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  1. Troll Presidential Candidates
  2. Gary Johnson on C-SPAN
  3. CNN Poll: Trump Leads Clinton By 2 Points
  4. Nearly 90 Retired Generals, Admirals Endorse Trump
  5. Phyllis Schlafly's Last Word
  6. Trump, Conservatives, and the 'Principles' Question
  7. Emails suggest Clinton aide stage-managed Benghazi hearing questions
  8. “Obama Said It Was OK to Come”
  9. Seven Email Scandal Revelations
  10. Isthmus be my lucky day!
  11. Sabato's Crystal Ball
  12. Does Hillary have Parkinson's Disease?
  13. ‘Never Trump’ Republicans weigh how — or whether — to vote on Election Day
  14. James Comey Should Resign Now for the Good of the Country
  15. As debates near, forum shows potential Trump advantage
  16. Why is questioning Clinton's health such an issue?
  17. Reflection or earpiece?
  18. Pence: Trump carries on Reagan's legacy
  19. Politico Concedes: Hillary Clinton Looked ‘Uncertain’ in Commander-in-Chief Forum
  20. Gary Johnson - what is Aleppo?
  21. 50-state poll shows Hillary with large Electoral College lead
  22. What does 'vote your conscience' mean for conservatives?
  23. 71% of doctors say Hillary health concerns "could be disqualifying"
  24. "Baskets of Deplorables"
  25. The destruction of our Constitution...Presidential Arrogance?
  26. Cheneys On Obama and America
  27. Hillary Clinton’s health is now a real issue
  28. Deplorable
  29. Trump least qualified candidate ever
  30. Peri - what happens if someone drops
  31. Found this today on MY PC. I try to save everything I read.
  32. The Alt-right
  33. Deplorably, Trump is Going to Win
  34. Ivanka, Donald to Roll Out New Childcare, Maternity Leave Policy For Moms
  35. Google Search Bias Protecting Hillary Clinton Confirmed in Experiment
  36. John Kerry’s State Department Funneled MILLIONS
  37. The Next 5 Months-Hanson
  38. Powell vs. HRC
  39. Health Polling
  40. L.A. Times Tracking Poll: Trump Opens 5-Point Lead over Clinton
  41. Most liberal Supreme Court in 80 years
  42. 14 Medal of Honor Recipients Endorse Trump
  43. Hillary May Have Been Poisoned by Putin or Trump
  44. Bill Clinton "dicking bimbos"
  45. American trust in news media falls to lowest level in history
  46. Ted Cruz - doesn't want to cede control of internet
  47. Changes
  48. If Trump Wins, Thanks May Be Due To Johnson
  49. 'Clinton Only Offers Welfare Checks, I'll Produce Paychecks'
  50. Trump supports birth control without a prescription
  51. Trump outlines specific goals for growth in economic address
  52. Trump's Foreign Policy Will Be Proven Right
  53. Hillary Clinton faces dilemma following ‘deplorables’ remark
  54. Hillary’s Poll Numbers Just TANKED In One Of America’s Most Liberal Cities
  55. Hillary gets hammered by the press!!
  56. Nancy Pelosi Suggests Gun Control Vote Could ‘Save 90 Lives’
  57. The FBI, or Department of Justice MUST share documents with CONGRESS.
  58. Trump Criticizes Flint Pastor — But Misstates Key Facts About Their Encounter
  59. "Hillary and her campaign started 'birther' mvmt"- Dems frantically rewriting history
  60. Deplorable lives matter
  61. Cradle to Grave
  62. Trump should give this speech every day to Nov. 8
  63. Fox News Poll: Trump, Clinton in Virtual Tie
  64. Trump Tricks Media into Covering Endorsement from Decorated Veteran
  65. Trump hat is hate speech?
  66. Congress Investigating Obama Admin-Funded Campaign to Unseat Israeli PM
  67. Prediction - Hillary will request all kinds of special debate conditions
  68. Johnson and Stein fail to make cut for first presidential debate
  69. Fraternal Order of Police union endorses Trump
  70. MSNBC, Politico, Bloomberg, CNN, McClatchy and More Confirm: Birtherism....
  71. The Crookedest Crooked Crook
  72. RedState writer making anti Trump Film
  73. IF You Think That Government Makes Things Better
  74. Lol, painting Hillary
  75. Trump's Child Care Plans Should Appeal to Women -- And Many More
  76. Trump's Plan Would Cut Taxes By $4.4 Trillion to $5.9 Trillion
  77. 'Immigration Security Is National Security'
  78. Fifty Trumpian days that will shake the world
  79. Clinton ‘Talks Tougher About My Supporters’
  80. O.K....I'll do it
  81. Simple
  82. Supreme Court Second Amendment Case Could Overrule Heller Decision in 2017
  83. Hillary Clinton Rewarded 194 Donors With Seats on State Dept. Advisory Boards
  84. Rudi for Attorney General
  85. 'Don't Let Hillary Leave You Protected With Nothing But a Phone'
  86. George HW Bush 41 - voting for Hillary
  87. Feminine Leadership
  88. Only one candidate has a plan for a booming economy
  89. 74% Voters Reject Obama’s Middle East Refugee Plan
  90. Nancy Pelosi's district and refugees
  91. Why Trump Remains a Long Shot
  92. Military Vote: Near Even Between Trump and Johnson
  93. Trump surges from 3% to 48% chance of winning
  94. Trump used campaign money to pay legal costs
  95. Character Matters!
  96. Will Cruz Have Everyone Hating Him?
  97. Only The Best People
  98. Cheryl Mills Given Immunity In Emails
  99. Please let her have a coughing attack!
  100. Tim Kaine on Libertarian ticket
  101. We Cannot End Terrorism Without Gun Control
  102. Debate Monday
  103. Cruz supports Trump
  104. Democrats in more trouble if Hillary wins
  105. Trump a bigger lier
  106. Does someone lose tonight? Or win?
  107. CORRUPTION – Voter Fraud: Dead People Voting in…
  108. Jill Stein escorted off Hofstra University campus
  109. Was Hillary standing in front of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE tonight???
  110. Walmart workers refuse to make cop's retirement cake
  111. Some debate result articles
  112. Poll results
  113. Next: Debate Scorecard
  114. Trump, Hillary Release Debate Day Ads: Which One Is Better?
  115. CBS Fact Checking the debate
  116. Fiercest presidential debate in modern times
  117. WSJ Poll: Clinton Leads Trump by 24 Points in New York
  118. Trump won on substance, Hillary won on tactics
  119. While networks scream "Hillary won!", their own polls tell a different story
  120. Hilary Clinton pretty trust worthy says independent review
  121. Johnson meme
  122. Trumps women trouble
  123. TV Clip Shows Donald Trump Did Not Support Iraq War
  124. Poopoo Head
  125. New FOIA Evidence on Hillary and Security Training
  126. It's almost nice to hear of a disaster on the news that ISN'T terrorism
  127. 'Your parents are not good people': Bill Clinton 'rape' accuser Juanita Broaddrick
  128. Suspected Mall Gunman, a Non-Citizen, Voted in 3 Elections
  129. Gary Johnson: I'm Having an 'Aleppo Moment' on Foreign Leaders' Names
  130. Trump violated Cuba embargo
  131. Chelsea Clinton: Marijuana Can Kill
  132. Hillary: Nasty Campaign Rhetoric ‘Breaks My Heart’
  133. Trump advisers weigh: Christie in charge of debate prep
  134. Breitbart is not a credible source
  135. Physical barriers if necessary
  136. Why is Gary Johnson still in the race?
  137. Senate override of 9/11 bill veto 'most embarrassing thing'...
  138. Child rape victim - 40 years later - pissed at Clinton
  139. Trump endorsements
  140. These jokes aren’t funny anymore
  141. Juanita Broaddrick fears for her life
  142. Michael Reagan: Trump doesn't know when to shut up
  143. Liberal Gets Zapped Trying To Steal Trump Sign
  144. Investigation launched after dead people are newly registered to vote in Harrisonburg
  145. Gallup Poll: Most Voters Want Major Third Party
  146. Commission admits ‘issues’ with Trump audio during debate
  147. Obama Administration Denies Jerusalem Is Located in Israel
  148. Media not Covering Machado's Sordid Past
  149. Trump is blowing it
  150. Trump Victory
  151. Trump on vet suicide
  152. Obama Admits 12,486 Muslims and 68 Christians to the US in 2016
  153. Wikileaks announcement moved to Berlin
  154. DOJ Reached ‘Side Agreements’ To Limit Search Of Clinton Lawyers’ Laptops
  155. Clinton builds on gains after first debate
  156. Almost
  157. Another OBVIOUS Clinton deception...granted by Obama...
  158. What are you most afraid of?
  159. Protester Interrupts Bill Clinton With A ‘Bill Clinton A Rapist’ Sign
  160. ‘fat f–k’ insult infuriated Christie, staffer testifies
  161. Thanks Bad Actors
  162. DoJ Drops Charges Against Arms Dealer Who Links Clinton to Libyan Weapons Sales
  163. Breitbart/Gravis Poll: Trump Gains, Now Tied with Clinton 44-44
  164. NSA contractor accused of taking classified information
  165. Trump not happy about Pence debate performance
  166. The Atlantic, Third endorsement in more than 150 years
  167. How do you think Obama would react if Trump won the election?
  168. Attention America. BUBBA CLINTON actually-mistakenly told the TRUTH....
  169. Trump is vulgar towards women?
  170. Wikileaks Just Released
  171. Robert De Niro talks Trump
  172. Seems Supporters Of Both Candidates Should Scream The Same
  173. Kelly Ayotte
  174. Refugee Acceleration
  175. Another's Observation
  176. The Two Party Choice Should Be Gone
  177. Franklin Graham said it best
  178. Fathers
  179. Going Forward
  180. Gunny Called It-Back In March
  181. Will Trump bring down the entire GOP ticket?
  182. Great article on Trump
  183. Why is the MSM so quiet, not asking about the CLINTON FOUNDATION...Haiti now???
  184. Yes, The MSM Is An Offshoot Of The Democrat Party
  185. Sex Tape/Wikileaks Candidates
  186. So What Do You Think We'll See Tonight?
  187. "What he does in his private life has no bearing on his qualifications for President"
  188. Trump bullying?
  189. Trump's 'Masterful Performance' Rattled Clinton
  190. A different take on the debate
  191. To counter Trump's comments
  192. Johnson doesn't even know NK leaders name
  193. Breaking: DNC Chief Donna Brazile Leaked Sanders Info to Clinton Campaign
  194. Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again
  195. "Foreign Policy" Magazine Endorses...
  196. Hillary Clinton Says Vetting Refugees Is Impossible
  197. President Obama says, "Gotta have them ribs and p*ssy too!"
  198. Don't let her fail us again
  199. Limbaugh: 'Ironic That The Democrat Party Wants to Throw Down the Morality Card'
  200. Hillary pushed Global Climate Change hoax yet again, even brings in AlGore
  201. ‘Unbelievable’ Level of Collusion between Clinton and DOJ
  202. NYC: Election Fraud
  203. NBC - proving more MSM bias?
  204. Do Nothings?
  205. Wikileaks: Email Chains Show Clinton Staffers Slamming Catholics and Evangelicals
  206. It's Official!
  207. TYT admits MSM is intentionally burying wikileaks coverage
  208. Hillary's first disaster
  209. Another great article on Trump
  210. Bullypulpit - executive orders
  211. New email shows Brazile may have had exact wording of proposed town hall questions
  212. Merrick Garland
  213. Obama Video Emerges Worse Than Trump?
  214. 2 More Women Accuse Trump Of Acting On the LR Talk
  215. For Kathianne
  216. Possible long lost twins...
  217. And then THIS happened in Utah...
  218. Oh Hillary
  219. Trump walks in on nude teen beauty pageant contestants to "inspect" them
  220. Smoke? Fire?
  221. ‘Are You Smarter Than Gary Johnson?’
  222. Ben Carson defends Donald Trump
  223. James Comey and Loretta Lynch Should Be Impeached
  224. Hillary supporters attacking "rapist" folks
  225. Feingold Says Clinton to Use ‘Executive Order’ for Gun Control
  226. Wikileaks Clinton Bombshell — ‘Foreign Govt Donors: All the Money Is In’
  227. 'Qatar Promised' Qatar Gave Clinton Foundation A Million Dollar Check
  228. CNN and Ivanka Trump
  229. Nearly 100,000 Pennsylvania Voters Switch From Democrat To Republican
  230. Polling after debate
  231. When you realize Hillary is a liar
  232. Jim May Have A Point
  233. Female vote is the decisive factor
  234. Did anyone else watch?
  235. Gennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Paid $200 For Me to Abort His Baby
  236. RealClear Politics: Don't Discount Outlier LA Times Poll
  237. BOMBSHELL: Clinton Foundation Donors Expected 'Benefits In Return For Gifts'
  238. Internet Users Far More Interested in Wikileaks Than Trump Allegations
  239. Rasmussen poll:. Trump leads by 2
  240. FOX News Beginning To Pivot?
  241. 538 & Nate Silver
  242. Seeking 270: Which states can Trump win?
  243. The Media/Democrat Collusion Is Most Troubling
  244. WSJ: ‘Nation Now Has Proof’ of Hillary Scandals
  245. Michelle Obama "shaken to her core"
  246. Trump Sexual Assault Accuser Sent Glowing Email To His Assistant In April
  247. Trump Sex Allegations Full of Holes
  248. Opinion Editorial Says: Elect Trump, He'll Be Easily Impeachable
  249. Why are we afraid of a Clinton Presidency?
  250. Allen West on Trump