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  1. Obama said it best when he told us...... (0 replies)
  2. Pelosi says "98% of Catholic women use birth control" (20 replies)
  3. It’s official: Chicago is nation’s corruption capital (15 replies)
  4. Obama & Oil (1 replies)
  5. Obama's own OMB Director undercuts legal case for Obamacare (1 replies)
  6. A list of Obama's "accomplishments" (0 replies)
  7. 100 ways Obama is like GWBush (1 replies)
  8. Obama to reduce U.S. nuclear weapons 80%, no other nations' reductions requested (0 replies)
  9. Jefferson or more Hamilton (2 replies)
  10. Obama to hike Chevy Volt subsidy to $10,000 per buyer, increasing Natl Debt $10 bil (1 replies)
  11. CPAC protester tells reporter he was paid $60 to be there (3 replies)
  12. If Gingrich drops out..... (6 replies)
  13. Ron Paul to Win Maine (32 replies)
  14. Santorum: 'I Don't Try to Rig Straw Polls' (5 replies)
  15. Newt Might Get My Vote (14 replies)
  16. Maine voting (4 replies)
  17. Chocolate Mayor under investigation (5 replies)
  18. Obama says that now insurance co's, not churches, will have to pay for contraception (205 replies)
  19. For the Idiots..Oops......Strict Constitutionalists. (116 replies)
  20. US approves first nuclear power station reactors since 1978 (8 replies)
  21. Amazingly Enough (3 replies)
  22. ABC and NBC Anything But Fast and Furious On Gunwalking Scandal (1 replies)
  23. Belaboring the Obvious Dept.: Fed Judge rejects PETA's "Whale Slavery" lawsuit (4 replies)
  24. Live from the Minnesota caucuses! (26 replies)
  25. 9th Circus Court to rule on Calif prop 8 - change fundamental definition of marriage (328 replies)
  26. What really happened to the Gingrich ethics case? (17 replies)
  27. Obama hires comedians Abbott and Costello to explain "wonderful" 8.3% unemployment (0 replies)
  28. What percent of population age 16-65, is actually working or looking for work? (0 replies)
  29. Santorum Ripped off in IOWA Ron Paul Ripped Off in Nevada (14 replies)
  30. Interesting questions found on San Francisco drivers test (9 replies)
  31. Russia and China veto UN resolution on Syria (3 replies)
  32. Romney romps in Nevada (23 replies)
  33. Romney and Gingrich fail the conservative Minimum Wage Test! (5 replies)
  34. Iran warns world of coming 'great event'... (7 replies)
  35. A memorable anniversary (0 replies)
  36. 53 years ago today (0 replies)
  37. Unemployment hits 8.3 percent (20 replies)
  38. Why SOPA and PIPA are bad law (0 replies)
  39. African Americans for Obama (8 replies)
  40. 164 years ago today (14 replies)
  41. Florida Primary (6 replies)
  42. Have we just found out where some of MF Global's missing $$$ went? (2 replies)
  43. Gay Marriage Debate (20 replies)
  44. OCA challenges Conhog? (155 replies)
  45. 99-cent store in NYC fined $30,000 for stocking toy guns (7 replies)
  46. Debate on Racism? (44 replies)
  47. 26 years ago today (5 replies)
  48. Conservative beliefs linked to low IQ (53 replies)
  49. Foriegn policy, Candidates on Libya... (8 replies)
  50. GOP Establishment Mobilizes Against Newt Gingrich (20 replies)
  51. Obama: ‘We Weren’t Sent Here to Wage Perpetual Political Campaigns’ (5 replies)
  52. Is Barack Obama one of the worst presidents in United States history? (10 replies)
  53. Overuse of the race card (6 replies)
  54. Please Tell Me (49 replies)
  55. Florida Debates (12 replies)
  56. Warren Buffet's secretary.... (3 replies)
  57. Presidential expectations? (22 replies)
  58. Re-elect obama: Vote newt! (1 replies)
  59. Angry White Man (5 replies)
  60. Obama issues last-minute plea to halt Jan. 26 ballot-eligibility hearing in GA court (36 replies)
  61. Gingrich Never Fined for Ethics Violations (14 replies)
  62. Obama SOTU: I'll "open more than 75% of our potential offshore oil and gas reserves" (2 replies)
  63. Did you like the new ideas in Obama's SOTU speech? (8 replies)
  64. State of the Union registers at 8th grade reading level (81 replies)
  65. Fred Thompson endorses Newt Gingrich (12 replies)
  66. State of the Union: Obama Makes Case for Economic 'Fairness,' Second Term (5 replies)
  67. Pelosi Threat: Newt Won't be President 'There is something I know' (31 replies)
  68. Gingrich Says He Will Skip Debates if Audiences Can’t Participate (16 replies)
  69. White House sides with TSA in Rand Paul standoff (33 replies)
  70. Chevy dealers refusing new Chevy Volts from factory (2 replies)
  71. Two questions for Newt-leaning Republicans (76 replies)
  72. The race is still Romney's (0 replies)
  73. South Carolina Primary (14 replies)
  74. Ron Paul, False Charges of Racism and the State as an Equal Opportunity Oppressor (138 replies)
  75. PETA wants OJ Simpson's old house donated - for a "Meat is Murder" museum (3 replies)
  76. Federal Fast&Furious officials in AZ, will take 5th amendment (1 replies)
  77. Ron Paul and his voting record (10 replies)
  78. What really happened with Romney and Bain Capital? (1 replies)
  79. Fence Riders on the Right (10 replies)
  80. Rick Perry dropping out of Presidential race (4 replies)
  81. Most college educations are a good thing... but are they all? A must-read! (7 replies)
  82. Curious Appt. to the OMB (2 replies)
  83. GA judge subpoenas Obama's college registrations, Selective Service apps, BCs (35 replies)
  84. Sure the mans a muppet, but i like this quote a lot... (3 replies)
  85. Who are the real "Vulture......" (0 replies)
  86. Rick Santorum wins evangelical endorsement...really? (5 replies)
  87. Supreme Court examines schools' responses to students online mischief (16 replies)
  88. 2011 least productive Congressional year in history - and this is a BAD thing??? (5 replies)
  89. Newt Gingrich: a traitor to multiple wives and his country. (3 replies)
  90. Who can explain the Massachusetts miracle? (6 replies)
  91. Whats Conservative or Llibertarian or Neo Con or Ron Paul (8 replies)
  92. Policy must match real life (25 replies)
  93. The compassion of Mitt Romney/Ron Paul (1 replies)
  94. Romney vs. Paul - follow the money (23 replies)
  95. Obama wants another trillion - unpatriotic and irresponsible (5 replies)
  96. Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? (36 replies)
  97. 2012 Florida Republican Primary (2 replies)
  98. Abandoned baby found in Occupy DC tent, 40F and raining (8 replies)
  99. any of you teachers wanna defend this douche nozzle? (16 replies)
  100. Mitt Romney on FOX: A "Disastrous Interview" (44 replies)
  101. The Compassion of Ron Paul (18 replies)
  102. Gingrich: South Carolina will be 'Armageddon' of attacks (9 replies)
  103. Romney as the 2012 GOP nominee: Why or why not? (24 replies)
  104. Article, "Why I'm Leaving the Republican Party, and Endorsing Obama" (4 replies)
  105. Romney secures front runner status with NH win (2 replies)
  106. How many who won Iowa Repub caucases, became the Repub nominee? (0 replies)
  107. New Hampshire Primary (65 replies)
  108. Don't look now, another Facebook moron (6 replies)
  109. cupcake bitch update (98 replies)
  110. White House Chief of Staff is out (2 replies)
  111. Ex CIA Director Warns Iran on ‘Inexorable’ Path to Nukes (19 replies)
  112. What do you want from your Presidential candidate? (17 replies)
  113. State of Illinois disenfranchising poor and minorities! (14 replies)
  114. Rush Limbaugh - Obama is Lawless (19 replies)
  115. New Hampshire and South Carolina (1 replies)
  116. To Catch a Predator (120 replies)
  117. Former DC Mayor Marion Barry Running For Office Again (6 replies)
  118. Obama targets teens with new summer jobs program (6 replies)
  119. Could Typo Rewrite Caucus History? (6 replies)
  120. Now Libs Go After the DEAD Child Of Rick Santorum (4 replies)
  121. Obama Embraces Signing Statements After Knocking Bush for Using Them (3 replies)
  122. Random Homeland Security checkpoint (13 replies)
  123. 11 things you might not know about Santorum (10 replies)
  124. Obama recess appoints consumer bureau chief (33 replies)
  125. McCain Endorses Romney (0 replies)
  126. Thoughts on the Iowa Caucus? (40 replies)
  127. Obama Is NOT The Outsider (4 replies)
  128. The Creature From Jekyll Island (52 replies)
  129. Romney would veto "dream act" (5 replies)
  130. A bit dated - but shows what a kook Ron Paul is (0 replies)
  131. A Funny Anti-Paul Oped from Canada (6 replies)
  132. Breaking News - Proof that Ron Paul is racist! (13 replies)
  133. The Right Way To Read The Constitution (123 replies)
  134. What makes a news source legit? (52 replies)
  135. Uncle Sam Wants Your Child in His National Database (10 replies)
  136. Iowa GOP moving vote-count to '"undisclosed location" (62 replies)
  137. How to kill the GOP (45 replies)
  138. Another example (45 replies)
  139. Romney polls increasing, Paul/Gingrich fading (1 replies)
  140. So Far 9 House Democrats And 7 Senate Will Not Run (0 replies)
  141. It's official: Gary Johnson now running for president as a Libertarian (1 replies)
  142. Ex-Aide: Ron Paul Foreign Policy is 'Sheer Lunacy' (8 replies)
  143. Newt supported (and profited from) health care initiative (36 replies)
  144. Liberate Wall Street: Infiltrate and Humiliate! (4 replies)
  145. The Left Can Stop Lecturing About Civility Now (0 replies)
  146. Governor Of The Year – Scott Walker (0 replies)
  147. Newt Gingrich: Hypocrite, Lying scum (10 replies)
  148. Long-time Paul Staffer On Ron Paul (71 replies)
  149. First Media Reports of Nativity Story (2 replies)
  150. Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs (3 replies)
  151. Steyn Takes Luke Poltical (0 replies)
  152. Obama Got What He Wanted, Did You? (1 replies)
  153. This Is What Christmas Is For In DC (0 replies)
  154. Christie: Sick Leave Payouts for Public Employees is Garbage (102 replies)
  155. Presidential grade inflation (0 replies)
  156. In Elections Organization Is More Important Than The Ideas (3 replies)
  157. Obama's Christmas Wish List (1 replies)
  158. The Possibilities Are Rising As Both Political Parties Lose Voters (9 replies)
  159. Obama Takes A Step Too Far? (2 replies)
  160. OCCUPY: "What do we want? WE DON'T KNOW! When do we want it? NOW!!!" (0 replies)
  161. Wisconsin Rep. sticks a huge foot in his mouth (4 replies)
  162. From an e-mail I got (8 replies)
  163. Ron Paul info Coverting conservatives on Foriegn Policy (128 replies)
  164. Ron Paul Has Live On The Air Temper Tantrum (12 replies)
  165. This Christmas Give The Gift Of Boredom (0 replies)
  166. Bank of America to pay 1/3 billion to settle loan-discrimination claims... BUT... (11 replies)
  167. Republicans want to dismantle Medicare (27 replies)
  168. What About Ron Paul's Newsletters? (19 replies)
  169. What exactly IS the point of a two-month extension of the Payroll tax cut? (22 replies)
  170. CHevy Volt costing taxpayers up to $250K per vehicle in govt subsidies (18 replies)
  171. The Ghost of Obama's Future (0 replies)
  172. Obama has Coffee with Progressive Media Stars (25 replies)
  173. Bill Clinton Has A Firm Grasp On The Obvious (0 replies)
  174. Government waste (0 replies)
  175. Rich Lowry On Ron Paul (30 replies)
  176. Smoking-gun edict shows the Federal govt was behind the Housing Meltdown (14 replies)
  177. An Ediotrial That Most Americans Apparently Would Agree With? (4 replies)
  178. A Brokered GOP Convention? (2 replies)
  179. Econ 101: Obama Says No To Growing Wealth (8 replies)
  180. Obama's 17-Day Vacation to Cost $4 Million (9 replies)
  181. Who is your Presidential match? Test (9 replies)
  182. Pelosi Benefitting Monetarily, Again (6 replies)
  183. Wet-Foot Dry-Foot Policy (17 replies)
  184. Heartwarming Couple (1 replies)
  185. NC Gov Misusing Early Unemployment Reports? (1 replies)
  186. The GOP Isn't Losing All The Battles (1 replies)
  187. OWS manages to shut down a business (5 replies)
  188. Mortgage Fees Would Rise Under Payroll Tax Cut Deal (0 replies)
  189. Congressmen can't say "Merry Christmas" in mailings (148 replies)
  190. Election Expert John Fund: Voter ID Laws Don’t Suppress Black Vote (0 replies)
  191. Congress defunds enforcement of the incandescent-light-bulb ban (4 replies)
  192. 238 years ago today (1 replies)
  193. Newt Gingrich correct on subpoenaing judges to appear before Congress. (33 replies)
  194. Obama Askes Iran to Return Drone (2 replies)
  195. Extending Unemployment Benefits Will Create 600,000 Jobs (18 replies)
  196. Tonight's Debate (16 replies)
  197. FoxNews: Senate passes $662B Defense spending bill, first Defense cut since Clinton (3 replies)
  198. Seat Belts, Smoking, Light Bulbs, Now Cell Phones... (90 replies)
  199. Conservative? Like RSR? Like CH? Like Abbey? Like Me? (31 replies)
  200. Connecticut Mayor wants illegal aliens to vote (2 replies)
  201. Democrats Follow Obama Down the Low Road (0 replies)
  202. Obama Gets In The Christmas Spirit (0 replies)
  203. Cavuto to OWSer Explain to me again how shutting down ports helps the 99 percent (0 replies)
  204. House passes payroll cut extension with Keystone pipeline provision (0 replies)
  205. Canada pulls out of Kyoto treaty, dumping manmade-climate-change fruitcakes (0 replies)
  206. Worse Than 'Big Business' (0 replies)
  207. Kagan recuses herself from Arizona case (4 replies)
  208. U.S. Debt Has Increased $48,994 Per SECOND Since Obama Took Office (3 replies)
  209. Union Election Requires Photo ID But No Outrage From Left and Liberal Media (7 replies)
  210. DNC Chair Denies Unemployment Has Gone Up Under Obama (4 replies)
  211. How Much Does Someone Need to Earn to Be ‘Rich’? (0 replies)
  212. Obama on CBS: I didn't overpromise (3 replies)
  213. Stephanopoulos Asks if Infidelity Should Be an Issue (0 replies)
  214. Why is Gingrich’s attack upon conservative talk radio a non issue among supporters? (17 replies)
  215. Gingrich pushes progressive friendly tax reform! (10 replies)
  216. Liberal Law Prof Says Kagan Should Recuse Herself (0 replies)
  217. Obama: More jobs in jobless benefits than Keystone (15 replies)
  218. Voters Flee Democratic Party in Key Swing States (0 replies)
  219. E-Mails Show Fast and Furious was Vehicle for Gun Control (2 replies)
  220. New York Times Scolds ChiComs for Acting Like Democrats! (0 replies)
  221. Now that would be justice (2 replies)
  222. Ft. Hood Shooting Classified As "Work Place Violence" (1 replies)
  223. How About Dinner With a Domestic Terrorist? (0 replies)
  224. Occupy Wall St. Protesters Begin Taking Over Foreclosed Homes (5 replies)
  225. Lib Professor Says Only Poor White Janitors are Only R's At Columbia U (4 replies)
  226. Goodbye OWS Boston (0 replies)
  227. If you were wondering what Orwell's definition of "doublethink" was.... (1 replies)
  228. Anybody hear Limbaugh's last caller today (Wednesday)? (6 replies)
  229. Glenn Beck`s interview with Gingrich was disappointing! (0 replies)
  230. Gay Parent Uses Her Kid As Political Prop (62 replies)
  231. Reevaluating Jon Huntsman, Jr. (1 replies)
  232. The most important characteristic of the 2012 Republican nominee (2 replies)
  233. New 2012 Strategy Obama Will Be Teddy Roosevelt (19 replies)
  234. More Polls Show Obama In Trouble (2 replies)
  235. Ron Paul Actually, 9-11 Was "Violence" -- Not War (16 replies)
  236. New economic indicators point to “decelerating” economy (0 replies)
  237. BTW, 69 years ago last Friday (1 replies)
  238. Another Look At Huntsman (2 replies)
  239. Post office says it will deliver mail slower... to SAVE money??? (32 replies)
  240. With Cain's candidacy destroyed, Democrats say Newt is next (0 replies)
  241. Obama Off to Hawaii for Seventeen Day Vacation (13 replies)
  242. Cain Suspends His Campaign (51 replies)
  243. Cain to make announcement tomorrow (10 replies)
  244. Why are our ``conservative`` talk show hosts so gentle with Newt Gingrich? (51 replies)
  245. A few surprises (?) from Cain's 13-year-affair accuser (5 replies)
  246. Nanny States... Kaput (1 replies)
  247. Occupy L.A. leaves behind 30 tons of trash (20 replies)
  248. Our Smartest President: Just Ask Him (42 replies)
  249. Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain (23 replies)
  250. Barney Frank (D-MA) won't run for re-election (8 replies)