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  1. Churchill and Thatcher A Friendly Comparison of Two Great British Leaders (91 replies)
  2. Official discussion thread : Logroller vs RSR (0 replies)
  3. Is it a fee, or a tax, or is the fee a tax? (4 replies)
  4. Alabama Adopts 1st State Ban on UN Agenda 21 (306 replies)
  5. Obama has his work cut out for him on the political map (0 replies)
  6. I challenge Jim and ConHog (5 replies)
  7. This incident: newsworthy or not? (0 replies)
  8. voter exam (60 replies)
  9. This scum is treated to damn good! (24 replies)
  10. Paul Ryan As VP? (2 replies)
  11. Good grief another trillion dollar give away! (36 replies)
  12. Logroller challenges RsR (79 replies)
  13. 52% of Indies Say Obama Hasn’t Helped Create Jobs (0 replies)
  14. Obama Seeks to Use UN Treaty to Go Around Congress Yet Again! (39 replies)
  15. What Obozo Inherited (0 replies)
  16. Salute to the father in chief (1 replies)
  17. Joe Biden - Great Cities Are In China Not The US (22 replies)
  18. Copy The Note and Hand Out (1 replies)
  19. Youare the Ultimate Arbiter of Which Direction This Country Goes (4 replies)
  20. Historic Presidential Quotes (7 replies)
  21. Democrats Fear Obama May Lose (80 replies)
  22. Shocker (31 replies)
  23. Is It true (39 replies)
  24. Obama Skips Out on Lunch Bill (6 replies)
  25. Doing Fine? (13 replies)
  26. Obama giving up More US soveriegnty in Trade deal? (27 replies)
  27. Hey Tyr (126 replies)
  28. Obama boy replaces Obama girl for crush on Obama (1 replies)
  29. Bad News Monday for Obama? (7 replies)
  30. The Most Racist Article I've Seen (119 replies)
  31. Jeb Bush Says His Father and Reagan Would Lose Out in Today’s GOP (12 replies)
  32. Rahm Emanuel vs. Teachers Union (5 replies)
  33. Regarding That 'Public Sector" Gaffe (1 replies)
  34. My Gripes: BUSH - OBAMA - ROMNEY (29 replies)
  35. What Needs to Go? (64 replies)
  36. Romney's stand on the issues (13 replies)
  37. Social Security etc. will remain solvent through 2040... or will it? (1 replies)
  38. The US Voter Is More Rational Than Many Believe (12 replies)
  39. Soros vs Koch (1 replies)
  40. Something is very wrong with Obama's re-election campaign. (26 replies)
  41. If Obamacare mandate unconst, how do Supremes decide whether to strike the rest? (1 replies)
  42. Poll: Most Americans want full or partial overturn of Obamacare (17 replies)
  43. Real significance and effect of the June 5 recall election (0 replies)
  44. The GOP Needs More Obamas! (1 replies)
  45. What "Bush Tax Cuts"? (7 replies)
  46. Pretty much everything counts as a “green job” now (19 replies)
  47. Police to investigate Walker death threats (16 replies)
  48. This is The End of Democracy (32 replies)
  49. Bill Press Hates Our National Anthem (16 replies)
  50. BREAKING: Democrats planning recall of President Mitt Romney (6 replies)
  51. BTW, Walker won the recall by greater margin than the original 2010 election (1 replies)
  52. FYI Net worth of Congress members 2010 (5 replies)
  53. New York to ban smoking in Central Park (30 replies)
  54. Why did the Democrats recall Walker anyway? (4 replies)
  55. So, how long will it take WI Democrats to set up a recall of the recall election? (7 replies)
  56. Walker Wins! (8 replies)
  57. Walker? (6 replies)
  58. FYI I really wish more were interested in WI (10 replies)
  59. WI poll taken Sun. June 3, 1570 likely voters: Walker ahead by 12% (5 replies)
  60. 70 years ago today (5 replies)
  61. Rick Perry (2 replies)
  62. Gov't want to legalalize Proaganda (5 replies)
  63. President Obama Has Outspent Last Five Presidents (58 replies)
  64. Romney +4% vs Obama. Rassmussen Poll (6 replies)
  65. The Liberal Stance - in a photo (3 replies)
  66. Stand Your Ground Florida!!! (10 replies)
  67. Republican Fever now the excuse???? (40 replies)
  68. Hell Day (6 replies)
  69. EX-Patroit Act bill , U can't leave U.S. with your own money.. (7 replies)
  70. Does Romney really have the delgates? really? (5 replies)
  71. Unemployment Up (1 replies)
  72. The more polls there are, the farther ahead WI Gov. Walker gets (6 replies)
  73. Hope and Change Then and Now (2 replies)
  74. Artur Davis switches to GOP (3 replies)
  75. Preacher Jailed 2yrs for teaching Spanking (56 replies)
  76. MSNBC Host Apologizes (7 replies)
  77. Team Obama’s reputation is vastly overrated (13 replies)
  78. Krugman: Scientists Should Falsely Predict Alien Invasion So Government Will Spend (0 replies)
  79. MSNBC Host: 'I'm Uncomfortable' Calling Fallen Soldiers Heroes (68 replies)
  80. Democrats falling farther behind in Wisconsin recall election; chaos within Dem party (0 replies)
  81. DNC Chairman: Wisconsin recall election will be a "test run" for the Nov Pres. elect (1 replies)
  82. Liberal and Conservative Core Values (136 replies)
  83. President Obama: Punching bag for the RW (156 replies)
  84. Culprits revealed in the "War on Women" (39 replies)
  85. Obama won't give back campaign contributions from Bain Capital (2 replies)
  86. Redistributing wealth: A classic (2 replies)
  87. Obama - lying douchebag. (53 replies)
  88. By normal accounting methods, Fed deficit isn't $1.3 trillion, it's $5.0 trillion (0 replies)
  89. Teen dies while texting the dangers of texting and driving (50 replies)
  90. Wonder How The Scott Walker Recount Will Go? (8 replies)
  91. Midterm congressional elections and Presidential election (4 replies)
  92. Romney now leads the all important Florida (1 replies)
  93. "Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41% (1 replies)
  94. Group protests shooting range near school (58 replies)
  95. locaol sheriff vs Feds? Needs more info (0 replies)
  96. Why in the world should *insurance* companies pay for pre-existing conditions? (80 replies)
  97. Romney's path winning electoral college , losing popular vote (13 replies)
  98. League of Women Voters Aren’t Nonpartisan (1 replies)
  99. 22 states join campaign finance fight (0 replies)
  100. ROBERT REICH TO NEW COLLEGE GRADS: 'You're F*cked' (17 replies)
  101. Video Series - Louisiana has more citizens in prison than anywhere else in the world (2 replies)
  102. Violence Against Women Act in limbo (18 replies)
  103. Spin Documents (55 replies)
  104. What Really Sucks Is When The Response Is Within The Spin Cycle (2 replies)
  105. Obama Born in Kenya?? his own words?? (7 replies)
  106. Approval? Romney At 50%/Obama at 52% Disapproval? Romney at 41/Obama at 46 (14 replies)
  107. Jesse Jackson All For Gay Marriage? Jesse Jackson's Sexual Harassment Of Gay Employee (9 replies)
  108. What if you gave two cents to Tom Barrett? (0 replies)
  109. Harvard Law Review birtherism (1 replies)
  110. Strong woman wins US Senate Primary (3 replies)
  111. Obama budget defeated 99-0 in Senate (0 replies)
  112. ring of power... slowly (0 replies)
  113. Obama, you have no shame! (4 replies)
  114. Dems + high tax rates = more of this kind of thing (46 replies)
  115. Rhode Island Considers First-Of-Its Kind ‘Homeless Bill Of Rights’ (75 replies)
  116. Backlash grows at N.Y. ruling on viewing of child porn (31 replies)
  117. Chris Matthews Bombs on 'Jeopardy!' After Repeatedly Mocking Palin for How She'd Do (5 replies)
  118. What a relief! (2 replies)
  119. "You niggas are STOOPT!" (56 replies)
  120. On The "New Underwear Bomber" and Smart Diplomacy (1 replies)
  121. Ron Paul all but ends presidential campaign (1 replies)
  122. It is Time to Bring Pro Life Democrats Back into The Party (7 replies)
  123. 230,000 losing unemployment benefits this weekend (14 replies)
  124. Yet another TIME mag breast-feeding cover (4 replies)
  125. Some Electoral Map Projections (8 replies)
  126. Regarding All Obama's "Accomplishments" (6 replies)
  127. What Is 'Controversial' In MSM World? (2 replies)
  128. Rush: Media Use Gay Marriage Issue to Distract Public (5 replies)
  129. MSNBC = Obama infomercial (1 replies)
  130. Secret of OZ running for Prez Libertarian party (6 replies)
  131. Talk about being out of touch with Americans (47 replies)
  132. Supporting same-sex "marriage": Why Obama flipped (1 replies)
  133. Next time you go thru the checkout at Safeway with your kids, bring blindfolds. (133 replies)
  134. Ordinary People as Heroes (2 replies)
  135. Carville: Wake up Democrats; you could lose (22 replies)
  136. Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses (25 replies)
  137. Republicans defeat Senate Tax-Increase "Student Loan" bill, present alternate bill (1 replies)
  138. I propose a wholesale change to welfare as we know it (4 replies)
  139. Do you trust people who quote Marx? (9 replies)
  140. Rep trying to end the cell phones for the poor program (29 replies)
  141. Allan West and Chuckleheads (0 replies)
  142. The Dems Must Be So Proud (0 replies)
  143. America’s Most (and Least) Peaceful States (0 replies)
  144. What You Should Know About VFSA (6 replies)
  145. Wow ... did someone ring the dinner bell for all the newbies? (5 replies)
  146. The Bluegrass Boondoggle (219 replies)
  147. Newspaper Rescinds Endorsement (17 replies)
  148. 'The Jefferson Lies' (66 replies)
  149. Warren's "Ain't Bee" - Is she from Mayberry now? (0 replies)
  150. Who Cares? (18 replies)
  151. More 'Artful' Diplomacy (0 replies)
  152. "We Don't Have To Spike The Football" (30 replies)
  153. Update - FL governor rejects gun ban for Republican convention (3 replies)
  154. Newt is out... (4 replies)
  155. Why is Obama getting so wee-wee up? (15 replies)
  156. North Carolina gay marriage foes have a slight lead ahead of Tuesday vote (265 replies)
  157. This year's Convention cities prepare for possible violence by restricting........ (0 replies)
  158. Compare Romney and Obama's Stands on the The Issues (16 replies)
  159. Quote on Socialsim - (41 replies)
  160. Dizzy Lizzy Warren scrambles to explain using undocumented minority status for career (3 replies)
  161. Obama's 'Change' Continues The Erosion Of The Middle Class (17 replies)
  162. Obama admin: Remove the perscription requirements for meds for diabetes, blood press (10 replies)
  163. Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson on the rise (11 replies)
  164. California to middle class: drop dead (21 replies)
  165. Hundreds of Toyota Priuses bought by govt and never used? (5 replies)
  166. Obama And SCOTUS And Arizona And The General Electorate (6 replies)
  167. Barack Chavez strikes again (3 replies)
  168. Law enforcement funding (13 replies)
  169. Emulate Illinois high unemployment rate if you want jobs (1 replies)
  170. Town votes to ban sales of small plastic bottles of water (6 replies)
  171. Will the Democrats support a fence now? (15 replies)
  172. Arizona's SB1070 Illegal-alien law being debated NOW before U.S. Supreme Court (8 replies)
  173. Surprise - Romney wins Connecticut & RI (15 replies)
  174. Huntsman disenchanted with GOP (3 replies)
  175. What is it with Massachusetts Republicans ? (2 replies)
  176. Retributive versus Restorative Justice (71 replies)
  177. Barack Chavez (1 replies)
  178. Blog Post Of The Day-IMO (0 replies)
  179. Has The 'Recovery' Run Its Course? (4 replies)
  180. The Prophet, John Adams (2 replies)
  181. Negroes with Guns (25 replies)
  182. Caption Contest (9 replies)
  183. 70 years ago today (1 replies)
  184. Obama's 'anti-American' and 'anti-white' father (0 replies)
  185. Ford sets new record for number of Ford Focus Electric cars sold in Feb, March 2012 (30 replies)
  186. Has Sarbanes-Oxley been a success or failure (1 replies)
  187. You Are Free To Travel—If The IRS Lets You (16 replies)
  188. Napolitano lied to Congress on Fast & Furious info (0 replies)
  189. WHY is socialism (or communism) bad for a country? (75 replies)
  190. Here's a list of Congressmen who are members of the Democratic Socialists of America (12 replies)
  191. Christie's popularity at all-time high in NJ (2 replies)
  192. time to start VP speculaton.... (31 replies)
  193. In Florida, difference between 1st Degree Murder and 2nd Degree Murder (7 replies)
  194. Political Ads (0 replies)
  195. BTW, an odd thing about the "Buffett Rule" (2 replies)
  196. There he goes again: This week Obama insists he's NOT "spreading the wealth around" (1 replies)
  197. OMG - Obama Must Go (24 replies)
  198. Rick Santorum calls Mitt Romney to concede (10 replies)
  199. The Real war on women (1 replies)
  200. 1,054 new IRS agents, $500M to IRS for Obamacare, how will this make us more healthy? (9 replies)
  201. White Man gets Eric Holder's ballot (6 replies)
  202. Even if it survives the Supreme Court, Obamacare is doomed (3 replies)
  203. Could someone tell me the difference? (0 replies)
  204. White House pushing blame on Bush administration for GSA debacle (7 replies)
  205. Barack Obama cut taxes for a majority of Americans (12 replies)
  206. John Derbyshire Making 'Conservatives' Look Bad (13 replies)
  207. Obama Admin: Tax cuts work in China, just not in the U.S. (5 replies)
  208. Discussion about Martin/Zimmerman debate (213 replies)
  209. Obama's remarks on Supreme Court, part of a campaign to incite Mob Rule? (2 replies)
  210. If only this weren't a Photoshop (2 replies)
  211. Opportunities and Dangers for Romney in VP Choices (8 replies)
  212. Obama Planning More Campaign Attacks on Supreme Court Conservatives (4 replies)
  213. Trayvon Martin Vs. George Zimmerman (6 replies)
  214. Ron Paul has missed 92 percent of House votes. (6 replies)
  215. One of Obama's law students finally surfaces, goes public (4 replies)
  216. The Polls Really Show Obama Losing (6 replies)
  217. Marion Barry has moved on from crack cocaine (7 replies)
  218. 4 Indiana Dems charged with election fraud in 2008 presidential race (4 replies)
  219. Mitt sweeps: Md, DC, Wi (14 replies)
  220. Budget Cuts Affect Weather Forecasts??? (7 replies)
  221. Obama clueless about role of the Judiciary...sparks outrage from Fed Judges (4 replies)
  222. Obama Trying To Intimidate SCOTUS? (10 replies)
  223. NBC alters 911 call, trying to make Zimmerman look racist (2 replies)
  224. Ron Paul is really serious about transparency (0 replies)
  225. NBC news alters Zimmerman 911 (12 replies)
  226. Olbermann out at Current TV (11 replies)
  227. Supreme Court is voting TODAY on Obamacare decision (6 replies)
  228. Fake customers attacking businesses (1 replies)
  229. Hot-Mic Moment (4 replies)
  230. Question for people who like the Obamacare mandate (1 replies)
  231. If Obamacare is upheld, what limits are left upon government? (4 replies)
  232. New Black Panther Party ups Zimmerman Bounty to 1 Mil$ (22 replies)
  233. Voter ID burden (2 replies)
  234. Supreme Court hears Obamacare case today: What issues will they rule upon? (21 replies)
  235. Commerce and America's Affordable Health Care Choices Act EDITED! (0 replies)
  236. Commerce and America's Affordable Health Care Choices Act (0 replies)
  237. Witness: teen Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and beat him as Zimmerman cried for help (97 replies)
  238. Coulter wants attacks on Obama children (16 replies)
  239. A liberal legend's ludicrous Obamacare defense (0 replies)
  240. Gunrunner allowed to cross border by border agents... (2 replies)
  241. OBAmA GIVES 1 1/2 BILLION TO TERRORISTS... (3 replies)
  242. Usa-land of whimps...just sayin (3 replies)
  243. Middle Schoolers Assigned Opposition Research on GOP? (15 replies)
  244. Hollywood's worst-kept secret has finally been revealed (6 replies)
  245. What a STUPID AD (3 replies)
  246. John Edwards - Paid for sex with campaign money (3 replies)
  247. It's Spring, and "Occupy Wall Street" is back (0 replies)
  248. Nice summary on Spooky Dude Soros (13 replies)
  249. Puerto Rico and Illinois (7 replies)
  250. Report: Just $31B From Buffett Rule Tax on Rich (0 replies)