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  1. Czarist Insanity In America (3 replies)
  2. So, just say what you think, but make it count..... (2 replies)
  3. Could It Be? (2 replies)
  4. Any you guys watching Beck tonight? (39 replies)
  5. Video: Rep. Pete Stark tells interviewer, “Get the f**k out of here or I’ll throw you (2 replies)
  6. Biden: Stimulus doing more `than we had hoped' (0 replies)
  7. Matthews Plays Race Card - Again (0 replies)
  8. Pledge To Be a Servant To Obama? (6 replies)
  9. Why on Earth do people want medical insurance to pay for every pill, every exam,etc.? (4 replies)
  10. Obama Weighing Health Care Strategy Shift (5 replies)
  11. video-Obama Advisor Van Jones: Republicans "are assholes" (7 replies)
  12. Obama’s Website: Disagree With Health Care, You’re a “Domestic Terrorist” (8 replies)
  13. The President's Political Rorshach Test (0 replies)
  14. UK - Prisons Spend More on Food Then Hospitals (4 replies)
  15. Cop: it ain't America no more (0 replies)
  16. Harry Reid! This Is NOT The Way To Win Re-election (5 replies)
  17. Protests Taking On Lives of Their Own (7 replies)
  18. Rasmussen: Vacation/Eulogy No Help For Obama (1 replies)
  19. Obama - "Worst Of Both Worlds" (0 replies)
  20. Sen. Enzi Delivers Weekly GOP Address: "The Dem's Health Bills Will Raid Medicare & C (1 replies)
  21. Up to 1,000 rally in NYC for health care bill (3 replies)
  22. Chances of health compromise take another blow (8 replies)
  23. Undercover with Liberals! (RIP Crowder) (1 replies)
  24. Amerika the once beautiful (0 replies)
  25. Dem Rep & Communist: "Opponents Want to Destroy President Who Looks Like Me... Fidel (2 replies)
  26. Nancy Pelosi asks for $100K to fight 'smears' (7 replies)
  27. Video: Dean says no tort reform because trial lawyers too intimidating (6 replies)
  28. Huffington Post Wants You To Snitch On Your Doctor (0 replies)
  29. ABC, NBC Won't Air Ad Critical of Obama's Health Care Plan (1 replies)
  30. i get it senator kennedy was paul the apostle (8 replies)
  31. Important to know about (0 replies)
  32. Charity: Not in the Constitution (a must-read!) (1 replies)
  33. Democrat House Health Care bill divulges IRS tax data (1 replies)
  34. Rush, Beck Warn Obama Administration Trying to Bring Country to Its Knees (1 replies)
  35. Inspired by Saul Alinsky, FCC 'Diversity' Chief Calls for ‘Confrontational Movement’ (2 replies)
  36. conversation with my dad (20 replies)
  37. Rush Was Right - Again!!!! (18 replies)
  38. will dems use teddy's death to munipulate setiment in the healthcare debate? (34 replies)
  39. Dem vandalizes Dem party HQ (2 replies)
  40. Obama Shadow Government contains strange bedfellows (2 replies)
  41. WA - Marine Corps Vet talks-down WA Liberal Representative. (1 replies)
  42. what happened to free speech? (3 replies)
  43. Bombshell!... Bill O'Reilly Announces Obamacare is Unconstitutional (Video) (7 replies)
  44. In Their Own Words... Glenn Beck Exposes the Socialist Left's Best Hits On Capitalism (1 replies)
  45. convicts get stim checks (2 replies)
  46. Tea parties - Town meetings = what next? (1 replies)
  47. White House, CBO debt forecasts challenge Obama (2 replies)
  48. Obama Blames Bush For Record Defict - Not His Record Spending (23 replies)
  49. Healthcare Bill Includes $10 Billion Earmarked For Union Retirees (3 replies)
  50. Glenn Beck Exposes Obama's Radical "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones - 8/24/09 (3 replies)
  51. I'm on a tele-townhall meeting right now. (5 replies)
  52. HUMMER Dealer Starts Selling Guns to Make Ends Meet (10 replies)
  53. my first townhall (27 replies)
  54. Obama Approval At All Time Low (24 replies)
  55. GOP challengers would beat Harry Reid (6 replies)
  56. Maine's Obamacare Fails (4 replies)
  57. what do you think of this video (1 replies)
  58. even good ole joe thinks we can wait (0 replies)
  59. Obama's Brick Wall: The American People (6 replies)
  60. Marine Corps Vet Blasts Dem For "Brown Shirts" Remark (0 replies)
  61. Obama Revives VA Death Book (4 replies)
  62. Your Tax Dollars to Sell 'ObamaCare' (0 replies)
  63. Garofalo: Tea Party Protesters 'Functionally Retarded Adults' (7 replies)
  64. video-One Single Payer System (0 replies)
  65. Physician & Rep. Price Gives GOP Weekly Address-- Fact-Checks Obamacare Myths (0 replies)
  66. Obama: Republicans oppose govt Health Care purely for political gain (???) (8 replies)
  67. obama wear (12 replies)
  68. Steven Crowder: Socialized medicine (2 replies)
  69. sick and sicker (0 replies)
  70. im having doubts ... (1 replies)
  71. The Day Obamacare Died (2 replies)
  72. Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing (1 replies)
  73. Obama can compromise away most of Obamacare, as long as he passes SOME small part (4 replies)
  74. what do you think of glen beck (31 replies)
  75. La Raza Attacks Americans, Calls Whites and Black Police Officer the "N" Word (2 replies)
  76. nukeman vs gabby (7 replies)
  77. Why Britney Spears should be president (21 replies)
  78. shame on her (9 replies)
  79. Media Didn't Care About Protest Signs Threatening Bush (16 replies)
  80. Latest Limbaugh Flap - Barney Lives On ‘Uranus’ (3 replies)
  81. Specter Opposed Government Health Care In 1994 (0 replies)
  82. Some Honesty On The Health Care Timeline (0 replies)
  83. Dictatorship!??! (15 replies)
  84. Where is the heart of the American People ? (18 replies)
  85. Dem wants to eliminate private health insurance altogether (0 replies)
  86. Dems To Pass Obamacare Alone (0 replies)
  87. Barney Frank's Town Hall Meeting (16 replies)
  88. If Axelrod Were Rove... (0 replies)
  89. black man carries rifle to obama rally (21 replies)
  90. New Democrat recycling program: Cash for Codgers (2 replies)
  91. Pro choice health care (1 replies)
  92. Obama MySpace page, Age 52 not 48 (3 replies)
  93. 'Cash for Clunkers' reimbursement slow in coming (19 replies)
  94. Pelosi To White House: We’re Standing Firm Behind Public Option (11 replies)
  95. video-Rep. Massa Addresses Netroots: I will vote against the interests of my district (4 replies)
  96. The real reason the White House shut down the "flag" tipster line (0 replies)
  97. Thsi is how Gov't health care would work as well (1 replies)
  98. whitehouse disables flag@whitehouse.gov (6 replies)
  99. Obama takes on waste in military budget (6 replies)
  100. White House E-Mails (0 replies)
  101. White House appears ready to drop 'public option.' (4 replies)
  102. Now Liberal Media Attacks What Protesters Are Wearing (10 replies)
  103. video-Old & Fat People Parody (Short People song) (1 replies)
  104. A short lesson (0 replies)
  105. Congressman Tells O'Donnell 'You're Illustrating Why MSNBC's Viewership Is In the Tan (0 replies)
  106. FCC's New Hire Targeted Conservative Radio Stations in Writings (3 replies)
  107. Pelosi protesting is very American (5 replies)
  108. PA Senate: Toomey 48% - Specter 36% (4 replies)
  109. Ed Schultz Promoting Talk of Presidential Assassination (12 replies)
  110. Harry Reid: Protesters are 'evil-mongers' (1 replies)
  111. Feds Can't Even Caulk A Window (0 replies)
  112. Health Insurance Industry's Profit Margins Rank #86 (0 replies)
  113. There’s Something Happening Here (9 replies)
  114. Video: Sheila Jackson-Lee shows her respect for constituents (5 replies)
  115. Let's All Be Civil-LOL! (1 replies)
  116. "You don't trust me?" (7 replies)
  117. Dem congressman demands photo IDs from TownHall participants (1 replies)
  118. Obama questions whether old people in later years should get expensive med procedures (3 replies)
  119. Dem Who Opposes Photo ID To Vote Requiring Photo ID For Town Halls (2 replies)
  120. Video---Holy Moly, Arlen Specter (8 replies)
  121. Obama admits that the private sector works best (8 replies)
  122. What will happen when Obama's Universal Health Care starts running out of money? (16 replies)
  123. Birthers blather while conservatives cringe (3 replies)
  124. Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare (4 replies)
  125. Geithner asks Congress for higher U.S. debt limit (7 replies)
  126. Ben Cardin's Town Hall Dominated By Opponents (0 replies)
  127. MSNBC Host: Word "Socialist" Code For The "N-Word" (7 replies)
  128. Hillary snaps: I’m the secretary of state, not Bill (4 replies)
  129. video-Getting Torn Apart by an Angry, Un-American Mob! (6 replies)
  130. Enough of the Mob !!! (8 replies)
  131. Pelosi, Hoyer Don't Understand the Feelings of the People (23 replies)
  132. love affair for obama...over? (8 replies)
  133. White House call to 'flag' dissent loathsome (3 replies)
  134. Dishonesty, Slander, and Idiocy (0 replies)
  135. Tell me what replaces the PROFIT MOTIVE? (4 replies)
  136. Black Conservative Attacked, Called Racial Slurs By Union Thugs (1 replies)
  137. Heeeeeears Sarah !!!! (26 replies)
  138. Hey Namvet, thought you would enjoy this... (12 replies)
  139. White House: punch back at Protesters (13 replies)
  140. Senator Martinez resigns (1 replies)
  141. Unemployment "drops" as half million give up trying to find work (0 replies)
  142. Another GOP rat bails from the sinking ship (16 replies)
  143. The teleprompter (7 replies)
  144. Unions fill Townhalls before doors open,ordinary citizens locked out, violence inside (1 replies)
  145. Health Care Town Halls Turn Violent (4 replies)
  146. Meet the Mob (13 replies)
  147. ObamaCare: Too Many Contradictions (3 replies)
  148. Organizing the 'wrong' community (4 replies)
  149. Remember When Libs Dismissed and Attacked the Tea Parties? (7 replies)
  150. what they think... (4 replies)
  151. Finally... A woman who gets it (0 replies)
  152. Think Progress, MSNBC 'Manufacture' a Story (1 replies)
  153. DEMS SNEAK UNION THUGS INTO CARNAHAN TOWN HALL-- Tea Party Taxpayers Locked Out! (2 replies)
  154. How to dress like an “authentic” grass-roots activist (3 replies)
  155. Obama: I'm "Happy to go ever Health Care bill line by line" with any Congressman (8 replies)
  156. Video: Radical Aztlanists Exposed! (0 replies)
  157. Revolt against AARP in Dallas: “Do you work for us or do we work for you?” (5 replies)
  158. Townhall citizens shouting down Democrat reps to stop the flow of lies (1 replies)
  159. MSNBC's Interview With Obama "Birther Queen" Orly Taitz (0 replies)
  160. Pelosi claims protesters are "carrying swastikas (39 replies)
  161. Michael Steele Takes Credit for RNC Phone Prank (2 replies)
  162. protesters headed for DC (4 replies)
  163. Sotomayor gains more GOP support (4 replies)
  164. Former Congressman William Jefferson (D-LA) found guilty (5 replies)
  165. Dem Congressmen cancelling Town Hall meetings rather than hear constituents' protests (3 replies)
  166. Obama kids eat well............. (9 replies)
  167. Desperate Dems hide behind talking points in response to Health Care protests (8 replies)
  168. video-Barbara Boxer Objects To Health Care Protesters' "Attire" (9 replies)
  169. new DNC video-Enough of the Mob" (3 replies)
  170. Obama admin chooses now to point out routine Russian sub patrols near U.S. (1 replies)
  171. Poll indicates generational split over health care (17 replies)
  172. Is Race for Governor More About Obama? (0 replies)
  173. Angry Protesters Confront Democrats (0 replies)
  174. America or Freedom? (16 replies)
  175. Poll: Dropping the Bomb on Hiroshima/Nagasaki was right thing to do, 3 to 1 (11 replies)
  176. Facts Are Stubborn Things (6 replies)
  177. cars.gov owns your PC (17 replies)
  178. Here's the memo of the Demcorats plot against the American people.. (0 replies)
  179. Happy Birthday Mr. President (1 replies)
  180. To engage the birther fantasists is futile; to dismiss them, reckless (41 replies)
  181. Tax Burden of Top 1% Now Exceeds That of Bottom 95% (20 replies)
  182. In-home Govt TV cameras, govt agents to check for proper behavior (1 replies)
  183. Tax revenues post biggest drop since Depression (0 replies)
  184. Dems have failed to ram Govt Health Care through before citizens can object (5 replies)
  185. Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth? (14 replies)
  186. Here Comes Your Tax Increase (17 replies)
  187. Specter, Sebelius Booed At Philly Town Hall (37 replies)
  188. A Revealing Beer Summit Photo (0 replies)
  189. Support the Czar Accountability and Reform Act of 2009 (0 replies)
  190. woman denied chemo offered assisted suicide (22 replies)
  191. Send In the Clowns (6 replies)
  192. clunkers 101 (0 replies)
  193. America's Future (3 replies)
  194. Palin Bullies: Exposed and Whining (0 replies)
  195. Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty (3 replies)
  196. Govt "Cash for Clunkers" program goes bankrupt in 5 days. Next: Health Care! (7 replies)
  197. Poll: Cars (15 replies)
  198. Police Remove Seniors From Sen. Feinstein's Office (3 replies)
  199. In case you wondered who keeps voting for silly liberal ideas (5 replies)
  200. Why Obama's birth certificate issue won't go away: Vanderbilt expert (1 replies)
  201. Cash-for-clunkers may be suspended (43 replies)
  202. Barney Franks Admits Obamacare Will lead to Single Payer Healthcare (0 replies)
  203. UFO'a could be a serious danger (11 replies)
  204. Note from a cop (1 replies)
  205. The Left's New Villain: Fat People (37 replies)
  206. Fannie Med (0 replies)
  207. Frank threatens banks to stop foreclosures (6 replies)
  208. what a real Hawaiian BC looks like (9 replies)
  209. Oregon Offers Terminal Patients Doctor-Assisted Suicide Instead of Medical Care (0 replies)
  210. Video: Patriotism Liberal style (4 replies)
  211. The HC BILL and organ donation (2 replies)
  212. Borough Aide resigns after calling President 'O-DUMB-A' (5 replies)
  213. Healthcare bill: PDF (34 replies)
  214. A post-racial President? Not! (0 replies)
  215. 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform (0 replies)
  216. If Barack and Michelle's mothers had believed in abortion we would be much better off (5 replies)
  217. Obama 2004: Bush Rushed Legislation Through Congress (8 replies)
  218. Shocking Hypocrisy Audio found Obama didnt like it when Bush Rushed Through Legislati (2 replies)
  219. Video: Conyers scoffs at doing his job (0 replies)
  220. Truer Words Were Never Written! (0 replies)
  221. Stimulous that was NOT meant to Stimulate? (1 replies)
  222. Barney Frank wants to spend $700 million for Wild Horse Contraception (18 replies)
  223. She shoots... She scores! (3 replies)
  224. Huge Majority Want Obama's Birth Certificate Revealed (49 replies)
  225. Press Conference Report Card (31 replies)
  226. Sarah Palin's legacy of failure (45 replies)
  227. Obama's approval rate drops below 50% (2 replies)
  228. Obama staffers exhausted from grueling work of wasting trillions of dollars (0 replies)
  229. Obamacare Advisors: Save Money By Eliminating Hippocratic Oath (1 replies)
  230. Music: Marty Robbins - My Own Native Land (0 replies)
  231. Rubber Hits Road: Obama Care Failing (9 replies)
  232. What conclusions can we draw from Harvard Prof's arrest etc.? (0 replies)
  233. If you were wondering WHY Obama smeared the Cambridge police so quickly... (1 replies)
  234. Barry and the blue pill/red pill... (16 replies)
  235. Philosophy and results of the Minimum Wage (2 replies)
  236. We've Figured Him Out (39 replies)
  237. *DId Professor Make False Claims Of Break-In?* (1 replies)
  238. Rush Limbaugh: 'The Press Has Met Their Waterloo and It's Obama' (4 replies)
  239. Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing (1 replies)
  240. Pelosi backs off recess healthcare deadline (0 replies)
  241. Billions To Stimulate Criminality (0 replies)
  242. Even GOP leaders decry idiot "birthers" (23 replies)
  243. Sleight of hand in promoting health care "reform" (0 replies)
  244. Here's how racist the Cambridge cop was who arrested the professor (1 replies)
  245. Obama: Cambridge police (40 replies)
  246. Ann Puts The "Health Care Crisis" Into Perspective (2 replies)
  247. Debunking the BS about Obama's birth (7 replies)
  248. doctors tell Osama to shove it (2 replies)
  249. buy a truck get a gun (12 replies)
  250. Obama To Whine On National TV Tonight (0 replies)