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  1. Now that Congress can TAX you
  2. Be better educated ,,, lay off teachers
  3. Factories stifle freedom
  4. Be more like North Dakota or Green stinks
  5. TV Ad from 60s
  6. Susan Rice Lays All Blame on Intel Community
  7. WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack
  8. Figures on government spending and debt
  9. More Fog From The Transparent Administration
  10. Conservatives may emerge well from fiscal cliff deal
  11. Who here has brains enough to understand expected value?
  12. Mr Transparent and the TPP agreement
  13. Unexpectedly!
  14. Living Through The Hunger Games?
  15. Warren Buffet At It Again
  16. Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama
  17. Florida GOP leaders admit voter suppression
  18. A Rice Discussion
  19. Intrade Served The Purpose Now Shut Down
  20. Problems At Interior?
  21. A Bigger Tent
  22. NYT: 1st Amendment For Us, Not YOU
  23. $120 billion October deficit
  24. Painting Depicts Obama as Crucified Christ
  25. GOP even more concerned after meeting with Susan Rice
  26. Egypt's Morsi stands by decree
  27. Harry's Hypocrisy
  28. America, the land of taxes
  29. Welcome to California, land of democrats and misfits
  30. Troops ordered to kiill all that do not turn in their guns!
  31. More Liberal Tolerance. Lib Radio Host Calls For Beheading of Tea Party Members
  32. Obama's Katrina Continues
  33. 'Tax Hike on Rich' Only Covers 16% of Deficit
  34. Punishing Work
  35. Remember that the Bush tax cuts are expiring because Democrats wanted it that way
  36. Obama to Meet Romney Thursday
  37. Dems Owe Us Spending Cuts For Past Tax Hikes
  38. Unexpectedly! Perhaps Housing Isn't Improving So Quickly?
  39. The War of 'Science'
  40. Hmmm
  41. President Who Once Warned Against Changing the Filibuster Now Supports Changing It
  42. America's True National Debt: $87 Trillion
  43. Obama care break will break Religious owned business
  44. Why tax wealthier Americans?
  45. 401K plans part of fiscal cliff negotiations
  46. Militant Socialism in America
  47. If spending increases yearly for next 10yr, will liberals still say they"cut" it?
  48. Obama Wants $1.6 Trillion in Taxes and End of Debt Ceiling in Exchange For Nothing
  49. Feds shut down 100-year-old oyster company, destroy some lives and dreams
  50. Obama
  51. Susan Rice: Benghazi Is Just One Of The Problems
  52. Net Wealth Hits 43 Year Low
  53. House Will Kill Bills, If Fillabuster Is Changed In Senate
  54. Coming Our Way?
  55. White House opposed new Iran sanctions
  56. Boehner ‘flabbergasted’ by Geithner offer
  57. Just When We Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse
  58. Where Is The Tea Party?
  59. Obama admin: By the way, we’re going to need insurers to pay to use our exchanges
  60. Samuelson: Obama Needs To Bargain In Good Faith
  61. A Possible GOP Response To The Obama
  62. Republicans Counter-Offer
  63. Some history of deficits
  64. Have you read Hodges report?
  65. McCain To Kerry: ‘Thank You Very Much, Mr. Secretary’
  66. Where Was This Information Before The Election?
  67. The open-and-shut administration
  68. Boehner budget plan will "destroy American jobs"
  69. Senate Dems defend administration's right to take guns away from veterans
  70. GOP Revolt Within Itself
  71. Those F'ing Low Information Voters
  72. Calif. Teachers Union Releases Video Featuring ‘The Rich’ Urinating on the Poor
  73. Taxpayer-Backed ‘Green’ Energy Companies Announce Plans to Expand…in China
  74. GAO report: US on ‘unsustainable long-term fiscal path’
  75. What Obama's Balanced Approach really Means
  76. Reid declines to bring a vote on Obama’s cliff plan
  77. If U.S. hikes taxes, high-income Californians might pay almost 52%
  78. I Want My Bacon!!!!
  79. Something More Important Then Solving The Fiscal Cliff
  80. Michigan passes 'right-to-work' measures
  81. Al Gore Hits Obama for Not Acting on Global Warming
  82. Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon
  83. Republicans, what harm is there in raising tax rates just a little?
  84. NYT Is Direct: Obama Plan My Hit Blue States Hard
  85. Illegal alien gets free kidney transplant
  86. Welcome to Obama world
  87. Washington Post to pay dividend early
  88. The Welfare Spending Chart You Won’t Want to See
  89. Nearly Three-Quarters of Jobs Created Since June Are in Government
  90. Coming Soon To The US
  91. Interesting Interview From WSJ Regarding Change At Heritage
  92. This Mad Me Sad
  93. Chickens Roost
  94. The Federal Government Borrows 46 cents Out of Every Dollar it Spends
  95. Liberals Contemplate $1 Trillion Platinum Coin to "Solve" Debt Limit Issue
  96. Newt Gingrich Schools Lawrence O'Donnell On Clinton Tax Hikes
  97. Millionaires, Billionaires, and Teachers
  98. This may tickle you but it is not funny
  99. Feet To The Fire
  100. Failed Taxpayer-Backed Company Purchased by Chinese Firm
  101. Unemployment Rate Drops So Dems Demand Unemployment Benefits Be Extended
  102. Obama Ups Bid as GOP Looks For Way Out of Crisis
  103. Punish The Rich? Not So Much
  104. Giuliani: Americans Voted for Compromise, Not Tax Increases
  105. Michigan state govt takes away unions "right" to force people to support them or else
  106. Appeals court overturns Illinois concealed-weapons-carry law
  107. Europe's largest bank HSBC guilty of massive money laundering,but no one goes to jail
  108. Self Insurance Win
  109. Obama: troops out of Afghanistan by 2014... Panetta: troops in Afghanistan after 2014
  110. Democratic senator employed illegal immigrant who was registered sex offender
  111. Son Of Democrat Congressman Pleads Guilty
  112. U of C Berkeley To Give Illegals Scholarships
  113. *Shock* A Thought
  114. Kristopf: Profiting From Child's Illiteracy
  115. Depressingly Familiar
  116. Why do you think you can change the Middle East if we can't free an island 90 mi away
  117. Tell your Senators and Congressmen : NO internet sales tax!
  118. Bad Bush; Good Obama
  119. Obama Pitting Big and Small Businesses Against Each Other
  120. Michigan 'Right to Work' Didn't Just 'Pop Up'
  121. Sounds Like Joke, It Isn't
  122. How Far Will The Left Let These Things Go?
  123. What will we conclude from the CT school chootings?
  124. Bloomberg demands national anti-gun legislation after CT mass shooting
  125. Hillary Faints and Has Concussion
  126. Gun licenses
  127. Domino's pizza founder suing over Obamacare
  128. Democratic lawmaker: To get gun control, Obama must ‘exploit’ shooting
  129. Whoops! Some Democrat Senators Got Around To Reading Obamacare
  130. Transparent As Fog
  131. GREAT speech by President Obama tonight from Newtown, CT
  132. Gun Control fanatics keep pushing schemes that wouldn't have stopped mass shootings
  133. Anonymous Wages 'War' On Westboro Baptist
  134. The tolerant and peaceful left strikes again
  135. Boehner doing a good job
  136. Invincible Ignorance of "gun control" advocates
  137. ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Found At Site Where Mexican Beauty Queen Killed
  138. A conservative take an a liberal topic: I blame feminism
  139. Courts Rule For Freedom Of Religion Via Obamacare
  140. Will Biden simply push the same "Gun Control" schemes that have already failed?
  141. US Taxpayer via GM: Buy High, Sell Low
  142. Inouye wills his US Senate seat
  143. Obama Wrongly Invokes Newton and Fiscal Cliff
  144. Quietly - GM Costs Taxpayers $$$ Billions
  145. House Republicans to Boehner: "NO tax increases, remember?"
  146. House succeeds, passes bill to cancel "fiscal cliff"
  147. Exit Tax
  148. More Taxes in Addition To the Fiscal Cliff Deal
  149. Authorities: 4 dead in shooting in Blair Country, PA
  150. Arm Teachers
  151. Attempt To Rein In Obama's Detention Powers Thwarted By McCain
  152. What's Going On?
  153. Everyone Is Losing, But More So Republicans
  154. 191,000 in foodstamp fraud ONE county
  155. On The Backs Of The Young
  156. Is Congress planning ANY spending cuts? Or just the same old increases, only smaller?
  157. In 2013, Millions Of Americans Face Obamacare Tax Hikes
  158. NY Newspaper Prints Names & Addresses of Gun Permit Holders
  159. Egypt's contentious Islamic constitution becomes law of the land..
  160. Human rights -- George Will
  161. This was my warning a week before election that obama won.
  162. Moynihan: A Man Ahead of His Time
  163. Obama Orders Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers
  164. TSA, expanding its tyranny well beyond airports..
  165. Must watch if interested in Gun law changes
  166. While Unlikely To Come To Pass
  167. Permits Rise, Crime Falls
  168. Obama and Disingenuous Take On Fiscal Cliff
  169. The "Assault weapons" ban didn't work then and it won't work now
  170. Obama: Fiscal Cliff deal "in sight". (Does that mean House Republicans have agreed?)
  171. Hilarious announcement by CNN newsreader
  172. Workers Screwed Again by Obama and RINO's
  173. Details of Senate fiscal cliff agreement: Tax increases. C'mon, House, REJECT IT!!!
  174. New Year Less Bright
  175. Monday's Senate Report On Benghazi
  176. Republicans Cave and Pass Obama Tax Increases
  177. Obama's Tax Evaders of the Year
  178. Let’s celebrate New Year’s by giving up on the Constitution
  179. Office of Congressional Ethics could soon be silenced by those it investigates
  180. Newspaper That Published The Names & Addresses of Gun Owners Hires Armed Guards
  181. Newtown Shooter & Queens Subway Shover
  182. Fiscal Cliff deal means higher taxes on 77% of households, averaging $1635 each
  183. Demand a Plan Video
  184. Paper that published gun permit names and addresses, hires armed guards for protectio
  185. Hey That Deal Last Night: Relief For SOME Obama Supporters
  186. Wise words of Davy Crockett
  187. My Hero: Milton Friedman On Trying To Get It Right
  188. Fiscal Cliff Bill Loaded With Pork
  189. Moody's says 'fiscal cliff' deal doesn't end credit downgrade risk
  190. Al Sharpton: After Gun Control We Should Move to Knife Control
  191. Video - Celebs Demanding a Gun Control with Gun Violence Scenes from Their Movies
  192. Hillary had earlier fall ... I wonder if she is a drunk.
  193. How to turn a loss into a victory
  194. What is pork spending?
  195. Presidential Signing Statement
  196. Remember When Programs Like This
  197. Marine get's in trouble wearing camo's in front o school after shooting
  198. Proportionately, lower wage workers will take bigger hit
  199. Marine sends letter to Diane Feinstein-goes -viral!!
  200. The Founders’ Finance, and Ours
  201. MA: 'Get Out Vote Leads To Uncovering Widespread Welfare Fraud
  202. A Slap In The Face
  203. Obamacare:Less Hiring 2013 Who'd Have Thought?
  204. Convicts taunting prison guards after reading list of gun permit holders' names, addr
  205. Ex-burglars say newspaper's gun map would have made job easier, safer
  206. Calif court overturns rape conviction
  207. Obama's 'Sandy Hook' Move Towards Gun Confiscation
  208. Not Enough Democrat Support To Confirm Hagel
  209. Cash For Clunkers Hurt The Environment
  210. Surprise! Surprise!
  211. The Giant Gaping Hole In Sandy Hook Reporting
  212. NY law: If gun permit owner dies, family must TURN IN GUNS TO THE GOVT after 2 weeks
  213. This one is classic
  214. America - Designed By Geniuses,Run By Idiots
  215. Bank of America Freezes Gun Manufacturer's Account
  216. Palm-print gun locks: is that the solution?
  217. Hysterical California legislator calls for bullet control
  218. Planned Parenthood reports record year for abortions
  219. Vote no budget, spend like madmen! Ask yourself why!!
  220. Girls with guns
  221. National Guard stages an exercise near a gun shop, and gets an interesting reaction
  222. Cuomo to announce sweeping Federal gun laws, already tried and found to not work
  223. All Politics Are Local
  224. VP Biden on guns: "The President is going to act. There are executive orders."
  225. East Coast waiting 'seven times longer' than Katrina victims for federal help
  226. If Obama can restrict guns with EO, can a Repub Pres restrict abortion with an EO?
  227. Cops, FBI, Miilitary officials say they will refuse to enforce obama gun confiscation
  228. Even this fellow finds something wrong with the idea
  229. Can government just take as much power as it wants?
  230. A sign of the times
  231. 1995: Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should 'Cower' in Shame Like Smokers
  232. Men armed with assault rifles walk through Portland
  233. Wouldn't modifying the Fourth Amendment do more to reduce gun crime?
  234. Wyoming lawmaker move to stop Fed Confiscation of guns!
  235. Man finds mouse in his house, releases it into the wild, then guess what happens
  236. "You can't use an assault rifle for duck hunting!!!!!"
  237. Speaking of Executive Orders about gun ownership.....
  238. A Quandry
  239. 2016 will you vote 4 a real conservative...
  240. Using words to further your particular point of view
  241. Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive
  242. Midwest News station - Blows holes in Morgan's "debate"
  243. If I ever have to assault, I want this weapon
  244. Congressman threatens impeachment
  245. White House misses budget deadline - which breaks the law
  246. Pay per mile ...are you kidding me?
  247. "Doomsday Clock" paranoia still active, with global warming thrown in
  248. Some gun updates prior to Obama's announcement tomorrow
  249. Why are "AID" bills allowed to have other earmarks?
  250. Congress has a Constitution problem