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  1. Elizabeth Warren tells donors minorities were ‘targeted’ with subprime mortgages
  2. Christie’s Bridgegate exoneration “too in the weeds” to cover
  3. Boxer to retire?
  4. The Insiders: The Gruberization of the Democratic Party
  5. Unions Fume As Wisconsin GOP Weighs 'Right-to-Work' Law
  6. Al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo treated better than our vets
  7. Gruber won’t commit to turning over documents he produced for ObamaCare
  8. Shovel Ready Job Funded by Stimulus Discovered!
  9. Lois Lerner Met With DOJ Election Crimes Division One Month Before 2010 Midterm
  10. Obamacare’s Part-Time Jobs Are a Full-Time Problem
  11. Deal reached on $1.01 trillion spending bill
  12. McCain ready to reverse course on nuclear option
  13. President who vowed to end war, now seeks sweeping power to expand it
  14. Desperate liberals still trying to pretend waterboarding and sleep deprv is "torture"
  15. Another recycled liberal-fanatic lie: "Waterboarding never produced any useful info"
  16. `Amnesty: Obama Taunts ................`
  17. What If Obama Were President On December 07, 1941?
  18. Arrest Bill Clinton!
  19. Who, exactly, "can't breathe"?
  20. Who is looking in the mirror and seeing bin Laden's image?
  21. ISIS reportedly trying to sell the body of James Foley
  22. Obama works phones to support Speaker John Boner
  23. Protect & Serve
  24. `CROmnibus: The $1 Trillion Betrayal................................`
  25. Illegal aliens flocking to workshops to avoid punishment for their lawbreaking
  26. Has The GOP Learned Nothing?
  27. Rev. Al Sharpton, families of victims seek ‘justice for all’ at Washington, D.C.`
  28. Umm, Yeah.
  29. An Alternative To Obama Care
  30. The IRS Should Take A Lesson
  31. The Unholy Global Power of Feminism
  32. If red states and blue states separated into two countries, what would result?
  33. `Federal judge finds Obama amnesty is unconstitutional`
  34. Obamas on Race: We've Been Treated Like the Help
  35. Just Finished Watching Obama On Cuba
  36. American troops In Iraq fight ISIS!
  37. Sony pulls plug on film release
  38. Obamacare fines and penalties will begin next year for people who didn't join
  39. 149 years ago today
  40. Illegal Aliens
  41. By the way, EZ-Pass drivers: Big Brother is watching you
  42. Why the deluge of screams of "racism", while actual racism is steadily declining?
  43. `Obama to Make Sunday Show Appearance................`
  44. Peak Left - Next Up in America: The Liberal Retreat
  45. Should the race baiters and protest starters share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?
  46. Obama, de Blasio blasted over NYPD cop slayings President, mayor criticized for .....
  47. How academia's liberal bias is killing social science
  48. Paranoid anti-gun-rights fanatics produce PSA: Steal parents gun, take it to school
  49. What did Mayor DiBlasio actually say about NYC police?
  50. What crime did Eric Garner commit, that made the NYPD go after him?
  51. Rand Paul: Like Father...
  52. "Three Card" DeBlasio
  53. Gruber while writing Obamacare: "It won't be affordable,we'll have to deny treatment"
  54. Enough Professional Victims Already
  55. Wendy Davis (LSR-TX) admits she lied, was faking support for gun rights to get votes
  56. Democrats outraise GOP, get shellacked
  57. President Cuomo Would Have Been A-Lyin'
  58. Put you money where your mouth is: support Gohmert for Speaker
  59. Tax & Spend
  60. `Here comes the veto pen............................................... .....`
  61. Boxer to step down from Senate
  62. Souht Carolina schools may teach gun training
  63. House approves Keystone bill
  64. Islamophobia and you
  65. `WashPost Asks: Why Didn't Strict Gun Laws Stop Charlie Hebdo Massacre`
  66. `Nevada Senator Reid says he may lose vision in eye after home mishap....`
  67. Lesson from the Recent Islamists Murders in France
  68. How's France's "multiculturalism"working out for them? Muslim No-Go zones,murders etc
  69. ~ Obama won't attend Paris march ~
  70. `Eric Holder a No-Show at Historic France Rally...........`
  71. Carville:Ted Cruz "most talented and fearless Republican politician in last 30 years"
  72. More thugs rioting
  73. Muslim authority: Magazine's next edition will cause "new wave of hatred"
  74. CNN refuses to show new cover of France's Charlie Hebdo magazine
  75. Sleeper Cell In White House?
  76. `...............The Troubling Math of Muslim Migration...`
  77. `Ex-FBI agent's epic open letter to eric holder stuns administration................`
  78. Since Obama brought up the cost of college.....
  79. Seems apropos in here now...
  80. A wish to debate
  81. Jindal
  82. `Europe needs to better integrate Muslim communities: "Obama".....`
  83. *** Democrats defend naming Muslim to House Intelligence panel ***
  84. Obama proposes tax hikes for "the wealthy", increases in capital gains tax rate
  85. 50 Police Agencies Can 'See' Inside Your House
  86. Obama To Troll Through State of the Union
  87. SOTU: Will Obama respond to the American people's message of the Nov. 2014 elections?
  88. Is The 'Left' Imploding?
  89. Strong Leader
  90. New York state assembly speaker arrested
  91. LOL! Democrat Claims...
  92. Who said it?
  93. Add This To The List of What I Liked About Roskum
  94. The GOP Has A Death Wish?
  95. US 911 Calls To Be Routed Through Russian Satellites?
  96. Obama cancels end of India trip to fly to Saudi Arabia following king's death....
  97. Ben Carson For President?
  98. Drug Laws
  99. Bergdahl to be charged with desertion
  100. Koch brothers planning to buy election results
  101. Justice Dept spies on millions of cars
  102. Obama Is Setting Up Hillary Clinton to Fail
  103. Most Conservative
  104. Holy shitballs - okay, this lady...she's a functional idiot - and soon to be AG
  105. Federal Power
  106. This is how terrible people get elected by terribly-stupid people
  107. Good Article By Noonan Regarding Push-Back Of BO's Foreign Police
  108. Oscar Meyer Barack
  109. Group Suicide Anyone?
  110. Democrats Concerned About Obama's Foreign Policy
  111. BREAKING: Govt issued work permits to 5.5M foreigners, 1 million of whom were illegal
  112. Rand Paul on vaccinations
  113. Tennessee Bill to Prohibit Ownership & Use of Military Hardware By LEOs
  114. Lost Revenues
  115. Does The Middle Class Actually Pay Attention?
  116. Jobs Lost
  117. CNN: 1998 study linking vaccines to autism was faked, leading to panic and lower vacc
  118. What Happened to Detroit
  119. Update on Government-mandated Vaccines; Pretty good stuff.
  120. The Left Wing Media
  121. Obama Does it Again
  122. Serious question on court activists and gay marriage
  123. Obama sets up complaint line for illegals to snitch on feds who don't support amnesty
  124. Official global temperature records systematically 'adjusted' to show warming
  125. Obama: Terrorism Feeds The News
  126. .......Mommas....don't let your crack-babies grow up to be interviewers
  127. Behold: The Troll
  128. IRS Accused Of Torture
  129. What Does "Freedom Of Speech" Mean
  130. Is It Walker's To Lose?
  131. Mia Love (R-UT): Avoid "The new slavery: Being dependent on people in power"
  132. The Costs Of Not Backing Hitler
  133. Is she ready to run?
  134. Censorship! So It Begins.
  135. Why Vote National Socialist. (Nazi Party)
  136. "he's Alive" full epidsode
  137. `.......Why is the White House downplaying the terror threat?`
  138. Everybody listen, then choose which is better for America.
  139. Wrongful Convictions
  140. Gun enthusiasts, help me out with this one
  141. U.S. State Dept: Killing ISIS won't defeat them. We must give them jobs.
  142. 2,500 Teachers Punished For Sexual Misconduct In 5 Years
  143. `......Giuliani: Obama doesn't love America`
  144. Really, The Administration Takes To Twitter!
  145. `.......Needed: An American Renaissance`
  146. Juan Williams On Justice Thomas
  147. How would the Obama admin have reacted to the Pearl Harbor attack?
  148. For More Than 20 Years, Obama Listened To This
  149. Scott Walker and Fundamental Change
  150. Stunning: U.S. "compromise"(??): Iran can get the Bomb in gradual, phased-in program
  151. The Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline
  152. More from the racist Ron Paul
  153. Iran's Guard attacks mock US carrier in drills near strait
  154. Obama's ATF to ban popular rifle ammunition
  155. Quite a month for Obama admin: Are they restrained by ANY laws whatsoever?
  156. Evidence Congress is NOT working to protect Americans
  157. Flag Pledge
  158. Learner Emails Now Part of Criminal Probe
  159. In The Process of Changing My Mind?
  160. Rand Paul - the racist rebooted
  161. Jeb Bush
  162. Why Bibi's Speech Matters
  163. Holder's Ugly Legacy
  164. Netanyahu’s speech at AIPAC Policy Conference
  165. Democrats Plan To Win Elections With Illegal Alien Votes
  166. The enemy of your enemy is your enemy
  167. Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress
  168. Clinton ran own computer system for her official emails
  169. Hillary: "secret email accounts... it's everything our Const was designed to prevent"
  170. Keystone Pipeline Vetoed - Senate Override Fails
  171. Hillary Tweets: State Should Release My E-Mails
  172. How the GOP are losing ground
  173. Great Hillary Statements
  174. Flashback: Hillary on/about secret emails
  175. `......Russia threatens a NATO member: "Will annihilate Romania's Black Sea fleet"
  176. Boehner: The DEMOCRATS choice for Speaker
  177. Who is the King of the U.S.A.?
  178. Leftists at it again: Trying to pretend Fascists are somehow "right-wing" instead
  179. Columnists: "The President is now Toxic" due to Obamacare, other unwanted programs
  180. OUTRAGE: U.S. Senator sends supportive letter to foreign leader with nuclear weapons
  181. Scott Walker Punches Back Twice As Hard At Obama
  182. If Obama Would Fight ISIS ...
  183. Memo: Illegal aliens to receive Social Security, credit for time worked illegally
  184. `....AP: Sues State Department For Clinton Emails!`
  185. Clinton neighbor puts FOR SALE sign at house advertising server, "Clean hard drive"
  186. Dem alternative to Hillary?
  187. `.......Valerie Jarrett: ‘I Intend to Stay Until the Lights Go Off’...`
  188. Obama finally decides he's "embarrassed"
  189. Hell yes, I was dead on right again!!!!
  190. Crooked Illinois Rep. Schock finally resigns
  191. Looks like Netanyahu has won re-election in Israel
  192. Diplomatic crisis deepens as Obama unfriends Netanyahu on Facebook
  193. Iran and Hezbollah quietly dropped from US govt terrorist list
  194. ....WATCH...Listen....
  195. `.............Obama’s rude snub of Netanyahu....`
  196. Govt cracking down: You will vote whether you want to or not, we need the legitimacy
  197. Territories: people citizens but can't vote because....
  198. Obama equates American citizens who disagree, with Iran terrorist govt seeking nukes
  199. Gowdy demands that Hillary turn over her personal email server
  200. NYC installs microphones on public streets.... to fight gun crime
  201. It's Complicated
  202. Confederate flag license plate battle reaches U.S. Supreme Court
  203. Cruz Launches Campaign at World's Largest Christian College
  204. Giuliani's Fiery Rhetoric Enrages Left, Inspires Conservatives
  205. `....Now That Ted Cruz has Declared His Candidacy-Ever See the Guy's Resume?`
  206. Justice Kennedy's comments stir the tea leaves on Obamacare
  207. Don't just "thank" people for their posts... reply to them!
  208. Ford's new car will force you to obey the speed limit
  209. Ted Cruz signs up for Obamacare
  210. "...Awesome Chart Shows Who The Most Conservative Candidate In Modern History..."
  211. One pilot left cockpit, and apparently got locked out; tried to break the door down
  212. Iran Deal
  213. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid won’t seek reelection
  214. U.S. caves to key Iranian demands as nuke deal comes together
  215. Hillary's attorney: Hillary wiped her email server clean, deleted all emails.
  216. Fake Rape
  217. Reid's "Choice?"
  218. Didn't know a better place to post this one.
  219. Martin O’Malley
  220. Dear Great Satan
  221. Dr. Ben Carson as a third party candidate
  222. XXX ~ Obama’s race to chaos ~ XXX
  223. Iran torpedoes nuke talks, U.S. relents, gives mullahs more time to build their Bomb
  224. Does 1st Am. ban on govt regulating religion, trump Fed pro-gay "equal treatmt" laws?
  225. Wal-Mart Urges Veto
  226. Wwjd?
  227. Second wave of illegal alien minors now crossing border
  228. Indiana HS coach suspended after asking people to help her burn down Pizza place
  229. Normal Americans, sick of left's attacks and lies, donate 1/4 mil to help Pizza place
  230. Nuke deal relies on inspections, but Iran has already been blocking them for years
  231. Bitter, sullen Democrats want "Reagan" removed from DC airport title
  232. Kansas Governor signs bill allowing "Constitutional carry" of guns
  233. `..............This Is Why Ted Cruz Should Be President`
  234. Iran's Persian statement on nuke "deal" contradicts Obama's claims
  235. Whiny Bustards
  236. Why is there any controversy over what the Iran nuke "deal" says?
  237. Favorite Political Columnist
  238. Illegal alien children surge across border at highest rate since last summer's peak
  239. Rand Paul
  240. The Iran "agreement" charade
  241. Andrew Klavin
  242. Favorite Political Radio Personality
  243. `......Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel wins 2nd term in runoff victory`
  244. `Obama concerned about "less than loving Christians"......`
  245. Another Reason America is Broke
  246. Good Thing
  247. Worst Four Presidents
  248. Drones -State police-
  249. Tired of this Race Crap
  250. Illegal alien arrested this week in AZ, has been deported 20 times previously