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  1. Fort Hood hearing focuses on homegrown threats, ‘political correctness’ (0 replies)
  2. The Spender In Chief (10 replies)
  3. Documentary film seeks pro-consumption conservative (1 replies)
  4. Finally - a SNL skit that shows Obama for the fool he is.. (3 replies)
  5. Obama Approval Hits All Time Low (14 replies)
  6. Katie Couric Rhymes A Health Care Message (4 replies)
  7. Constitution Revolution 2012 (2 replies)
  8. *CWN Reports: Robert A. Hall* (0 replies)
  9. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford faces 37 ethics charges (0 replies)
  10. Fred Thompson: Afghanistan Is Lost (2 replies)
  11. The female genie (2 replies)
  12. Thanksgiving: Deliverance from Socialism (26 replies)
  13. Rep. Kucinich (D-OH) says everyone,including bin Laden,should get "same basic rights" (2 replies)
  14. Cloward-Piven Government (8 replies)
  15. Sen Landrieu Blames "Partisan Republican Bloggers" (11 replies)
  16. Anti-Obama billboard stirs controversy (14 replies)
  17. Question For Obamacare Supporters (71 replies)
  18. Does Pres Obama Embrace Weakness? (1 replies)
  19. NPR - Was Internet Complicit In Fort Hood Shooting? (0 replies)
  20. This man is awesome (0 replies)
  21. Your New One-World Government: Hopenhagen (1 replies)
  22. Why do Dems really want to give KSM a civilian trial in New York City? (6 replies)
  23. Liberal bloggers showing up at Sarah Palin book signings. (7 replies)
  24. "Reconquista" (35 replies)
  25. The Evolution of Hispanic Identity (70 replies)
  26. Another Obama Success (0 replies)
  27. Chris Matthews "Obama To Darned Intellectual" (4 replies)
  28. Ron Paul Wins Lifelong Fight (12 replies)
  29. Does anyone believe Palin will run in 2012? (35 replies)
  30. The Stump Turtle? (0 replies)
  31. Only Uncle Toms Vote Against ObamaCare (7 replies)
  32. Married couples face extra tax in Senate health care bill (26 replies)
  33. You don't need to carry a gun personally, police will protect you (5 replies)
  34. Psalm 109:8 (9 replies)
  35. Obama's Home Teleprompter Malfunctions (6 replies)
  36. Giving thanks for capitalism (0 replies)
  37. Obama says it: There's a chance he won't run in 2012 (40 replies)
  38. Cash For Codgers (0 replies)
  39. Obama: Job creation not goal of Dec. 3 jobs forum (0 replies)
  40. Union Threatens City Over Scout's Volunteerism (2 replies)
  41. KKK Byrd sets longevity record (0 replies)
  42. oops (0 replies)
  43. See the St. Paul ‘happy-slapping’ video that has police and citizens outraged (1 replies)
  44. How I Saved or Created 4,730,400,003 Jobs (1 replies)
  45. A rare example of a sensible intelligent black American (17 replies)
  46. Notice how people who can't refute Csvs, try to insult... by calling them gay? ("Teab (1 replies)
  47. Bernie Goldberg On O’Reilly: Liberals Detest Palin Because They Detest Middle America (4 replies)
  48. who is the most crazy liberal organization (1 replies)
  49. What Obama's bow in Japan really meant (1 replies)
  50. Texas teabaggers take aim at GOP incumbents (19 replies)
  51. What stops mass murderers? A gun. (8 replies)
  52. What if George W. Bush had.............. (15 replies)
  53. Recipe for making a Liberal (2 replies)
  54. another wow bow by Obama (34 replies)
  55. New car from Government Motors (2 replies)
  56. No Problem With China or NK (1 replies)
  57. Chinese greet "Oba Mao" with flaming statues, fakes (1 replies)
  58. Trying KSM in civ court in NYC, like trying Japanese pilots who attacked Pearl Harbo (2 replies)
  59. Obama's World Record (7 replies)
  60. Obama Fails To Defend America - Again (20 replies)
  61. Dems Want Jail Time If You Refuse Obamacare (24 replies)
  62. WARNING: This post contains facts. (2 replies)
  63. Obama wants Exit Strategy for Afghan ?? (11 replies)
  64. Questions our big-govt central planners can't answer (5 replies)
  65. Another Obama Double Standard (2 replies)
  66. Dems Reject 11 Amendmeents Requiring Congress To Enroll In Obamacare (12 replies)
  67. 'Fuzzy math' could drive health bill cost higher (2 replies)
  68. Barney Frank/Ed Schultz In Liberal Lovers' Quarrel (0 replies)
  69. "Uninsurables" Must Wait 6 Months Under Obamacre (0 replies)
  70. Dems Spending Continues As Revenue To The Government Drops (0 replies)
  71. Dems On A Roll (0 replies)
  72. Who is Steve Max: Ward Churchill Meets Rahm Emanuel (0 replies)
  73. 5 Myths About the Economic 'Recovery' (0 replies)
  74. House Passes Health Bill (18 replies)
  75. California to withhold a bigger chunk of paychecks (4 replies)
  76. Unemployment hits 10.2 % (3 replies)
  77. Obama's response (8 replies)
  78. House healtcare plan requires monthly abortion premium (0 replies)
  79. Last Night A 2nd Amendment Sweep (0 replies)
  80. 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama (0 replies)
  81. The best moment of last night's election returns (3 replies)
  82. If Dems had won yesterday, would they be insisting it wasn't a referendum on Obama? (1 replies)
  83. Washington state blocks same-sex "marriage" (2 replies)
  84. Maine says NO to queers (69 replies)
  85. GOP should dump the neo-cons (11 replies)
  86. a look at 2010 (1 replies)
  87. Grass roots Republicans move to retake party (4 replies)
  88. Forewarned Is Forearmed (0 replies)
  89. NYT Sends A Warning? (2 replies)
  90. Gibbs: Doesn't know if White House has reviewed govt Healthcare for Constitutionality (2 replies)
  91. Awesome!… Mike Pence Releases: “Let Your Voice Be Heard” (Video) (1 replies)
  92. Corzine fading in New Jersey? (2 replies)
  93. Newt is a Republican first and a Conservative last (8 replies)
  94. White House Visitor List Includes Rev Wright and Bill Ayers (24 replies)
  95. Obama plays more golf in 9 months than Bush in over 2 years (21 replies)
  96. Dem Strategist Whines About "Being Ganged Up On" (3 replies)
  97. Rush Limbaugh interviewed by Chris Wallace (0 replies)
  98. About Tuesday (4 replies)
  99. Promises to Keep: Candidate Obama vs. President Obama (0 replies)
  100. "Obama! We Have A Problem... (0 replies)
  101. BREAKING: Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign (8 replies)
  102. NJ Court rules that Americans have no right to buy a handgun (2 replies)
  103. Michelle Bachman on Pelosi Health Care Bill: "This Is the Crown jewel of Socialism" (30 replies)
  104. Glenn Beck With Lord Monckton and John Bolton On Global Climate Treaty (1) (0 replies)
  105. Tune in tomorrow to hear a health care reform plan that will prove to be the game cha (1 replies)
  106. "Death Panel" measure survives in new House health care bill (5 replies)
  107. Grayson: FOX News is stalking me (2 replies)
  108. *WTF? Muslim Stamps?* (75 replies)
  109. Gore Vidal Obama 'Too Intelligent' for America; Vidal Adds He Wanted to 'Murder' Bush (0 replies)
  110. Pelosi's death care bill (1 replies)
  111. MoveOn.org Backtracks in 23rd District Election (1 replies)
  112. Health bill: 42 studies, 214 mentions of taxes (0 replies)
  113. Pelosi Closes ObamacareCeremony To Public (0 replies)
  114. House Health Care Bill Mandates Study Of Mental Health Outcomes of Abortion, Adoption (0 replies)
  115. Glenn Beck -- Behind The Blue Curtain -- FOX News (0 replies)
  116. Couric Advises GOP: Stay Away From Fringe Players Like Palin & Rush (Video) (3 replies)
  117. NJ Democratic Party Mimics ACORN (5 replies)
  118. are you gender biased, are you racist (5 replies)
  119. The collapse of America much like Russia (0 replies)
  120. Stimulus jobs overstated by thousands (3 replies)
  121. Alan Grayson Runs and Hides From Fox News (11 replies)
  122. Clunkers: Taxpayers paid $24,000 per car (4 replies)
  123. You won't find anything more powerful concerning our country (0 replies)
  124. White House Surrenders To Fox News (4 replies)
  125. New Senate plan: States can opt out of receiving HC, but not out of paying for it???? (7 replies)
  126. Voter fraud in Troy, New York ...Maybe ACORN (0 replies)
  127. Is Reid's "Public Option" DOA? (1 replies)
  128. Amtrak Losing $32 per Passenger (6 replies)
  129. Probably Not Good News For Administration (2 replies)
  130. Imagine (1 replies)
  131. Lieberman Will Fillibuster Healthcare With Public Option (1 replies)
  132. Dismantling America (2 replies)
  133. Pelosi: Health care 'public option' needs new name (4 replies)
  134. Dems $3.6 Trillion Gas Tax Increase (4 replies)
  135. Dems On Defense In 2009 Elections (4 replies)
  136. Another Obama Failure (4 replies)
  137. Politics as Tribe (1 replies)
  138. Barney Frank - Democrats are trying on every front to increase the role of government (0 replies)
  139. A few general questions- Media (2 replies)
  140. The Spending Rolls On (2 replies)
  141. Health reform written behind closed doors (0 replies)
  142. It's only "news" if liberals say it's news (1 replies)
  143. They are expendable (80 replies)
  144. welcome to Vietnam 2 (7 replies)
  145. Those Insurance Companies 'Obscene Profits' (0 replies)
  146. Remember A Couple Weeks Ago? Obama Speaking To Gays? (0 replies)
  147. Video: The Truth About The Tyranny of Political Correctness (2 replies)
  148. *Obama Speaks Muslim: Free Money* (1 replies)
  149. MSNBC has identity crisis (2 replies)
  150. Palin endorses Conservative over Republican (1 replies)
  151. White House Gives Up On VA Gov Race (6 replies)
  152. Conservatives roar; GOP trembles (5 replies)
  153. Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H Obama (0 replies)
  154. Unreal. White House Bans FOX News from Press Pool Interview — Then Relents After Prot (35 replies)
  155. Something to worry about with govt bailouts and control (0 replies)
  156. Breaking New Polling Outcomes (0 replies)
  157. Dems seek cover to boost debt limit (1 replies)
  158. GOP senators in favor of rape? (9 replies)
  159. Pay Czar Slashes Pay For Execs (0 replies)
  160. Debate style issues (22 replies)
  161. *McCain See's Anger: No Surprise There* (1 replies)
  162. They’re ALL Communists (3 replies)
  163. Is political correctness to blame for lack of coverage (3 replies)
  164. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) wrongly interprets Constitution again (4 replies)
  165. Bailout watchdog expects much to remain unrefunded (0 replies)
  166. Dems eye insurance industry's antitrust protection (0 replies)
  167. Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room (4 replies)
  168. CNN Poll: Half the country disagrees with Obama on issues (11 replies)
  169. House healthcare bill under $900 billion: Pelosi (4 replies)
  170. White House Cites Opinion Shows as Basis for Fox News Complaints (5 replies)
  171. Chicago Times=obama accomplishments (1 replies)
  172. Cops Called When Reporter Acts Like A Reporter (1 replies)
  173. Good Grief… ANOTHER Mao-Praising Obama Czar Caught on Tape (Video) (0 replies)
  174. Biden: This Is A Depression (10 replies)
  175. Glenn Beck Installs Red Phone for White House (26 replies)
  176. MSM Believes What They Want To Believe (2 replies)
  177. How Screwed Are We? (1 replies)
  178. Obama Care Halloween Video (0 replies)
  179. Sarah Palin is hitting the mark again!!!!! (1 replies)
  180. Bill extends 'kid' coverage to age 27 (8 replies)
  181. Easy-money mortgages still provided, by the feds (6 replies)
  182. We have all been lied to (0 replies)
  183. The Nation's Climate Change Solution: 'Make the Recession Worse' (2 replies)
  184. Oh Those Tea Party People! (1 replies)
  185. outstanding!!! (0 replies)
  186. 30,383 "saved or created" jobs thanks to stimulus (3 replies)
  187. Federal Deficit Reaches All-Time High of $1.42 Trillion (0 replies)
  188. Poll: Mexicans say Mexican-Americans Owe Loyalty to Mexico Over U.S. (0 replies)
  189. The Broken Common Bond (0 replies)
  190. Restore the Constitution (7 replies)
  191. *Which Party Is Better To Protect USA From Islam?* (3 replies)
  192. Now This Bodes Well For 2010 (13 replies)
  193. Ooohhh, Dangerous Blogger (1 replies)
  194. Compassion vs reality (0 replies)
  195. Anita Dunn & Mao (4 replies)
  196. Obama Video: 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes (0 replies)
  197. Painting the White House Red -- Obama FOX-Basher Anita Dunn Praises Mao Tse-Tung (Vid (3 replies)
  198. How can "history call" someone who never listens? (0 replies)
  199. GOP senator's protest grinds the Senate to a halt (2 replies)
  200. In 2010 Dems Will Run Against Bush (15 replies)
  201. Baucus Plan Will Lower Wages (2 replies)
  202. Where is he now, when we need him? (1 replies)
  203. January 16, 1984 (2 replies)
  204. Libs hail Obama as "whiner-in-chief" (3 replies)
  205. Ronald Reagan on Socialized Medicine (5 replies)
  206. Pelosi Key to GOP 2010 Playbook (0 replies)
  207. When you hear people speaking in public, do you ever 'call them' on their claims? (1 replies)
  208. Dr's Punished For Treating High Care Patients Under Obamacare (0 replies)
  209. Rachel Maddow - "This is Cracking Heads Time" (59 replies)
  210. Steve Wynn Schools Jennifer Granholm on How to Create Jobs (0 replies)
  211. They Should Have Read "The Godfather" (0 replies)
  212. Tax the sick: Obama’s new plan (6 replies)
  213. Audit - Obamacare Will Increase The Cost Of Insurance (1 replies)
  214. Rush Limbaugh: I love to ‘yank media’s chain’ (1 replies)
  215. Calif gov Schwarzenegger signs ammo-registration bill into law (7 replies)
  216. White House - Fox News Is Not A News Network (24 replies)
  217. Obamacare - Tax Increases Now, "Benefits" Years Later (0 replies)
  218. Even The Brits Are Asking "Obama Won What?" (0 replies)
  219. 54% Favor Middle-Class Tax Cuts Over New Spending on Health Care (0 replies)
  220. Detroit Getting Stimulated On Stimulus Money (6 replies)
  221. Sunstein: Americans too racist for socialism (1 replies)
  222. What Is "Liberalism" ??? (4 replies)
  223. What Year Did Health Insurance (7 replies)
  224. Backdoor insurance for illegals (8 replies)
  225. Pelosi - VAT Tax "On The Table" (0 replies)
  226. The ‘No kids’ debate continues (14 replies)
  227. A Helpful Obama Glossary (1 replies)
  228. Gibbs: Obama Has Only ‘Read a Decent Part’ of Obamacare (2 replies)
  229. Real Estate & Off Shore Banking (2 replies)
  230. Guess Who Has the Highest Medical Claim Rejection Rate? (27 replies)
  231. Doctors protest Obama Health Care!! (10 replies)
  232. The health care taxman cometh (6 replies)
  233. Is Minimum Wage Increase Responsible For Record Teen Unemployment? (5 replies)
  234. SBL - Obama's Accomplishments (4 replies)
  235. Top Ten Reasons Chicago didn't get the Olympics (14 replies)
  236. Health insurance bills could be hardship for many (4 replies)
  237. California Nightmaring, With Mass Immigration A Key Demon (1 replies)
  238. Capitalism vs. Socialism (1 replies)
  239. Obama To Tax Seniors Medical Equipment To Try To Pay For Obamacare (17 replies)
  240. Anybody seen Pelosi's tear-jerking "concern" lately? (2 replies)
  241. Obama’s not-so-secret plan to raise taxes (0 replies)
  242. Economy loses 263,000 jobs in September; jobless rate at 9.8 percent (19 replies)
  243. FOX News Poll: National Debt Hurting The Country (4 replies)
  244. Agnapostate - The Good Communist (19 replies)
  245. Massive Tax Increases in Obamacare Bill (0 replies)
  246. Michelle Obama: It's a 'sacrifice' to travel to Europe to pitch for the Olympics (4 replies)
  247. Sarah Palin's book leaps to #1 spot in two days (0 replies)
  248. Safe School Czar allows molestation to go on (11 replies)
  249. Demoacrt speaks out on the floor about Republicans healthcare (1 replies)
  250. what do you think of this? (5 replies)