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  1. Obama pardons the White House turkey (5 replies)
  2. Colorado St. Senator Hudak (D), resigns to avoid recall after anti-gun-rights votes (2 replies)
  3. NSA collecting porn activity to discredit “radicalizers” (0 replies)
  4. Surprise: Iran deal not actually a deal yet (4 replies)
  5. Liberal Students Get Educated On Obamacare (6 replies)
  6. How Far Left Dems Deal With Fox News in Public Places (4 replies)
  7. Another ObamaCare “success” story turns sour (0 replies)
  8. Dems Sweating Bullets Over Saturday's Obamacare Deadline (7 replies)
  9. Obamacare Navigator Conspiring to Use Data for Political Purposes Resigns (0 replies)
  10. $305,206,587 for Zero Obamacare Enrollees (0 replies)
  11. The rest of the story, of the first Thanksgiving (5 replies)
  12. Giving thanks...... for capitalism (2 replies)
  13. The most comprehensive summation of the 5 years of Obama’s reign (2 replies)
  14. Calif High-speed rail project derailed (1 replies)
  15. On Violence: Man against Man and Government against All (0 replies)
  16. Older Hill aides shocked by Obamacare prices (2 replies)
  17. Thanksgiving Dinner Conversation (2 replies)
  18. Dem Senator Admits Dems Knew Obama Was Lying (1 replies)
  19. A Good Example of Liberalism (0 replies)
  20. NY Times: Obamacare is principally a redistribution of wealth scheme (0 replies)
  21. Screw the christian, help the muslims: (20 replies)
  22. CBS News:Female cancer patient dropped from her EMPLOYER-BASED insurance due to Ocare (0 replies)
  23. DNC: Democrats are “eager and proud to run on ObamaCare” in 2014 (0 replies)
  24. This guy has it nailed!!!!!! (26 replies)
  25. "Peace in our time": Nuclear agreement with Iran? (21 replies)
  26. Now Obama wants to stop this? (7 replies)
  27. Has Single Payer (i.e. total govt takeover of health care) been the goal all along? (3 replies)
  28. The 2ndAm doesn't say "except for felons" or "except by due process of law". Why not? (70 replies)
  29. Senator Barack Obama's photographer (0 replies)
  30. A new world crisis being manufactured to justify more central government control! (1 replies)
  31. Obama, Dems quietly stop calling it "Obamacare" (1 replies)
  32. Gun owner shoots guy who tries to play "knock-out game" on him (9 replies)
  33. (D)'s use nuclear option and overturn 200+ years of precedent.. (20 replies)
  34. Gun owners, NOBODY'S COMING FOR YOUR GUNS. Except these guys. (24 replies)
  35. Second wave of health plan cancellations looms (0 replies)
  36. Serious Question: How Does Obama Still Have Any Supporters? (8 replies)
  37. Just how desperate are the Democrats about getting re-elected in 2014? (0 replies)
  38. Biden: 'God Willing,' Obamacare Website Will Be Fixed (9 replies)
  39. CBS Poll: 43 Percent Want Obamacare Repealed, Obama Approval Plunges (5 replies)
  40. Mr. President, tear down this website (0 replies)
  41. War on the Little Guy (1 replies)
  42. Colorado man signs up for Obamacare, his dog gets covered instead (3 replies)
  43. Will one of JFK's biggest accomplishments, even be noticed in the coming memorials? (2 replies)
  44. No appeal for Holder on FnF... (4 replies)
  45. BREAKING: Washington Redskins announce they are changing their name (4 replies)
  46. Obama’s Betrayal of Israel and Arming of Iran (0 replies)
  47. Would Obamacare officials be PROSECUTED by the Fed govt if they were private? (6 replies)
  48. Another prophecy fulfilled (0 replies)
  49. Is this a great country or what? (0 replies)
  50. Why should govt be distrusted, kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks? (1 replies)
  51. New picture ready to replace girl who was "The Face of Obamacare Website" (3 replies)
  52. Education: This kid is a bright one... (0 replies)
  53. House Dems and Repubs pass "You can keep your present plan" bill 261-157 (7 replies)
  54. BREAKING: Obama says he would veto bill to let you keep your present health care plan (4 replies)
  55. A striking slip by Obama about the "fundamental transforming" of the United States (2 replies)
  56. The similarities are becoming eerie (2 replies)
  57. It's not the website. It's the costs, lack of choice, and penalties for not obeying (4 replies)
  58. 7 weeks gone,only 2 left... and the WH still hasn't decided on a solution to website? (0 replies)
  59. Must be kidding, 26,000 sign ups. lol (5 replies)
  60. Death by Obamacare: ACA "reform" reams cancer patients (2 replies)
  61. How Adolf Hitler Prevented ‘Subject Races’ From Possessing Arms (0 replies)
  62. Remember this OUTRAGEOUS pie in the sky promise from obama?? (0 replies)
  63. Why not? (9 replies)
  64. Obamacare Navigators Caught On Tape Encouraging Lying On Applications (0 replies)
  65. McCain: People are begging me to run for president again (8 replies)
  66. Fewer Than 50,000 have enrolled in healthplans via Obamacare (0 replies)
  67. Council to strip mayor powers (2 replies)
  68. 52 Million Americans Could Lose Current Coverage Under Obamacare (1 replies)
  69. Is "robbing Peter to pay Paul", something that any govt should ever routinely do? (0 replies)
  70. A message of hope to Obama cultists (3 replies)
  71. Obama considers costly unilateral “fix” of Obamacare subsidies (1 replies)
  72. Obama's Stunning Snub (4 replies)
  73. Obamacare: No Punch Line Needed (0 replies)
  74. Abortion Appointments Canceled, Clinics Closing All Across TX (3 replies)
  75. White guy wins after leading voters to believe he's black (5 replies)
  76. Obama grasps for legitimacy thru climate laws,exec orders as 2nd term agenda crumbles (1 replies)
  77. Harkin Compares Mandated Maternity Care to Property Taxes (4 replies)
  78. The Truth Is Obamacare Is Working (9 replies)
  79. Most uninsured ignoring healthcare exchanges (0 replies)
  80. It would be a gross error for Republicans to let Obama delay the individual mandate (0 replies)
  81. Cartoonist Toles Compares ObamaCare Critics to Segregationist George Wallace (5 replies)
  82. D.C. Spends $133,573,928 to Enroll Five People in Obamacare Exchanges (0 replies)
  83. Former MSNBC Host Gets Insurance Cancelled Due To ObamaCare (0 replies)
  84. Obamacare Webpage and World War II (3 replies)
  85. Will America accept obama's sham of an apology???? (1 replies)
  86. Why have people come to believe health care is a "right" when it actually isn't? (21 replies)
  87. North Carolina DOT finally practicing Truth in Advertising? (0 replies)
  88. Single women go for McAwful 67 to 25% (2 replies)
  89. BREAKING: FDA to ban trans-fats (6 replies)
  90. Obama on Ocare:"Like having good product in store and the cash registers don't work" (3 replies)
  91. Wendy Davis declares she’s totally “pro-life” outside the womb (0 replies)
  92. Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare (1 replies)
  93. Ins Co's Must Cancel Non-Compliant Policies to Be in CA State Exchange (0 replies)
  94. Schultz Reacts To Chris Christie's Win (8 replies)
  95. Liberal Obots react to newly-revealed facts about Obamacare (1 replies)
  96. The voice of the silent voter (5 replies)
  97. Obama falls to 39% job approval in new Gallup poll (0 replies)
  98. Virginia turns RED. (27 replies)
  99. The Obamacare speech he never gave (1 replies)
  100. "Try it, if you like it, you can keep it" has a long history (1 replies)
  101. *WHY* did Obama tell such an obvious, easily refuted lie? (31 replies)
  102. More out of control police… this time up the anus... (8 replies)
  103. Obama now says, "What we said was...." (16 replies)
  104. How Taxes Work (0 replies)
  105. obama master plan on health careover the years in his own words (0 replies)
  106. Democrat Lectures Young Woman About How to Handle Her Healthcare Choices (1 replies)
  107. With ObamaCare, Your Personal Health Information Is At Risk (1 replies)
  108. The best euphemisms for victims of Obamacare losing their insurance plans (3 replies)
  109. 49-State Analysis: Obamacare To Increase Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 41% (0 replies)
  110. Stage-4 cancer patient is one of Obamacare's losers (11 replies)
  111. WashPost Idea of an Obamacare Myth? 'Americans Will Be Forced to Buy Health Insurance (0 replies)
  112. It Pays To Be Dead (0 replies)
  113. Obama uses executive order in sweeping takeover of nation's climate change policies (8 replies)
  114. Obamacare Site to Go Down Every Night for Repairs (0 replies)
  115. WH Adviser Backs Off Original Enrollment Numbers Expectations (0 replies)
  116. TN State Senator Gives Kathleen Sebelius Web Sites for Dummies (6 replies)
  117. The NEW and IMPROVED Ten Commandments! (4 replies)
  118. DC Circuit Court of Appeals rules significant part of Obamacare unconstitutional (2 replies)
  119. NSA officials told to evoke 9/11 sympathies when justifying mass surveillance (24 replies)
  120. New Poll Shows Democratic Incumbents in Big Trouble (4 replies)
  121. Senate Democrats supported rule that led to insurance cancellations (1 replies)
  122. Politico: Hey, it’s really Republican sabotage causing Obamacare’s problems (1 replies)
  123. Andrea Mitchell Frets Unpopular Obama Can't 'Frighten' GOP Anymore (6 replies)
  124. Healthy Ho's (0 replies)
  125. 2016…. (63 replies)
  126. Court Strikes Down Obamacare’s Birth Control Mandate (4 replies)
  127. Daily Show: Obama Ignorant of WAY too much (1 replies)
  128. Separated at birth? (1 replies)
  129. VA Spent Millions on Florida Conferences (4 replies)
  130. Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare (4 replies)
  131. The Alinsky Republicans (1 replies)
  132. Single Payer and Medicare For All Eh? (0 replies)
  133. Desperate Dems Propose Keep Your Plan Pledge (1 replies)
  134. Total number of ObamaCare website enrollments on launch day was … six people (2 replies)
  135. WH Predicted in 2010 That 93 Million Would Lose Their Health Plans Under ObamaCare (5 replies)
  136. Sheriff who released gun-charge suspect from jail, found Not Guilty (15 replies)
  137. The Failing of the ACA (3 replies)
  138. At least someone is willing to step up and do what's right... (1 replies)
  139. treaties over Constitution? (2 replies)
  140. The Obama Facade Cracks at Last (2 replies)
  141. The Entire Obamacare Website Debacle Summed Up in One Picture (1 replies)
  142. Megyn Kelly Hammers Dem Rep. Frank Pallone Over Obamacare (13 replies)
  143. For the first time, views of Obama are more unfavorable than favorable (0 replies)
  144. Obama blames "bad apple insurers" for canceled insurance plans (7 replies)
  145. NBCUniversal’s Insurance Premiums to Rise Due to Obamacare (0 replies)
  146. Can Men Have Babies? (11 replies)
  147. Coverage under health-care law may change — for the better (2 replies)
  148. Sure Obama Lied But He Had to or ObamaCare Might Not Have Passed (0 replies)
  149. White House Pressuring Insurance Companies To Not Criticize ObamaCare (37 replies)
  150. CBS: Insurers backing out of the ObamaCare exchange markets (0 replies)
  151. Obama's Latest Promise (0 replies)
  152. 13 Dems That Knew You’d Lose Your Health Insurance But Promised You Could Keep It (0 replies)
  153. Do you think you can trust obama's FBI?? THINK AGAIN. (12 replies)
  154. Obama vs. the Women (15 replies)
  155. Obama Unaware of Everything Scandalous (12 replies)
  156. Megyn Kelly Snaps at Dem Guest Over Obamacare (7 replies)
  157. Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance (14 replies)
  158. Japan will stand up to China, says PM Shinzo Abe (2 replies)
  159. My feelings toward the U.S. Government, what are yours? (4 replies)
  160. Florida woman's insurance rate increases from $54 to $591 with Obamacare (18 replies)
  161. Want to fry liberals up show them this. (2 replies)
  162. Life Expectancy under the Affordable Care Act (0 replies)
  163. LA Times: Middle-class Californians feeling surprised, dismayed (5 replies)
  164. Glitches hit Obamacare paper, phone applications too (1 replies)
  165. Rush on Medicaid could spell trouble for ObamaCare’s health (0 replies)
  166. Obama is Busy Fundraising for Nancy Pelosi (0 replies)
  167. Everybody Is Willing To Pay More In Taxes (9 replies)
  168. Who is the extremist? (0 replies)
  169. Hey, did you hear about the latest Obama scandal? (5 replies)
  170. CBS News: Obamacare's Entire Financial Model is In Danger of Collapsing (0 replies)
  171. Powers: ObamaCare forces me to pay more for insurance, too (1 replies)
  172. Welfare, Not Full-Time Work, Is Now America's No. 1 Occupation (19 replies)
  173. More Have Had Have Their Ins Cancelled Tham Have Opened an Exchange Account (0 replies)
  174. Coincidence? Nepotism? CGI's No Bid Contract... (3 replies)
  175. Since the Shutdown is over. Wonder what Non-essential really means? (2 replies)
  176. The American Baby (12 replies)
  177. The Fall of Barack (3 replies)
  178. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Breaks and Supports Delaying Obamacare Mandate (5 replies)
  179. CareFirst says 76,000 of its customers will lose plans (0 replies)
  180. No, really, Republicans are to blame for ObamaCare fiasco (2 replies)
  181. Remember When..................... (18 replies)
  182. Obama's fainting woman a staged hoax? (17 replies)
  183. Obamacare operator who took Sean Hannity's call, now has been fired for it (7 replies)
  184. 16 million may lose their health insurance plans because of Obamacare (11 replies)
  185. U.S. Will Reach $22 Trillion in Debt by February (24 replies)
  186. Federal Workers Make Out Again At Taxpayer Expense (10 replies)
  187. City of Seattle: Eminent Domain over a parking lot to turn it into a parking lot (1 replies)
  188. Conservatism-It's meanings in American politic its true opposition to Islam/terrorism (305 replies)
  189. The Can Kicks Back (0 replies)
  190. Any reason we should expect Obamacare itself, to work any better than its website? (7 replies)
  191. Letter to his Senator from “Bill in Washington.” (2 replies)
  192. The Obamacare launch in a nutshell (7 replies)
  193. Why ObamaCare is a fantastic success (10 replies)
  194. IRS's $110 Billion Blunder (8 replies)
  195. An odor of incompetence pervading and spreading through every Obama admin project (58 replies)
  196. A good place to spread the wealth around (0 replies)
  197. After Kenya shopping mall massacre, Interpol chief ponders "Armed Citizenry" (12 replies)
  198. Rand Paul pushes new amendment (12 replies)
  199. Consumer Reports: "Stay away from HealthCare.gov" (9 replies)
  200. Obama --New hate group list by the messiah... (5 replies)
  201. How much will your premiums go up due to Obamacare? See Table for each state (3 replies)
  202. more skecthy police work (1 replies)
  203. Regarding the Shutdown On Debt Ceiling, There Is No Debt Ceiling (1 replies)
  204. Wisdom from The Duke, 1975 (8 replies)
  205. Obama IS unpatriotic (6 replies)
  206. Obamacare woes widen as insurers get wrong data (18 replies)
  207. Who really caused Obamacare website's disastrous launch? Just ask MSNBC..... (2 replies)
  208. Well, it was nice while it lasted (1 replies)
  209. Illegal aliens now say they're "not going to take it any more" (14 replies)
  210. Common Core Math..god I hate it (21 replies)
  211. Now that the big-govt advocates can borrow all they want, how much will they borrow? (0 replies)
  212. Dave Ramsey on Obamacare, and the math (15 replies)
  213. American people finally finding out what's in Obamacare -and that's bad news for Dems (2 replies)
  214. Desperate Dems STILL blaming Repubs for shutdown, after not passing budgets for 4yrs! (0 replies)
  215. Dangerous Times (1 replies)
  216. Third-Party Candidates (30 replies)
  217. Congress passes bill to open govt, delay resolution of probs for ANOTHER three months (2 replies)
  218. Kudos to those who didn't cave!! (1 replies)
  219. Key GOP leader admits defeat (12 replies)
  220. Limbaugh: It Feels Like We've Lost A War To A Communist Country (35 replies)
  221. Hillary tries to censor any press coverage of her own SPEECH? (3 replies)
  222. Democrats choice: Fail to pay interest on Natl Debt,or fail to give goodies to voters (2 replies)
  223. Thomas Sowell- Who shut down the government? (27 replies)
  224. Intellectual romance with clever Obama continues... (2 replies)
  225. The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think (16 replies)
  226. After rejecting Republican compromises, Dems make new demand: We must spend even more (6 replies)
  227. Term Limits (120 replies)
  228. Hey Jim you might want to reconsider your sports allegiance (16 replies)
  229. Tragic: Young mother forced to choose between Obamacare premiums and feeding family (0 replies)
  230. Just 51,000 Americans have enrolled in Federal Obamacare exchanges??? (13 replies)
  231. Patriot Act author creates bill to put NSA bulk collection 'out of business' (1 replies)
  232. University of Colorado students Blame Obama. (0 replies)
  233. Democrats to america: We own the government! (23 replies)
  234. Inarticulate Republicans by Thomas Sowell (10 replies)
  235. Salute to the Truckers (1 replies)
  236. Super-rally against president in works (2 replies)
  237. Black American citizens file “Articles of Impeachment” (2 replies)
  238. Too true for the Humor thread (3 replies)
  239. Debt Limit - A guide to the American Federal Debt made easy... (1 replies)
  240. Desperate Dems throwing every tactics they can at Republicans, hoping they will cave (0 replies)
  241. Continue the leftward slide, or compromise? Whose fault is the present impasse? (54 replies)
  242. Obama's insulting 'Deadbeat' jibe .. (15 replies)
  243. Worksheet asks 6th graders to remove parts of the Bill of Rights... (3 replies)
  244. All the trust funds the govt's been draining to stay afloat, are just about gone now (2 replies)
  245. Watch how quickly obama jumps all over this. (3 replies)
  246. Government Shutdown vs. Benghazi (0 replies)
  247. This what billins of dollars and giving up rights/freeedoms bought us. (5 replies)
  248. What the hell has happened to this nation!!?? (4 replies)
  249. Debt Ceiling: And the Doublethink-of-the-Year award goes to.......... (1 replies)
  250. Want to Evade NSA Spying? Don’t Connect to the Internet... (2 replies)