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  1. Do you know someone suffering from Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD)?
  2. Protesting Planned Parenthood
  3. 72 convicted of terrorism from 'Trump 7' mostly Muslim countries
  4. Trump's ban "racist"?
  5. Bravo to Ambassador Haley
  6. Snowflakes struggling with Obama era regulation being dismantled
  7. Dennis Miller Quotes
  8. Take a good long look around you!
  9. Grammy Awards Get Trolled
  10. Flynn quits after admitting lies
  11. A remider for those who have forgotten the history of the 20th century
  12. What di they know and when did they know it?
  13. Bannon "livid" about breitbart story
  14. Funny how that works
  15. Trump Slams ‘Dishonest’ Press
  16. Trump Huge Power to Shape American Courts
  17. David Petraeus
  18. US breached guidelines and used depleted uranium in air strikes against Isis in Syria
  19. Sanctuary Cities Are Racist" - Black Trump Supporter Drops The Mic At Town Hall....
  20. Illegal aliens too terrified to apply for welfare........
  21. It's a bloodbath at the State Department.........
  22. Senate Confirms Pruitt to EPA Chief
  23. 'Blind sheikh' - 1993 WTC bombing - dead
  24. MILO to Deliver Keynote Address at CPAC
  25. John Podesta: Trump Criticizing Fake News Is ‘Dangerous’
  26. FBI: No Charges Against Michael Flynn
  27. Trump Rally FLA...!
  28. The HUNT is on...Leakers pursued by Team Trump could face hard time
  29. The Left's Once Mighty Echo Chamber Is Losing Power....
  30. Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office
  31. Going further to the Trump side
  32. Rand Paul defends president against McCain
  33. Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens...
  34. Trump's New Executive Order on Immigration...
  35. House Dem Staffers In Security Probe Secretly Took $100K In Iraqi Money
  36. Trump's planned budget cuts
  37. Trump's golf game
  38. Nine Lies Americans Were Told About Obamacare
  39. Snowflakes Beware
  40. Idiots running refusefascism.org: Idiot may not be a strong enough word
  41. Question for Trump voters: Aren't you embarrassed?
  42. Ted Cruz: Thank You, Harry Reid, for the ‘Most Conservative Cabinet in Decades'
  43. Cruz: 'Do Democrats Understand They Need to Control the House to Impeach?'
  44. Speculation: Is Kennedy The Next SCOTUS Justice To Retire?
  45. CNN's own Yiannopoulos?
  46. So, Who Will Become DNC Chair?
  47. Doesn't Get The Headlines: Congressional GOP Is Working
  48. Trump Cracking Down On Sex Traffickers
  49. Slate's Isaac Chotiner decides to man up and attack Alan Colmes after his death
  50. Leaking Is A Bi-Partisan Problem, Unlikely To Be Fixed
  51. Jorge Ramos: "This is our country, not theirs"
  52. Salon Claims Trump Letting ICE ‘Deport Whoever They Want’
  53. Heads of Gangs, Killers, Murderers…We’re Getting Them the Hell Out of Our Country
  54. A Branch Trumpidians take on Trump so far
  55. Trump's speech to congress tonight
  56. Dan Grilo
  57. How do we fire incompetent Republicans if the Democrats implode?
  58. Will The Wall Get Funded?
  59. Sessions Met With Russian Ambassador
  60. Sessions Going To Have A News Conference Momentarily
  61. Trump to lift federal coal ban, other green rules, next week: White House
  62. Pence used private email for business
  63. Press coverage of Trump's first month
  64. Trump was right about Yemen
  65. Trump jokes about woman on her knees
  66. Trump Accuses Obama Of 'Bugging' His Campaign
  67. President Trump Signs New Travel Ban
  68. Anyone interested in reading what I found from 2004? Democrat plans...happening today
  69. Trump blows his top!!
  70. I suspect. The President discovered that Obama didn't need FISA.
  71. AG Jeff Sessions Reforming Obama’s Lax Policies on Crime, Drug Trafficking
  72. Has this contributed to leaks?
  73. Healthcare Bill Does Not Deliver on Repeal, Replace
  74. "boy" and "girl" might be offensive?
  75. U.S. Jobs, Wages Show Solid Gains in Trump's First Full Month
  76. Paul Slams GOP Replacement Plan
  77. House Intel Chair On Trump-Russia Evidence: ‘There’s Nothing There'
  78. US nukes just got a lot deadlier ......
  79. Rep. King: I meant exactly what I said....
  80. Paul Ryan Badmouths Donald Trump Behind His Back
  81. Russian Ambassador Also Met With Clinton's People
  82. Former Dem rep: Kucinich defends Trump
  83. Trump Administration Mulls UN Funding Cuts
  84. What America Really Needs To Do About the UN
  85. Judge Napolitano: Obama Used British Intel Organization to Spy on Trump
  86. Use Money From Drug Seizures to Pay For Wall
  87. Rachel Maddow - MSNBC - releasing Trump's tax returns
  88. Dear GOP Congress: Keep Your Promise on Obamacare or Face Eviction
  89. Trump’s 2005 Tax Rate Much Higher Than Normal
  90. Judicial Watch Sues For Info on Bill Clinton's Plane Meeting With Loretta Lynch
  91. IRS Commissioner Koskinen Must Be Immediately Fired and Prosecuted
  92. Rand Paul: Let’s ‘Smash’ Paul Ryan’s Obamacare Lite
  93. The Pelosi Principle
  94. Obama's Final Year
  95. Climate Change: ‘We’re Not Spending Money on That Anymore’
  96. NY TimesReporter Blames Infowars for Spreading Trump Wiretap Story HE WROTE!
  97. About The First 9th Circuit Halt On Trump's Order
  98. IBM to Hire 2,000 Vets After Meeting with Prez
  99. Trump and Merkel have something in common
  100. Bill O’Reilly on Hillary’s Call for Unity: A Bunch of BS, Worst Candidate in 40 years
  101. CNN Just Reported A Massive Lie About Sean Hannity
  102. Donna Brazile Finally Admits She Forwarded Town Hall Questions
  103. Trump Budget Eliminates Federal Funding for 19 Agencies
  104. Hillary - what will be next step?
  105. Trump Wants to Build 30-Foot-High Wall at Mexican Border
  106. Why the CBO Can't be Trusted to Get Anything Right
  107. Somewhere, Obama is laughing
  108. Exclusive: Immigration judges headed to 12 U.S. cities to speed deportations
  109. Dad and daughter transition together from mother and son: 'If she can do it, so can I
  110. NSA: No Evidence Russia Changed Votes in Swing States Clinton Lost
  111. Neither FBI or DOJ Have Any Evidence to Back Trump's Wiretapping Claims
  112. Ted Cruz: Trump’s Wiretapping Allegations ‘Not Necessarily as Outlandish’ as media sa
  113. NSA Documents Prove Government Spying on Trump and Trump Tower for Years
  114. Trump pressures 'sanctuary cities'
  115. ‘The Worst and Most Perilous Day’ of Trump’s ‘Young Presidency’
  116. Cruz: Not 1 democrat, not Hillary or Obama, voted against Gorsuch
  117. Chelsea is going to save Democrat party?
  118. First Daughter Ivanka Trump Gets West Wing Office
  119. Krauthammer on Threat to Filibuster Gorsuch
  120. Will Russiagate Backfire on the Left?
  121. Grassley: Comey Could Have Been More Transparent
  122. Trump approval percentage
  123. Wow! Seems My Ideas On HC Are Called 'Thinking Big'
  124. Sharks Circling
  125. Ronald Reagan on Fascism - He Was Right
  126. Nunes: FBI is not cooperating with our investigation
  127. WikiLeaks Vault 7 Leak Claims CIA Bugs ‘Factory Fresh’ iPhones
  128. Gorsuch
  129. No media bias you say?
  130. Potential 'smoking gun' showing Obama administration spied on Trump team
  131. House votes to begin repealing Obamacare
  132. Walking down to the pro-Trump rally
  133. Eric Bolling: Vote Delay 'Best Thing' for GOP
  134. Did Michael Flynn Strike A Deal With The FBI?
  135. Healthcare implementation
  136. Ryan needs to step down
  137. We Need an Independent Investigation of the Trump Leaks Mystery Now
  138. Trump’s border-wall proposal faces many obstacles
  139. Media Refuse to Blame Anti-Trump Protesters for Violence at Rallies
  140. I told you so: White House Opens Door to Democrats in Wake of Health-Bill Failure
  141. Emergency Budget Plan Buys 62 Miles of Border Wall In 2017
  142. Maxine Waters - you're not a patriot if you voted for Trump
  143. Rivers of Blood
  144. She signs letter to trigger Brexit and begin irreversible process to leave EU....
  145. ‘Existential Threat to the Entire Planet’
  146. Hillary and Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia
  147. Democrats Offer Nothing But Distortions and Hypocrisy
  148. You Mean The GOP Isn't Serious About 'Cutting Costs?'
  149. Ann Coulter on Healthcare
  150. Ivanka joins the White House
  151. Nunes Has A Problem
  152. Rand Paul: 75 Percent Chance We Repeal Obamacare
  153. The left still fixated on race
  154. Trump at war with his own party
  155. .....White House Plays Nunes Trump Card To Expose Staff Leaker ....
  156. "..Professor wants to vomit after watching someone give up 1st class seat to soldier"
  157. "Sessions: Convictions likely needed to end government leaks....."
  158. 'Tunnel Visioned Ideologue' Evelyn Farkas ...."
  159. With Trump approval, Pentagon expands warfighting authority
  160. Everyone needs to see this. A Prime reason why AMERICA is becoming a Socialist state
  161. Should Trump and the republicans adopt Rand Paul's plan?
  162. "Russian government posts April Fools' Day prank offering "election interference"
  163. Want to SHUT UP a Liberal, Democrat-Hypocrite about Race?
  164. Susan Rice "Unmasked" Those Trump Staff?
  165. Bill Nye the White Guy?
  166. Trump "undoing" Obama
  167. Border Wall taking away american's land
  168. Susan Rice - facts Americans should know
  169. Private payrolls grew 263K in March
  170. Illegal immigration plummets after Trump inauguration
  171. Wall Cut Illegal Crossings by 94%
  172. Rand Paul on Susan Rice
  173. The Left's tolerance of radical Islam.
  174. Bannon removed from NSC
  175. Sanctuary State
  176. Mike Pence and his wife
  177. Ann Coulter: The Russian Emperor’s New Clothes
  178. Trump: Gas Attack 'Very Much' Changed 'My Attitude Toward Syria and Assad'
  179. Going Nuclear: McConnell Confirms The GOP Has Votes...
  180. 'Trump Has Every Right to be Furious with the Press'
  181. US will take action on Syrian chemical attacks if UN doesn't
  182. PEW: Relationship Between Media and Trump Unhealthy
  183. BOOM! McConnell Pulls The Trigger
  184. 60 votes versus simple majority
  185. The Trump Effect: Lower Drug Prices
  186. There will be Abolutely No repercussions from the Nuclear Option
  187. Syrian government doesn't like Nikki Haley
  188. Can This Change Be Savored For A Bit?
  189. Why Hillary lost
  190. Manufacturing Jobs Reach Highest Level in 8 Years
  191. Gorsuch
  192. Tomi Lahren sues Glenn Beck
  193. Trump Supporting Hackers Not Happy With Some Of His Decisions
  194. Russia knew in advance of Syrian chemical attack
  195. It Looks Like Bentley, Governor of AL Will Resign
  196. Syria Has Domestic Implications Too
  197. Intel Professionals: Trump Should Rethink Syria Escalation
  198. The Wall design
  199. DailyMail : Settlement - Apologizes & Pays First Lady
  200. Who Needs Debt Reduction?
  201. Now The Dollar Is Too Strong and Yellen May Stay
  202. Yeah, This Is Likely Right
  203. Wow! Trump Promise Kept Regarding Coal
  204. Will Bannon Survive?
  205. Where Angels Fear To Tread
  206. Trump Administration: One Of The Most Transparent In US History, Open To Media
  207. Why are people at Berkeley so violent?
  208. Obama-era Surveillance Timeline
  209. "It Has Become Embarrassing To Be An American"
  210. Training To Think
  211. GA Results
  212. The Trump Dogma at home
  213. Sen Graham: I’m ‘Happiest Dude In America’ With Trump’s Foreign Policy
  214. North Korea warns of 'super-mighty preemptive strike'
  215. Trump Already Headed Towards Reelection
  216. Professor suggests the NRA is more dangerous than ISIS
  217. Sessions Announces Hiring of 50 New Immigration Judges
  218. The Greatest Threat to America Isn’t Islam – It’s the Left
  219. AG Sessions: 10,000 MS-13 Gang Members in USA
  220. Blue State Blues: Trump’s First 100 Days
  221. Sessions Warns Incoming Illegal Immigrants: ‘Don’t Come’
  222. $200B for Infrastructure
  223. Question about CNN story: Russia tried to use Trump advisers to infiltrate campaign
  224. Trump to set new executive orders on environment, energy this week
  225. Trump Budges On Border Wall
  226. What grade would you give trump so far ?
  227. Trump Team Unveils Landmark Tax Plan
  228. Tiny Houses and "Poverty Appropriation"
  229. Trump DOJ Continues Obama DOJ In Going After Religious
  230. Learning on the job? & 100 days of congress
  231. Republicans exempt their own insurance from their latest health care proposal
  232. Does Trump have 4-8 years in him?
  233. Obamacare here to stay?
  234. Republican Congressman cries as he begs God to ‘forgive’ America for gay marriage
  235. Why polls are wrong on trump. Again.
  236. Trump Reverses Another 0bama Oil Drilling Ban
  237. Democrats - pro life not welcome
  238. Trump's failed promises thus far
  239. Democrats and the First Amendment
  240. Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country
  241. Trump: Why could the Civil War not have 'been worked out?'
  242. No Shutdown, Is It Worth It?
  243. Change?
  244. Take THAT Hillary!
  245. Adding To The Swamp
  246. $2.5 Billion Wired To Mexico In April
  247. Obamacare "essentially" dead
  248. Feinstein Hasn't Seen Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
  249. Something I found while checking my Document directory...
  250. And in other news...