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  1. Vote 3rd Party
  2. To CADET.
  3. The Romney Presidency: A (Plausible) Look Back
  4. Sen. Claire McCaskill’s husband cut business deals in Senate Dining Room
  5. D-day for gun control!!!!!
  6. Big Poll Shifts Now Happening
  7. Romney Getting Some 'Unusual' Endorsements
  8. Romney's Tax Deduction Cap
  9. Monday Is Foreign Policy Debate
  10. Plan War: Obama vs. Romney
  11. Are America's Elections Rigged To Favor The Duopoly?
  12. Klobuchar took Ponzi scheme money in turn for not prosecuting the schemer...
  13. Romney family buys voting machines through Bain Capital investment
  14. Could U.S. military have helped during Libya attack?
  15. Silent Ads are the Best
  16. Why Should Anyone Pay Higher Taxes With Spending Like This Going On?
  17. The Foreign Policy Debate is The Big One
  18. Obama stimulus flop paid workers for playing cards
  19. Five reasons to vote for Romney
  20. Psst, taxes go up in 2013 for 163 million workers
  21. Biden Says GOP Has ‘Bullets … Aimed at You,’ Confuses Afghanistan and Iran
  22. Romney maintains lead in RealClearPolitics average of polls long after 2nd debate
  23. Outcome of the 3rd debate
  24. Obama confirms Iran's right to nuclear technology
  25. Say, Barack, how you coming on getting the world to respect us again?
  26. Excellent summary of Obama's Foreign Policy
  27. Obama Supporter: Mitt Romney Is a Communist
  28. Ms BS Sends Out SOS
  29. Someone pulled a good practical joke on me
  30. Obama's Bogus Zip Code Fundraising Problem
  31. Somebody explain this statement to me
  32. Pennsylvania Is The New Ohio
  33. At this stage - this say's it all
  34. Obama's Apologies
  35. Media Shocked by Voter Reaction to Debate
  36. Words continue to trip up Akin, now under fire for calling McCaskill a 'dog'
  37. Team Obama Sends Out "New 2nd Term Booklet" Today
  38. Ind. GOP candidate: Rape pregnancy a "Gift from God"
  39. Reuters reveals damning emails about Libya....
  40. Hoofbeats of Electoral Doom?
  41. Team Obama Cannot Spell FORWARD
  42. New York City Has Unionized Librarians?
  43. N Carolina voters say votes cast for Romney came up Obama on machine
  44. No such thing as Voter Fraud???
  45. You Might Be A RINO Neo-Con If
  46. Top 20 (Cause 10 Ain't Enough) Reasons (Excuses) Black Folk Will Give if Obama Loses
  47. Suburban Voters Swing to Romney
  48. Biden in Ohio: How 'Bout These Ads Running "Here in Iowa"
  49. Jim Moran’s son resigns from campaign after release of vid on voter fraud
  50. Jim Rogers: We are all going to pay, a horrible price for this..
  51. Romney’s Red Rocks rally in Colorado draws 10,000
  52. Revenge of the Register?
  53. Really? Really?
  54. Now The Violence Begins
  55. Obama is first president to vote early - after showing his photo ID
  56. So What About Mourdock?
  57. Early Voting
  58. Serious Deriliction of Duty By Obama
  59. Permission Denied
  60. Obama Supporters On Romney's "Kill List"
  61. Joe Biden Offends Father of Slain Seal
  62. Polls coming in after 3rd debate: Romney drawing farther ahead
  63. The day Keynes met FDR
  64. Peggy Noonan WSJ article 10/26
  65. Des Moines Register Endorses Mitt Romney
  66. Obama's Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days
  67. Woods & Doherty: Heroes
  68. The Suit Wears No President
  69. Tony Shaffer: My sources tell me Obama was in the room watching Benghazi attack
  70. And now, an important message from “the children” about the election
  71. Obama, Romney line up elite lawyers for potential election disputes
  72. Florida: Another Major Newspaper Abandons Obama, Polls Show Romney Up
  73. Who Is Staying Home After the Election for Fear of Riots?
  74. Gallup: Obama Approval Tanking, Romney Leads by Five
  75. Do ideological buzz words make you tune out?
  76. Andrew Sullivan Make A Complete Ass Of HimSelf Once Again
  77. obama, easy to kill this 16 year old boy -drone strike.
  78. Hurricane forces Obama to balance governing, campaigning
  79. DOL might delay Friday jobs report until after the election?
  80. More and more people laughing at the media
  81. Newest states in play: Pennsylvania and Minnesota
  82. Just Saying
  83. Osama for Obama
  84. Romney Leads 52/46 Among Early Voters Nationally?
  85. Barack's Closing Argument
  86. Obama calls for a 'Secretary of Business'
  87. Christie praises Obama on hurricane relief
  88. Ummm, guys, Hurricane Sandy isn't that big
  89. On Campaign Donations From Overseas
  90. Team Obama Blasts Relief Effort
  91. New generation of One Percenters?
  92. Ohio: More voting problems as ballot cast for Romney comes up Obama
  93. Just Think, A Heartbeat Away
  94. Pennsylvania Poll: Romney Within Four, Despite D+13 Sample
  95. MoveOn.org Releases Vile Anti-Romney Ad
  96. Trick or treat at Obama's White House
  97. Obama's offensive comment
  98. Be careful tonight!
  99. Here comes the landslide
  100. Will Benghazi tapes be released prior to the election?
  101. And some wonder why we don't want the current 3rd party?
  102. Who Would Have Thought? Sept Job Data Downgraded
  103. Who is Rosa Koire, ICLEI and Agenda 21?
  104. Looming tax hike motivates business owners to sell
  105. Power Companies say most electricity will be restored... by Nov. 10-11
  106. Good for Texas - 12 executions of guilty murderers in 10 months
  107. Email I just received from the Romney campaign
  108. Obamacare lawsuit may be back in Supreme Court soon
  109. Non-union utility workers from Alabama, kicked out of New Jersey by union crews
  110. Media coverage unfavorable for both candidates
  111. New Obamacare tax form: You must report personal health info to the IRS starting 2014
  112. The Last FOUR days of America's life...
  113. An Example
  114. What Matters Tuesday, What Really Matters!
  115. Foreign officials coming to monitor our Presidential election!!
  116. Propaganda Machine???
  117. If Gallup is right, Tuesday will be a long night for Democrat party
  118. Pennsylvania
  119. This Is NOT Forward
  120. Former Hillary Aid Supports Romney
  121. My uncle carl the conservative
  122. Wayne Allen Root endorses Romney
  123. As huge Republican turnout looms, dispirited Dems stay home in increasing numbers
  124. Is anyone else disgusted?
  125. I'm going to have to vote for one democrat tomorrow
  126. Hope It's Like This At Voting Sites Tomorrow
  127. TNR Writer At Least Is Honest
  128. Presidential candidates ignore the poor
  129. Minnesota blogger puts it exactly as I have tried...
  130. A New Day?
  131. What is a conservative? What is a (modern) liberal?
  132. The most devastating, revealing Obama video
  133. "An unholy worship of guns"
  134. THE FIRST RESULTS ARE IN: Romney, Obama *tied* 5-5 in Dixville Notch, NH
  135. Anyone here ever have the nerve to ask a Chinese person what today is?
  136. Voting trouble!
  137. Losing it all....
  138. I voted!
  139. Election over: Time to go to sleep
  140. Romney's gracious concession speech
  141. Obama victory means four more years with no hope of change
  142. Matheson beats Love in Utah
  143. Poor Obama
  144. I was wrong
  145. I finally found an election silver lining!
  146. Detroit elects convicted felon
  147. So what happens now with Bengazhi?
  148. Another campaign is over
  149. More than ever
  150. In a Nation of Children, Santa Claus Wins
  151. May I Suggest
  152. Anyone care to explain this: Obama Wins 8 of the Nation’s 10 Wealthiest Counties
  153. The Official Obamite Wild Ecstasy Facial Expression Thread
  154. times are changing......
  155. Latinos to Obama: You owe us
  156. My Congressman
  157. And the worst thing about this re-election is...
  158. Obama may levy carbon tax to cut U.S. deficit, HSBC says
  159. America Has Sown the Seeds Of Its Own Demise
  160. Vegas Employer: Obama Won - So I Fired 22 Employees
  161. My thoughts on the election results
  162. Tea party bashes Romney
  163. Romney did 2+ million worse than McCain - why?
  164. 22nd amendment (Presidential term limits)...
  165. How many black votes did obama buy with the obama phone given to lazy scum?
  166. Obama's Re-Election Results In Companies Cutting Workers
  167. Newsweek Post election Issue
  168. The Dems Voting Base
  169. Did Chris Christie help obama be Presidential and greatly affect the election outcome
  170. When will we "spend less next year than we did this year"?
  171. Mourning in America - Here's Those Layoffs We Voted For Last Night
  172. Could the "fiscal cliff" be the best option?
  173. Did Fox News fail the GOP?
  174. An inside look behind Romney's loss: An epic failure of its Orca big-data app
  175. Petraeus Resigns
  176. Democrats 2016 theme song
  177. I Hate Being Right
  178. One explanation on so many votes for Obama
  179. GOP opponent gives RARE CORRECT advice
  180. 21yr old for President!
  181. A PETA question the Obamas would NOT understand
  182. Class Act all the way
  183. Karl Rove's fuzzy Republican math
  184. Bitter Much?
  185. Why does Petraeus' resignation, mean that he suddenly can't testify about Benghazi?
  186. Details Emerging On Jesse Jackson Jr. Likely Plea Deal
  187. I stand corrected about Obama's Middle East policy
  188. Question from a pal
  189. Author chronicaled Brazil's decline - chased away to the USA
  190. Romney Got ZERO Votes in 59 Philadelphia Voting Divisions
  191. Los Angeles City Council declares all future Mondays to be 'meatless'
  192. Obama faces the "second term curse"
  193. layoffs-begin-after-obama-reelected
  194. The skids have been greased in California
  195. The Real Reason Obama Got Re-Elected
  196. Texas Gets Required 25k signatures to petition to secede
  197. Romney loss felt in home state
  198. Is it possible to take the election too seriously?
  199. 2004 Flashback: Democrats on Mandates
  200. Obama will be Hoover - with the same political consequences
  201. Thanks to The Obama, North Carolina did very well last Tuesday
  202. Another piece of honest advice from a liberal source
  203. Way forward for the GOP
  204. Could this be the real reason there's been a Benghazi coverup?
  205. Woman who got Petraeus to cheat, is upset that he may be cheating on her?
  206. Now that Obama is re-elected, FORWARD to the next step
  207. Cat places third in Virginia Senate race
  208. Followup question that wasn't asked at today's Obama press conference
  209. Obama tells Republicans to 'go after me' on Libya
  210. Ron Paul: 'Our Constitution Has Failed'
  211. Think Democrats support privacy? Think again!
  212. Obamacare backlash: Denny’s franchise owner to add surcharge to customers' bills
  213. Do NOT discuss Benghazi on this "progressive" board.
  214. Every state has it's own constitution
  215. This man is sad
  216. Reason why Blacks back Obama
  217. GOP rep has affair, wife has two abortions
  218. John Kerry - Sec of Defense?
  219. Baracka Claus is Coming to Town
  220. Petraeus knew it was terrorism immediately
  221. 100% Obama Votes
  222. About Those Secessionists Petitions
  223. NY Times: Helping Hands Also Expose a New York Divide
  224. Medical giant Stryker cuts 1,170 jobs, citing ObamaCare
  225. Obama begins push for new "National Retirement System"
  226. White House Denies Editing Benghazi Talking Points
  227. The connection Obama voters will never figure out
  228. Republicans gang up on Romney for "gifts" comment
  229. President told within 72 hours Benghazi attack linked to al-Qaida extremists
  230. Treasury Secretary Geithner: Lift Debt Limit to Infinity
  231. A very timely and wise venting
  232. Why taxing the rich won't work
  233. What's wrong with having govt help us with ordinary problems in life?
  234. Government help - blaming Bush
  235. "Give Them What They Voted For"
  236. Scott Weiner proposes public nudity ban
  237. Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants
  238. Here is Hamas - what Jafar supports
  239. The rest of the story behind the first Thanksgiving
  240. Joe thought he voted for Obama (funny story)
  241. "Redistribution" of wealth: A very misleading term
  242. Giving thanks - for capitalism
  243. I Was A '70s Porn Star, Admits Upstate NY District Attorney
  244. The REAL story of Thanksgiving
  245. Strategy
  246. What The Next Conservative Candidate Should Sound Like
  247. $250k, Why Worry About Those Tax Increases?
  248. It's Not Just Fast Food and Restaurants Cutting Hours
  249. A modest proposal for a tax increase that both liberals and conservatives will like
  250. Obamacare kicks in