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  1. Black Trump Supporter Tears Into Maxine Waters Outside Her DC Office
  2. “Operation Mega”: ICE Planning the Biggest Round Up of Illegal Aliens in U.S. History
  3. Customs and Border Awards Contracts for “Other Materials” Border Wall Prototypes
  4. Joe Biden's daughter says ex-VP considering 2020 run
  5. Shocking Decision From DOJ
  6. And The Good News: Judges
  7. Like A Bad Marriage...
  8. Trump Chides FEMA for Denying Disaster Relief to Churches
  9. Lefties demand, and are upset that Trump wouldn't open Mar-A-Lago in Florida
  10. Don't forget, the electoral college is partly to blame too!
  11. Dear Hillary Clinton: You Lost Because America Hates You…
  12. Hillary defends "Deplorables" of course, and is an idiot, of course
  13. Have Americans grown too soft in 16 years?
  14. DACA and Wall Funding
  15. About Those Voting Non-Citizens
  16. Dem won't answer if convicted felons should be in senate
  17. Draining Of The Swamp Commences
  18. "I happen to believe in the rule of law and believe in evidence"
  19. Radical Islamic Terrorism
  20. “I’m not wishing for it… but I’d be ok if #BetsyDevos was sexually assaulted.”
  21. Hope Hicks named WH comms director, out comes liberal hatred/sexism
  22. Middle-class income hit highest level on record in 2016, Census Bureau reports
  23. White House: DOJ Should "Look at" Prosecuting James Comey
  24. Homeland Security Issues Key Waiver Allowing Border Wall Construction To Begin
  25. Transcending Politics, Finding Civility?
  26. Whhaaat?
  27. Most Voters Are Happy Trump's Reaching Across the Aisle to Work With Dems
  28. 3 DACA Deal-Breakers: How Trump Can Avoid Getting Rolled
  29. Illegals voting
  30. Ryan on wall funding
  31. Speaker Ryan: Trump Made Right Call on Immigrants
  32. Bushs and Reagan would not win if they ran today
  33. Teflon Don confounds Democrats
  34. 68% of GOP Voters Say Dump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell- Get New Leadership
  35. POTUS Trump Sets The Record Straight: “If We Don’t Have The Wall, We’re Doing Nothing
  36. Electoral College needs to go
  37. I Can't Stand Trump .. Really
  38. Susan Rice Lied About Her Role In The Obama Admin Unmasking Scandal
  39. Easing The Iranian Sanctions
  40. Emails Show Huma Abedin Mishandled Classified Info on Barrage of Sensitive Issues
  41. 9 Family Members of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens Respond to Possible DACA Deal
  42. Bernie's Single Payer Plan
  43. The Left Have 'Their Own Small Number'
  44. Harvard Withdraws Manning 'Fellow' Invitation
  45. Donald Trump's "Read My Lips" Moment
  46. Jason Chaffetz Says Americans Want Trump To Work With Democrats
  47. America’s vitriol towards Clinton reveals a nation mired in misogyny
  48. Direct Care Doctors
  49. I found out why Liberals call Repubs, Conserv's, and TRUMP voters NAZIS.
  50. Trump Golf GIF ‘Promotes Violence Against Women’
  51. Trump Makes Good on His $1 Million Hurricane Harvey Relief Donation
  52. NYT Reporter Attacks Trump For Allowing 11-Year-Old Boy to Mow WH Lawn
  53. Manafort Wiretapped Before and After Election
  54. CNN Admits Trump Campaign Was Wiretapped
  55. Illegal Aliens Scream 'Liar' at Nancy Pelosi, As They ‘Demand’ Amnesty for All
  56. Dow up 22% since election
  57. I am nuke proof. I hope yar 2.
  58. Memo to Trump Fans: Conman-in-Chief Will Betray You All
  59. All in all, Trump has had a pretty good eight months
  60. Bernie thinks utopia is free
  61. Obama is aggravated
  62. Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal
  63. Trump Admin Announces DACA Phaseout Details
  64. Berkeley Puts Launches A Free Speech Website
  65. What Should The Government Do?
  66. Former UN Ambassador Attempted To Unmask More Than 260 Americans
  67. Maxine Waters ‘Guarantees’ That Trump Colluded With Russia
  68. Brzezinski: ‘It’s Crazy’ Melania Does Not See Donald Trump Is a rude/mean/bully
  69. Lewandowski: Russia Colluders Should 'Go to Jail' for Life
  70. When was last time US ‘Substantially’ Reformed The Tax Code?
  71. Ex-Dem Senator: On Iran, Change From Previous Administration Is ‘Night to Day’
  72. Cruz: Tax Reform Should be Used to Repeal Dodd-Frank
  73. McCain ran on repealing Obamacare
  74. But but the emails!
  75. John McCain Says Donald Trump Never Apologized For 'Captured' Insult
  76. I support Kneeling during the National Anthem
  77. Interesting statements about future Obamacare
  78. Sheila Jackson Lee takes knee on House floor
  79. Trump's Tax Plan
  80. Michelle Obama Says Female Trump Voters
  81. Two Witnesses Exist Who Testified Against Comey
  82. Rereading The Federalist/Anti-Federalist
  83. Kneeling is free speech but what about criticizing BLM and Obama
  84. Tom Price resigns
  85. Let's start using the term "Female Supremacist" for feminists
  86. How leftists use children
  87. Trump, Democrats & Puerto Rico
  88. Obama Admin “Honorable, Scandal-Free”
  89. Tom Price, then Pete calls for Mnuchin...
  90. Memo to GOP: Don't Squander Trump's Incentive-Packed Tax Plan
  91. Presidents historic numbers for economy
  92. On judicial nominees, Trump just keeps on #winning
  93. Would anyone like to watch, and listen to 4 minutes of Real Comedy?
  94. Democrats Immediately Call For Gun Control After Las Vegas Shooting
  95. Dem Rep Won't Be Participating in Moment of Silence
  96. Trump: Talking to 'Little Rocket Man' Is a 'Waste of Time'
  97. Deficits Spur Growth?
  98. Trump ahead of Reagan's record in cutting regulations
  99. Trump: 'We'll Be Talking About the Gun Laws'
  100. I used to support gun control - but the data convinced me its useless
  101. How Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump, Jr., Avoided a Criminal Indictment
  102. Republicans once railed against deficits
  103. House Panel Approves $10B for Border Wall
  104. Witch hunt on steroids
  105. Replacing Tillerson With Pompeo
  106. Birth Control: Trump Expands Opt-Out for Workplace Insurance
  107. Gun Problem? How About A DEMOCRAT Problem?
  108. No law would have stopped Las Vegas gunman
  109. When do senators ignore their constituents
  110. Trump unveils new strict 70-point immigration enforcement plan
  111. Trump Vows To Use His Pen On Health Care
  112. CNN: Documents Show Trump Jr. Meeting - Nothing to do with Clinton
  113. Another One Bites the Dust
  114. $600 @Year On Call Health Care & Drugs Delivered To Your Office
  115. GOP senators laughed at idea of wall being built
  116. Feinstein proves my point
  117. A nuclear WWIII will never happen. Dishonor will prevent it.
  118. Planne Parenthood Finally Comes out of the Closet
  119. Sen. Rand Paul Writes Op-Ed Explaining New Executive Order
  120. An Interesting video everyone needs to see....and be amazed by.
  121. Social Security Benefits Expected To Rise By 2% In 2018
  122. Bannon Declares War On GOP Establishment
  123. Healthcare Stocks Down After Pres. Trump Ends Obamacare Subsidies
  124. Sessions: Last Chance For Sanctuary Cities To Adjust Immigration Policies
  125. If You're a Rogue Cop, Jeff Sessions Has Your Back
  126. Tillerson: Staying In The Iran Deal Is In The Best Interest Of U.S.
  127. Policing for Profit: Jeff Sessions & Co.’s Thinly Veiled Plot to Rob Us Blind
  128. Is it time to talk about the 25th Amendment?
  129. Hitlery Defends Kneeling Players
  130. Hitlery's Newest Excuse
  131. 'Alien abductee' mom in high-stakes run for Congress
  132. Trump Ends EPA's Sue-And-Settle
  133. Hillary Adlai Clinton 2020?
  134. `...............Hillary falls and breaks toe`
  135. ACTIVIST LEFTIST JUDGES Back At it Again...
  136. Lawyers: Courts correctly rejected Confederate flag lawsuit
  137. Conservatives In Congress Act To End NFL Subsidies Following Protests
  138. Trump’s foreign policy is Obama’s third term, Bush’s fifth
  139. Team Obama’s stunning cover-up of Russian crimes
  140. MSM gives credit to Obama for fall of Raqqa
  141. The General Speaks, addresses Trump response to fallen
  142. WATCH: Court Orders Maryland ‘Peace Cross’ WWI Memorial Taken Down
  143. Important news on what two conservative college kids are doing in a diaper
  144. Trump’s Executive Moves Have Strengthened Checks and Balances
  145. Speaking of Subsidies
  146. Democrats Yelp as Trump Upholds Constitution
  147. Millennials LOVE Bernie’s Tax Plan…Until They’re Told It’s Trump’s
  148. Giving NSA Women Their "Due"?
  149. Rep. Frederica Wilson
  150. Federal Judge Will Not Void Guilty Ruling On Arpaio, Despite Trump's Pardon
  151. Trump is going to release JFK documents
  152. American "hero" John McCain going on the view.
  153. Judge: NYPD's Handling Of Civil Forfeiture Database is "INSANE"
  154. Trump Calls on Justice Dept to Disclose Russian Dossier Customer
  155. President Trump: With tax reform we can make it morning in America again
  156. Donald Trump is restoring respect for constitutional limits
  157. Trump Shoots Down Plans for Tax Hike on Middle Class Retirement Savings
  158. Donald Trump: King of Deregulation?
  159. California Dem Is Still Trying To Figure Out If Trump Is Mentally Insane
  160. F**k No I’m Not Running for Senate!
  161. Flake Not Seeking Re-election
  162. WATCH: Off-Duty Miami Officers Deny NFL Security Due To Kneeling Protests
  163. Irresponsible Social Spending by the Left
  164. WATCH: Pres. Trump On Economic Progress, ‘Wacky’ Wilson
  165. WaPo: Clinton Campaign and DNC Paid For Dossier
  166. `........Professor Claims Math, Algebra And Geometry Promote ‘White Privilege’
  167. Liberal Media Worry: 'Steve Bannon May Run for President'
  168. Jilted Never Trumpers Want You To Care They’re Losing
  169. Investigate the entire justice system
  170. Ed Gillespie Proves It’s Trump’s Party
  171. Trump makes history! Economy Grew 3.0% in Third Quarter
  172. Screaming snowflakes
  173. First charges filed in Mueller investigation
  174. Conservative Publication Hired Fusion GPS to Research Trump, Other Candidates
  175. Mueller Leaks Investigation Info to CNN
  176. The "Trump Spell" is magic
  177. Anti-Trump Republicans have three options
  178. Found This Rather GOOD Story on "WHY WE SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP"...
  179. Podesta Preps For His Indictment
  180. About Jobs. And Pay. And a lazy workforce. From Mike Rowe
  181. Something About Hillary And DNC
  182. Tax Cuts & Jobs Act....today
  183. Report: Bergdahl Decision Reached
  184. Schumer : I Didn't Follow 2016 Primary
  185. Democrats Notch Big Wins in Virginia and New Jersey
  186. Danica Roem is Va.’s first openly transgender elected official
  187. USA Today's AR-15 Chainsaw Attachment
  188. The Democrats wins
  189. Speaking of Stupid CA and Stupid Jerry Brown
  190. “We’re not Trump!”
  191. Freedom Caucus calls on Mueller to resign
  192. “Brilliant Evisceration”
  193. Roy Moore: McConnell's the One Who Should Step Down
  194. Ugh
  195. Sessions considering second special counsel
  196. Joe MCarthy Alive and Well
  197. How the Alt-Right sort of IS 'The Left'
  198. Next Up On The SEXUAL ASSAULT List... AL FRANKEN...
  199. Black Rifle Coffee Company
  200. Republican hypocrites
  201. Accuser won't hand over yearbook
  202. Obamacare Mandae Crushing Families
  203. The Key to Unhappiness
  204. Clinton Presidential Library Refuses To Hand Over Records On Clinton, Epstein Ties
  205. WAPO Receives Foreign Funding To Publish Pro-Kremlin, China Supplements
  206. Mass. Defies Federally Protected Employer Moral, Religious Objections To Birth Contro
  207. Girl Scouts tells parents not to force daughters to hug relatives over the holidays
  208. Gutfeld on Newsweek Comparing Charles Manson to Donald Trump
  209. Even Disney Has Pervs
  210. 6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn’t Coming To Your Side On Gun Control
  211. Democrats and "Pervgate"
  212. Pruitt Continues to Clean House at EPA
  213. Ten Months Under Trump - 2017 Thanksgiving
  214. What is the current definition of a sexual harasser?
  215. Trump, Golf & hypocritical statements
  216. Al Franken Issues Another Apology After Two More Women Allege Groping
  217. Brzezinski: Trump Supporting Moore Is ‘Undermining Our Democracy’
  218. "......Wealth Tax Ruled Unconstitutional"
  219. CNN’s Symone Sanders: We Need Reform For Allegations Of ‘Sexual Microaggressions’
  220. Fusion GPS Caught Hiding Bank Transactions From House Investigators
  221. What do they have on Sessions?
  222. Morning Joe IS in fact Lying Joe!
  223. Unhinged coverage of Trump is hurting the media
  224. George H.W. Bush becomes longest-living president in US history
  225. Trump Victorious With Judicial Appointments, Thanks to Congress
  226. Why 2020 Will Be the Year of the Woman
  227. Grope women and still be an icon - as long as you're on the left
  228. Jim Acosta - ‘Fact Check’ About ‘Pocahontas’ Being a Racial Slur
  229. A conservative group tried to plant a fake Roy Moore allegation in the WaPo
  230. Nancy Pelosi Defends Bill Clinton Against Sex Abuse Charges
  231. Newt Gingrich: Schumer, Pelosi Handed Trump 'a Big, Easy Win'
  232. Women in 2018: Hear Them Roar
  233. White House Considers Weighing in to Help Roy Moore in Alabama
  234. `.......The irony is strong `
  235. Trump to replace Tillerson with Pompeo
  236. Pelosi Calls on Conyers to Resign
  237. Senior Democrat Calls On Franken To Resign
  238. Tax Cuts, and the whining Hypocrites who insist the Debt will increase in TRILLIONS
  239. Toxic Masculinity is not the issue - LACK of masculinity is the problem
  240. Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians'
  241. Trump’s presidency is far better than his Twitter feed
  242. Congress has their own special way of handling Harassment complaints
  243. Obama individual mandate - goodnight
  244. Tax reform - passed
  245. Obama Admin Reportedly Approved General Flynn Calls
  246. Much of nothing
  247. individual mandate
  248. Winning! Booming Economy: New York Fed GDP Reading Hits 3.9 Percent
  249. Top agent in charge of Russia probe removed
  250. I Don't Buy It... Not For One Second...