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  1. An Ugle Preview of Campaign 2012
  2. Surprise! ObamaCare doesn’t lower health-insurance costs
  3. Obama’s jobs bill still has no cosponsors
  4. Murder, viol crime plummets in DC and Chicago after gun bans repealed. Media silent
  5. Dems Now Become Weight Watchers
  6. Obama Geting Close To Bush Approval Numbers
  7. The New Norm Under Obama and Dems
  8. The real translation of the Chinese characters on that "Obama Fried Chicken" sign
  9. Amanda Knox's murder conviction overturned in Italy
  10. What if the NFL Played by Teachers' Rules?
  11. Documents reveal that Holder received briefing on Fast & Furious in July 2010
  12. Solyn-drama: Obama Warned Not to Visit Failed Solar Panel Plant
  13. This Is How The Economy Will Grow
  14. Supreme Court won't stop Iowa from requiring KFC to pay taxes
  15. Obama admin panicking, "screams and swears" at reporter covering Fast and Furious
  16. Judiciary Chairman Calls For A Special Counsel to Investigate Eric Holder
  17. American Crossroads: "Don't"
  18. Letterman
  19. $737 Million for Solor Company To Create 45 Jobs
  20. Reid resists McConnell’s move to take up the president’s jobs bill
  21. Bernake Ready To Move Again
  22. Attack Marco Rubio Unify GOP Candidates
  23. Bad Days Ahead For Obama
  24. Read my lips Herman Cain. No new sales tax!
  25. Gun control California 2024
  26. Overhead image showing high attendance at "Occupy Wall Street" was faked?
  27. The teenage moralism of the Occupy WallSt hipsters makes me ashamed to be Left-wing
  28. The Wall Street Protesters In Their Own Words
  29. Video Obama Presidency by the Numbers
  30. Westboro Bap Church to picket Steve Jobs' funeral
  31. Biden Makes Campaign Ad For Republicans
  32. Obama Cites Employed Boston Teacher In Jobs Bill News Conference
  33. Democrats Will Forget This A Year From Now
  34. Ouch! AP Fact Checks Obama's Presser
  35. How bad is the paranoia getting?
  36. Yes, who needs an "assault rifle"?
  37. If a state wanted to leave the United States...
  38. This Sums It Up
  39. Birth of the "Satellite Truther" cult!
  40. Wall St Protester Takes A Dump On Cop Car While The Rest Trash Wall St
  41. Hows that spending reduction going?
  42. Black History Month.
  43. Great quotes from Presidential candidate Herman Cain
  44. Now if the Tea Party Had Done This...........
  45. Occupy Wall Street’ Is Creating Jobs
  46. Operation Fast and Furious: Subpeonas Headed Holder's Way
  47. Wanna Bet The President Tries To Blame Franklin or Edison?
  48. AP Calling Obama Out On Jobs Bill and His Accusations
  49. Read Congressman Darryl Issa's letter to Eric Holder about his Fast&Furious testimony
  50. The Attacks on Cain Begin
  51. Say it: "I will never again be an employer."
  52. Romney asks Perry to disavow pastor, Perry says no
  53. Could Obama-Hillary Ticket Rescue Dems?
  54. Senate blocks Obama’s jobs bill
  55. The GOP 2012 Campaign Button
  56. Obama tried to apologize to Japan for nukes on Hiroshima, Nagasaki?
  57. Log Cabin Republicans
  58. Passing Obama’s jobs bill means less rape
  59. DNC Chair Says Voters Do Not Elect Leaders To Create Jobs
  60. Schumer Blames Obama Economy On Tea Party Economics
  61. Dem hysteria mounting, Pelosi: Republicans "want women to die on the floor"
  62. Obama to reporter: " I didn't know you were a spokesman for Mitt Romney!"
  63. A Tale of Two Protests
  64. More From the Hippies In Their Own Words
  65. More Liberal Whining From Linda Sanchez and Sgt Schultz
  66. The scapegoat strategy
  67. Costs of the Occupiers
  68. Obama Spoke About "Fast & Furious" Before Holder Claimed He Knew
  69. Fast&Furious also included 2,000 grenade parts sold to Mexican drug cartels?
  70. Drudge Report shows 3 peas in a pod
  71. ABC News: Obama sends U.S. combat troops to Uganda
  72. The great leap forward in technology that is the Chevy Volt
  73. HHS abandons part of ObamaCare as fiscally unworkable
  74. MSNBC analyst: The OWS movement really needs a “Kent State moment”
  75. This Sunday: 900 Days Without a Senate Budget
  76. Look in the dictionary under "paranoid" and you'll find.........
  77. It's Not The Tea Parties That Have Been Exposed As Racists
  78. I'll Take A Moment From Optimism To Bring You Steyn
  79. Shedding A Tear, For OWS Or Not
  80. GOP Buffett Rule: The Rich Pay as Much as They Want
  81. Voter Disapproval of Obama Hardens
  82. Rep Jesse Jackson Want Government to Hire all Unemployed People at $40K/YR
  83. Bipartisanship For Thee, But Not For Me
  84. The Hill Poll: Voters say Washington is worse than Wall Street
  85. Debate Between Fox Business Charles Payne and Union Leader
  86. Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year
  87. Are You Better Off Today Than You Were 1000 Days Ago?
  88. OWS being stolen blind by thieves\\\\\\\\fellow Wealth Redistributors
  89. Biden Sells Jobs Bill to 4th Graders
  90. Almost 1/3rd of ‘Occupiers’ Say Violence Is OK
  91. Are You Smarter Than a Wall Street Occupier?
  92. Time To Pay The Piper or The Unintended Consequences of BIG Democrats
  93. This GOP Senate Bill Is Wrong
  94. Will Holder Be The Next Speedbump For The Obama Bus?
  95. Senate hasn't passed a budget in 3 years, too busy with critical national issues
  96. Guess who says that Republicans should stop demonizing their opponents?
  97. Reid: Private sector employment doing just fine
  98. Joe Biden Stands By Rape Reference to GOP
  99. Obamacare Will Price Less Skilled Workers Out of Full-Time Jobs
  100. Obama: All the choices we’ve made have been the right ones
  101. ABC Spikes Tappers Questions to Obama On Fast and Furious
  102. British lawyers in 2011: Declaration of Independence was illegal, treasonable
  103. $529 Million To Build Electric Cars In Finland
  104. Charlotte Cops Preparing For Potential Riots Ahead of Dem. Convention
  105. Steve Jobs To Obama in 2010 - You are Headed for a One Term Presidency
  106. FoxNews shills for Herman Cain`s opportunity zones!
  107. Only Carter Had Lower Approval Rating Than Obama at This Point in His Presidency
  108. Wal Mart Cuts Its Employee Health Care Plan And Raises Premiums
  109. Obama coattails turning into albatrosses?
  110. The DeLauro DIAPER Act
  111. What Do You Think?
  112. Obama's Training Grounds
  113. Occupy Wall Street Joins Police-Bashing Day of Rage in NYC
  114. Why are Prisoners Building Patriot Missiles?
  115. After Jobs Bill defeated in Senate, Obama begins implementing it by edict anyway
  116. The Proper Role of Government
  117. His Job
  118. Obama's Changes His Jobs Bill
  119. Democrat Sues Critics Over Election Loss
  120. Obama Moves To Forgive Student Loan Debt
  121. Obama's New Housing Plan Will Do Little But Cost Alot
  122. Vengeance: Biden's Office Seeks Investigation Into Unfriendly Journalist
  123. PETA sues Sea World: Keeping and training orcas is "slavery" under 13th amendment
  124. Obama steps off Air Force One in Vegas to greet a cheering crowd of... one person?
  125. Trumka Calls Mass-Arrests at Occupy Wall Street: ‘Tremendous Dishonor to America’
  126. ACORN Is Secretly Helping Organize & Fund the ‘Occupy’ Movement
  127. Obama DOJ Sends Border Agent to Prison for "Violating Rights" of Drug Smuggler
  128. Perry camp decides to bypass some debates
  129. "Ripple of Hope"--The greatest speech ever!!!
  130. Occupy Wall St. Kitchen to Cut Back Meals Because of Freeloaders
  131. Occupy movement Obama's only hope for re-election!
  132. Obama Administration Pushing for Solar Projects on Public Lands
  133. Democrats are increasingly calling it a ‘Republican Congress’
  134. fed society debate on POTUS War Powers- Absolute?
  135. Top Tea Party Member Disowns Bachmann
  136. More Liberal Racism Shown Toward Herman Cain
  137. occupy retards
  138. im confused
  139. why are their voting blocks?
  140. Peter Schiff Educates congress on Economy
  141. Obama's Top Priority is Re-election
  142. ‘We Handle it Internally’: Another Possible Sexual Assault at Occupy Wall Street
  143. another reason i dont support occupy wall street/san diego
  144. I wrote this to the san diego city council
  145. The Obama Miracle, a White House Free of Scandal
  146. The Fable of Peter and Paul
  147. Cain accused of sexual harassment? But anonymously, with no details, no evidence?
  148. An Economics Lesson From Joe Biden
  149. Michael Moore Ignores Questions About His Wealth At Hippie Gathering
  150. Occupy Los Angeles *NSFW VIDEO*
  151. Goodbye FOIA
  152. Occupy "ball" street
  153. Bill Cosby is Tired,
  154. Pelosi: S. Carolina Boeing Plant Should Be Closed if It Doesn’t Unionize
  155. Obama’s Latest Jobs Booster: Designating a National Park
  156. Marshals ordered to seize serial-lawsuit-filer's assets
  157. OWS protester says ACORN is paying homeless people to come down and protest
  158. Will Repubicans Cave And Go For Tax Increases?
  159. The Obama WH Has an Internet Problem
  160. White House Bonus Hypocrisy
  161. One Year Later, Obama Still Isn’t Listening
  162. ACORN officials scramble, firing workers and shredding papers after exposed as OWSers
  163. US still giving $$$ to Pakistan
  164. It's A Friday! WH Refuses Solyndra Subpoena
  165. More strange statements today from Ron Paul
  166. Liberal, Moderate, Conservative
  167. Democratic lawmakers say Fast and Furious proof of need for harsher gun laws
  168. Woman gives details of what she says Herman Cain said and did to her
  169. Gloria Allred Enjoyed Having Her Junk Groped
  170. Report: Sharon Bialek fired from NRA for falsely accusing boss of Sexual Harassment?
  171. Bill of rights, very cool
  172. Bill Kurtis Says Maybe Bialek And Cain's Roles Reversed In The Car
  173. One of Cain’s Accusers Works for the Obama Administration
  174. Election Night 2011: A Mixed Bag for Conservatives
  175. BREAKING: Democrat Supercommittee members walk out, refuse to talk to Republicans
  176. Lemony Cain Snicket: A series of Unfortunate Coincidences
  177. The curious timing AND target of the Cain accusations
  178. More Anti-Semitism At OWS
  179. Cain Gets Major Applause At Debate After Dismissing Harassment Claim
  180. Economics, OWS, and all those liberals explained in one shot, beerconomics.
  181. What does Iran Want?
  182. Obama's Class Warfare: It's All He's Got Left
  183. Study tying Conservative views to Personality Disorders
  184. Obama's Virginia Defeat
  185. Why is California’s Economy Such a Mess?
  186. Calif. Mayor Chooses Occupy Rally Over Veterans Day Memorial
  187. NPR Reporter - Cain Willing to Be A Minstrel For White Republicnas
  188. Obama disapproval rating on economy at record high
  189. We’ve Been a Little Bit Lazy
  190. Obama Backers Rewarded With Grants, Loans
  191. Pelosi Blocked Credit Card Reform While Investing Millions in Visa Stock Offering
  192. Obama Kills 20,000 Jobs, Raises Energy Costs
  193. CBS Email Shows Bachmann Was Intentionally Asked Few Questions at Debate
  194. Gingrich on killing an American terrorist on foreign soil
  195. What this country really needs...
  196. Supreme Court agrees to hear 26-state lawsuit against Obamacare
  197. So, will Elana Kagan recuse herself from USSC Obamacare case?
  198. We Are Broke
  199. Fannie, Freddie execs score $100 million payday
  200. Fast and Furious: Case Files on Terry Murder Have Disappeared
  201. WH Pressured Solyndra to Postpone Layoffs Until After 2010 Elections
  202. Proposal to Let IRS Prepare Tax Returns Raises Concern
  203. Obama admin to restrict firearms usage on public land, open range etc.
  204. Maxine Waters on Deaths and Crimes At OWS - "That's Life"
  205. If Supercommittee agrees on LARGE cuts, any chance in world Congress will pass them?
  206. Obama Nominee for Social Security Board Favors Rationing Health Care
  207. 'Occupy San Diego' Honors Suspected White House Shooter with Moment of Silence
  208. "Patriotic Millionaires" Strangely Stingy With Own Money
  209. Obama-droids truning to RonPAUL
  210. If Clarence Thomas' wife didn't work for advocacy group, might he vote FOR Obamacare?
  211. Alan Colmes Compares OWS Hippies to Tea Party
  212. Senate Rules Committee Blocks Tea Party Debt Commission Hearing on Budget Reform
  213. Contractors Claim Administration Pressed to 'Soften' Job-Loss Estimates
  214. Kudos to Mark Levin on phony balanced budget amendment!
  215. OWS -- America'a Hezbolla/Fatah/Hamas
  216. Will The Last Person
  217. MSNBC.. Pooped Pundits
  218. NPR's Totenberg There Was Nothing Political About Solyndra Money
  219. Should we bail out student loans?
  220. Is The Thrill Gone?
  221. Dem Pollsters Obama Should Abandon Run for Second Term
  222. Finally the Senate admits: Even if "automatic cuts" take place, nothing will be cut!
  223. Update on GOP Presidential field
  224. The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
  225. Pelosi whines about Catholics having “this conscience thing”
  226. Giving thanks for capitalism
  227. Your tax dollars at work
  228. Herman Cain- a different view
  229. Democrats fundraise off OWS
  230. Paul to Israel: Take care of yourself
  231. Barney Frank: Supercommittee‘s Failure ’Good News’
  232. Justice Department Challenges Utah’s Immigration Law
  233. Budget Office: Obama's Stimulus Failed on Jobs
  234. Gingrich ignores Constitution in illegal alien debate, willing to take heat!
  235. WaPo's Ezra Klein Briefed Senate Democrat Staffers About Super Committee
  236. Obama Losing Support Among Blue Collar Americans
  237. Fable of the OWS Grasshoppers
  238. Obama and Ed Schultz Make GQ 25 Least Influential People
  239. Your.. 3 Political Wishes
  240. Entitlements, Not Tax Cuts, Widen the Wealth Gap
  241. FATCA: A Ticking Time Bomb for the Economy
  242. Barney Frank (D-MA) won't run for re-election
  243. Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain
  244. Our Smartest President: Just Ask Him
  245. Occupy L.A. leaves behind 30 tons of trash
  246. Nanny States... Kaput
  247. A few surprises (?) from Cain's 13-year-affair accuser
  248. Why are our ``conservative`` talk show hosts so gentle with Newt Gingrich?
  249. Cain to make announcement tomorrow
  250. Cain Suspends His Campaign