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  1. Paying Some Attention To Ron Paul (2 replies)
  2. Blacks' Dilemma with Obama (41 replies)
  3. Funny quake tweets (0 replies)
  4. Interesting Times (18 replies)
  5. Where to ever start reigning in spending? (1 replies)
  6. Those were the days (4 replies)
  7. 5.8 earthquake felt in Washington DC (13 replies)
  8. 7 of Congress's Ten Richest are Democrats (7 replies)
  9. Cutting entitlements? (36 replies)
  10. Oh Those Green Jobs! Where Are They? (0 replies)
  11. Ann Coulter: Those With Less Wealth than Me are 'Animals', not People (15 replies)
  12. Obama Transforming Into Carter (8 replies)
  13. Now Obama Is An Expert On Farming (0 replies)
  14. Obama: The Affirmative Action President (0 replies)
  15. New Low of 26% Approve of Obama on the Economy (1 replies)
  16. Let's make new rules for election (3 replies)
  17. Federal Program Pays Airlines to Fly Empty Planes (0 replies)
  18. ATF Promotes Three ‘Fast and Furious’ Agents (1 replies)
  19. Obama Tour Bus Made In Canada (9 replies)
  20. Begging For Change (0 replies)
  21. Obama Will Announce Specific Economic Plan In September (1 replies)
  22. Video: The coming price explosion of ObamaCare (1 replies)
  23. Obama Ag Secretary: More People On Food Stamps Means More Jobs (41 replies)
  24. Obama: I Have It Tougher Than Abe Lincoln (2 replies)
  25. Once Upon A Time (The Ron Paul Story) (3 replies)
  26. What the world needs now is.... (1 replies)
  27. Why Is the Media Ignoring Ron Paul? (1 replies)
  28. If a Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words (8 replies)
  29. Obama: 'I Know How to Run Your Business Better Than You Do' (5 replies)
  30. Tea Party Activist Confronts Obama on Biden’s ‘Tea Party Terrorist’ Smear (3 replies)
  31. Warren Buffet-Great American (23 replies)
  32. Krugman calls for space aliens to fix U.S. economy (9 replies)
  33. Obama approval rating dips below 40% (9 replies)
  34. David Gregory Asks Bachmann Why Listen To Public Opinion On Debt Cieiling (14 replies)
  35. Debt, deficits, and American morals (6 replies)
  36. Obama says political divide is hurting economy (11 replies)
  37. Rep. Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll (9 replies)
  38. Surprise Desperate Dems Play Race Card To Defend Obama (21 replies)
  39. Debbie Wasserman Shultz Explains Her Plan To Save Medicare (0 replies)
  40. Regardless of Who Becomes Next President (4 replies)
  41. Simple, But True (3 replies)
  42. Reuters: Obama Failings Fault of Fates (3 replies)
  43. Abbott & Costello Explain the Stimulus Plan (0 replies)
  44. Dems Head To Hawaii and Taxpayers Pay For It (33 replies)
  45. Hope and Change Update - Consumer Confidence Hits 30 Year Low (0 replies)
  46. A 2-Cent Profit for Exxon on a Gallon of Gas? (47 replies)
  47. Chris Matthews Hates Texas (0 replies)
  48. Obama 2009 - If The Economy Has Not Turned Around In 3 Years I Am Toast (3 replies)
  49. Tax The Rich Eh? It Would Only Impact 3% of The Population (93 replies)
  50. Those who DID ignore history, are starting to repeat it (1 replies)
  51. Who chopped down the cherry tree? (Modern version) (0 replies)
  52. EPA Is Killing Jobs (32 replies)
  53. Obamas Dover Photo Op (0 replies)
  54. Obama The One Term Failure (8 replies)
  55. Krauthammer: The System Is Working (17 replies)
  56. OBama's policies vs. Bush (4 replies)
  57. Obama gets slammed on by many for low poll numbers but Reagan gets a pass? (32 replies)
  58. More info on Texas Gov Rick Perry (80 replies)
  59. Obamanomics Now Brings Us Obamaville (6 replies)
  60. Who Am I? (7 replies)
  61. Thank You For Mr. President For Your Speech (2 replies)
  62. Obama's Reelection Plan (0 replies)
  63. Palin bus tour to roll into Iowa this week (0 replies)
  64. Will Hillary Challenge Obama? (44 replies)
  65. Union Thugs On Display (47 replies)
  66. Who Rules America? (7 replies)
  67. Santelli Rips Guest For Playing Race Card (2 replies)
  68. Weakened Obama Changes GOP Race (6 replies)
  69. Lobsters released by animal-rights whackos, promptly re-caught and marketed (11 replies)
  70. As Dem losses mount, liberal press tries desperately to push class warfare (6 replies)
  71. Dems Lose 4 out 6 Recall Elections in WI (11 replies)
  72. Obamacare Will Triple the Growth Rate of Net Insurance Costs (10 replies)
  73. The left wakes up: Obama is not ‘sort of God’ (2 replies)
  74. Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs sentenced to life in prison (1 replies)
  75. The President Continues to Melt Down (0 replies)
  76. There May By Hope Yet For Change (2 replies)
  77. How Stupid is Obama? (0 replies)
  78. America's Credit rating survived the great depression but not two years of Obama (1 replies)
  79. If not for the Tea Party America would have been rated BBB (7 replies)
  80. Prime Example of Today's Tea Party Conservative And Their Agenda (12 replies)
  81. Back to the mundane for a while..... (1 replies)
  82. BTW, the Standard&Poors average fell by 6.66% today! (0 replies)
  83. The DOW tanks 600 Points and Obama Will Attend Fundraisers Tonight (2 replies)
  84. Obama Blames (fill in the blank) For the Economy (24 replies)
  85. Today's Down Jones Ind Average: The Final Score (5 replies)
  86. Obama offers waivers to all 50 states from Federals schools testing requirements (16 replies)
  87. At least one industry is booming under Obama's watch! (2 replies)
  88. Finally, we have signs that Obama thinks the economic crash is serious! (1 replies)
  89. Dow Jones down another 371 points today (11 replies)
  90. Huffington: "First Major Scandal" (0 replies)
  91. IRS: Not enough rich to cover the deficit (16 replies)
  92. Deficit committee unlikely to achieve anything remarkable (0 replies)
  93. Rip constituton (1 replies)
  94. FEd Reserve "secret" Bail outs =trillions (12 replies)
  95. BREAKING: S&P downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+, for first time in history (21 replies)
  96. County Ups the Ante in Voucher War (25 replies)
  97. Fannie Mae Wants Another $5 Billion (2 replies)
  98. John Kerry Says Censor the Tea Party (11 replies)
  99. CBS Skips Part Of Own Poll Where Majority This Spending Cuts Were Too Small (0 replies)
  100. Dow falls another 189 points as of noon eastern (4 replies)
  101. Food Stamps use reach new high (26 replies)
  102. Tea Party Members Could Become Violent (13 replies)
  103. Pelosi’s 2012 Battle Plan - Attack the Tea Party (0 replies)
  104. That 'Change" Thingy (0 replies)
  105. While DOW Tumbles, Obama Fund Raises (1 replies)
  106. Obama: I didn't say 'change we can believe in tomorrow' (7 replies)
  107. Deepwater oil drilling rigs giving up, leaving Gulf region (1 replies)
  108. Happy Birthday Mr President (3 replies)
  109. Obama Isn't Working (14 replies)
  110. -513 (1 replies)
  111. Well, it was nice while it lasted (1 replies)
  112. Democrat outraged over Obama "Disappoint Mints", gets them pulled from store shelves (15 replies)
  113. New Yorkers Fleeing State (2 replies)
  114. You're Going To Pay (1 replies)
  115. David Limbaugh - "Obama Is Fresh Out of Ideas" (9 replies)
  116. Obama As One Of The Founding Fathers (9 replies)
  117. So, overall effect of the Debt Ceiling "Deal"? (0 replies)
  118. This is seriously a BONEHEADED idea. (17 replies)
  119. QUESTION: How can you tell the TEA party is effective? (6 replies)
  120. Continuation On Calling Obama's Bluff(s) (0 replies)
  121. Debt limit deal is not “A Tea Party Triumph” as big media reports! (5 replies)
  122. Another Reason Why Biden Is A Buffoon. (3 replies)
  123. So Dems Want To Raise Taxes Then Raise Taxes on Everyone (15 replies)
  124. Pivoting In Circles (3 replies)
  125. BREAKING: Moody's places US Credit Rating on "Negative Outlook", 1st time since 1917 (22 replies)
  126. Mad As Hell (6 replies)
  127. Obama's Speech Shows Debt Deal Accomplished Nothing (10 replies)
  128. Look how fast the Natl Debt is changing today... then look tomorrow (1 replies)
  129. Text and partial summary of the Budget Deal, Aug 1, 2011 (3 replies)
  130. Am I Missing Something? (9 replies)
  131. Does This Deficit Make Me Look Fat? (3 replies)
  132. The Only Bright Spot in the Debt Debate (1 replies)
  133. Bill Mayer Invites Americans to Come Out of the Closet (0 replies)
  134. Just How Hateful Is The Left? (79 replies)
  135. The good news: Obama finally creates 1,000 jobs. Bad news: They're in China (0 replies)
  136. House just passed The Deal, 263-157 with 13 left to vote (2 replies)
  137. The Liberal Media and the Tea Party (0 replies)
  138. Q: What do we get if House or Senate rejects the deal? A: A balanced budget! (1 replies)
  139. Joe Biden: Landlord to the Secret Service? (82 replies)
  140. Obama's Failed Presidency (6 replies)
  141. Paul Krugman The Government is Too Frugal Lets Spend More (19 replies)
  142. What a Lousy Deal (69 replies)
  143. Why are the cowardly reichwingers so afraid of facts? (0 replies)
  144. Democrats cling desperately to Tax&borrow&spend, Govt-uber-alles agenda (7 replies)
  145. Another 500,000 Jobs Bite The Dust Thanks To Obama Policy (1 replies)
  146. What Happened To The Obama Recovery? (0 replies)
  147. As Obama Poll Numbers Sink Liberal Media Bury Numbers (6 replies)
  148. Congressional Priorities (0 replies)
  149. Boehner finally gets passage of compromise bill; Senate Dems kill it without reading (3 replies)
  150. Obama raises gas mileage requirements to 54.5 MPG: Trading blood for oil again (26 replies)
  151. What's the point in compromising on our Debt Crisis? (4 replies)
  152. President Dangerfield (0 replies)
  153. Ideals VS Realities (6 replies)
  154. Kudoes to the Republicans who are refusing to raise taxes! (16 replies)
  155. ALERT: U.S. Govt misses major semiannual payment into Social Security Trust Fund etc. (0 replies)
  156. Affordable Care Act Anything But Affordable (0 replies)
  157. How NOT To Reach A Deal In The Debt Debate (0 replies)
  158. Fiscal Responsibility and Family Values... (1 replies)
  159. Anit-Capitalist Law Would Make it More Expensive to Fly an American Flag (1 replies)
  160. Paul Reality Checks the Teabaggers (0 replies)
  161. Dems On Debt In 2006 (3 replies)
  162. New York Times reader kills dozens in Norway (0 replies)
  163. Battleground States Looking Bad For Obama (2 replies)
  164. Where Is Obama's Debt Plan? (14 replies)
  165. Tide turning: GOP Rank-and-file rallying behind Boehner Plan (2 replies)
  166. Toxic Talk (8 replies)
  167. Beck compares likens Norway camp victims to "Hitler Youth" (5 replies)
  168. Our Petulant and Inept President (7 replies)
  169. BREAKING:Boehner and Reid agree on two-part plan, bring it to WH... Obama says No (6 replies)
  170. 71 percent oppose GOP handling of budget crisis (19 replies)
  171. How Businesses Succeed Thanks to Gov't (2 replies)
  172. I Thought Reichwingers Insisted they Believe in Liberty (19 replies)
  173. Will the court be providing an interpreter? (29 replies)
  174. GOP gaining among working-class white voters, youth (1 replies)
  175. More Liberal Hypocrisy Exposed (0 replies)
  176. Another example of how much abstinence rocks (8 replies)
  177. Endangered Species paperwork to cost $206,098,920 (5 replies)
  178. POGO, TCS Propose $600B in Cuts (25 replies)
  179. Rick Perry says gay marriage is a states rights issue (12 replies)
  180. Fox Business: Boehner pulls out of talks with Obama (106 replies)
  181. Will anything happen on August 2, that isn't already happening now? (1 replies)
  182. The Republican Class War Against the Poor (7 replies)
  183. Can I Ban Synogogues If I Don't Want Kikes in My Neighborhood? (54 replies)
  184. How the Right will Re-elect Barack Obama as POTUS (54 replies)
  185. Consumer Spending and Unemployment (2 replies)
  186. Alabama Still Taking Taxes For Treason Benefits (2 replies)
  187. Out of Sync, Out of Touch (1 replies)
  188. Senate Dems kill last chance to cut Federal spending, rasie Debt Ceiling before Aug.2 (2 replies)
  189. Obama loses national lead for first time (0 replies)
  190. $180 Million Per Hour (3 replies)
  191. Stunning CNN Poll: Americans overwhelmingly favor Republicans' "Cut, Cap & Balance" (0 replies)
  192. Change... (6 replies)
  193. Obama U-turn: Will accept "short-term extension" of debt limit. Ummm... what's that? (5 replies)
  194. Main problem: Natl Debt is too big. Republicans are compromising HUGE on the solution (25 replies)
  195. Media mogul charged with 1 count of being Rupert Murdoch (0 replies)
  196. 7/18 Gallup Debt Ceiling Poll: America Says, No! (1 replies)
  197. Is Congress going to CUT spending? Or just increase it more slowly than expected? (2 replies)
  198. Why SHOULDN'T we raise the debt ceiling and borrow more? (18 replies)
  199. AL CIA-DUH Will Kill us All if the Debt Cieling Isn't Raised!!!!111!! (3 replies)
  200. Too Big To Fail... (5 replies)
  201. Debt Ceiling Talks Bringing Clarity of Positions (7 replies)
  202. E-Verify (0 replies)
  203. Tea Party: What It Is In A Rather Large Nutshell (1 replies)
  204. Obama appeals to middle class on debt talks; GOP touts balanced budget (11 replies)
  205. 'A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV News' (0 replies)
  206. Tax the Rich! (14 replies)
  207. Alan Grayson To Run For Congress Again (0 replies)
  208. Cut the Spending? (2 replies)
  209. Goldman Sachs Downgrades Obamanomics (2 replies)
  210. House turns off light bulb standards by voice vote (0 replies)
  211. Two never-used Navy ships head to scrapyard (7 replies)
  212. Big Govt alert: Police in Georgia shut down girls' lemonade stand (1 replies)
  213. Republicans go longer without caving, that at any time in living memory (17 replies)
  214. Obama Lies As he Boasts The American People Are Sold (0 replies)
  215. 2% of Network Reports of Debt Increase Mention Public Opposition (0 replies)
  216. TEmp Debt Relief: Stop Paying FED for a YEAR, PAY all SS etc.. (18 replies)
  217. Obama Lied About His Mother While Pushing For Obamacare (7 replies)
  218. Head of SS Says Withholding Checks Would be a Political Decision (3 replies)
  219. Obama aims to cut deficit in half by 2013 (1 replies)
  220. Eric Bolling: There were no attacks on American soil during Bush term (5 replies)
  221. Democrats going ballistic, trying to pretend Eric Cantor is a bad boy (3 replies)
  222. Bachman Recognizes a Palestinian State? (5 replies)
  223. Obama: All that money Seniors paid into SS all these years, is gone (6 replies)
  224. Raise taxes or Granny gets it (19 replies)
  225. If debt limit not raised,why would Natl Debt default instead of Socl Sec, govt salari (8 replies)
  226. Dems: highest 2% of earners,who already pay 50% of all incm taxes, must pay even more (4 replies)
  227. UK power bills to soar by 30% in "green" reforms (1 replies)
  228. Will Today's News Be 'The Turning Point'? (0 replies)
  229. 18,000 (13 replies)
  230. Look what's happening to the National Debt (14 replies)
  231. Stimulus Waste: $7 million per House on Internet Access (0 replies)
  232. CNBC’s Rick Santelli Goes Bonkers In On-Air Debate Over Debt Ceiling (1 replies)
  233. Operation Gunrunner was funded by the 2009 Stimulus Package (4 replies)
  234. Insider Trading On Release of Strategic Oil Reserves? (1 replies)
  235. Team Obama's victory plan (2 replies)
  236. President to solve nation’s problems in 140 characters or less (0 replies)
  237. Where's the Mojo? (6 replies)
  238. Herman Cain for President? (0 replies)
  239. We’re Going Through a “Growth-less Recovery (2 replies)
  240. Melson Testifies To Committee July 4th (23 replies)
  241. The Zero Blame Game (0 replies)
  242. Several Calif taxes went DOWN on July 1, 2011. Will sales increase? (3 replies)
  243. Senate to vote on “Sense of the Senate on Shared Sacrifice” (8 replies)
  244. Not all flash mobs are destructive (9 replies)
  245. Rush in Joplin, MO (3 replies)
  246. Obama/Cuomo 2012? (3 replies)
  247. ‘Stimulus’ Has Cost $278,000 per Job (5 replies)
  248. Does The US Constitution Matter Anymore? (35 replies)
  249. Dems are discussing whether WH can ignore the debt ceiling (10 replies)
  250. The Facts About the Coporate Jet Tax Credit (2 replies)