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  1. William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire (14 replies)
  2. A Coming Event? EPA Knocking On Your Door? (8 replies)
  3. Al Qaeda endorses McCain... (26 replies)
  4. The Polls Are Wrong (15 replies)
  5. My last-ditch attempt... (32 replies)
  6. McCain Campaign Paid Republican Operative Accused Of Voter Fraud (2 replies)
  7. New Poll - Even 44%-43% (109 replies)
  8. "Diversity" Is Costing Us Dearly! (2 replies)
  9. Obama: I'm not a socialist... but I am. (3 replies)
  10. oil falling to below 70.....dollar climbing against the euro..... (2 replies)
  11. Anyone watching the View right now?! (19 replies)
  12. Dan Rather - If Palin said what Biden said, it’d be front-page news (16 replies)
  13. Police prepare for unrest (10 replies)
  14. Dems Threaten Boycott of Maryland Hotel with McCain Sign (4 replies)
  15. Steal a McCain sign - Get A Free Pizza (9 replies)
  16. something to remember.... (0 replies)
  17. PA Federal Court Orders Obama To Turn Over Citizenship Documents (23 replies)
  18. Barry Idolized This Racist Pile Of Shit For 20 Years (0 replies)
  19. Osamabama Is A Liar (0 replies)
  20. Palin charges state for kids travel expenses (4 replies)
  21. Ayers: Admitted Marxist/Anarchist in 2002 (12 replies)
  22. Obama campaign selling election night coverage (3 replies)
  23. Obama's "Lesbian,Gay,Bi & Transgendered" agenda for schools. (6 replies)
  24. ya.....the gop is corrupt..... (18 replies)
  25. Mark Foley endorses Obama (5 replies)
  26. Conservative Hollywood Celebs Feel Bullied (2 replies)
  27. U.S. Troops Support McCain 3-1 (6 replies)
  28. Spreading the wealth, tax the rich? (6 replies)
  29. Palin's forgettable college career (10 replies)
  30. 'Rednecks for Obama' defy conventional wisdom (6 replies)
  31. I don't know what to say... (2 replies)
  32. America will weep (1 replies)
  33. John Murtha Calls Western Pa. 'Redneck' (8 replies)
  34. video-Barney Frank: Plenty of rich people that we can tax (3 replies)
  35. McCain rethinking Rev. Wright in campaign (91 replies)
  36. Election Fraud, Ohio, & DOJ (25 replies)
  37. You're not racist... (1 replies)
  38. Not Over Until It's Over (0 replies)
  39. I'm Not Commenting On This (33 replies)
  40. Powell's son endorses McCain (0 replies)
  41. Elementary school kids attend Obama rally (8 replies)
  42. Something to think about -- hard! (0 replies)
  43. video-Obama Advocate Attacks White Woman (Sarah Palin stand in) (6 replies)
  44. Simple Minded John McCain? (1 replies)
  45. Biden to Supporters: "Gird Your Loins", For the Next President "It's Like Cleaning Au (16 replies)
  46. Democrat Professor Backs McCain Over Obama's Tax Plan (4 replies)
  47. Obama: Powell will have a role in adminstration (7 replies)
  48. They start over after all is lost in Africa (1 replies)
  49. NYT Reporter fishes on Facebook (1 replies)
  50. Uncle Sugar spreading the wealth (2 replies)
  51. VIDEO-Obama Supporters Heckle at McCain Rally (1 replies)
  52. McCain Camp Tells NYT: Lay Off Cindy, Find Obama's "Dealer" (73 replies)
  53. David Broder talks about OCA's Dream (0 replies)
  54. This Canadian women is more "American" than most Americans (2 replies)
  55. Houston Chronicle endorses Obama (13 replies)
  56. Military poll: no Osama !!!! (7 replies)
  57. Colin Powell to vote for Obama (192 replies)
  58. Can the United States Survive a Marxist President? (61 replies)
  59. First Gallup, Now Reuters/Zogby? (4 replies)
  60. Tinklenberg Picks Up $450,000 In Wake Of Bachmann Remarks (61 replies)
  61. John McCain Fights For Life In Florida As Barack Obama Takes Battle To Republican (0 replies)
  62. Detroit Free Press endorses Obama (1 replies)
  63. NOW we know what obama means by change (6 replies)
  64. For Those Who Doubted Obama Wrote Praise For Ayers Book (5 replies)
  65. Soros & Obama Ties: Gaffer Rules (5 replies)
  66. my father-in-law is voting Obama (4 replies)
  67. More McCain campaign hypocrisy (3 replies)
  68. Obama's Real Problem With Ayers (8 replies)
  69. Pinch Yourself (0 replies)
  70. Mideast leader: Obama a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools (1 replies)
  71. "Family Values" Dem admits affairs (3 replies)
  72. Fascism Is Liberal (16 replies)
  73. Blast from the past-Zogby Predicts Kerry Will Win (1 replies)
  74. Glaring in it's absence: Illegal Immigration (6 replies)
  75. Obama's Abortion Extremism (36 replies)
  76. Sarah Palin to do Saturday Night Live (4 replies)
  77. Obama is making fun of Plumbers (0 replies)
  78. Supreme Court Sides With Ohio Sec of State..... (27 replies)
  79. Probably ain't all the truth, but it keeps turning up! (0 replies)
  80. McCain's political hypocrisy (14 replies)
  81. The continuing racism of the GOP (4 replies)
  82. McCain support continues to evaporate (22 replies)
  83. Intelligent Republicans abandon GOP ticket (21 replies)
  84. If Dems get Obama and a 60-seat Senate majority, what will we get? (23 replies)
  85. Boston ACORN Office Burglarized; Computers Stolen (5 replies)
  86. Hawaii ending universal child health care (10 replies)
  87. 24,000 Felons Will Receive Ballots for Election (0 replies)
  88. Searching for Obama's 95 Percent (0 replies)
  89. McCain will win! (39 replies)
  90. Hmmm, Obama's Campaign Treasurer Has TAX LIEN (9 replies)
  91. Al Franken Angrily Rushes Senator Coleman After Debate (4 replies)
  92. Another "and these people vote" moment... (0 replies)
  93. Jack Murtha Cancelling His Debate (2 replies)
  94. Obama Mocks Joe the Plumber, Crowd Laughs (54 replies)
  95. Obama Presses McCain in West Virginia; Threatens Former Republican Stronghold (1 replies)
  96. mccain's stand up at the alfred e smith dinner (36 replies)
  97. Joe, you stupid f**king cockroach ..... man, you f**ked up big time, buddyboy. (13 replies)
  98. Joe The Plumber........American Shitbag (198 replies)
  99. McCain's Slip.."Senator Government" lol (4 replies)
  100. Gallup has Obama up by 2 points (55 replies)
  101. Glenn Beck moves to FOX News (5 replies)
  102. Did Barack Obama just blow the 2008 election? (0 replies)
  103. Berg Lawsuit Against Obama (3 replies)
  104. Keep your eyes on the prize (1 replies)
  105. Was Hillary cheated? (18 replies)
  106. Why are so many spewing hate speech against ACORN? (16 replies)
  107. Now Libs Go After Joe The Plumber (17 replies)
  108. Conservatives have a fee-vah and the only prescription is more Joe the Plumber (2 replies)
  109. Big Lies: Obama on Ayers, born-alive bill (0 replies)
  110. Barack Obama Magic 8-Ball (0 replies)
  111. Senator Biden as VP. (0 replies)
  112. Why do we need Obama (7 replies)
  113. Joe Biden: Jobs - A three letter word (9 replies)
  114. Murtha: Western Pa. 'racist' but Obama should win (2 replies)
  115. Obama Campaign Issues Talking Points to the Media? (4 replies)
  116. Watching the debate (60 replies)
  117. About 200K Ohio Voters have Records Discrepencies (5 replies)
  118. Michelle Obama Race Baiting Again (8 replies)
  119. State by State Election Fraud Investigations (1 replies)
  120. John McCain (34 replies)
  121. Meet Muhammad Hasan Chandoo & Wahid Hamid, Obama's friends (4 replies)
  122. Obama's first 100 days start early (0 replies)
  123. Angry man video McCain townhall meeting. (1 replies)
  124. Repub couple charged $2300 for Obama contribution (6 replies)
  125. More shouts of “kill him” directed at Obama during feisty Palin rally (25 replies)
  126. Ex-FBI Agents Outraged at Obama-Ayers Ties (0 replies)
  127. Palin has history of ethics abuse (46 replies)
  128. McCain plays the race card (16 replies)
  129. Obama's birth stirs legal action in Washington (68 replies)
  130. Obama's WealthSpread™: I Can't Believe It's Not Earned! (27 replies)
  131. McCain's Debate Dilemma (0 replies)
  132. video-Ohio Plumber Says He Doesn't Want Obama's Socialism (27 replies)
  133. ACORN registers Mickey Mouse (0 replies)
  134. End Affirmative Action! Sign NPI's Petition Today (4 replies)
  135. Rise of the liberal Nazis (21 replies)
  136. "McCain-Palin Tradition" By Hank Williams Jr. (0 replies)
  137. Sign wars (28 replies)
  138. Be careful how you vote in 2008!! (1 replies)
  139. The O Jesse Knows (4 replies)
  140. "Nice Try, Senator" - neverfindout.org (44 replies)
  141. Barack Obama on Gun Control (95 replies)
  142. 5000 New Registered Voters: First 2300 Are Fraudulent (2 replies)
  143. Acorn, Woods, Obama, Ayers (4 replies)
  144. Osama Finally Writes His Own Speech (5 replies)
  145. video=Obama supporters protest McCain endorsement (0 replies)
  146. Feds and Rezko Piecing together Ayers, Giannoulias, Obama (1 replies)
  147. Obama to "spread wealth around" (63 replies)
  148. Howard Stern Interviews Harlem voters.. (11 replies)
  149. Sarah Palin - Hockey Mom, Conservative Icon, Playboy Playmate? (25 replies)
  150. Whoever winks the eye, causes trouble (12 replies)
  151. McCain's chances of winning = 2% (17 replies)
  152. The Democrat Party and those bad S-words. (12 replies)
  153. House Dems Covering Up Another Sex Scandal (20 replies)
  154. Dumb Obama Quotes (1 replies)
  155. 10 dumb Sarah Palin quotes (3 replies)
  156. quite a kiss (8 replies)
  157. In 1996 Dems Were Proud Of Ayers (4 replies)
  158. The Talk: Convince Your Family to Vote Obama (6 replies)
  159. Too much pie? (0 replies)
  160. Oops: “Barack Osama” on the ballot (4 replies)
  161. A Pro McCain March in Manhattan (7 replies)
  162. The choice for John McCain (24 replies)
  163. More Informed Obama Supporters (3 replies)
  164. Right wing hypocrisy (4 replies)
  165. McCain Letter Demanded Action on Fannie and Freddie in 2006 (1 replies)
  166. This is some very scary stuff! (0 replies)
  167. Iraq? Where? (1 replies)
  168. Crush the Obamedia narrative: Look who’s “gripped by insane rage” (4 replies)
  169. SOWELL: The real Obama (4 replies)
  170. Republicans Tried To Prevent Fannie and Freddie Implosion (1 replies)
  171. This is the Democrat party.. (6 replies)
  172. Looks Like Pelosi Has Declared Obama President (3 replies)
  173. Republicans Are Angry, But Not Necessarily At Obama (0 replies)
  174. Not So Bad; Bad; Very, Very Bad Obamanomics (1 replies)
  175. How can McCain run the country... (12 replies)
  176. Palin booed at Flyer's game (29 replies)
  177. Bill Ayers: Then and Now (6 replies)
  178. McCain Can Kiss Ohio Goodbye (48 replies)
  179. Dateline: Dec '08 After Obama Win! (1 replies)
  180. Huckabee on Economic Terrorism Possibilty (8 replies)
  181. J. Lib Backpedals, Should Be In Olympic Cycling (0 replies)
  182. Labor Warns McCain About Crowds (9 replies)
  183. the knife in Osama's back (0 replies)
  184. Osama still has ties to terrorists (0 replies)
  185. Obama payments to ACORN (0 replies)
  186. Osama IS Osama (0 replies)
  187. Pollster: Don’t believe the Dem hype (0 replies)
  188. FOX NEWS POLL: OBAMA 46, McCAIN 39 (19 replies)
  189. Obama changes story on Ayers (8 replies)
  190. Untold Chapter Of Troopergate (2 replies)
  191. Grassroots "Kids for Obama Parade" (Organizing) (1 replies)
  192. Rocker Ted Nugent: What I'd Do as President (14 replies)
  193. Rush Limbaugh can't handle criticism of Palin? Too bad (10 replies)
  194. John McCain: Desperate and Dishonest (39 replies)
  195. Coulter Destroys Home Depot's Joe Biden's Debate Bullshit (67 replies)
  196. Obama the dimwitted asshole (1 replies)
  197. got the race card played on me today.... (16 replies)
  198. video - louis farrakhan Calls OBAMA the messiah! (0 replies)
  199. Federal judge rules against Ohio Democrat to verify voter registrations (1 replies)
  200. Drudge report: Obama tried to keep troops in Iraq (3 replies)
  201. Obama camp downplays payments to ACORN (10 replies)
  202. McCain Didn’t Report Ties To Contra Group (29 replies)
  203. Dem Strategists See Landslide In The Making (24 replies)
  204. McCain is naming democrats (22 replies)
  205. 'Rednecks for Obama' want to bridge yawning culture gap (0 replies)
  206. Obama Ayers ads (8 replies)
  207. The truth on Obama - Video (1 replies)
  208. Take down the birdfeeder already! It says it all. (0 replies)
  209. video-1000 Sundays (0 replies)
  210. I dont get the whole... (1 replies)
  211. Time to go to the woods for a while? (41 replies)
  212. Caplis Reports: The Obama Tapes (0 replies)
  213. Is ACORN Stealing The Election? (7 replies)
  214. Health Care a 'right' - Obama (17 replies)
  215. Barack Obama and Raila Odinga -- Did the Illinois senator violate the Logan Act in ca (2 replies)
  216. The Coming Counterrevolution To Hush The Alternative Media (54 replies)
  217. One demographic still supports McCain. (2 replies)
  218. Obama makes his plane stink! LOL (8 replies)
  219. Reporters close up on both campaigns (0 replies)
  220. They who own the media, make the rules (4 replies)
  221. Another Important Friend Of Obama (3 replies)
  222. Ayers met Hugo in 2006 (1 replies)
  223. Why isn't Obama up by at least 15 (9 replies)
  224. Debate Two - Bland Cold Cuts and Stale Leftovers (0 replies)
  225. Time to end this monkey business? (1 replies)
  226. Another classy Democrat! (3 replies)
  227. Let's pretend... (6 replies)
  228. McCain/Palin closing in (24 replies)
  229. SNL bailout skit (0 replies)
  230. video-George McGovern on the Employee Free Choice Act (0 replies)
  231. obama and ayers spin (0 replies)
  232. mccains....300 billon (17 replies)
  233. I have decided who im voting for/what party I will join (15 replies)
  234. who would you like to see as a moderator of the debates (20 replies)
  235. Obama just said it! (37 replies)
  236. 2nd Debate (37 replies)
  237. Sarah Palin, tax cheat (13 replies)
  238. Hey McCain, talk about the economy! (25 replies)
  239. Anderson Cooper on Obama/Ayers relationship (0 replies)
  240. Barack Obama: "That's Just How White Folks Will Do Ya" (3 replies)
  241. McCain's Liddy Problem (28 replies)
  242. Obama's Ayers connection (0 replies)
  243. CNN Makes Expanded Expose Off Kurtz Re: Ayers (1 replies)
  244. video-Chris Matthews: Building the Thrill (1 replies)
  245. Will The Gloves Come Off Tonight (4 replies)
  246. Dem Group Backing McCain (7 replies)
  247. New Poll Shows 3 point Obama Lead (5 replies)
  248. 3 questions for George W. Bush (4 replies)
  249. What If Ayers Were McCain's Friend (4 replies)
  250. Homeless 'driven' To Vote Obama (3 replies)