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  1. Trump was right about Yemen (20 replies)
  2. Press coverage of Trump's first month (2 replies)
  3. Pence used private email for business (12 replies)
  4. Trump to lift federal coal ban, other green rules, next week: White House (5 replies)
  5. Sessions Going To Have A News Conference Momentarily (5 replies)
  6. Sessions Met With Russian Ambassador (12 replies)
  7. Will The Wall Get Funded? (15 replies)
  8. How do we fire incompetent Republicans if the Democrats implode? (0 replies)
  9. Dan Grilo (13 replies)
  10. Trump's speech to congress tonight (36 replies)
  11. A Branch Trumpidians take on Trump so far (6 replies)
  12. Heads of Gangs, Killers, Murderers…We’re Getting Them the Hell Out of Our Country (3 replies)
  13. Salon Claims Trump Letting ICE ‘Deport Whoever They Want’ (0 replies)
  14. Jorge Ramos: "This is our country, not theirs" (6 replies)
  15. Leaking Is A Bi-Partisan Problem, Unlikely To Be Fixed (0 replies)
  16. Slate's Isaac Chotiner decides to man up and attack Alan Colmes after his death (3 replies)
  17. Trump Cracking Down On Sex Traffickers (13 replies)
  18. Doesn't Get The Headlines: Congressional GOP Is Working (1 replies)
  19. So, Who Will Become DNC Chair? (9 replies)
  20. CNN's own Yiannopoulos? (13 replies)
  21. Speculation: Is Kennedy The Next SCOTUS Justice To Retire? (4 replies)
  22. Cruz: 'Do Democrats Understand They Need to Control the House to Impeach?' (3 replies)
  23. Ted Cruz: Thank You, Harry Reid, for the ‘Most Conservative Cabinet in Decades' (2 replies)
  24. Question for Trump voters: Aren't you embarrassed? (11 replies)
  25. Idiots running refusefascism.org: Idiot may not be a strong enough word (0 replies)
  26. Snowflakes Beware (15 replies)
  27. Nine Lies Americans Were Told About Obamacare (1 replies)
  28. Trump's golf game (4 replies)
  29. Trump's planned budget cuts (16 replies)
  30. House Dem Staffers In Security Probe Secretly Took $100K In Iraqi Money (4 replies)
  31. Trump's New Executive Order on Immigration... (12 replies)
  32. Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens... (2 replies)
  33. Rand Paul defends president against McCain (0 replies)
  34. Going further to the Trump side (71 replies)
  35. Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office (3 replies)
  36. The Left's Once Mighty Echo Chamber Is Losing Power.... (2 replies)
  37. The HUNT is on...Leakers pursued by Team Trump could face hard time (28 replies)
  38. Trump Rally FLA...! (25 replies)
  39. FBI: No Charges Against Michael Flynn (6 replies)
  40. John Podesta: Trump Criticizing Fake News Is ‘Dangerous’ (5 replies)
  41. MILO to Deliver Keynote Address at CPAC (3 replies)
  42. 'Blind sheikh' - 1993 WTC bombing - dead (3 replies)
  43. Senate Confirms Pruitt to EPA Chief (7 replies)
  44. It's a bloodbath at the State Department......... (10 replies)
  45. Illegal aliens too terrified to apply for welfare........ (3 replies)
  46. Sanctuary Cities Are Racist" - Black Trump Supporter Drops The Mic At Town Hall.... (1 replies)
  47. US breached guidelines and used depleted uranium in air strikes against Isis in Syria (15 replies)
  48. David Petraeus (14 replies)
  49. Trump Huge Power to Shape American Courts (3 replies)
  50. Trump Slams ‘Dishonest’ Press (45 replies)
  51. Funny how that works (1 replies)
  52. Bannon "livid" about breitbart story (14 replies)
  53. What di they know and when did they know it? (5 replies)
  54. A remider for those who have forgotten the history of the 20th century (5 replies)
  55. Flynn quits after admitting lies (125 replies)
  56. Grammy Awards Get Trolled (19 replies)
  57. Take a good long look around you! (4 replies)
  58. Dennis Miller Quotes (12 replies)
  59. Snowflakes struggling with Obama era regulation being dismantled (5 replies)
  60. Bravo to Ambassador Haley (8 replies)
  61. Trump's ban "racist"? (9 replies)
  62. 72 convicted of terrorism from 'Trump 7' mostly Muslim countries (4 replies)
  63. Protesting Planned Parenthood (0 replies)
  64. Do you know someone suffering from Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD)? (7 replies)
  65. ICE Goes to Work (15 replies)
  66. Rubio reacts to Warren (5 replies)
  67. Trump: Phenomenal tax cut package coming... (2 replies)
  68. A Letter of Apology From Bruce Springsteen for Letting Trump Win (16 replies)
  69. And Now A Word From Al Sharpton (0 replies)
  70. Our fearless Squaw (2 replies)
  71. Trump Files With FEC For 2020 Election Bid, Outmaneuvers Nonprofit Organizations (2 replies)
  72. Are you disgusted? (70 replies)
  73. Gorsuch criticizes Trump comments (9 replies)
  74. Texas Bans Sanctuary Cities (0 replies)
  75. Ted Cruz Teaches Bernie Sanders a Lesson (2 replies)
  76. The wall, and vetting (1 replies)
  77. I no longer recognize this country (5 replies)
  78. Under Armour CEO: Trump is 'a real asset for the country' (5 replies)
  79. Intel CEO Meets with Donald Trump, Promises 3,000 High-Tech Jobs (11 replies)
  80. Marine In Iraq Gives His Opinion On Travel Ban (9 replies)
  81. We should follow Italy's lead (33 replies)
  82. Elizabeth Warren Gets Put in Time Out in Senate (9 replies)
  83. Department of Education (17 replies)
  84. Donnie's for the "little guy"...right? (13 replies)
  85. Modern Liberal in WWII (8 replies)
  86. S.F. Bay area conservatives keep meetups secret, fearing threats on their safety (1 replies)
  87. :) (1 replies)
  88. California Senate Leader: ‘Half My Family’ Here Illegally (4 replies)
  89. How Does Eight Million Deportations Sound? (51 replies)
  90. I Don't Think 'Swamp' Quite Sums This Up (0 replies)
  91. Mattis Is Getting Good Press (0 replies)
  92. Romney: No regrets about criticizing Trump, but time to recognize his 'strong start' (1 replies)
  93. Trump/O'Reilly Interview (35 replies)
  94. Appeals Court Denies DOJ Request On Stay For Travel EO (25 replies)
  95. FAKE NEWS: CNN Ties MILO to White Nationalists Despite Explicit Rejection of Racism (15 replies)
  96. WSJ: Trump Will Sign Executive Order to Roll Back Dodd-Frank (5 replies)
  97. How President Trump is bad for the gun industry (12 replies)
  98. Sure enough:"Spontaneous" anti-Trump demonstrations were carefully planned for months (2 replies)
  99. Miami mayor orders jails to comply with crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties (1 replies)
  100. 227,000 jobs were created in January (0 replies)
  101. The hypocrisy of the anti-abortion movement... (6 replies)
  102. Quote of the month (1 replies)
  103. Yay! (0 replies)
  104. Blame the USA for it all? (14 replies)
  105. Rules Change : EPA Chief Pruitt Moves Out of Committee (9 replies)
  106. Betsy DeVos (35 replies)
  107. Fake News, Failed States, and 'America First' (1 replies)
  108. THIS Is How To Carry Out A Surprise (9 replies)
  109. Sessions Confirmed By Judiciary Committee (2 replies)
  110. Trump and Ivanka To Meet Fallen Seal (7 replies)
  111. Tillerson Is Confirmed (1 replies)
  112. Democrats : Digging Their Own Grave (14 replies)
  113. No Darth Vader, No Master Genius (2 replies)
  114. The left and its obsession with Tom Brady (16 replies)
  115. And It's Gorsuch (20 replies)
  116. Liberals Against Trump Who Favored Obama’s Cuban Ban ‘Hypocrites’ (1 replies)
  117. Oh those loopy Dems (5 replies)
  118. Is Trump Obama voters' comeuppance? (9 replies)
  119. For Nighttrain and FJ (29 replies)
  120. Trump Signs Executive Order to Slash Regulations (3 replies)
  121. Info about three of the most likely Trump Supreme Court nominees (41 replies)
  122. Trump fires Yates (64 replies)
  123. BREAKING: President orders temp ban on refugees from mideast country, extreme vetting (1 replies)
  124. Change Of Topic? SCOTUS Nominee May Be Announced Soon (23 replies)
  125. The Greatest Moment of Week One (3 replies)
  126. Controversial Trump aide Bannon elevated to WH security council (1 replies)
  127. Unions of Border Patrol, ICE agents cheer Trump actions (3 replies)
  128. Well, thank you (18 replies)
  129. Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements (1 replies)
  130. About those executive orders... (16 replies)
  131. $7,000,000,000 Annually (10 replies)
  132. Illegal for Trump to ban whole Countries? (158 replies)
  133. Study : 800,000+ Illegals Voted Hillary in 2016 (16 replies)
  134. When push came to shove, I defended Trump (6 replies)
  135. Draining swamp at State Department (31 replies)
  136. What is SO wrong with this stance on illegal immigration? (2 replies)
  137. Texas congressman addresses Trump on border wall (0 replies)
  138. So proud of these women, right? (6 replies)
  139. New Mural in DC (4 replies)
  140. $2 billion border bridge CAN/USA - and Obama had them pay the whole cost (3 replies)
  141. The Wall- Genius (83 replies)
  142. Six Obama Gun Controls President Trump Can Undo (0 replies)
  143. Democrats still frantically pretending illegal imm is just a "documentation" problem (15 replies)
  144. Friday Funsies : DACA Gets The Axe (5 replies)
  145. TDS, part 2 (2 replies)
  146. Tds (61 replies)
  147. An interseting confluence of beliefs... (8 replies)
  148. Donald Trump's Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet (16 replies)
  149. Trump senior staff members hold private e-mail accounts (32 replies)
  150. Go big joe! (3 replies)
  151. A few words about "alternative" facts (36 replies)
  152. Donnie's misplaced priorities... (8 replies)
  153. The Great Wall of America (50 replies)
  154. ‘If a Heartbeat Is Detected, the Baby Is Protected’ (66 replies)
  155. Planned Parenthood and Prenatal Care (10 replies)
  156. Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy (1 replies)
  157. Toyota adding 400 jobs, $600M at Indiana plant (1 replies)
  158. Secret Service Special Agent : Won't Take Bullet for Trump (13 replies)
  159. ‘Simply Untrue’ Demise of TPP Helps China (77 replies)
  160. DNC Should Train People In ‘How to Shut Their Mouths If They’re White’ (3 replies)
  161. Trump : Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines - Green Light (10 replies)
  162. Did KellyAnne Conway Grow Up With Brothers? (4 replies)
  163. 'My job is to shut other white people down' (12 replies)
  164. This Is A Surprise From SNL/NBC (24 replies)
  165. Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International Planned Parenthood (97 replies)
  166. Mellencamp debuts politically-charged ‘Easy Target’ on the eve of Trump inauguration (0 replies)
  167. Craziness On Plane Neutralized (8 replies)
  168. Liberals caught in another lie: National Mall was virtually FULL during Trump's inaug (1 replies)
  169. Here's Hillary's inauguration crowd (10 replies)
  170. Yup (0 replies)
  171. Womens' march observation (2 replies)
  172. Insurers can block anyone with preexisting conditions (8 replies)
  173. Trump's alternative reality (2 replies)
  174. We so need this (6 replies)
  175. Madonna: 'I Have Thought an Awful Lot About Blowing Up the White House' (34 replies)
  176. Out of all the hundreds and thousands of women marching and protesting the election.. (83 replies)
  177. A Few Changes at Whitehouse.gov (3 replies)
  178. General Mattis Confirmed... (2 replies)
  179. Did Trump ever mention Baseline Budgeting in his "reform" plans? (2 replies)
  180. Oh, Bill! (20 replies)
  181. Anyone Else Watching The Pre-Inaugural Festivities? (21 replies)
  182. Who is 'designated survivor' at inauguration? CNN (13 replies)
  183. Trump and the USSC (12 replies)
  184. The New Hollywood Blacklist: Oppose Trump or face career ruin, racism, sexism,threats (7 replies)
  185. Clearly Lewis' claims about Trump's Presidency being illegitimate were racist (0 replies)
  186. Obama Poised to Remain Key Leader for Democrats (0 replies)
  187. Trump promising universal health care? (23 replies)
  188. Border Tax Adjustment (10 replies)
  189. Mexican Drug Kingpin "El Chapo" donated $15M to Hillary's Clinton Foundation (5 replies)
  190. Are Trump humpers happy with Obama's stopping Cuban refugees? (10 replies)
  191. Donnie's troubles getting worse (15 replies)
  192. Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell calls for martial law (9 replies)
  193. Intel officials warn Israel about Trump (3 replies)
  194. Mad Dog gets the waiver (6 replies)
  195. Treasury Nominee Mnuchin’s Bank - “Widespread Misconduct” (3 replies)
  196. The Time is passing, but nothing has been changed. RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR. (0 replies)
  197. Trump To Refuses to respond to CNN reporter (6 replies)
  198. I Guess We Haven't Heard "Everything" (1 replies)
  199. CNN panics and releases statement (4 replies)
  200. The Future Of Michelle Obama (3 replies)
  201. We shut down WHAT? (4 replies)
  202. Inauguration - one of the biggest riots ever? (3 replies)
  203. Possible Russia Meddled With Both Sides-Just Released Clinton Info Though (20 replies)
  204. Trump assigns anti vaxxer to vax safty commission (13 replies)
  205. Democrats wear their Ku Klux Klan uniforms to Sessions' Senate confirmation hearings (3 replies)
  206. Chrysler : $1 Billion Investment, 2,000 New American Jobs (67 replies)
  207. Just a quick question... (12 replies)
  208. ABCNews: Will Hollywood Be in the Mood to Party at Golden Globes? (2 replies)
  209. Eric Holder to the pre-emptive rescue? (1 replies)
  210. US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds (0 replies)
  211. Joe Biden 2016 (39 replies)
  212. It - is - over (6 replies)
  213. Hillary for mayor of NYC (4 replies)
  214. Is Trumpism the American version of Caudillismo? (5 replies)
  215. German police dispels fake Breitbart story (1 replies)
  216. For snowflakes like bullypulpit (11 replies)
  217. Obama Owns Worst Economic Numbers In 80 Years (11 replies)
  218. You can't make this stuff up, Pt.2 (11 replies)
  219. You can't make this stuff up (2 replies)
  220. Active shooter FT. Lauderdale (34 replies)
  221. 2 House Democrats boycott inauguration (1 replies)
  222. '13th' a Netflix documentary on mass criminalization (69 replies)
  223. Seattle: Quickly becoming the most fucked-up city in america (9 replies)
  224. Merry Christmas!! (3 replies)
  225. Guess who is paying for the wall (98 replies)
  226. At Least 4 Blacks Torture White Mentally Challenged Man Over Trump (8 replies)
  227. Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal (156 replies)
  228. Got to Love Gowdy! (16 replies)
  229. Assange: Russia is NOT the source of leaks (10 replies)
  230. Ford cancels $1.6 billion Mexican plant (58 replies)
  231. An appropriate analogy (5 replies)
  232. Democrats : Living Stupidly in 2017 (1 replies)
  233. Why I love Scotand (15 replies)
  234. New York Times - Lapdog Journalism is Bad or Something (0 replies)
  235. Obama 'not going quietly' .. ?? (3 replies)
  236. Trump's Season of Treason (60 replies)
  237. Obama's Graceless Exit (4 replies)
  238. Bloomberg Wastes $20 Million on Nevada Gun Control Project (5 replies)
  239. Thank you lefties for giving Trump nowhere else to go (19 replies)
  240. As I Walk This Land... (21 replies)
  241. Will Obama go down in history as Chamberlain only worse? (18 replies)
  242. What Obama & Kerry do not want us to know, see, or read. Iran Nuke Deal...NOT REALLY! (1 replies)
  243. Trump's Foundation Troubles (1 replies)
  244. United Nations & Funding (13 replies)
  245. The Wall (1 replies)
  246. The Betrayal of America (45 replies)
  247. Liberals threatening performers for appearing at Presidential Inauguration (22 replies)
  248. Ithaca man accused of fatally shooting UPS driver he thought was Trump (4 replies)
  249. Like we needed Harry Reid to tell us this... (1 replies)
  250. Newt Predicts.... (2 replies)