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  1. Vegas Employer: Obama Won - So I Fired 22 Employees (2 replies)
  2. America Has Sown the Seeds Of Its Own Demise (3 replies)
  3. Obama may levy carbon tax to cut U.S. deficit, HSBC says (1 replies)
  4. And the worst thing about this re-election is... (16 replies)
  5. My Congressman (2 replies)
  6. Latinos to Obama: You owe us (8 replies)
  7. times are changing...... (90 replies)
  8. The Official Obamite Wild Ecstasy Facial Expression Thread (15 replies)
  9. Anyone care to explain this: Obama Wins 8 of the Nation’s 10 Wealthiest Counties (6 replies)
  10. May I Suggest (0 replies)
  11. In a Nation of Children, Santa Claus Wins (4 replies)
  12. More than ever (7 replies)
  13. Another campaign is over (0 replies)
  14. So what happens now with Bengazhi? (15 replies)
  15. Detroit elects convicted felon (13 replies)
  16. I finally found an election silver lining! (33 replies)
  17. I was wrong (39 replies)
  18. Poor Obama (3 replies)
  19. Matheson beats Love in Utah (2 replies)
  20. Obama victory means four more years with no hope of change (45 replies)
  21. Romney's gracious concession speech (22 replies)
  22. Election over: Time to go to sleep (34 replies)
  23. I voted! (27 replies)
  24. Losing it all.... (1 replies)
  25. Voting trouble! (9 replies)
  26. Anyone here ever have the nerve to ask a Chinese person what today is? (19 replies)
  27. THE FIRST RESULTS ARE IN: Romney, Obama *tied* 5-5 in Dixville Notch, NH (9 replies)
  28. "An unholy worship of guns" (5 replies)
  29. The most devastating, revealing Obama video (1 replies)
  30. What is a conservative? What is a (modern) liberal? (1 replies)
  31. A New Day? (0 replies)
  32. Minnesota blogger puts it exactly as I have tried... (4 replies)
  33. Presidential candidates ignore the poor (4 replies)
  34. TNR Writer At Least Is Honest (12 replies)
  35. Hope It's Like This At Voting Sites Tomorrow (1 replies)
  36. I'm going to have to vote for one democrat tomorrow (4 replies)
  37. Is anyone else disgusted? (11 replies)
  38. As huge Republican turnout looms, dispirited Dems stay home in increasing numbers (19 replies)
  39. Wayne Allen Root endorses Romney (1 replies)
  40. My uncle carl the conservative (11 replies)
  41. Former Hillary Aid Supports Romney (3 replies)
  42. This Is NOT Forward (7 replies)
  43. Pennsylvania (0 replies)
  44. If Gallup is right, Tuesday will be a long night for Democrat party (5 replies)
  45. Propaganda Machine??? (2 replies)
  46. Foreign officials coming to monitor our Presidential election!! (35 replies)
  47. What Matters Tuesday, What Really Matters! (21 replies)
  48. An Example (2 replies)
  49. The Last FOUR days of America's life... (0 replies)
  50. New Obamacare tax form: You must report personal health info to the IRS starting 2014 (3 replies)
  51. Media coverage unfavorable for both candidates (0 replies)
  52. Non-union utility workers from Alabama, kicked out of New Jersey by union crews (14 replies)
  53. Obamacare lawsuit may be back in Supreme Court soon (7 replies)
  54. Email I just received from the Romney campaign (1 replies)
  55. Good for Texas - 12 executions of guilty murderers in 10 months (35 replies)
  56. Power Companies say most electricity will be restored... by Nov. 10-11 (2 replies)
  57. Looming tax hike motivates business owners to sell (4 replies)
  58. Who is Rosa Koire, ICLEI and Agenda 21? (0 replies)
  59. Who Would Have Thought? Sept Job Data Downgraded (10 replies)
  60. And some wonder why we don't want the current 3rd party? (72 replies)
  61. Will Benghazi tapes be released prior to the election? (4 replies)
  62. Here comes the landslide (1 replies)
  63. Be careful tonight! (3 replies)
  64. Obama's offensive comment (3 replies)
  65. Trick or treat at Obama's White House (0 replies)
  66. MoveOn.org Releases Vile Anti-Romney Ad (17 replies)
  67. Pennsylvania Poll: Romney Within Four, Despite D+13 Sample (0 replies)
  68. Just Think, A Heartbeat Away (4 replies)
  69. Ohio: More voting problems as ballot cast for Romney comes up Obama (2 replies)
  70. New generation of One Percenters? (3 replies)
  71. Team Obama Blasts Relief Effort (29 replies)
  72. On Campaign Donations From Overseas (1 replies)
  73. Ummm, guys, Hurricane Sandy isn't that big (53 replies)
  74. Christie praises Obama on hurricane relief (6 replies)
  75. Obama calls for a 'Secretary of Business' (11 replies)
  76. Barack's Closing Argument (2 replies)
  77. Romney Leads 52/46 Among Early Voters Nationally? (0 replies)
  78. Osama for Obama (9 replies)
  79. Just Saying (2 replies)
  80. Newest states in play: Pennsylvania and Minnesota (2 replies)
  81. More and more people laughing at the media (3 replies)
  82. DOL might delay Friday jobs report until after the election? (6 replies)
  83. Hurricane forces Obama to balance governing, campaigning (4 replies)
  84. obama, easy to kill this 16 year old boy -drone strike. (58 replies)
  85. Andrew Sullivan Make A Complete Ass Of HimSelf Once Again (9 replies)
  86. Do ideological buzz words make you tune out? (2 replies)
  87. Gallup: Obama Approval Tanking, Romney Leads by Five (0 replies)
  88. Who Is Staying Home After the Election for Fear of Riots? (8 replies)
  89. Florida: Another Major Newspaper Abandons Obama, Polls Show Romney Up (0 replies)
  90. Obama, Romney line up elite lawyers for potential election disputes (0 replies)
  91. And now, an important message from “the children” about the election (2 replies)
  92. Tony Shaffer: My sources tell me Obama was in the room watching Benghazi attack (4 replies)
  93. The Suit Wears No President (3 replies)
  94. Woods & Doherty: Heroes (6 replies)
  95. Obama's Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days (37 replies)
  96. Des Moines Register Endorses Mitt Romney (7 replies)
  97. Peggy Noonan WSJ article 10/26 (10 replies)
  98. The day Keynes met FDR (3 replies)
  99. Polls coming in after 3rd debate: Romney drawing farther ahead (11 replies)
  100. Joe Biden Offends Father of Slain Seal (13 replies)
  101. Obama Supporters On Romney's "Kill List" (15 replies)
  102. Permission Denied (15 replies)
  103. Serious Deriliction of Duty By Obama (28 replies)
  104. Early Voting (7 replies)
  105. So What About Mourdock? (70 replies)
  106. Obama is first president to vote early - after showing his photo ID (6 replies)
  107. Now The Violence Begins (7 replies)
  108. Really? Really? (20 replies)
  109. Revenge of the Register? (9 replies)
  110. Romney’s Red Rocks rally in Colorado draws 10,000 (2 replies)
  111. Jim Rogers: We are all going to pay, a horrible price for this.. (0 replies)
  112. Jim Moran’s son resigns from campaign after release of vid on voter fraud (15 replies)
  113. Biden in Ohio: How 'Bout These Ads Running "Here in Iowa" (1 replies)
  114. Suburban Voters Swing to Romney (2 replies)
  115. Top 20 (Cause 10 Ain't Enough) Reasons (Excuses) Black Folk Will Give if Obama Loses (10 replies)
  116. You Might Be A RINO Neo-Con If (175 replies)
  117. No such thing as Voter Fraud??? (0 replies)
  118. N Carolina voters say votes cast for Romney came up Obama on machine (3 replies)
  119. New York City Has Unionized Librarians? (5 replies)
  120. Team Obama Cannot Spell FORWARD (44 replies)
  121. Hoofbeats of Electoral Doom? (16 replies)
  122. Reuters reveals damning emails about Libya.... (31 replies)
  123. Ind. GOP candidate: Rape pregnancy a "Gift from God" (1 replies)
  124. Team Obama Sends Out "New 2nd Term Booklet" Today (16 replies)
  125. Words continue to trip up Akin, now under fire for calling McCaskill a 'dog' (4 replies)
  126. Media Shocked by Voter Reaction to Debate (2 replies)
  127. Obama's Apologies (4 replies)
  128. At this stage - this say's it all (52 replies)
  129. Pennsylvania Is The New Ohio (2 replies)
  130. Somebody explain this statement to me (12 replies)
  131. Obama's Bogus Zip Code Fundraising Problem (5 replies)
  132. Someone pulled a good practical joke on me (15 replies)
  133. Ms BS Sends Out SOS (8 replies)
  134. Obama Supporter: Mitt Romney Is a Communist (4 replies)
  135. Excellent summary of Obama's Foreign Policy (3 replies)
  136. Say, Barack, how you coming on getting the world to respect us again? (0 replies)
  137. Obama confirms Iran's right to nuclear technology (46 replies)
  138. Outcome of the 3rd debate (13 replies)
  139. Romney maintains lead in RealClearPolitics average of polls long after 2nd debate (0 replies)
  140. Biden Says GOP Has ‘Bullets … Aimed at You,’ Confuses Afghanistan and Iran (3 replies)
  141. Psst, taxes go up in 2013 for 163 million workers (17 replies)
  142. Five reasons to vote for Romney (68 replies)
  143. Obama stimulus flop paid workers for playing cards (0 replies)
  144. The Foreign Policy Debate is The Big One (23 replies)
  145. Why Should Anyone Pay Higher Taxes With Spending Like This Going On? (10 replies)
  146. Silent Ads are the Best (13 replies)
  147. Could U.S. military have helped during Libya attack? (8 replies)
  148. Romney family buys voting machines through Bain Capital investment (35 replies)
  149. Klobuchar took Ponzi scheme money in turn for not prosecuting the schemer... (1 replies)
  150. Are America's Elections Rigged To Favor The Duopoly? (105 replies)
  151. Plan War: Obama vs. Romney (2 replies)
  152. Monday Is Foreign Policy Debate (2 replies)
  153. Romney's Tax Deduction Cap (4 replies)
  154. Romney Getting Some 'Unusual' Endorsements (5 replies)
  155. Big Poll Shifts Now Happening (14 replies)
  156. D-day for gun control!!!!! (1 replies)
  157. Sen. Claire McCaskill’s husband cut business deals in Senate Dining Room (3 replies)
  158. The Romney Presidency: A (Plausible) Look Back (1 replies)
  159. To CADET. (3 replies)
  160. Vote 3rd Party (97 replies)
  161. Which of these candidates would YOU vote for? (0 replies)
  162. How the Obama system fails to work (8 replies)
  163. Yes, It Is This Devastating (2 replies)
  164. Romney is hilarious tonight (24 replies)
  165. LG Chem.....Holland (0 replies)
  166. Ryan screws up (again) in Ohio (1 replies)
  167. Obama Boasts of His Appeal Among Toddlers (3 replies)
  168. Gotta Laugh (5 replies)
  169. Romney's patronizing attitude toward women (42 replies)
  170. Poll shows Romney leading in Penna. (3 replies)
  171. Felix Baumgartner becomes the second human to break the sound barrier (0 replies)
  172. RCP Average of polls now shows Romney has more ELECTORAL VOTES than Obama, too (1 replies)
  173. First polls taken after 2nd Presidential debate: Romney draws farther ahead (1 replies)
  174. Obama privately tells Libya questioner he DID delay calling attack an act of terror (6 replies)
  175. Justice Stevens: "You have a constitutional right to a 911-predialed cell phone..." (4 replies)
  176. Gallup: Romney 51% Obama 45% (2 replies)
  177. Obama falsely claims that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms (1 replies)
  178. Candy Crowley goes on CNN the morning after the debate, admits Romney was right (9 replies)
  179. Wow, this is how liberals/democrats roll! (10 replies)
  180. Anybody have the video of Rose Garden speech where Obama said "It was Act of Terror"? (11 replies)
  181. Obama does much better, manages a technical tie - but too late (1 replies)
  182. Second Debate: The Aftermath (38 replies)
  183. Honey Boo Boo Endorses Obama (3 replies)
  184. Another Green 'Stimulied' Company Goes Bankrupt (7 replies)
  185. Ryan stages unwelcome photo op in Ohio (6 replies)
  186. Doesn't really matter what Obama does in 2nd debate - only matters what Romney does (2 replies)
  187. Now that Hillary has "taken responsibility", no one will be punished (11 replies)
  188. Michelle begs vote now.Before obama loses another debate!! (3 replies)
  189. Romney vs. Obama alternate debate (sort of) (11 replies)
  190. Media still at it: ABC "poll" finds Obama ahead 49%-46%...after asking 35% more Dems! (7 replies)
  191. The Condensed Version of Obama's First Term (14 replies)
  192. That Bus Is Rolling...Hillary's Headed Under? (11 replies)
  193. 'Obama, Romney Nearly Tied in Electoral College' (0 replies)
  194. Moderator Role Under Scrutiny – Before the Debate (3 replies)
  195. Senator Graham on the fiasco in Libya (5 replies)
  196. Limbaugh's take on the debate (7 replies)
  197. Will it become 1-32? (9 replies)
  198. Ohio coal miners to Obama: Stop lying (0 replies)
  199. Senator Arlen Specter has passed away (3 replies)
  200. LOL! Most Spot On Observation Of Day (3 replies)
  201. SNL on VP debate (6 replies)
  202. Another Example Of Liberal Tolerance (4 replies)
  203. Energy Poverty: The Price of 'Going Green' (0 replies)
  204. There Is A Logic/Philosophy Behind My Comments (0 replies)
  205. Bruce Springsteen to Campaign for Obama in Ohio (3 replies)
  206. Ok, time to start considering what we want president romney to do (24 replies)
  207. Would getting rid of Big Bird after the election, be so bad? (11 replies)
  208. Romney set to peel away an electoral vote in Maine (0 replies)
  209. US deficit tops $1 trillion for fourth year (1 replies)
  210. Oil and gas production just keep falling under Obama (0 replies)
  211. Romney Breaks 50% in Fl (0 replies)
  212. CYA Hillary CYA (1 replies)
  213. AP Reporting Huge Crowds For Romney (1 replies)
  214. Democrats scrambling to get their stories straight on Benghazi, Libya (2 replies)
  215. Some ideas on economics up for discussion (7 replies)
  216. Food Stamps (14 replies)
  217. The Humor of Ronald Reagan (25 replies)
  218. Today's Democrats are nothing like those of the recent past (14 replies)
  219. Interesting RealClearPolitics tables this morning (2 replies)
  220. Outcome of the VP debate was predicted long ago, in the Bible! (0 replies)
  221. Let's not be like Tennessee (0 replies)
  222. Pile Of Manure Dumped On An Ohio Democratic Headquarters (12 replies)
  223. DECISION 2012: No Ideas vs New Ideas (2 replies)
  224. Dems relieved because Biden did better than Obama...but he didn't do better than Ryan (34 replies)
  225. Veep Debate (30 replies)
  226. In second term, Obama will allow UN to tax Americans (17 replies)
  227. Hanson Man Gets Creative To Keep Controversial Political Signs (2 replies)
  228. Another Solyndra? (0 replies)
  229. No Money For Libya Security But Chevy Volts For Vienna (1 replies)
  230. New Calls For NYPD To Lift Turban Ban (116 replies)
  231. Freedom in America????????? (12 replies)
  232. Did 7.8% Unempl figure come from large numbers of people giving up looking for jobs? (10 replies)
  233. Should US Muslims be placed in internment camps? (33 replies)
  234. Obamacare Killing Off More Jobs (2 replies)
  235. BIden's Debate Prep (23 replies)
  236. ARG "poll" finds Romney ahead 48%-47% IN OHIO after asking 27% more Dems than Repubs (9 replies)
  237. Aptly-named Pew "poll" finds Romney ahead 49-45% - after asking 15% more Dems than Rs (1 replies)
  238. ROmney To Win With 330 Electoral Votes (20 replies)
  239. Did Obama Just Throw The Entire Election Away? (6 replies)
  240. American Studies Professor Names 'The 15 Most Overrated White People,' (2 replies)
  241. Elizabeth Warren. (23 replies)
  242. Obama By The Numbers (0 replies)
  243. Actress Stacey Dash Endorses Romney, Liberals Fling Racist Insults (32 replies)
  244. Obama campaign illegally solicited foreign donors (3 replies)
  245. Romney Pulls Ahead in Pew Poll as Gallup Gives Obama Lead (3 replies)
  246. "Bigoted" To Call Obama Unintelligent or Lazy (2 replies)
  247. Scathing letter to Obama about job creation (5 replies)
  248. Powerful Youth Video On Election (2 replies)
  249. When Romney takes office on Jan. 20, 2013, what will departing Democrats do? (17 replies)
  250. Romney's Speech At VMI (27 replies)