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  1. Bad Times Indeed, When I Agree With Krugman (0 replies)
  2. What an asshole. (50 replies)
  3. Kudoes for Obama's economic strategy! (0 replies)
  4. Bipartisanship is hard work... (29 replies)
  5. Do You Austrians Have a Better Idea? (2 replies)
  6. So Much For Hope Over Fear (2 replies)
  7. Report: NY's Rep. Rangel didn't disclose assets (0 replies)
  8. Are Your Taxes Paying For Democratic Retreat? (4 replies)
  9. Stabenow wants hearings on radio 'accountability' (2 replies)
  10. Fair Tax Calculator (28 replies)
  11. Tidewater Young Libertarians (7 replies)
  12. Dear Liberals: We want a divorce (25 replies)
  13. A Great Read And Truthful Comments (8 replies)
  14. KY fried salmonella (8 replies)
  15. Obama creates faith-based office with wide mission (5 replies)
  16. Foxnews host launches 'comrade update' for 'communist leader' obama... (17 replies)
  17. in vitro fertilization of Congress.... (0 replies)
  18. Is This Leadership? (14 replies)
  19. $500K spent on Dem caucus retreats (7 replies)
  20. If FedGovt can regulate bank exec salaries, what in banking can't they regulate? (75 replies)
  21. Youtube: NPI Population Study Video Now Available in 35 Languages (0 replies)
  22. Gary Ackerman video: attacking sec incompetence (0 replies)
  23. Obama appointments stir controversy (1 replies)
  24. MN Court Rules ALL Absentee Bollots to be Counted! (54 replies)
  25. Senate Lacks Votes to Pass Stimulus (49 replies)
  26. Obama uses fear mongering (17 replies)
  27. China Buying fewer Treasury Bonds (6 replies)
  28. Democrats Fighting Democrats (3 replies)
  29. Pelosi: The Stupidest thing Any Politician has Ever Said (30 replies)
  30. Daschle: "I screwed up," Obama declared (85 replies)
  31. NH Dem Governor appoints A REPUBLICAN to replace Gregg in US Senate! (4 replies)
  32. Another obama nom out (25 replies)
  33. Daschle Withdraws From HHS Director (7 replies)
  34. Most Americans Reject or Want 'Major Changes' to Stimulus (0 replies)
  35. Obama's ethics vow at risk (3 replies)
  36. Obama Mounts Media Blitz For Stimulus Plan (12 replies)
  37. Obama dines on $100 lb. Steak While Kentucky Freezes (65 replies)
  38. When MSNBC IS Against the Pork Bill - You Know It Is Bad (10 replies)
  39. Palin wears eff me boots to meet Obama (64 replies)
  40. Sen. Judd Gregg accepts commerce secretary post (10 replies)
  41. Stimuluswatch.org (113 replies)
  42. Jeff Sessions Shows Hypocrisy On Spending (5 replies)
  43. Obama's economic experience (19 replies)
  44. Short Honeymoon! (0 replies)
  45. Palin wants her share of the pie? (4 replies)
  46. Children of single mothers over the years (17 replies)
  47. Fillibuster proof senate coming? (15 replies)
  48. Rangel, Other Reps, Party in Caribbean With Citi Funds (29 replies)
  49. Monica Conyers May Be Indicted (0 replies)
  50. Obama: Nation can't afford bickering over stimulus (78 replies)
  51. Obama Calling for Defense Budget Cuts (12 replies)
  52. Daeschle Is Another Blago (4 replies)
  53. Change or die... (7 replies)
  54. Daschel Has "Tax Issues" (12 replies)
  55. New DNC Logo (6 replies)
  56. Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman (23 replies)
  57. Giuliani: Corporate plums help keep NYC afloat (0 replies)
  58. Senate Dem Questions Party Support for Stimulus Bill (0 replies)
  59. Dems Quietly Work to Nationalize Health Care (0 replies)
  60. Dems Will Try To Restrict CEO Pay (10 replies)
  61. Obama Calls Wall St. Bonuses 'shameful' (124 replies)
  62. Radio Ad - Are You With Rush or Obama? (9 replies)
  63. Obama - "Don't Do As I Do - Do I Say" (7 replies)
  64. Going Protectionist (2 replies)
  65. Rush Limbaugh's Stimulus Plan (13 replies)
  66. His First Bill signed (15 replies)
  67. Obama Promise Tracker... (0 replies)
  68. H.W. Bush Floors Bill Clinton with Joke (0 replies)
  69. Public Support for Economic Recovery Plan Slips to 42% (6 replies)
  70. Pelosi Dismisses Need For Bipartisanship (0 replies)
  71. Obama's Spending Spree Includes Money To Illegals (6 replies)
  72. Stimulus has plum for lawmaker's son (0 replies)
  73. Pork Galore (20 replies)
  74. The 'Rangel Rule' Introduced In The House (0 replies)
  75. FDR Spent Too Little: Obama (6 replies)
  76. Youtube Video: White Ethnocentrism 1 (0 replies)
  77. You won't believe what's in that "stimulus" bill (16 replies)
  78. Hey Bam, that's not the door! (20 replies)
  79. an alternative stimulus.... (10 replies)
  80. political bias in stimulus package..... (1 replies)
  81. A 40-Year Wish List (1 replies)
  82. ACORN Gets $4.19 Billion In Stimulus Bill (6 replies)
  83. Democrats Start Petition Against Rush Limbaugh (33 replies)
  84. Enemies of Capitalism (0 replies)
  85. The Bush Twins Send a Message To Obamas Girls (3 replies)
  86. "Playmobil Security Checkpoint" toy (6 replies)
  87. Top Ten things the Hollywood Elite can do to save the planet (2 replies)
  88. Granny Pelosi...Less Babies Means A Better Economy (10 replies)
  89. Pres Obama Does First Formal TV Interview with Al-Arabiya (144 replies)
  90. Bill Ayers: He Wasn't A Terrorist but McCain Was (53 replies)
  91. Obama's Tax Cheat Will Run US Treasury (18 replies)
  92. Finally, Subprime Foreclosure Rates by Race (1 replies)
  93. Patriotism Over Partisanship - A Conservative's Pledge (0 replies)
  94. house GOP leader...a quote which I found...sorta funny (1 replies)
  95. Democrats: Stimulus plan no quick fix for economy (14 replies)
  96. Obama Advisor: ‘Bush Tax Cuts Have To Be Repealed’ (20 replies)
  97. Republicans Step Up Whining About Obama (14 replies)
  98. Saul Alinsky (3 replies)
  99. OBAMA says: You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh (364 replies)
  100. Barack Obama inauguration: this Emperor has no clothes, it will all end in tears (0 replies)
  101. Will Obama Revive the Fairness Doctrine? (16 replies)
  102. The Shadow Government of the Obama Administration (0 replies)
  103. Obama's Dirty Dozen (0 replies)
  104. A Welfare Check Is Still A Welfare Check (3 replies)
  105. Obama Administration and China: An Uneasy Beginning (0 replies)
  106. Pelosi : "It felt like a 10-pound anvil was lifted off my head" (205 replies)
  107. Blago Self-Destructing (15 replies)
  108. Pres Obama Breaks "No lobbyists" Pledge (0 replies)
  109. Chris Matthews " Why would a show trial or witchhunt be bad?" (0 replies)
  110. Debunking the Stimulus Myth: Only 3% Allotted for Infrastructure (52 replies)
  111. Will Obama Be 'Poll Driven?' (0 replies)
  112. The Battle of Trafalgar (modern version) (1 replies)
  113. Obama to be "Transparent"? Fully accessible? The man of Change? (0 replies)
  114. Why Unite is a Lie (10 replies)
  115. Murtha's Gitmo Invite Could Be Stimulus for Western Pennsylvania (6 replies)
  116. video-Paying income tax in America is Voluntary (6 replies)
  117. The Veil Lifting-Why Anyone Would Want To Be POTUS? (0 replies)
  118. Dems To Spend Nearly $1 Trillion and Can't Promise 1 Job? (0 replies)
  119. OBummer (1 replies)
  120. Republican obstructionism... (29 replies)
  121. Black first family 'changes everything' (0 replies)
  122. The Future of Limited Government (0 replies)
  123. Is it just me or..... (9 replies)
  124. Lieberman Urged To Apologize To Obama, Biden (0 replies)
  125. Hillary Confirmed As Secretary Of State (15 replies)
  126. Explosive Video Reich, Obamas economic advisor no "White Male Construction Workers" (11 replies)
  127. The Obama presidency: Here comes socialism (by Dick Morris) (2 replies)
  128. Md Senator - Doesn't Matter Our State's Broke If Obama's President (2 replies)
  129. Radical in the White House (0 replies)
  130. MSNBC Loon Calls For Impeachment Of CJ Roberts (49 replies)
  131. What Part Of Obama's Speech Will Be Chiseled Into Marble? (5 replies)
  132. Chris Matthews Gushes: MSNBC 'Has Opened Its Heart to Change' (7 replies)
  133. Obama Supporters Leave Tons Of Trash Behind (23 replies)
  134. The problem with intellectually insecure whites by Kevin MacDonald (7 replies)
  135. when will the whites do what's right..... (8 replies)
  136. Blast from the past-President Reagan 1981 Inaugural Address (0 replies)
  137. Proposed Legislation Update (1 replies)
  138. A Measure to Re-introduce the Draft (60 replies)
  139. Obama Screws Up Facts In His Inaugural Speech (20 replies)
  140. Obama is now my President, and I wish him success (11 replies)
  141. FINAL ABUSE... Bush Mocked As He Arrives at Inauguration (75 replies)
  142. Presidential Pledge - Celebridade no MySpace Canal Oficial de Perfis de Celebridades (2 replies)
  143. Don't ask what Barack Obama can do for you, ask... (13 replies)
  144. Osama looks for new church (6 replies)
  145. Pelosi starts round up (46 replies)
  146. Obama's Trojan Horse: Bailout Signals Return of Welfare State (0 replies)
  147. Obama to free Harlem`s wage earners from federal plantation? (7 replies)
  148. Head Strong: Require a year of service (9 replies)
  149. Responsibility is the Theme of Obama's Inauguration Speech, Aides Say (4 replies)
  150. screw the economy: let's party !!!! (3 replies)
  151. Obama Talks Global Warming to Shivering Crowd (0 replies)
  152. Tuesday....... (3 replies)
  153. Anyone else concerned (46 replies)
  154. Inaugration To Have "Gore Effect" (0 replies)
  155. Obama Announces "Organizing for America" (0 replies)
  156. What Songs Should Be Played During Obama's Inauguration? (15 replies)
  157. I Thought Obama Was Already In DC (43 replies)
  158. A Bit Surprising To Me (6 replies)
  159. Water boarding IS torture... (66 replies)
  160. Granddaughter of slave: I was 'afraid' for Obama (0 replies)
  161. The Spending Plan is Out (7 replies)
  162. Eric Holder - No Law Against Funding Terrorists (0 replies)
  163. Official Presidential Photo Released (2 replies)
  164. Geithner Accepted IMF Reimbursement for Taxes He Didn’t Pay (27 replies)
  165. MSNBC to Air Obama Inauguration in Movie Theaters (18 replies)
  166. Obama Adviser Presents Plan to Alter Global Financial System (1 replies)
  167. The Minnesota recount was unconstitutional (7 replies)
  168. Obama 'Regulatory Czar' has Secret Animal-Rights Agenda, Says Consumer Group (0 replies)
  169. Panetta Faces Rendition Queries (2 replies)
  170. The Cost Of Obama's Day (27 replies)
  171. President of the Mistakes -- Bush bloopers! (4 replies)
  172. Obama’s recession remedy: Tax the poor! (67 replies)
  173. Hope and Change: Move to repeal presidential term limits started (33 replies)
  174. Just have to share this one (30 replies)
  175. Mickey Rourke: 'BUSH WAS IN THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME' (1 replies)
  176. Countering The Marxist Critical Theory (4 replies)
  177. Obama Treasury Sec Did Not Pay Taxes (20 replies)
  178. Boxer: we are not *sniffle* potted plants (5 replies)
  179. Gay Bishop Is Asked to Say Prayer at Inaugural Event (12 replies)
  180. Matthews: Media Shouldn't Cover RNC Criticism of Hillary (0 replies)
  181. Washington, DC TV Anchors to Host an Obama Inaugural Ball (0 replies)
  182. CNN Paints Barack Obama as Moses (63 replies)
  183. San Francisco Freak Show (1 replies)
  184. Huckabee to Coulter: Why’d you call me stupid? (6 replies)
  185. Obama climate czar has socialist ties (3 replies)
  186. NYT reporter warns of one-term Obama (1 replies)
  187. Senate Democrats See Changes In Stimulus Plan (2 replies)
  188. Senate boosts wilderness protection across US (10 replies)
  189. A Challenger for Obama (0 replies)
  190. Whoops To Guantanomo Bay Closing Soon (15 replies)
  191. Dear Leader: Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good... (10 replies)
  192. Now It's Down to Barney Bashing (0 replies)
  193. Harry Reid Wants A Mafia Museum - You Pay For It (4 replies)
  194. Movin' On Up (0 replies)
  195. Obama's First Temper Tanturm (12 replies)
  196. Obama "Turns ON" Andrea Mitchell (0 replies)
  197. Obama braces nation for 'heavy lift' (20 replies)
  198. Reid’s Land Grab (0 replies)
  199. The Trouble With Leon Panetta (2 replies)
  200. The Case for Bigger Government (10 replies)
  201. Selling the Stimulus (5 replies)
  202. VP-Elect's son reaches settlement for fraud (14 replies)
  203. like him or hate him... (9 replies)
  204. House votes to impeach Blagojevich.. (3 replies)
  205. Bond Won't Run For Re-election, Mo. US Senator (2 replies)
  206. Burris Question By ILL House Committee (0 replies)
  207. voter intimidation black panthers (17 replies)
  208. Sarah Palin Strikes Back At Biased Media (103 replies)
  209. Change you can't believe in (7 replies)
  210. How much of the Inauguration do you plan to watch? (34 replies)
  211. Obama vows cutback in Social Security (40 replies)
  212. Amazing Similarities (0 replies)
  213. Paterson Would Insure Dependents Up to Age 29 (3 replies)
  214. video-Uncle Jay Explains the News - (2 replies)
  215. Panetta Going Under The Bus? (1 replies)
  216. Biden Compares Economy to 9-11 (6 replies)
  217. CNN’s Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General. (4 replies)
  218. Obama Gets New Presidential Limo (46 replies)
  219. Federal deficit could hit $1 trillion this year (5 replies)
  220. Obama Eyes $300 Billion Tax Cut (3 replies)
  221. 600,000 new government employees (7 replies)
  222. Stop picking on Jimmy Carter (4 replies)
  223. Nbc bans coulter for life (70 replies)
  224. Obama Picks Leon Panetta to Head CIA (31 replies)
  225. Pelosi Erases Gingrich's Long-Standing Fairness Rules (12 replies)
  226. Another Clinton Problem With Terror Connections (0 replies)
  227. Is this standard behavior? (29 replies)
  228. Caroline Kennedy Ya know! (27 replies)
  229. Dems Will Block Burris Form Entering US Senate (19 replies)
  230. More Insanity From The Eco-Freaks In California (1 replies)
  231. Minnesota's new Senator??Al Franken flips out at an official Howard Dean fundraiser (3 replies)
  232. Clinton's now caught up in pay to play too (4 replies)
  233. Funny Business in Minnesota (7 replies)
  234. Six-Way Race For GOP Chairman Heats Up (0 replies)
  235. Reid To Coleman: It's Over. Concede. (5 replies)
  236. Howard Dean leaves: exit left (2 replies)
  237. This Is Going To Be Fun To Watch (0 replies)
  238. Didn't Anyone Tell This Idiot He Won? (6 replies)
  239. Passing the bucks: Congress gets hefty raise while economy suffers (1 replies)
  240. Clintons and Quid Pro Quo? (0 replies)
  241. House plans to fast-track Obama plan (1 replies)
  242. Oregon considers taxing miles instead of gasoline; hybrid cars could threaten road up (1 replies)
  243. Making the case for Caroline Kennedy (0 replies)
  244. NASA's Hansen to Obama: Use Global Warming to Redistribute Wealth (0 replies)
  245. Chicago Homicides Exceed U.S. Iraq Deaths (7 replies)
  246. Statism Is Coming, As Promised (3 replies)
  247. First Lady: A Job Worth A Paycheck (7 replies)
  248. ran across this today. (2 replies)
  249. United Nations' Power Will Grow Under President Obama (58 replies)
  250. Banks to US Taxpayer: just hand the money over! (0 replies)