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  1. Wikileaks Starting To Take Hold?
  2. Hillary Praised Muslim Brotherhood
  3. Funny, but not
  4. Media and Democrats Working On Portrayal
  5. Says It All!
  6. Russian Factor?
  7. Is This The "Proportional Response" Obama Promised Against Russia?
  8. Hillary and Trump Foreshadowed in film
  9. Rigged
  10. Caught on Tape: Bill Clinton Said 'I've Got Good Taste' about affairs
  11. FBI Document Dump Suggests Collusion Between FBI and State in Clinton Email
  12. Bomb Iran
  13. Companies used Clinton fundraisers to lobby State Department
  14. The Awful Truth About Hillary
  15. Politico gets caught colluding with Hellary
  16. video just released by James O’Keefe on MASS VOTER FRAUD
  17. Video: Clinton campaign and DNC incite violence at Trump rallies
  18. Oh Goody! National Enquirer Has Scoop On Hillary
  19. FOX Moves TX From Trump To Leans
  20. Hillary Gets 4 Pinocchios
  21. Will Hillary, and Bubba make the founder of WIKILEAKS...disappear???
  22. Way to go Trumper trash!
  23. George Soros Group Paid Activists to Disrupt Trump Event
  24. Robert Creamer Visited Obama’s White House 340 Times
  25. Election reality
  26. Top Indiana election official finds more voter fraud: "Thousands of tampered forms"
  27. Trump signs being stolen, defaced, burned by the hundreds
  28. Tonight's debate
  29. New Wikileaks Released This A.M.
  30. "What an ugly election!" TRANSLATION: OMG, the Republicans are finally fighting back!
  31. Outrage or Genius? Trump Refuses to Accept Results of Election in Third Debate
  32. No, Hillary Clinton, The Supreme Court’s Heller Decision Wasn’t About Toddlers
  33. Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters
  34. WIKILEAKS: Hillary Got $12 Million for Clinton Charity As Quid Pro Quo For Morocco Me
  35. Clinton’s Answer On Nuke Launch Time Used ‘Extremely Classified’ Info
  36. Hillary's Security Detail hated her - laughed at broken arm
  37. James O'Keefe Says Donna Brazile's Head May Be Next to Roll
  38. Podesta WikiLeaks Horror: Voter ID Doesn't Stop Alien Voting
  39. Uh oh. CNN, the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK accidentally admitted they are Helping Her..
  40. Majority of Republicans say Trump, not Paul Ryan, represents...
  41. Poll: Trump Maintains 1-Point Lead After Debate
  42. Clinton Has Already Broken Her First Campaign Promise
  43. NBC Poll: 45 Percent of Republicans Would Not Accept Losing Election
  44. Pat Caddell: ‘Polling Is All Over the Place… Shock Potential Is Enormous’
  45. 46 Percent Say ‘Widespread Voter Fraud’ Will Take Place on Election Day
  46. For those who still HATE the POLICE. If this happens to you...do not call 911.
  47. ‘Unquestionably An OPSEC Violation’: Clinton Sent US Operations Info To Podesta
  48. Obamacare
  49. Trump Roast Hillary ...SMOKING BURNS...
  50. Hillary: If you like your corruption, you can keep your corruption
  51. It may NOT just be a DREAM for most of us. But...how fitting is this?
  52. The Longshot Path for Donald Trump to Win 270 Electoral Votes
  53. Trump's Gettysburg Policies, He Would Win in a Landslide
  54. Clinton Is a Threat to the 2nd Amendment -- and the 1st
  55. Dems on the attack in Texas
  56. IBD/TIPP Poll - Trump up +2 nationwide
  57. As Usual Donny Is Full Of It
  58. Leaked Emails Offer Clues to How Clinton Would Govern
  59. Clinton and Trump couldn't be further apart on abortion
  60. Trump: 'Phony Polls' Are Wrong, 'We Are Going to Win'
  61. Hillary personally involved, approves Creamer plan
  62. Gallup: Respect for Police Nears All-Time High
  63. No Consequences From Media Colluding With Hillary
  64. Obama Claims He's Never Experienced a Major Scandal
  65. Predicted last 5 elections - Trump has 87% chance of winning
  66. Rigged? In What Way Is This Election NOT Rigged?
  67. Donald Trump just got some of his best polling news in weeks
  68. Donald Trump rejects polls as inaccurate: ‘All the fair polls have us winning’
  69. Voter Suppression
  70. Breitbart Worked with Democrat Operative to Sabotage GOP Primary
  71. Rudy Giuliani: If NeverTrump Conservatives Elect Hillary Clinton....
  72. Feds Going To Go Racist Cops In Midst Of Election
  73. 30 people show up to listen to Kaine speak
  74. Early rigging in Texas
  75. Hillary Clinton Would Ban ‘Some of the Most Popular’ Firearms in America
  76. 'We Need To Clean This Up - Obama Has Emails From Her'
  77. Trump partied with teen models at cocaine-filled romps
  78. Hillary's Bad Instincts
  79. TRUMP More Black Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since 1960
  80. Feds Charge Sheriff Arpaio With Criminal Contempt-of-Court
  81. Trump to Tallahassee: ‘In 14 Days We Are Going to Win the State of Florida’
  82. MILO: Pollsters Are Helping To Rig The Election
  83. Podesta had multiple dinners with DOJ official during email investigation
  84. Democrat Corruption is Much Worse Than Trump
  85. Are Democrats Headed For A Split Even If Clinton Wins?
  86. Polls Tightening, Donald Trump Close to Margin of Error in Swing States
  87. (91%) has been hostile - Trump
  88. Happy Bday 45!
  89. GOP candidates giving up on Trump
  90. Richard Nixon could only wish he got Hillary’s FBI treatment
  91. CBS4 Investigation Finds People Voting Twice
  92. Bill Clinton Tells Alleged Mistress to Deny He Got Her State Job
  93. Trump: it's WWIII if it's her
  94. 13 Times Hillary Clinton Was A Truly ‘Nasty Woman’
  95. Trump: I'll Spend $100M of My Money to Win
  96. Nate Silver 538
  97. Robert Creamer Says He Was on Calls With Clinton Campaign ‘Every Morning’
  98. Calif Prop 63: You can't buy ammo without a permit. And no High-cap magazines.
  99. If they can't win they'll cheat
  100. Clinton Aide’s Memo Details Ties Between Consulting Firm and Clinton Foundation
  101. UFO enthusiasts favor Trump over Clinton
  102. An Honest Question
  103. Huckabee: Media Coverage of Donald Trump Has Been ‘All Negative’ All the Time
  104. Top Democratic Fundraiser Got Ambassadorship
  105. Hillary Clinton to hold election night party under real glass ceiling
  106. Sean Hannity: 'I'm Pissed' About Never-Trump Republican
  107. How Much Does The Media Cover Trump vs. Wikileaks?
  108. Donald Trump Is Bouncing Back In The Polls….Why?
  109. Federal Officials Ignore Evidence About Location of Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 Emails
  110. Megyn Kelly Seeks over $20 Million a Year from Fox News
  111. Megyn Kelly and Newt Gingrich trade blows in charged interview about Trump
  112. Emails show close Clinton allies in dark, shocked over ‘insane’ server setup
  113. where are all the folks who loved Obamacare?
  114. People will vote for Donald Trump as a giant “F**k you” — and he’ll win
  115. Bill Clinton Inc
  116. Journalist Snowflakes Scared Trump Supporters Are ‘Turning on the Media’
  117. UC Berkeley Students Violently Stop White People from Crossing Bridge
  118. Trump advisers join media members at LV strip club
  119. Pennsylvania Is Now A “Toss-Up”
  120. Hillary supporters are already making excuses
  121. The Angry Man Election
  122. Liberals Scold Non-Endorsing Celebrities
  123. Emails show Clinton campaign sought to 'bern' Sanders with poolside pic
  124. Republicans: No honeymoon if Clinton wins
  125. Dead voters
  126. Newt: 'Sign of Sickness' to Put Bill Clinton Back in White House
  127. 43 Percent of Trump Supporters Informed on Election Issues Vs 31 Percent of Clinton
  128. AI says: Trump wins election, more popular than Obama 2008
  129. Hillary Campaign Struggles to Reach “F**king Dumb” Young People
  130. Clinton fails to contain damage from email leaks
  131. Feminist Camille Paglia on Hillary Clinton: ‘The Woman Is a Disaster’
  132. BREAKING: FBI to reopen Hillary email case
  133. Pardons
  134. You'll Like Michael Moore after this...
  135. How likely that the FBI will present criminal-indictment-worthy evidence this time?
  136. Hillary Channeling Someone
  137. So True
  138. What Would Have Been Top Story If Not For Hillary and FBI
  139. For those who Insist.....There is No VOTE fraud. Stuffing Ballots work for you?
  140. First Voter Fraud Arrest 2016......Trumpers
  141. AP Reporting Emails Not From Clinton Server
  142. Sorry Haters FBI Not Reopening Investigation
  143. Hillary's Changing Story
  144. Doesn’t Clinton Embarrass Democrats?
  145. Comey memo to FBI staffers says election, timing required disclosure of renewed probe
  146. Wouldn't This Be Weird?
  147. Surprise: Hillary Lied About The Letter FBI Director James Comey Sent Friday
  148. Report: AG Lynch Pressured Comey Not to Disclose Reactivated Hillary Probe
  149. Early Voting Bad News For Annoying Orange
  150. Hang Your Hat On Those Emails
  151. Democrats Then and Now
  152. Dem Group Files Complaint Against FBI For Interfering With Election
  153. FBI still does not have warrant to review new Abedin emails
  154. Hillary Declares War On The FBI
  155. Lack of #NeverHillary Movement Reveals No Principle on the Left
  156. Electoral College Predictions
  157. Realclearpolitics Oct 30
  158. FBI Now Has The Warrants
  159. Flashback: Clinton Campaign Used Indictment Against Defense Secretary
  160. Harry Reid says FBI Director James Comey 'may have broken' federal law
  161. Laptop in FBI's Weiner sexting case had 'state.gov,' Clinton-related emails
  162. Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside
  163. Evangelical Christians and Trump
  164. Obama Doesn't Believe FBI Director Trying to Influence Election
  165. Trump: I’d Get ‘Electric Chair’ for Cheating on Debates Like Hillary
  166. FBI Is Investigating Manafort, 2 Others Regarding Russia And Trump Campaign
  167. Pollster: “The Dam is About to Break” on Hillary
  168. The Death Penalty has Failed. Time to Repeal
  169. WIKILEAKS exposes Podesta...EVERYBODY IN OBAMA ADMIN used GMAIL. personal...
  170. The Democrats Can Only Blame Themselves
  171. Reaclearpolitics Nov 1
  172. Just a dangerous prediction here, just in case....
  173. Is Wikileaks About to Release Hillary’s 33,000 Deleted Emails?
  174. Clintonworld’s Top 5 Active FBI Investigations
  175. If Dems will rig a debate for Clinton, what won't they do to win?
  176. The Trump Surge Continues but What Will We Get Out Of It?
  177. You sure you’re not holding Hillary to a sexist double standard?
  178. PA State Police Raid Dem Group Over Voter Fraud
  179. Just a question...
  180. Pardon me: the Hillary scandals are just getting started
  181. Hillary's nonsense
  182. Trump's Women Problem Appears To Have Disappeared
  183. Blacks Are “Seriously F***ed in The Head”
  184. Clinton and DOJ collusion
  185. Possible Illegal Coordination Between Clinton Campaign and Super PACs
  186. Another Reason to Vote for Trump
  187. Bleachbit's New Product : "Cloth or Something"
  188. Leftist fanatics panicking, having major meltdowns in every corner
  189. 6 days left, and the reality again
  190. AG Loretta Lynch sued - secret airport meeting with Bill Clinton
  191. Senior FBI officials were told of new emails in early October
  192. 'The fate of the world rests on your shoulders'
  193. Independents leaning toward Trump in polls after FBI furor erupts
  194. Clinton Foundation Case 'Very High Priority' For FBI
  195. Fire and 'Vote for Trump' graffitti at Greenville, Mississippi church
  196. Someone tampered with a road sign so they could call Hillary Clinton a b - - - -
  197. It Seems A Book Is Having Serious Impact
  198. Newest from Dennis Miller
  199. Pro-Trump rally at Penn State U triggers Hillary supporters to violence
  200. Rasmussen : Trump +3 over Hildebeast Nationally
  201. Voter fraud in Texas!!
  202. Hillary's Server:
  203. NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case
  204. Left unravels some more - ‘Jesus F*cking Christ,’ Please Vote
  205. Nothing Prevents Hillary Clinton from Pardoning Herself
  206. Clinton Foundation Memo Shows Meetings With Bill Clinton Cost $100,000
  207. I see new hope for Trump
  208. Trump's last plea
  209. The Woman In 'Trump Teen Rape' Has Dropped Suit, Again
  210. Funny anti-Hillary ad
  211. Is this the least religious presidential election ever?
  212. A Political Poem
  213. IF Trump Loses, Blame Early Voting
  214. Man holding sign causes hysteria at Trump rally in Reno
  215. Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions
  216. 538, Nate Silver - One state away from losing election
  217. Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis
  218. Sunday IBD/TIPP, last before election
  219. FBI: No charges against Clinton after new email review
  220. Stuff you speak of, Mike?
  221. FBI and Clinton Foundation
  222. VA Gov McAuliffe (D) grants voting rights to 60,000 felons just in time for election
  223. Don't look here, just more proof of collusion
  224. Forget the polls! Cookie Monster makes his choice!
  225. Hillary War Monger WW3 AD
  226. Hillary and foreign policy
  227. Vegas Oddsmaker Predicts Brexit-like Victory for Trump
  228. Late-Breaking Polls: Republicans Likely to Keep the Senate
  229. Lawsuit DROPPED against Trump ...
  230. So the FBI can go through 650,000 emails in a week...
  231. IF She wins tomorrow. The result eventually will be....
  232. RCP Analysis Nov.7
  233. A new banner
  234. Maybe There's Some Sanity Left?
  235. As usual, voting machines changing Trump votes to Clinton votes before your eyes
  236. Chill out with some election day music
  237. Tonight, after 11:00 P.M. EST....
  238. Results begin showing
  239. Calling Broker
  240. Brexit on Steroids
  241. Associated press calls Pennsylvania for Trump.
  242. Real Clear Politics November 9, 2016
  243. Hillary Clinton calls Trump to concede.
  244. Dear Nighttrain
  245. Caption this pic
  246. Trump’s stunning campaign rewrote all the rules. What about his presidency?
  247. How did pollsters get Trump, Clinton election so wrong?
  248. I Love You, America!
  249. Conceding
  250. Hey Jimmy!