replies)
  115. Birthright Citizenship... (10 replies)
  116. Stacey Abrams says she'd ban the AR-15, dodges the question on confiscation (0 replies)
  117. Democrats Admit Kavanaugh Mistreatment Backfiring in Midterms (0 replies)
  118. John Sununu: GOP Will Win the House (1 replies)
  119. What the Liberal Media Actually Say About Trump (1 replies)
  120. Who is friends with anti-semite leader Farrakhan? (0 replies)
  121. President Trump Readies Plan to End Birthright Citizenship Via Executive Action (2 replies)
  122. Disgusting RACIST Remark From Hitlery Gets A Pass... (0 replies)
  123. Interesting, what does O'Keefe have for us now? (0 replies)
  124. Trump Has “Radicalized So Many More People Than ISIS Ever Did” (4 replies)
  125. April Ryan: When Trump Say He’s a ‘Nationalist,’ He Means ‘White Nationalist’ (4 replies)
  126. Bernie Sanders says Trump not responsible for latest attack (1 replies)
  127. Be Glad Trump, Not Hillary, Is Protecting the Border (0 replies)
  128. Trump approval higher than Obama same time (0 replies)
  129. Clinton advisers line up behind Avenatti 2020 (0 replies)
  130. MSNBC’s Rick Wilson: Trump ‘Is a Quivering Blob of Man Baby Goo’ (1 replies)
  131. Barbra Streisand Brought to Tears By Trump (0 replies)
  132. Over 40 Acts of Left-Wing Thuggery in October, So Far… (1 replies)
  133. Please, no Hillary ever again (0 replies)
  134. Roberts Will Have Hand on Throttle as Supreme Court Veers Right (0 replies)
  135. Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Charged, DOJ May Seek Death Penalty (0 replies)
  136. DHS' Nielsen: Border in Crisis, 150,000 Trying to Cross Each Day (0 replies)
  137. Steyer wants Trump impeached to end 'lawlessness' after being sent suspicious package (2 replies)
  138. Meet the 18 Black Women Running for a Seat in Congress (5 replies)
  139. Barack Obama Complains About Media Coverage of Donald Trump (2 replies)
  140. The Making of a Red Wave? (0 replies)
  141. Trump Weighs Travel-Ban-Style Order to Bar Migrants (0 replies)
  142. Grassley makes SECOND criminal referral of Avenatti (1 replies)
  143. Obama thinks politicians lying is new (4 replies)
  144. Eye on the gavel (1 replies)
  145. Flashback for Hillary (0 replies)
  146. Blue wave not so blue (1 replies)
  147. More winning, still not tired!! Third Quarter GDP at 3.5% (0 replies)
  148. Beto O'Rourke fades as polls continue to put Ted Cruz in front (4 replies)
  149. Trump considering completely shutting down the border - no asylum (3 replies)
  150. Maxine Waters (6 replies)
  151. Scarborough: ‘Hard to Even Think’ I Was Once a Member of GOP (0 replies)
  152. The naked truth! .....old two beards (1 replies)
  153. ‘The Lord Doesn’t Want’ Americans Opposing the Migrant Caravan (5 replies)
  154. Chelsea Clinton mulling political office (2 replies)
  155. Fake News Fake Bombs (0 replies)
  156. A Democratic House majority could be dangerous for our country (0 replies)
  157. The Party of Compassion Ups the Ante (0 replies)
  158. Leftist Threatens to Kill GOP Congressional Candidate’s Children (4 replies)
  159. Blame the Mail Bomber, Not President Trump (1 replies)
  160. Obama called undocumented migrants 'illegal immigrants' disrespectful of US law (1 replies)
  161. We ARE NOT Seeing Blue Wave — GOP May Keep the House (0 replies)
  162. Some of us are loathing and desperate (1 replies)
  163. Andrew Gillum responds to latest scandal by accusing GOP of racism (3 replies)
  164. Caravan Migrants Carrying USAID Bags — Paid for by US Taxpayers (4 replies)
  165. CNN Interviews Democrats About Hillary's Involvement In The Party (0 replies)
  166. Dems will struggle to pry middle-class Americans away from Trump (0 replies)
  167. Trump trolls Obama and Hillary over Illegal Immigration (0 replies)
  168. Early Returns Continue to Indicate Massive Republican Turnout (0 replies)
  169. Obama's economy (0 replies)
  170. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother (0 replies)
  171. Seen on FB (1 replies)
  172. Now a SECOND caravan of 1,000 on its way??? (11 replies)
  173. Trump’s Rally For Ted Cruz In Houston Was A Preview Of 2020 (6 replies)
  174. Keith Ellison Down By Seven Points to Doug Wardlow in MN AG Race (0 replies)
  175. Top US Economist Confirms Obama Did Have an Effect on This Economy (0 replies)
  176. llegals vote in California (0 replies)
  177. Run for governor - but first burn the flag! (1 replies)
  178. Liberals defend... (0 replies)
  179. A morning funny for the times (1 replies)
  180. Leftist Activist Judge Proves His HATE For America... (3 replies)
  181. Sen Spartacus Trolling Bathrooms for "Support" (7 replies)
  182. A Taste of Their Own Medicine (1 replies)
  183. The numbers are in, and Trump's tax cut didn't reduce the deficit (69 replies)
  184. Rosie O'Donnell: 'I Got Physically Sick' When Trump Won (7 replies)
  185. Why The NPC Meme FREAKS OUT The Left... (0 replies)
  186. For FANS of Maxipad Waters....GOOD NEWS....Uh, oh! (5 replies)
  187. Hillary Loses Again. (1 replies)
  188. The GOOD NEWS About America Just Keeps Coming... (0 replies)
  189. The ANGRY DEMOCRAT MOB Continues To Get MORE VIOLENT (11 replies)
  190. Watch this.. (3 replies)
  191. US regains title of world's most competitive economy (1 replies)
  192. Supreme Court Will Hear Case to Decide if Far Left Tech Giants Can Censor Users (3 replies)
  193. Left-Wing Hate ‘Rap Sheet’ Reaches 600 Incidents of Violence, Harassment (4 replies)
  194. The GOP's Chances Are Suddenly Looking Better (0 replies)
  195. Did Elizabeth 'She Who Lies Through Teeth' Warren just lose 2020? (8 replies)
  196. Michael Avenatti Is Making Concrete Moves to Run for President (11 replies)
  197. The Left Loves to Point Out That Hillary Won the Popular Vote by Over 3 Million Votes (2 replies)
  198. This may not be the proper thread, but.... (7 replies)
  199. Senior FBI official lied about accepting sports tickets from reporters (0 replies)
  200. Mueller's jig is up - but that's not enough (0 replies)
  201. "Game on, Tiny" (18 replies)
  202. The ultimate smackdown of Elizabeth Warren (0 replies)
  203. A suggestion for 2020 (0 replies)
  204. O’Keefe Strikes again, in Missouri (2 replies)
  205. Warren actually has less Indian in her bloodline than most Caucasian Americans (6 replies)
  206. Former Trump Campaign Official Carter Page Sues DNC (1 replies)
  207. Stormy Daniels loses once again - Trump WINS again! (9 replies)
  208. UH-OH: It's Not Looking Good For Keith Ellison In Minnesota (1 replies)
  209. Soaring Economic Optimism Points to No Blue Wave in 2018 (0 replies)
  210. 6 ways Pelosi aims to destroy firearm freedoms (4 replies)
  211. How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020 (4 replies)
  212. Alec Baldwin calls for 'lawful' overthrow of Donald Trump (3 replies)
  213. 2020 Election (7 replies)
  214. FBI has evidence that 'directly refutes' premise of Trump-Russia probe, GOP rep says (4 replies)
  215. Hillary Clinton: Bill Did Not Abuse His Power in Lewinsky Affair (16 replies)
  216. Proof (1 replies)
  217. Opinion: Blacks' loyalty to the Democrat party is insane - not Kanye West (3 replies)
  218. Your modern day Democrat Party in action (0 replies)
  219. Melania Trump's favorability bounces back to near highest levels (0 replies)
  220. Oh, it's coming alright!! (12 replies)
  221. We just found out that Robert E. Lee is a racist (4 replies)
  222. Democratic Rep. Al Green: ‘There Will be an Impeachment of This President’ (5 replies)
  223. Liberal Protester Threatens to Throw Conservative Reporter to the Ground and Rape Her (3 replies)
  224. Political Funnies (0 replies)
  225. Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Democrats Should 'Pack The Supreme Court' (1 replies)
  226. ‘Undocumented’ Immigrants Are Part of the ‘Blue Wave’ (5 replies)
  227. Hillary Clinton Loses Security Clearance Amid Email Scandal (4 replies)
  228. The Left: An Unhinged Mob (4 replies)
  229. Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping (3 replies)
  230. Hillary - The kiss of death (1 replies)
  231. Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes (0 replies)
  232. Make sure you watch this one.....Michael Moore Confirms Red Wave Coming in 2018 Nov. (5 replies)
  233. Anyone remember Fast & Furious? Dems want us NOT to remember (0 replies)
  234. Well, well looky here (3 replies)
  235. Musing on Kavanaugh (6 replies)
  236. A savage, frothing Left has united Republicans around Trump (19 replies)
  237. Sean Hannity - Tick Tock Time (0 replies)
  238. KANYE WEST to Meet With President Trump and Jared Kushner Thursday in White House (3 replies)
  239. About Merrick Garland's 'Stolen' Seat... (3 replies)
  240. Nikki Haley Resigns as UN Ambassador (8 replies)
  241. ALASKA GOP Considering Whether To Throw Murkowski Out Of GOP For Opposing Kavanaugh”! (7 replies)
  242. A Crush Of New Polls Show Democrats In A Free Fall............. (4 replies)
  243. ......This is why you DO NOT "Always believe the woman, No matter what" (8 replies)
  244. It’s come to this (50 replies)
  245. It’s time (7 replies)
  246. Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Midterm Opponent Accuses Her Of Wrongdoing (3 replies)
  247. McConnell And Schumer Square Off Before Kavanaugh Procedural Vote (0 replies)
  248. Donald Trump Jr. Slams Sen. Joe Manchin For Waiting To Announce Kavanaugh Vote (7 replies)
  249. Kavanaugh Confirmation (34 replies)
  250. Kavanaugh Cloture Vote (5 replies)