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  1. The IRS and Health Care Reform (3 replies)
  2. VAT Tax Coming? (9 replies)
  3. When is Obamaprompter lying? (3 replies)
  4. This day in 1765 (3 replies)
  5. Then vs. Now: A contrast in ideologies (0 replies)
  6. Obama: Imposing socialized medicine a step in the right direction (2 replies)
  7. The Docs Strike Back (2 replies)
  8. First Lady Michelle Obama takes daughters to Broadway Show (1 replies)
  9. "The first time is expensive, but the rest are free" (8 replies)
  10. So, what do we do to prevent this from happening again? (12 replies)
  11. Stupak Bribed With 3 New Airports In His District (9 replies)
  12. Democrats to America - Drop Dead (11 replies)
  13. America's Future (20 replies)
  14. Who's responsible for Socialized Medicine passing? Answer: REPUBLICANS (16 replies)
  15. House will vote on exact Senate Bill... and on a reconciliation package. Huh? (4 replies)
  16. Do Dem holdouts actually believe every last-minute Obama promise??? (3 replies)
  17. 20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms (3 replies)
  18. “What’s wrong with a little bit of Socialism?” (7 replies)
  19. Watch The Vote? (0 replies)
  20. House Rules Committee meeting descends into chaos (1 replies)
  21. Sunday's HC bill will pass Senate HC bill and modify it??? (7 replies)
  22. Can Schools help poor minorities? (3 replies)
  23. Just The Bribes (7 replies)
  24. Obama Knows How To Get The Numbers! (4 replies)
  25. Obama: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States” (8 replies)
  26. Congressman's office says opposing constituent calls are harassment??? (3 replies)
  27. Democrats plan doc fix after reform (0 replies)
  28. Fox's interview w/ Obama (11 replies)
  29. Forcing Ins Companies To Take Pre Existing Conditions Is Unconstutional (6 replies)
  30. Obama: 'Procedural' Spat Over Health Bill Vote Doesn't Worry Me (10 replies)
  31. Obama Says ‘Louisiana Purchase’ Will Help With the Earthquake in Hawaii (2 replies)
  32. Biden - Liberal Media Is Obama's Base (2 replies)
  33. Yemen-American imam calls for US Muslim revolt (27 replies)
  34. How will insurance Co's survive if no one has to pay premiums until they get sick? (0 replies)
  35. Presently, my favorite part of the 'Declaration Of Independence' (0 replies)
  36. Kucinich Says He'll Vote for Health Care Bill (8 replies)
  37. "conseravtives" Would you vote for... (39 replies)
  38. California Senate: Boxer 43%, Campbell 41% (33 replies)
  39. Durbin: 70/day die for no Health Care; Dems will still delay benefits 4 years (2 replies)
  40. White House - Don't Expect Job Growth This Year (5 replies)
  41. Tea Party gets legal OK to oust dem (1 replies)
  42. Limbaugh gives out house number on radio show (2 replies)
  43. Flap flies in Haiti over U.S. flag absence (32 replies)
  44. Democrats' drive to pass Health Care "no matter what" (0 replies)
  45. 5th state exempts its guns from Federal regulation (28 replies)
  46. 1/4 of welfare payments go to illegals (17 replies)
  47. Another Obama Lie Exposed (5 replies)
  48. Coffee Party Meeting Turns Into A Therapy Session (2 replies)
  49. Democrats plan hospitable greeting for Tea Partiers (6 replies)
  50. We The People (64 replies)
  51. Why does 95% of the Black Community identify themselves as Democrats? (29 replies)
  52. US Israel criticism ignites firestorm in Congress (7 replies)
  53. Stupak: Dems told me they want to fund abortions because more kids mean higher health (5 replies)
  54. Social Security to Start Cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs (4 replies)
  55. This is what America gets from the black community (42 replies)
  56. Anti-Healthcare Bill Campaign (0 replies)
  57. Barack Obama: The best thing to happen to America in 100 years (2 replies)
  58. Waste 102 (2 replies)
  59. Obama's Job Approval Rating Sinks to All-Time Low (40 replies)
  60. Obama delays Asia trip to deal with health care (0 replies)
  61. Fund Raising Opportunity (0 replies)
  62. How Liberal Are You? (46 replies)
  63. Dems Abandon Abortion Deal, Ready Health Vote (0 replies)
  64. Health-care Reform...The Long View (64 replies)
  65. Has the GOP gained another vote? (7 replies)
  66. Palin to testify in e-mail case (1 replies)
  67. Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer (1 replies)
  68. Dems Put America On Hold To Ram Obamacare Thru (1 replies)
  69. US Posts Record $220.9 Billion Budget Gap in Feb (2 replies)
  70. Dems Considering Passing Obamacare WITHOUT A Recorded Vote (23 replies)
  71. Michael Moore - "Democrats In For Ass Whooping of Biblical Proportions In November" (2 replies)
  72. Patrick Kennedy Screams Himself Hoarse On House Floor (1 replies)
  73. In case you missed this (5 replies)
  74. Virtual tax revolt (3 replies)
  75. The Democrats' Pickett's Charge (0 replies)
  76. Obama’s New ‘Poverty’ Measurement (13 replies)
  77. Dems - "No Thanks To New Gang Of 14" (2 replies)
  78. Obama administration will accept no more public input for federal fishery strategy (1 replies)
  79. Obama at the Bat (1 replies)
  80. Nancy Pelosi says... (4 replies)
  81. Obama Inflates Estimated Health Savings by $868B (0 replies)
  82. Banks May Be Forced To Accept Short Sales On Homes (20 replies)
  83. Dem congressman: We may have as little as 201 votes for ObamaCare (6 replies)
  84. *Obama And Watermelons* (2 replies)
  85. SNL Rips Obamacare (0 replies)
  86. Messa: Dems Outsed Me For Health care Vote (10 replies)
  87. Now You Can Own A Baby Barack Obama 'Birth of Hope' Doll (9 replies)
  88. Grade Obama's First Year in Office (10 replies)
  89. Just a thought (8 replies)
  90. Just Like Old Times! Are We Having Fun, Yet? (1 replies)
  91. The coming compromise (0 replies)
  92. The translator (0 replies)
  93. Palin worship nears Biblical proportions (14 replies)
  94. Buying Health Care Votes? (3 replies)
  95. Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Obamacare (0 replies)
  96. Teabagger getting trounced in Texas (14 replies)
  97. Rangel Out As W & M Chair (16 replies)
  98. Official transcript of Oral Arguments before USSC for Chicago gun ban case are here (4 replies)
  99. 3 Family members killed in Chicago suburb home invasion (7 replies)
  100. Illinois stuck in a ‘historic, epic’ budget crisis (7 replies)
  101. Pelosi - "A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes" (8 replies)
  102. Drivers getting fined by Green Police for idling their engines - Truth! (5 replies)
  103. Larry Summers: If the next job numbers reek, blame the snow (2 replies)
  104. A remarkable similarity (0 replies)
  105. Pelosi - "I Have Much In Common With the Tea Party (10 replies)
  106. Pelosi: Lawmakers Should Sacrifice Jobs for Health Care (7 replies)
  107. Immigration and Indian Identity (39 replies)
  108. Frank Rich - Tea Party Members Are Terrorists (11 replies)
  109. *PC Police Defend Paterson Gov. NY* (2 replies)
  110. Kamikaze Mission For Democrats (4 replies)
  111. Tea Parties At 1 Year (4 replies)
  112. Obama signs one-year extension of Patriot Act (11 replies)
  113. Move The Federal Government To Bentonville Arkansas (6 replies)
  114. Obama: Ban All Foreclosures Until Government Review (19 replies)
  115. Obama is NOT the biggest threat. (2 replies)
  116. *Gore Gets Head Stuffed In Shit By Apple* (2 replies)
  117. Summit: Obama 1 GOP 1 Dems 0 (2 replies)
  118. Breitbart to Media: The Gig Is Up - You’re Not on the American Team (3 Videos) (1 replies)
  119. Will the Republican HC proposals that the Dems bottled up, finally see light of day? (0 replies)
  120. What kind of compromise can possibly come out of the so-called "Health Care Summit"? (6 replies)
  121. This should win the nobel prize for science! (7 replies)
  122. What's really going to happen at Thursday's so-called "Health Care Summit"? (1 replies)
  123. Fearing Obama agenda, states push to loosen gun laws (1 replies)
  124. Obama & Dems in 2005: 51 Vote ‘Nuclear Option’ Is ‘Arrogant’ Power Grab (1 replies)
  125. Harry Reid Says GOP Should "Stop Crying" About Reconciliation (10 replies)
  126. Term Limits for Congress (20 replies)
  127. The New American Dream (0 replies)
  128. Tea Party Group Challenges Olbermann (5 replies)
  129. Why aren't Republicans allowed to think for themselves? (8 replies)
  130. I Am A Proud Member Of The Party Of No (3 replies)
  131. Obama Caught Lying Again About ACORN (7 replies)
  132. Obama Once Dismissed Commission's As Stunts (0 replies)
  133. Reid Is An Asshat (5 replies)
  134. Problems With Ron Paul Are NOT New (58 replies)
  135. How many stormfront.org members here? (51 replies)
  136. Supreme Court to hear Chicago gun ban case March 2, 2010 (0 replies)
  137. Welcome To The Real World Chris (3 replies)
  138. Lindsey Vonn's gold medal taken away (14 replies)
  139. Statement made by 6 time POTUS candidate of the American Socialist Party (1 replies)
  140. My new favorite bumper sticker (14 replies)
  141. CPAC Highs and Lows (3 replies)
  142. The Myth of Capitalist Resource Creation (21 replies)
  143. Obamacare With 51 Votes (33 replies)
  144. Did Rick Santelli Start The Tea Party Movement? (13 replies)
  145. Maher Rants, and Attacks Sarah Palin's Son (19 replies)
  146. NYT Wants Obama To Break No Tax Hike Promise (0 replies)
  147. White House: Stimulus Had 'Undeniable' Impact on Economy (20 replies)
  148. Tea Party V. Socialist Party (3 replies)
  149. One Year Ago Today (8 replies)
  150. Obama's politics mirrors those of most all minorities. (42 replies)
  151. Election Change... (2 replies)
  152. Sarah Palin Mania takes over Daytona (2 replies)
  153. Obama To Start His "Save The Senate" Tour (7 replies)
  154. Party Like It's 1773 (3 replies)
  155. Podesta: American political system 'sucks' (6 replies)
  156. ACORN May Qualify for Up to Nearly $4 Billion in Obama's Proposed Budget (9 replies)
  157. I emailed Sarah Palin's PAC today (53 replies)
  158. Boxer: The Next Reid In Coming Election? (5 replies)
  159. "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009 (1 replies)
  160. Indiana's Evan Bayh to retire from Senate (6 replies)
  161. The democrats 'Village Idiot' was the most educated president. (1 replies)
  162. Sham bipartisanship (6 replies)
  163. Different Views of America (8 replies)
  164. 100 Votes Short-More or Less (0 replies)
  165. Arguments for US Supreme Court Ruling Prop 8 Constitutional/Unconstitutional? (21 replies)
  166. Lt. Bill Hunt for O.C. Sheriff. (2 replies)
  167. Years Ago Democrats Said No Snow Proved Global Warming (18 replies)
  168. MSNBC O'Donnel Goes Nuts On The Air (4 replies)
  169. Weiner is on Fox now with Ms. Kelly... (4 replies)
  170. Patrick Kennedy Will Not Seek Re-Election (8 replies)
  171. White House Issues Jobs Report, Blames Bush (10 replies)
  172. Obama ‘Agnostic’ on Deficit Cuts, Won’t Prejudge Tax Increases (8 replies)
  173. Obama Justice Dept Wants To Track You Via Your Cell Phone (5 replies)
  174. Obama Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Bonuses (2 replies)
  175. A good question (4 replies)
  176. Hillary's eligibility challenged in Supreme Court (6 replies)
  177. Libertarians and other interested parties (12 replies)
  178. Stimulus Money Spent Overseas (4 replies)
  179. Miss Me Yet? (24 replies)
  180. Michelle/SEIU’s Child Obesity Initiative (5 replies)
  181. *Will The Lessons Learnt During WWII Come To USA?* (7 replies)
  182. Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) dies (28 replies)
  183. It's snowing? Gee, we'd better ban guns! (9 replies)
  184. The Winds of Politics Are Changing (15 replies)
  185. Is Narcissist Too Strong A Word? No (0 replies)
  186. Sarah Palin Brings House Down At Tea Party Convention (82 replies)
  187. Obama's SOTU Bounce Is Gone! (4 replies)
  188. 2010 - We're Going to Take Back America (5 replies)
  189. Andrew Breitbart at National Tea Party Convention to Media: VIDEO (6 replies)
  190. Patrick Kennedy: Scott Brown's candidacy 'a joke' (9 replies)
  191. Pelosi: Where Are the Jobs, Mr. President? (0 replies)
  192. Examples of Stimulus Spending (2 replies)
  193. Pelosi Spends $101,000 of Taxpayer Money on Booze and High Life (0 replies)
  194. *Die Sum Bitch Die!!!* (0 replies)
  195. The president is no team player (4 replies)
  196. DGA sounds Tea Party alarm (7 replies)
  197. Chrysler Dealers become the next Birthers (2 replies)
  198. Obama A Moderate Willing To Compromise? (0 replies)
  199. $2.5 Million For Super Bowl Census Ad (1 replies)
  200. Santelli Brandishes Hammer to Illustrate Obamanomics (1 replies)
  201. Rush - Miss America Contestants Know More then Elected Officials (0 replies)
  202. video-Hah! Pat Boone & the PJTVettes ROCK BARACK (0 replies)
  203. The only way Government can "create" jobs (0 replies)
  204. Obama advisor: Pass illegal-alien amnesty to ensure "progressive" rule (51 replies)
  205. Obama Again Criticizes Trips to Las Vegas (7 replies)
  206. Barack Obama Admits That “By Design” You Remain Unemployed (6 replies)
  207. One way Obama has improved Health Care (0 replies)
  208. Obama Organizing in High School (3 replies)
  209. Dems - We will Spend Our Way Out of Recession (0 replies)
  210. Video: Specter jumps onstage, interrupts Sestak (1 replies)
  211. Arpaio (3 replies)
  212. Obama bows to Tampa Mayor?????? (9 replies)
  213. Obama unveils 2011 budget with $3.83T in spending (2 replies)
  214. Can KSM Get a Fair Trial? (16 replies)
  215. Fox's Roger Ailes VS Huffignton, Krugman, and Walters (6 replies)
  216. Obama to Propose $3.8 Trillion Budget (8 replies)
  217. 1 Year with Obama - a nightmare (5 replies)
  218. Primary time: Let the political family feuds begin (0 replies)
  219. Illinois, new Massachusetts setback for Obama? (1 replies)
  220. Taxpayers pay $101,000 for Pelosi's in-flight 'food, booze' (2 replies)
  221. Obama meets with Republicans (21 replies)
  222. Democrats shelve health care overhaul (2 replies)
  223. Awesome stuff (2 replies)
  224. State of the Union: Barack Obama gets an F for world leadership (0 replies)
  225. Obama caves to Bloomberg on trial (3 replies)
  226. Libertarians respond to State of the Union address (3 replies)
  227. Senate permits gov't to borrow an additional $1.9T (That's $1,900,000,000.00) (1 replies)
  228. Obama’s State of the Union: How did he do? (11 replies)
  229. President Obama’s Lexicon of Rhetorical Devices (0 replies)
  230. Embattled Obama declares in speech, 'I don't quit' (13 replies)
  231. Blaming Bush - Again (11 replies)
  232. Chris Matthews - "I forgot Obama was black tonight" (17 replies)
  233. The SOTU speech thread (32 replies)
  234. State of the Union Talking Points (6 replies)
  235. Barack Bingo (2 replies)
  236. video-Eliseo Medina Speaks on Immigrants for Votes (0 replies)
  237. Libertarian Communist- An Oxymoron (13 replies)
  238. Gibbs: Obama acknowledges he's made mistakes (1 replies)
  239. 'Obama Girl' now falling out of love (3 replies)
  240. Stimulus price tag soars as jobless rate rises (0 replies)
  241. $2,200 Per Day (2 replies)
  242. The Queer's Dream Team... (4 replies)
  243. Barack Obama, the Angry Left and the politics of intellectual contempt. (1 replies)
  244. Man arrested with guns, grenades, NVG, map of military base: No terrorism links (5 replies)
  245. Calif. voters don't identify with Teabaggers (36 replies)
  246. Companies that get too big and go bankrupt might hurt economy? (1 replies)
  247. Rahm Emanuel Calls Liberals "F****** Retards" At Meeting (10 replies)
  248. 3 Obama Staffers Give 3 Different "Saved/Created" Jobs Numbers (0 replies)
  249. Obama - "I 'would rather be really good one-term President' (15 replies)
  250. Obama Now Wants A Spending Freeze? (3 replies)