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  1. Obama trip to Africa June 26 could cost $60 to $100 million (25 replies)
  2. Classic: States debate taxing green cars to recover lost gas tax revenue (40 replies)
  3. Immigration Reform and DUI's (7 replies)
  4. DNCTV Host Shows Her Liberal Compassion Towrds Texes Residents (0 replies)
  5. Pelosi Squirms Over Question About Abortion While Reporters Laugh (11 replies)
  6. A Reasonable Request For White House (1 replies)
  7. Depending On Location Public School Enrollment May Be A Form Of Child Abuse (0 replies)
  8. Another, Local Reason Not To Trust Government (2 replies)
  9. Phone rec collectn didn't catch Boston bombers because IT'S NOT ALLOWED AT MOSQUES??? (4 replies)
  10. Fox News Chairman Ailes Awarded Bradley Prize (0 replies)
  11. Lawmakers shocked, may retire early to avoid being pushed into Obamacare exchanges (11 replies)
  12. NSA and telecoms Traitors and criminals or Heroes (43 replies)
  13. House Investigating IRS Seizure of Millions of Medical Records (1 replies)
  14. Obama's Machine May Have More Data (1 replies)
  15. ‘Transparent’ Obama holds off-the-record, secret session with reporters (0 replies)
  16. New Jersey Confiscation Law Lets Cops Take Phones Without Warrants (111 replies)
  17. Wisconsin bill would bar police from enforcing any new Federal gun restrictions (12 replies)
  18. Biden Statement on Federal Court Ruling on NSA Wiretapping (2 replies)
  19. Obama/Christie Love Affair (2 replies)
  20. Scandal number five (1 replies)
  21. Private Contractors' Key Role At Issue In NSA Leak (2 replies)
  22. Did our current government allow the Boston attack to occur? (4 replies)
  23. Actress urges gun safety... and loses half her Twitter followers (11 replies)
  24. Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor? (115 replies)
  25. Whole problem with phone-records-database program, is that *govt* owns the database (14 replies)
  26. Princeton University evacuated after bomb threat (1 replies)
  27. Support for Affirmative Action at historic low (1 replies)
  28. State Department Officials Interfered With IG Investigations (0 replies)
  29. Obama Debates Obama on Massive Surveillance of Americans (3 replies)
  30. Recorded: IRS Agent Telling Non-Profit To Keep Faith To Themselves (3 replies)
  31. The Crazy Wife That Sent Ricin To Frame Husband? (0 replies)
  32. almost 30 years ago.... (1 replies)
  33. Remarkable coincidence: IRS targeting conservs started same time Obama denounced them (8 replies)
  34. Don't let this happen! (8 replies)
  35. Former NSA head: Don't worry, no one has abused the phone records database *yet* (13 replies)
  36. More reason to like Christie (2 replies)
  37. 'OK' Jobs Report Calls For a Return To the Basics (1 replies)
  38. Happy 64th, 1984! (10 replies)
  39. Well Intentioned Voter Fraud (1 replies)
  40. What We've Given Up (43 replies)
  41. Oh Dear! Those Tech Companies Did Cooperate With Snoops (1 replies)
  42. Obama - Trust Me (6 replies)
  43. IRS employee: Washington showed “unprecedented interest” in Tea Party groups (4 replies)
  44. WP Op-Ed Writer David Ignatius Says Holder's Gotta Go (4 replies)
  45. How Obama Told The IRS To Target Conservatives (0 replies)
  46. This Is How You Deal With Someone Who Will Not Answer A Question (7 replies)
  47. How the Liberals' Drum-Circle of Life Turns (0 replies)
  48. More Evidence of Abuse from the IRS (0 replies)
  49. Tell me Obama (1 replies)
  50. Boundless Informant: The Guardian Breaks On Global Surveillance Data Gathering (0 replies)
  51. WOW....just wow (20 replies)
  52. Valerie Jarrett (14 replies)
  53. Booker formally joins NJ Senate race (0 replies)
  54. Black guy with 30 kids complains about child support (5 replies)
  55. EPA Also Leaked Personal Info To Enviro Wacko Groups (0 replies)
  56. Obama's Presser (1 replies)
  57. 5 points in favor of the patriot act (0 replies)
  58. Your congress and President accomplished this so far this year (37 replies)
  59. Illinois Gov. Quinn (D-IL) gets gun-bill signing extension (1 replies)
  60. The IRS Can't Plead Incompetence (5 replies)
  61. FL Sheriff arrested for upholding the 2nd (43 replies)
  62. Carter Hull? (3 replies)
  63. New York Times editorial board says administration has 'lost all credibility' !!!!! (10 replies)
  64. 68 years ago today (2 replies)
  65. Tax reductions due to capital gains and the less renowned income averaging (0 replies)
  66. RI Gov. Lincoln Chafee to formally join Democrats (6 replies)
  67. The Hidden Jobless Disaster (6 replies)
  68. Martin Bashir: When Republicans say IRS they’re really dropping the N-bomb on Obama (6 replies)
  69. Army Punishes Soldier who Served Chick-fil-A (75 replies)
  70. NSA Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Americans Daily (117 replies)
  71. Work Place Violence? Terrorism? Questions May Have An Answer (15 replies)
  72. Racism and Partisan Discrimination At DC Labor Board? (1 replies)
  73. Government or self- regulations? (4 replies)
  74. IRS can’t find its receipts for a conference on which it spent $4 million (5 replies)
  75. Good news on the Amnesty front (6 replies)
  76. Tax deductions for political broadcasting? (1 replies)
  77. President Obama selects a new National Security Advisor (13 replies)
  78. 11-year-old boy suspended from school for merely TALKING about guns (15 replies)
  79. Austerity Myth (8 replies)
  80. Liberal Sour Grapes (0 replies)
  81. The Obama Economy is Improving For Me (2 replies)
  82. Dem Blames Tea Party Groups for IRS Targeting (6 replies)
  83. Cheaper to sign up for Obamacare, or to pay the penalty? (18 replies)
  84. 24 years ago today (25 replies)
  85. Look out more dirty dealings from usual suspects.. (4 replies)
  86. "Secret Emails Revealed" (6 replies)
  87. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) dies at age 89 (38 replies)
  88. 911 to woman alone "sorry no cops available" (9 replies)
  89. The decline of the Media in todays world (3 replies)
  90. IRS spent $50M on conferences (0 replies)
  91. IRS Wall of Silence Beginning to Crack (3 replies)
  92. Detroit is a Shithole (10 replies)
  93. The inconstant purchasing power of U.S. dollars. (3 replies)
  94. More On Those Hard Working Federal Workers (31 replies)
  95. Thank You IRS (1 replies)
  96. Unions and management (2 replies)
  97. Emperor Obama Hints At Bypassing Congress If House Republicans Don’t Bow To His Deman (30 replies)
  98. MSNBC's Michael Eric Dyson: 'Eric Holder Is the Moses of Our Time' (7 replies)
  99. What should be the functions of the U.S. Department of Education? (4 replies)
  100. 76% Believe A Special Prosecutor Should Be Appointed Including 63% of Democrats (3 replies)
  101. Calif state Senate bans ALL single-shot semiauto rifles with detachable magazines (16 replies)
  102. Darryl Issa subpoenas emails from Obama admin, but not for the most important period? (0 replies)
  103. Tsa (29 replies)
  104. CT. lawmakers approve driver's licenses for immigrants, regardless of legal status (7 replies)
  105. Nixon and Obama: Like Brothers from Another Mother (6 replies)
  106. Rate Shock In CA - Obamacare Increases Premiums by 64-146% (48 replies)
  107. MA paid out $2.39 million in welfare benefits to dead people (0 replies)
  108. DNC: Republicans Doctored Emails and Are Making Up These Scandals (5 replies)
  109. Oil companies pay plenty of their “fair share” in taxes (0 replies)
  110. Aw: Chris Christie wins teddy bear on Jersey boardwalk for best friend (48 replies)
  111. Hours Ago, NYT and AP Say They Wil NOT Attend OFF The Record (25 replies)
  112. Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out (12 replies)
  113. Obama pretended Islamist terrorists were "on the run", to get votes in 2012...... (1 replies)
  114. Rick Perry: Champion of the 1st Amendment (1 replies)
  115. Palin: Obama Scandals Trample On Sacrifices of America’s Soldiers (10 replies)
  116. Doctor stops acceptng insurance, lowers prices and posts costs online (2 replies)
  117. Down to a 5 point race: Will Weiner pull it out? (7 replies)
  118. Eric Holder Might Have a Perjury Problem (9 replies)
  119. If Obama Ran Your Local Police Department... (8 replies)
  120. Well Earned Op-Ed, Too Bad It's the Kansas City Star (1 replies)
  121. Texas Approves Drug Tests For Unemployment Benefits (3 replies)
  122. Ronald Reagan Speech - Freedom is not Free (1 replies)
  123. Al Gore and the internet (16 replies)
  124. NYT Reporter Trailed By DOJ (7 replies)
  125. Column: Partisan Obama Culture Spawned a More Abusive IRS (1 replies)
  126. The Abuse of Power Triumphs (4 replies)
  127. Here's The Timeline For True-The-Vote Founder (0 replies)
  128. Time to revisit Judicial Watch (0 replies)
  129. Any able-bodied adult US citizen who lives in poverty does so by choice. (23 replies)
  130. Another Abuse of Power? (2 replies)
  131. True The Vote Suing IRS and Individual Agents (1 replies)
  132. Consequences of eliminating the federal minimum wage. (58 replies)
  133. Special Prosecutor Necessary (2 replies)
  134. More Weiner Pics Coming (0 replies)
  135. Boy Scouts Lift Ban on Gays (11 replies)
  136. Kathleen Sebelius, Meet Oliver North (4 replies)
  137. Bloomberg to cabbie: ‘I’ll destroy your [expletive] industry’ (29 replies)
  138. IRS Targeted Those Who Adopted (2 replies)
  139. IRS Commissioner Visited White House 118 Times During Tea Party Targeting (3 replies)
  140. Political Policy (4 replies)
  141. Ideas for NYC mayor campaign vehicles? (4 replies)
  142. The White House Phone Rings At 3:00 a.m. (3 replies)
  143. National Review: The Rubio Amnesty (1 replies)
  144. DHS Agents Seemingly Monitoring Multiple Tea Party IRS Protests (18 replies)
  145. Oversight on IRS targeting came from Washington all along (2 replies)
  146. Sharyl Attkisson's computers compromised (2 replies)
  147. Three Labor Unions, Including Teamsters, Want ObamaCare Repealed (8 replies)
  148. Lawyer: Top IRS official will take the 5th (78 replies)
  149. Weather trends show FEWER tornadoes. (2 replies)
  150. About spending tax money on storm shelters etc. (3 replies)
  151. Are We Equal? (7 replies)
  152. Is Our Democracy In Peril? (14 replies)
  153. Obamacare supporter shocked that employers moving to bare bones coverage (2 replies)
  154. Obama's Deficit Reduction Budget Is Almost All Tax Hikes (0 replies)
  155. Obama's Case Against A Fox News Reporter (6 replies)
  156. MSNBC Slams 'Scandal' of GOP Vote to Repeal ObamaCare (0 replies)
  157. The Adminstration's Attack On True the Vote (8 replies)
  158. IG Report Confirms: DOJ Official Smeared Fast and Furious Whistleblower (4 replies)
  159. It was just a matter of time: Senior WH Staff knew of IRS scandal a month ago (8 replies)
  160. With Obama's Approval, Reid Mulls Nuking the Filibuster (0 replies)
  161. Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun? (2 replies)
  162. Cincinnati IRS official: “Everything comes from the top.” (5 replies)
  163. Endless scandals: The inevitable result of big nanny-state government? (14 replies)
  164. Rep Mike Kelly Blasts The IRS (1 replies)
  165. More Examples of Fascist Cops (8 replies)
  166. Hobby Lobby & Others Fighting For First Amendment Religious (8 replies)
  167. That 'IRS Targeting' Admission Was A Planted Admission (14 replies)
  168. Stonewalling: Is It OK For IRS To Ask Content Of Your Prayers? (8 replies)
  169. Second court invalidates Obama appointments to labor board (1 replies)
  170. The Administration Got Phone Records of The House Of Representatives ??? (2 replies)
  171. IRS official in charge during Tea Party targeting now runs agency’s Obamacare office (7 replies)
  172. Were four Americans sacrificed so Obama could fake defeating AlQaeda before election? (84 replies)
  173. Libertarians and Drugs (133 replies)
  174. (Late) Ambassador Stevens complained many times of inadequate security in Benghazi (1 replies)
  175. Finally President Obama calls in the Marines! (2 replies)
  176. IRS Also Targeted Pro-Life Groups: Will Media Report? (3 replies)
  177. Atty Gen Eric Holder explains the Obama scandals (5 replies)
  178. President denies role in coverup, implies abuses were by subordinates (8 replies)
  179. OJ Simpson freed (4 replies)
  180. "Rogue" IRS employees say "they simply did what their bosses ordered" (5 replies)
  181. Obama fires IRS Chief... who became Chief two years **after** IRS targeting started (9 replies)
  182. On The Benghazi Email Dump (1 replies)
  183. IRS and Press Phone Records Grab Are Only The Latest Abuse Examples (0 replies)
  184. IRS faces class action lawsuit over theft of 60 million medical records (13 replies)
  185. Obamacare to Cause Premiums to Spike Nationwide, as High as 400 Percent (13 replies)
  186. Obama Said Punish Our Enemies and the IRS Did (7 replies)
  187. NY Times Tries To Cheer Up Obama Supporters (4 replies)
  188. Obamacare Strikes Again (0 replies)
  189. Tea Parties kinda bring this on themselves (4 replies)
  190. Obama's Scandals Prove "Racism" and "White Supremacy" in GOP (20 replies)
  191. Race and DOJ Probe (2 replies)
  192. How could Obama know what his underlings were doing when the government’s so big? (7 replies)
  193. Washington Post Pity Party (5 replies)
  194. NBC Reporter Blurts Out The Truth (26 replies)
  195. Treasury Report Regarding IRS (10 replies)
  196. We've seen it before. Just watch what happens. (4 replies)
  197. IRS Chief blames "two rogue workers", says they've already been punished,nothing to C (5 replies)
  198. A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting (3 replies)
  199. IRS scandal raises fears about enforcing Obamacare (17 replies)
  200. EPA Accused of Playing Favorites with Green, Conservative Groups (2 replies)
  201. Obama's Smart Diplomacy (0 replies)
  202. Obama's Legacy? Scandal (11 replies)
  203. McConnell Turns Tables on Reporters (2 replies)
  204. something that really makes me angry (0 replies)
  205. why are liberals so ashamed of who founded our country? (8 replies)
  206. Will Hillary jump ship in order to try and salvage a 2016 Presidential bid? (18 replies)
  207. Sexual crimes back to bite and who wants free speech? (3 replies)
  208. NAACP’s Bond Calls Tea Party ‘American Taliban’ (17 replies)
  209. Carney on Multiple White House Scandals: I Cannot Comment (2 replies)
  210. WashPost: IRS also sent confidential info on conserv groups, to leftist media group (16 replies)
  211. Has Obama lost Jon Stewart? (5 replies)
  212. Most meida still shielding Obama (2 replies)
  213. Bird death cover up (1 replies)
  214. Carney: Obama "unaware" of Justice Dept monitoring AP's phones (8 replies)
  215. This Made My Day (2 replies)
  216. Barack Milhous Obama (3 replies)
  217. IRS Merely Followed Through on Policies the Constitution Constrains Obama from Doing (3 replies)
  218. California has highest poverty rate in the country (17 replies)
  219. NPR Anchor Tries to Describe First Obama Term as 'Remarkably Scandal-free' (0 replies)
  220. IRS, union mum on employees held accountable in ‘sin’ of political targeting (0 replies)
  221. I'm tired... (8 replies)
  222. IRS admits current Commissioner knew of targeting … a year ago (22 replies)
  223. Obama Justice Department Secretly Monitored AP Reporters' Phone Records (40 replies)
  224. HHS to Healthcare Companies: We Need Your "Donations" to Fund Obamacare (3 replies)
  225. Managers involved March 2010 forward in IRS focus on conservative groups (7 replies)
  226. NBC Portrays Obama As 'Victim' of 'Second-Term Curse' (14 replies)
  227. ***BREAKING: Articles of Impeachment released by House Judic. Comte. for abuse of IRS (22 replies)
  228. Will Vermont start to slide soon? (1 replies)
  229. Hoaxer Tawana Brawley Celebrated in New Jersey (7 replies)
  230. Colorado Democratic Lawmakers Face Recall Efforts (0 replies)
  231. Liberal Economics 101 (6 replies)
  232. American Crossroads: Benghazi (8 replies)
  233. Senior IRS Officials Knew About Practice of Targeting Conservative Groups (15 replies)
  234. A thought piece (19 replies)
  235. Unlawful Stop of a Minority! (3 replies)
  236. NJ Dems Caught on Hot Mic Wanting to 'Confiscate Their Little Guns' (5 replies)
  237. ObamaCare Will Improve Marriages (6 replies)
  238. Not the First Time Non-Liberal Groups Targeted by IRS (4 replies)
  239. MSNBC’s Karen Finney Claims GOP Responsible For Benghazi Attack (0 replies)
  240. How Feinstein is (0 replies)
  241. A dark night... a devastating attack... and the plea for help goes unheeded.... (2 replies)
  242. IRS apologizes 4 targeting conservative groups (38 replies)
  243. Did worst part of our Benghazi failures come, not after the attacks, but BEFORE them? (3 replies)
  244. Gang Of Eight Stoops To Racism Smear (0 replies)
  245. RNC Benghazi Ad That Was Never Run (5 replies)
  246. New White House amnesty campaign (1 replies)
  247. 5 Key Things to Take Away From Wednesday’s Benghazi Hearing (7 replies)
  248. Consulate chief: Obama admin told me not to meet with Congressional delegation (4 replies)
  249. Democratic Rep. on Benghazi Murders: Death is Part of Life (4 replies)
  250. FDA Plans to Explore Caffeine Regulations (0 replies)