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  1. The rest of the story (0 replies)
  2. Holder to look at Oakland verdict!! (1 replies)
  3. Liberalnomics - Pay More In Welfare Or Become Third World Country (0 replies)
  4. Panther leader blames Fox for voter scandal (12 replies)
  5. KKK member: "Want freedom? Kill some n*ggers!" (14 replies)
  6. Of the Bill of Rights? (346 replies)
  7. Spending stimulus cash on signs? (3 replies)
  8. Reid Sets Up FAke Web Site - Then Forced To Take It Down (6 replies)
  9. Obama Bypasses Dem Run Senate To Name Health Offficial (10 replies)
  10. Andrew Wilkow, anyone? (2 replies)
  11. Justice Department Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law (24 replies)
  12. "Obama on collision course with Supreme Court"... oh, really? (7 replies)
  13. Doj wont pursue cases against white victims (14 replies)
  14. I have found DP's newest political idol! (14 replies)
  15. Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance (2 replies)
  16. Gallup: How the Tea Party sees America (12 replies)
  17. this really is starting to feel like 1932 (0 replies)
  18. job creation chart (1 replies)
  19. Political Question thread (1 replies)
  20. Barack Obama: The great jobs killer (0 replies)
  21. CBS Upset Dem Congress 'Paralyzed' Over 'Fear of the Deficit' (6 replies)
  22. Barack Obama: The great jobs killer (0 replies)
  23. Obamacare Claims 1.500 Jobs In PA (14 replies)
  24. GOP still lacks leadership (5 replies)
  25. Premiums for new "high risk" pool could be steep (3 replies)
  26. GOP tries to nationalize elections; Dems resisting (11 replies)
  27. NBC Poll - More Bad News For Obama (8 replies)
  28. Democrats refuse compromise that would extend unemployment benefits (2 replies)
  29. Obama's Plan To Fix Unemployment (5 replies)
  30. WH Enacts Rules To Limit Media Coverage of Oil Spill (10 replies)
  31. Obama The Can't President (3 replies)
  32. Wtf? (61 replies)
  33. Barack Obama's Signature Has Some... Irregularities. (1 replies)
  34. Democrats "deem" faux $1.12 trillion Budget to be passed... without even writing one! (8 replies)
  35. Chicago defies Supreme Court, enacts ever more bizarre gun restrictions (7 replies)
  36. Havana Daydreamin' In Washington (3 replies)
  37. Will New York State Income Tax Cost the Knicks LeBron James? (4 replies)
  38. Obama: American citizenship “not a matter of blood or birth” (1 replies)
  39. Schwarzenegger orders state workers' pay reduced to minimum Fed wage (1 replies)
  40. Former DOJ Attorney Makes Explosive Accusations (2 replies)
  41. Why does anyone think we need "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"??? (31 replies)
  42. Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs (21 replies)
  43. The greatest threat to America in the 21st century is 'Domestic Marxism'. (26 replies)
  44. Obama aide 'forgot' 37G in union pay (4 replies)
  45. Obama on Unemployment At Least It's Not "12 or 13 or 15" Percent (15 replies)
  46. Did the 2nd amendment originally apply to the Fed govt only... or not? (10 replies)
  47. Wrong Track Distress (1 replies)
  48. White House Downplays Russian Spy Plot, Says Obama Knew Before Medvedev Visit (1 replies)
  49. "Reporters" Caught On Open Mic Mocking Sarah Palin (19 replies)
  50. Pete Stark: “Our borders are quite secure, thank you” (2 replies)
  51. Why Obamcare Is Getting More Unpopular (8 replies)
  52. Democrats: The Missing Years (3 replies)
  53. The Second Amendment, Incorporated (7 replies)
  54. Gun Control Laws (Thomas Sowell) (0 replies)
  55. Brewer to Obama (0 replies)
  56. A Conservative Kid Tries To Survive In California Schools (10 replies)
  57. Santelli's Simple Answer to Deficit: 'Stop Spending' (42 replies)
  58. Liberals worried about Kagan's record (6 replies)
  59. Supreme Court to rule on major gun-rights case (12 replies)
  60. McCain distances himself from Brewer (17 replies)
  61. AN OPEN LETTER TO obama (1 replies)
  62. Unequal Protection Under The Law (1 replies)
  63. Democrat Rep. Kanjorski: Bill Will Help 'Good Americans Not Minorities or Defectives' (0 replies)
  64. The criminals are running the jai! (1 replies)
  65. Gov Brewer's ad: Here Is What Obama Means By Border Security (25 replies)
  66. Peta kills animals, what hypocrisy (1 replies)
  67. More Liberal Racism (0 replies)
  68. AFL-CIO economist to Cavuto: You’re an A-hole (25 replies)
  69. Firing a military leader (0 replies)
  70. Caption contest! (10 replies)
  71. Independence Day is coming! (9 replies)
  72. Obama Taps 'Sanctuary City' Supporter as Immigration Chief (2 replies)
  73. Up In Smoke (0 replies)
  74. Elected Dem In AZ Does Not Know AZ Borders Mexico (0 replies)
  75. Barney Frank - Government Cannot Over Regulate (16 replies)
  76. Federal agency runs ad offering support to illegals... (2 replies)
  77. In THREE words, describe your opinion.... (29 replies)
  78. Pelosi asks for donations to fend off potential GOP investigations (3 replies)
  79. Confidence In Obama Continues To Fall (0 replies)
  80. Dems Bill To Try And Silence Tea Party (9 replies)
  81. MoveOn.org suddenly scrubs all traces of longrunning "General Betray Us" ad from site (4 replies)
  82. We need to have a General become President again (10 replies)
  83. Dem Candidate: “I will take our troops out of the war zone and put them into space” (1 replies)
  84. Inmates Get Home Buyer Tax Credit (0 replies)
  85. Pressure rising on healthcare long before overhaul takes effect (1 replies)
  86. Dems - Generals Who Criticised Bush Were Great But Fire McChrystal (16 replies)
  87. Hoyer - Taxes Will Rise (3 replies)
  88. Mexican cartels set up permanent lookout bases on American soil (0 replies)
  89. Stunning article by Thomas Sowell: Degeneration of Democracy (52 replies)
  90. U.S. Distrcit Court judge blocks Obama's command for moratorium on drilling (1 replies)
  91. BP warned U.S. Govt of problem, leaks two months before blowout. (0 replies)
  92. Fremont, Ne passes new immigration law... (1 replies)
  93. Americans for Legal Immigration (7 replies)
  94. Is the US Now on a Slippery Slope to Tyranny? (1 replies)
  95. Poll-Bush did a better job on Katrina than Obama’s doing on the Gusher in the Gulf (4 replies)
  96. Pat Buchanan: In His Own Words (15 replies)
  97. Did Sen. Kyl lie about Obama refusing to secure border for sake of compr immg reform? (1 replies)
  98. Glen Beck talks to Judge Napalitono (3 replies)
  99. Gallup - 51% Of Voters Would Not Re-Elect Obama (0 replies)
  100. Kyl: Obama told me he won’t secure the border until Congress agrees to amnesty (4 replies)
  101. Obama's Radio Address - It Is All The Republicans Fault (12 replies)
  102. Liberal media Outraged BP CEO At Yacht Race - Don't Care Obama Golfs (8 replies)
  103. Obama's Stimulus Visit Results in Lost Payday for Construction Workers (0 replies)
  104. World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur (3 replies)
  105. 16th Amendment Isn't Valid Because Ohio Isn't A State (21 replies)
  106. should illegal drugs be legalized (0 replies)
  107. do americans regret the right to own guns (16 replies)
  108. The Obama Effect (4 replies)
  109. CNN: Americans too stupid to comprehend Obama’s genius (4 replies)
  110. Nebraska town to vote on law preventing illegal aliens from working, renting (10 replies)
  111. The Bad News About ObamaCare Keeps Piling Up (5 replies)
  112. Can we really afford to wait until 2012 (23 replies)
  113. Crisis response: Why do we think "Govt must do something!" is a GOOD idea? (2 replies)
  114. I hate to ask this but... (4 replies)
  115. do you agree or disagree? (1 replies)
  116. something I agree with Savage on (13 replies)
  117. I hate the left (18 replies)
  118. Carter Gave Obama's Speech in 1979 (1 replies)
  119. Sharon to Peres: "We Control America" (0 replies)
  120. Obamanomics recession (0 replies)
  121. Why Obama Should Kick His Own Ass (0 replies)
  122. It Begins… Obama Gives Major Swath of Arizona Back to Mexico (Video) (16 replies)
  123. Even MSNBC Thought Obama's Speech Stunk (12 replies)
  124. Rand Paul or Sarah Palin conservative Tea Party? (4 replies)
  125. Arizona's new border protection law (4 replies)
  126. US turned down Britain’s offer to help clean up BP oil rig spill (13 replies)
  127. Washington Post - "So What If Obama Plays Gulf During A Crisis?" (3 replies)
  128. Mr. President, You're Stuck on Stupid (11 replies)
  129. S.C. Democrats acting like 'Uncle Tom,' black lawmaker says (4 replies)
  130. Obama Compares Oil Spill To 9-11 (7 replies)
  131. Federal Employees Owe $3 Billion in back taxes!!!! (0 replies)
  132. Pelosi's new office: $18,736 a Month (1 replies)
  133. Pelosi Vows to Stop Blaming Bush ‘When the Problems Go Away’ (4 replies)
  134. Chris Matthews VS The Tea Party (11 replies)
  135. Truth in Advertising? (1 replies)
  136. Obama, GOP clash over 'doc fix' (0 replies)
  137. James Clyburn (D-SC) It's Still Bush's Fault And Stop talking About Cutting Taxes (0 replies)
  138. As Stimulus Money Runs Out - Obama Begs To Spend More (4 replies)
  139. What tha????? (7 replies)
  140. Treasury Draft Docs - Private Medical Ins Will Be Illegal (2 replies)
  141. Democrats Reject 5% Down Payment Rule (25 replies)
  142. Newsweek Take Another Shot at Sarah Palin (22 replies)
  143. Huge Tax Increases Coming Jan 2011 (2 replies)
  144. Obamacare Will Force Employers To Change Their Plans (4 replies)
  145. Obama: You'll pay for my decision! (2 replies)
  146. ACORN changing their ways? LOL (1 replies)
  147. Billions for 'green jobs,' whatever they are (4 replies)
  148. Boxer: Carbon Dioxide Is The Greatest Threat To America's National Security (5 replies)
  149. Olbermann Interviews Alvin Green - What a Disaster (0 replies)
  150. How To Become An Obama Statictic and Fuel The Recovery (2 replies)
  151. Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here (8 replies)
  152. How to determine a 'good' Black American from a 'bad' one ??? (14 replies)
  153. I Am A Bad American (14 replies)
  154. Barney Frank: If you want to advance liberalism, “give us more authority" (7 replies)
  155. MSNBC and Dee Dee Myers: Opposition To Obama Has "Racial Implications" (22 replies)
  156. US Debt To Rise To $19.6 Trillion By 2015 (3 replies)
  157. IT'S WORKING: Illegal aliens fleeing Arizona in advance of new Illegal-immigrant law (40 replies)
  158. Obama To Make Reassuring Eye Contact With Every Last American (9 replies)
  159. BP is not the enemy (5 replies)
  160. Zogby poll: Self-identified liberals, Dems do badly on questions of basic economics (2 replies)
  161. Democrats shying away from Town Hall meetings to avoid voter rage (0 replies)
  162. Dems getting booed for not expanding government ENOUGH (8 replies)
  163. New Poll: Obama's Response To Oil Spill Worse Than Bush's Response To Katrina (0 replies)
  164. Helen Thomas dumped by her agency for hate-Israel remarks (19 replies)
  165. Rahm Emanuel tied to BP adviser (0 replies)
  166. Boehner to Bashing Beatle: Apologize! (22 replies)
  167. White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents (2 replies)
  168. Obama admin brings in MOVIE DIRECTOR to help plug Gullf oil spill??? (8 replies)
  169. Obama faults GOP, BP as he defends agenda (3 replies)
  170. White House Faces Fresh Questions Over Back-Room Dealmaking (3 replies)
  171. Why we're losing the 'gay' debate (16 replies)
  172. Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks (10 replies)
  173. PRCalif State Assembly passes ban on carrying gun openly, even if unloaded (1 replies)
  174. Supreme Court: Suspects Must Say They Want to Remain Silent, to cut off questioning (3 replies)
  175. Dems Want To Bailout Unions (10 replies)
  176. VP Biden - Stimulus Bill Was About New Ideas Not Creating Jobs (6 replies)
  177. Obama Memorial Day Speech Rained Out (1 replies)
  178. Beck: Leave the children alone (or perhaps not) (46 replies)
  179. Liberal Alan Grayson wants to spend $130,000 on art gallery for blind (2 replies)
  180. Swastikas and Nazi Signs At Pro Immigration Rally (0 replies)
  181. What Happened To PAYGO (4 replies)
  182. Obama, the Thin-Skinned President (6 replies)
  183. Black Founders (2 replies)
  184. Anti-gun are ya??? (0 replies)
  185. And Rahm is the fall guy?? (11 replies)
  186. Make Mine Freedom (0 replies)
  187. Obama Says 'Official' Explanation Coming 'Shortly' on Alleged Sestak Job Offer (6 replies)
  188. Prelim reports: BP's "Top Kill" procedure has plugged the oil leak (4 replies)
  189. Obama Wants To Stimulate the Stimulus Bill With Another Stimulus (0 replies)
  190. Is Census Bureau faking its "new" jobs count? (1 replies)
  191. Despite Soaring National Debt, Congress Goes on Spending Spree (2 replies)
  192. The level of Obama hate here in unbelievable (73 replies)
  193. Heckler Confront Obama (0 replies)
  194. Time to impeach Obama?? (10 replies)
  195. Is Obama a legal president?? (15 replies)
  196. Obama's Approval Hit All Time Low (15 replies)
  197. Obama To Skip Memorial Day at Arlington (77 replies)
  198. I cant believe it, im watching al jazeera english (4 replies)
  199. The suicidal "Path to Citizenship" (1 replies)
  200. WH Strategy for Midterm: Blame Bush (3 replies)
  201. SEIU protesters descend on bank exec’s home, terrifying his son (3 replies)
  202. Blumenthal Lying Shows He Is Human (0 replies)
  203. Arizona Sing-A-Long: Read Immigration Law! (0 replies)
  204. Water Sanity For Central CA (5 replies)
  205. Republicans Capture House Seat in Obama's Hometown (7 replies)
  206. Fuck you, mexican pres calderon - lol! (7 replies)
  207. Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA) Calls out Felipe Calderone (9 replies)
  208. Is anyone else pissed off at Mexico's president? (15 replies)
  209. 2nd Amendment controlled by UN?? (18 replies)
  210. N.J. Gov. Chris Christie swiftly vetoes 'millionaires tax,' property tax rebate bills (4 replies)
  211. Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona (9 replies)
  212. Is tea party candidate rand paul just another politician? (3 replies)
  213. Rape suspect was deported four times (1 replies)
  214. Can we save ourselves? (4 replies)
  215. Liberal Democrats will never get it.... (3 replies)
  216. South korea to officially blame north korea for march torpedo attack on warship (20 replies)
  217. We Have Spoken - Can You Hear Us Now!! (25 replies)
  218. Another congressman who couldn't keep it in his pants (19 replies)
  219. Democratic Senate candidate lied about serving in Vietnam (11 replies)
  220. new facebook group (0 replies)
  221. ive been doing some writing this morning (11 replies)
  222. Muslims in NYC Planning to Build Second, Smaller Mosque Near Ground Zero (41 replies)
  223. Newt Gingrich Discusses Obama's Secular Socialist Machine (2 replies)
  224. There IS HOPE!!! (1 replies)
  225. Immigrant advocates say crackdown on unlicensed drivers unfair (6 replies)
  226. The Real Reason the Left Loves Illegals (4 replies)
  227. I hate progressives, communists, and politically correct basterds (2 replies)
  228. am i the only one that notices that liberals dont support israel the way (2 replies)
  229. Palin is cleaning house (3 replies)
  230. Saw this on Facebook (11 replies)
  231. LA Times Ignores Own Poll On Arizona Law (0 replies)
  232. Chris Christie Slaps Down Reporter (17 replies)
  233. Holder Admits to Not Reading Arizona's Immigration Law Despite Criticizing It (14 replies)
  234. Kerry's Powerless America Act (0 replies)
  235. What are you doing? (11 replies)
  236. Group wants equal restroom access for women (20 replies)
  237. Obama didn't promise no taxes!?! (3 replies)
  238. Mexico is upset about Arizona's immigration laws. (1 replies)
  239. LA Teacher Call For Mexican Revolt In the US (7 replies)
  240. Hope and Change Adds $65 Billion To Deficit In March (2 replies)
  241. LA votes to boycott Arizona (18 replies)
  242. Crossroad(s)? (21 replies)
  243. Obama Defeats FDR (in Spending Other People's Money) (0 replies)
  244. Kagan: Banning Radio and TV Ads and Pamplets Is Constitutional (3 replies)
  245. Dem Who Voted For Obamacare Loses In Primary (2 replies)
  246. Matthews Wants ANY Republican To Attack Rush (0 replies)
  247. Pelosi Urges Catholic Church to Play 'Major Role' in Immigration Overhaul (8 replies)
  248. Surprise!!! CBO says ObamaCare will cost $115 billion more than thought (10 replies)
  249. What are our rights? (37 replies)
  250. In senior thesis, Elena Kagan wrote of "socialism's greatness" (20 replies)