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  1. More From the Hippies In Their Own Words (3 replies)
  2. A Tale of Two Protests (3 replies)
  3. Obama to reporter: " I didn't know you were a spokesman for Mitt Romney!" (1 replies)
  4. Dem hysteria mounting, Pelosi: Republicans "want women to die on the floor" (34 replies)
  5. Schumer Blames Obama Economy On Tea Party Economics (0 replies)
  6. DNC Chair Says Voters Do Not Elect Leaders To Create Jobs (5 replies)
  7. Passing Obama’s jobs bill means less rape (0 replies)
  8. Log Cabin Republicans (92 replies)
  9. Obama tried to apologize to Japan for nukes on Hiroshima, Nagasaki? (58 replies)
  10. The GOP 2012 Campaign Button (0 replies)
  11. Senate blocks Obama’s jobs bill (1 replies)
  12. Could Obama-Hillary Ticket Rescue Dems? (0 replies)
  13. Romney asks Perry to disavow pastor, Perry says no (47 replies)
  14. Say it: "I will never again be an employer." (2 replies)
  15. The Attacks on Cain Begin (54 replies)
  16. Read Congressman Darryl Issa's letter to Eric Holder about his Fast&Furious testimony (4 replies)
  17. AP Calling Obama Out On Jobs Bill and His Accusations (4 replies)
  18. Wanna Bet The President Tries To Blame Franklin or Edison? (1 replies)
  19. Operation Fast and Furious: Subpeonas Headed Holder's Way (0 replies)
  20. Occupy Wall Street’ Is Creating Jobs (15 replies)
  21. Now if the Tea Party Had Done This........... (0 replies)
  22. Great quotes from Presidential candidate Herman Cain (8 replies)
  23. Black History Month. (3 replies)
  24. Hows that spending reduction going? (4 replies)
  25. Wall St Protester Takes A Dump On Cop Car While The Rest Trash Wall St (6 replies)
  26. Birth of the "Satellite Truther" cult! (2 replies)
  27. This Sums It Up (55 replies)
  28. If a state wanted to leave the United States... (35 replies)
  29. Yes, who needs an "assault rifle"? (2 replies)
  30. How bad is the paranoia getting? (64 replies)
  31. Ouch! AP Fact Checks Obama's Presser (0 replies)
  32. Democrats Will Forget This A Year From Now (0 replies)
  33. Obama Cites Employed Boston Teacher In Jobs Bill News Conference (21 replies)
  34. Biden Makes Campaign Ad For Republicans (0 replies)
  35. Westboro Bap Church to picket Steve Jobs' funeral (11 replies)
  36. Video Obama Presidency by the Numbers (0 replies)
  37. The Wall Street Protesters In Their Own Words (16 replies)
  38. The teenage moralism of the Occupy WallSt hipsters makes me ashamed to be Left-wing (9 replies)
  39. Overhead image showing high attendance at "Occupy Wall Street" was faked? (38 replies)
  40. Gun control California 2024 (1 replies)
  41. Read my lips Herman Cain. No new sales tax! (61 replies)
  42. Bad Days Ahead For Obama (0 replies)
  43. Attack Marco Rubio Unify GOP Candidates (0 replies)
  44. Bernake Ready To Move Again (3 replies)
  45. Reid resists McConnell’s move to take up the president’s jobs bill (1 replies)
  46. $737 Million for Solor Company To Create 45 Jobs (0 replies)
  47. Letterman (0 replies)
  48. American Crossroads: "Don't" (2 replies)
  49. Judiciary Chairman Calls For A Special Counsel to Investigate Eric Holder (61 replies)
  50. Obama admin panicking, "screams and swears" at reporter covering Fast and Furious (23 replies)
  51. Supreme Court won't stop Iowa from requiring KFC to pay taxes (5 replies)
  52. This Is How The Economy Will Grow (3 replies)
  53. Solyn-drama: Obama Warned Not to Visit Failed Solar Panel Plant (6 replies)
  54. Documents reveal that Holder received briefing on Fast & Furious in July 2010 (0 replies)
  55. What if the NFL Played by Teachers' Rules? (2 replies)
  56. Amanda Knox's murder conviction overturned in Italy (6 replies)
  57. The real translation of the Chinese characters on that "Obama Fried Chicken" sign (3 replies)
  58. The New Norm Under Obama and Dems (0 replies)
  59. Obama Geting Close To Bush Approval Numbers (27 replies)
  60. Dems Now Become Weight Watchers (5 replies)
  61. Murder, viol crime plummets in DC and Chicago after gun bans repealed. Media silent (1 replies)
  62. Obama’s jobs bill still has no cosponsors (2 replies)
  63. Surprise! ObamaCare doesn’t lower health-insurance costs (0 replies)
  64. An Ugle Preview of Campaign 2012 (10 replies)
  65. Obama's Malaise Moment Arrives (1 replies)
  66. Ron Paul Confirms He Is A Total Asshole When It Comes To War On Terror (140 replies)
  67. Hispanics vanishing from Alabama schools (29 replies)
  68. Does Health Insurance determine where you work and whether you stay married unhappily (43 replies)
  69. Look in the dictionary under "Wishful thinking" and you'll find...... (0 replies)
  70. Like It Or Not, All Is Political (2 replies)
  71. Billboard shows Obama in diapers: "Change me, I stink" (4 replies)
  72. Teacher penalizes students' test scores for saying "Bless You" (43 replies)
  73. Obama Cited These Hospitals As Obamacare Examples: They Refuse To Participate (0 replies)
  74. Gingrich 21st Century Contract with America (11 replies)
  75. Recent Trends in Posting - Let's push to keep on-topic (0 replies)
  76. Obama Still Losing Ground in Swing States (0 replies)
  77. Two Democrats: We're Getting Pretty Sick of This Whole "Democracy" Thing (3 replies)
  78. Fed judge OKs most of Alabama illegal-alien law (2 replies)
  79. Gov. Beverly Perdue (D-NC): We should cancel the elections (7 replies)
  80. CNN: Oops! White House fails basic geography test (9 replies)
  81. Corporate Bailouts (10 replies)
  82. Obama & Dems Need to Wake Up and Do Their Job (0 replies)
  83. Obama says Billionaires should pay the same tax rate as a Jew (25 replies)
  84. Solyndra and the Stimulus Scandal (0 replies)
  85. Michael Moore: Patriotic Americans Will Wait Longer For Health Care (0 replies)
  86. Obama: **GOP** would "cripple" America (3 replies)
  87. Left Cries Racism, Can't See the Irony (0 replies)
  88. Lobbyists Set the State for the Next Collapse (1 replies)
  89. If the Rich Getting Richer Created Jobs (113 replies)
  90. Wealth and Poverty in America (8 replies)
  91. Michael Moore: We'll have to wait in line for Healthcare now- but that's "patriotic"! (2 replies)
  92. EPA To Property Onwer Your Land Is Our Land (29 replies)
  93. Left Says To Reduce Unemployment We Need To Sue Employers Who Don't Hire (19 replies)
  94. More Bad News For Dems in Battleground States (2 replies)
  95. Over half a billion being paid out to dead people (4 replies)
  96. Just poking around some of the less talked about Republican Candidates...... (2 replies)
  97. Republicans Eat Obama’s Food, Drink His Beer, Then ‘Try to Kill Him’ (11 replies)
  98. Obama pitches jobs bill in front of bridge that won’t benefit from jobs bill (16 replies)
  99. Republican Debate (10 replies)
  100. For those of you who may have had sex with Rick Perry (9 replies)
  101. The Lost Generation (0 replies)
  102. What a GREAT Rick Perry ad: "President Zero" (33 replies)
  103. A Truly Embarrassing President (3 replies)
  104. Obama May Pull Out (11 replies)
  105. Obama Jobs Bill explicitly declares 11th amendment null and void? (9 replies)
  106. Liberals Offering Excuses for 2012 Election Loss Already (2 replies)
  107. Howard Dean Admits the Truth About Obamacare (0 replies)
  108. The jobs bill is designed to take states rights away (4 replies)
  109. Justice Department and $16 Muffins (11 replies)
  110. Obama's Hope and Lies (2 replies)
  111. Millionaires Do Not Pay Less Tas as Percent of Income Than Lower Earners (17 replies)
  112. Obama announces he care about the deficit (3 replies)
  113. Peyton Manning has stem-cell treatment in Europe (2 replies)
  114. Florida firm offers free AK-47s to new customers (103 replies)
  115. Obama: Politics, not Policies (0 replies)
  116. Chicago Tribune Editorial Says Obama Should Withdraw From 2012 (0 replies)
  117. The media’s love affair with a disastrous president (34 replies)
  118. Black Caucus Chair: We‘d ’Be Marching on the White House’ if Not For Obama (12 replies)
  119. Perry and AGW (0 replies)
  120. Obama To Propose Plan To Screw Over Top Rate Earners (24 replies)
  121. H.R.822 - National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011 (21 replies)
  122. Waffle House Index (0 replies)
  123. Obama’s job approval — and favorable rating — hit new lows in NYT poll (1 replies)
  124. Obama Faces a Credibility Deficit (0 replies)
  125. Obama admin ignored warnings about Solyndra (0 replies)
  126. Who Here Believes in the Tax Faery? (12 replies)
  127. Calif. schools turn away unvaccinated students (225 replies)
  128. Herman Cain Nine, Nine, Nine (37 replies)
  129. Billions in Unemployment Benefits Paid in Error (0 replies)
  130. Interesting Article On GWB (0 replies)
  131. House passes bill to limit NLRB authority to control plant opening/closing (16 replies)
  132. Jobless claims rise - as always with the Obamanites - "Unexpectedly" (1 replies)
  133. $19 Billion For Green Energy Creates 3,545 New Jobs (5 replies)
  134. A Blue-State Bailout in Disguise (2 replies)
  135. Dem Tells Radio Host You Dont Deserve To Keep All The Money You Earn (501 replies)
  136. Some Democrats Are Balking at Obama’s Jobs Bill (1 replies)
  137. Ron Paul’s Campaign Mastermind Died Of Pneumonia, Penniless And Uninsured (2 replies)
  138. WH Under Fire For Pressure on Loan (13 replies)
  139. Palin obviously has no racial prejudices (65 replies)
  140. Obama's job-approval rating falls below 50%...... in CALIFORNIA??? (22 replies)
  141. Twin defeats spark Democrat fears (14 replies)
  142. Obama "Jobs" bill changes National-Debt-Ceiling agreement to trigger tax increases (0 replies)
  143. Newt Does Have His Moments (0 replies)
  144. Referendum On Obama Dems Lose NY Special Election (5 replies)
  145. No ratings bump for Obama after Jobs speech (6 replies)
  146. Obama's "new" JOBS ideas: More govt spending, Soak the rich, Spread the Wealth around (1 replies)
  147. Yet another Federal court rules Obamacare mandate unconstitutional (0 replies)
  148. Poverty jumps from 14.3% to 15.1% since 2009 (3 replies)
  149. Unions and Obama Declining Together (0 replies)
  150. Obama Administration: if You Hire Whites, We'll Revoke Your Contract (18 replies)
  151. Schultz: Its Such Baloney to Say Stimulus Didn’t Work (2 replies)
  152. Mini Anti-Tea Party Protest Keeping it Classy (3 replies)
  153. Regulation Nation (8 replies)
  154. The New Tone (0 replies)
  155. Liberals Use 9-11 To Attack Pres Bush (15 replies)
  156. Anybody left in this country who DOESN'T know Social Security is a Ponzi scheme? (7 replies)
  157. Obama Buys the Drinks, Other Guys Pay (0 replies)
  158. Could Dems Lose Weiner's House Seat? (6 replies)
  159. The Hollywood Left and 9-11 (3 replies)
  160. 9/11 False Flag Being Used as Pretext for War Against Iran? (3 replies)
  161. The $2.5 Trillion Tragedy: What America Has Given Up For 10 Years Of Bush Tax Cuts (177 replies)
  162. Let's talk cuts (26 replies)
  163. Immelt (9 replies)
  164. Local militias (78 replies)
  165. Obama Job Plan: Already Paid For? (2 replies)
  166. Black unemployment: Highest in 27 years (16 replies)
  167. Is GOP race down to Romney vs. Perry? (49 replies)
  168. Want to play Bingo during Obama's Jobs speech tonight? (0 replies)
  169. Fed District Court rules Miss. citizens DO have standing to sue against Obamacare (0 replies)
  170. 4th Circuit: Virginia "doesn't have standing" to sue over Obamacare (4 replies)
  171. TV Station Picks Packers Over Obama (0 replies)
  172. How Will $300 Billion Fix The Economy When $1 Trillion Did Not? (25 replies)
  173. 600,000 Jobs On Hold To Protect A Beetle (0 replies)
  174. Republican Debates (22 replies)
  175. Ron Paul Correct On Terrorism And Reaons Behind Anti Americanism (0 replies)
  176. Pelosi drops the word 'stimulus' (0 replies)
  177. Confidence in Obama Slipping to New Lows (5 replies)
  178. Ford to build new $1B plant and create 5,000 jobs - in India (3 replies)
  179. Not A Surprise: The 'Super' Committee (2 replies)
  180. Jesus was a Socialist by nature (20 replies)
  181. Laws for Freedom (14 replies)
  182. Liberal Media Says ObamaCare Was President's Biggest Mistake (14 replies)
  183. Obama Tired Of Political Gamemanship? (0 replies)
  184. Krugman Steps In It Again (4 replies)
  185. Hoffa Says of Tea Party "Let's Take these SOBs Out!" (33 replies)
  186. And the beat goes on - and the beat goes on (38 replies)
  187. The Expanded Role of President (17 replies)
  188. I’m exactly what’s wrong with Barack Obama’s America (0 replies)
  189. Has Obama Lost Keith Olbermann? (2 replies)
  190. Should Vehicle Registration be Mandatory? (32 replies)
  191. What is the Purpose of the Concealment Tax? (22 replies)
  192. As Obama's fortunes sink, his media admirers panic (3 replies)
  193. Does Anyone Take Obama Seriously Anymore (13 replies)
  194. Rhetoric, reality, and the Great Recession (20 replies)
  195. More Liberal Civility From Liberal Talk Radio (0 replies)
  196. Obama Takes Yet Another Break (0 replies)
  197. U.S. Debt Held by Public Tops $10T Up 59 Percent Under Obama (0 replies)
  198. Blacks Voted For Obama Because He's Black, Not Because He's Qualified" (19 replies)
  199. Obama talks about America’s horrible economy with child reporters (0 replies)
  200. White House Lowers Expectations On Obama Jobs Speech (14 replies)
  201. One thing Obama didn't inherit from Bush (1 replies)
  202. New plan: Let’s sue all the banks! (32 replies)
  203. Fast and Furious e-mails reached at least three White House officials (52 replies)
  204. IRS doles billions in tax credits to “undocumented workers” (0 replies)
  205. Rick Perry, Presidential Candidate! (38 replies)
  206. Employers Added No Net Jobs in August (89 replies)
  207. .Obama and the Burden of Exceptionalism (0 replies)
  208. Remember when opposing the Presidency was seen as unpatriotic? (35 replies)
  209. Alabama School Band Message of Tolerance, Citing Bigotry of Alabamians (99 replies)
  210. California Dreamin' (12 replies)
  211. Recovery By The Numbers (0 replies)
  212. Obama Iphone App Has Libs Upset (4 replies)
  213. Nancy Pelosi Has Figured Out the Evil Rich At Last (2 replies)
  214. Boehner Wins: Jobs Speech Moved to Sept. 8 (31 replies)
  215. Obama: The one-man echo chamber? (1 replies)
  216. One leetle problem with Sept. 7 Joint Session, ASIDE from the Republican debate (13 replies)
  217. Obama calls for increasing the gasoline tax (43 replies)
  218. Andre Carson says "TEA Party wants blacks hanging from trees. (15 replies)
  219. Obama, the economy, and golf (4 replies)
  220. One in four Democrats wants to dump Obama (21 replies)
  221. Is modern liberalism facing complete disaster? A must-read (5 replies)
  222. An unusual economy? (2 replies)
  223. Five things Obama has done since being in office that I agree with (6 replies)
  224. What Liberals Fear More Than Obama Losing (9 replies)
  225. Good News: Obama Proposing New Stimulus (45 replies)
  226. An Unusual Economy? (13 replies)
  227. CA considers Styrofoam containers ban (9 replies)
  228. Buffett's Company Has Not Paid Taxes Owed In Years (36 replies)
  229. Biden Golfed in Hours Preceding Hurricane (34 replies)
  230. Obama's Next Excuse (0 replies)
  231. Consumer fears put economy on the brink (7 replies)
  232. If Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann Woukl Have Said This......... (31 replies)
  233. Obama's Declining Pol Numbers Must Be The Result Of Racism (0 replies)
  234. Civility From WI Unions (1 replies)
  235. Liberal Media Meltdown - Prove Obama Is A Bad President (5 replies)
  236. Now the NY Times Is Interested In Candidates Churches (5 replies)
  237. Irene’s got a middle name, and it’s Global Warming. (5 replies)
  238. Gore: Eat less meat to fight warming (61 replies)
  239. AFL-CIO head: Labor to ditch Democrats (4 replies)
  240. MSNBC to bring in RAY NAGIN to talk about hurricane preparedness. Yes, really. (18 replies)
  241. Federal Agents storm Gibson Guitar factory looking for... ILLEGAL HARDWOODS! (4 replies)
  242. ****Hope and Change Update*** More Stimulus Waste (11 replies)
  243. Zuckerman: I'm Flummoxed About Obama (12 replies)
  244. Where is the 'War on Canines'? (31 replies)
  245. Do you remember...... (0 replies)
  246. Results coming in from Illinois' 67% tax-rate hike (1 replies)
  247. Aug. 25: Initial jobless claims rise - you guessed it - "Unexpectedly" (2 replies)
  248. What's on the Tea Party's coffee table. (8 replies)
  249. Close Hedge Fund Tax Loopholes (43 replies)
  250. Republicans Opposed to Tax Cuts (17 replies)