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  1. Falling oil prices: The downside (10 replies)
  2. video-Confronting Rep. William Jefferson about ethics in Congress (4 replies)
  3. Mr. Obama, Welcome to the NFL! (0 replies)
  4. Pelosi: Republicans Doing the War Dance on Oil in Congress (0 replies)
  5. Where’s the Landslide? (36 replies)
  6. Drill, Drill, Drill Is Working (1 replies)
  7. Another Obama Flip Flop (9 replies)
  8. Drilling For Victory (6 replies)
  9. McCain Not First to Compare Obama to Paris Hilton (7 replies)
  10. Boyd Vs Alinsky: Let The Best Strategy Win (10 replies)
  11. If Obama Loses It's The South's Fault: Racists (16 replies)
  12. GOP: Lift Drilling Ban or Risk Shutdown (58 replies)
  13. Why Are You Paying For This? (0 replies)
  14. Barack Backfire - 53% View Recent Comments as Racist (10 replies)
  15. 8-4-08/Monday Rasmussen Poll Says McCain 1 Point Ahead of B.O. Nationally (45 replies)
  16. Obama Ad Calls For Return Of Windfall Profits Tax (28 replies)
  17. Obama’s Trip: No Bounce, No Flags, No Wounded Soldiers (0 replies)
  18. Fewest Treasury Traders Since 1960 Hit Taxpayers (0 replies)
  19. Rich Begin Feeling The Pain In Down Economy (1 replies)
  20. White House Briefed On Potential For Mars Life (17 replies)
  21. Clinton Embraces Return to Ambassador Role (9 replies)
  22. Mr. Murtha: Cold Blooded Murders? (1 replies)
  23. Perhaps Obama Needs To Repeat & Clarify (3 replies)
  24. Kurtz: Obama's "Lost Years" (12 replies)
  25. John McCain: Flip-flop or Sell-out? (47 replies)
  26. The Media Really Doesn't Get That They Are The Flock (4 replies)
  27. Has The Iraq Government Accomplished More Then The US Congress? (0 replies)
  28. Obama a frady cat? Backs away from debate challenge. (31 replies)
  29. John McCain: Elitist (47 replies)
  30. Obama Aide Concedes 'Dollar Bill' Remark Referred to His Race (8 replies)
  31. Too Slick? "The One" (1 replies)
  32. McCain Hits Harder (0 replies)
  33. A Flip, A Flop, Perhaps a Pirouette? (166 replies)
  34. Hello, Vice President Kaine? (3 replies)
  35. New Book: The Obama Nation Leftist Politics And The Cult Of Personality (19 replies)
  36. Obama is Moses? New Video - LOL!! (2 replies)
  37. I found a picture of the candidates side by side (0 replies)
  38. Pelosi Calls Police To Clear House Chamber (30 replies)
  39. What party are you registered with? (12 replies)
  40. Barack - The One (1 replies)
  41. what is the difference between the green, libertarian, american independent & peace & (7 replies)
  42. Wal Mart Mobilizes Against Dems (79 replies)
  43. No 'Material Girl' Here (0 replies)
  44. Obama's 'emergency' economic plan (1 replies)
  45. Obama Heckled in FL (14 replies)
  46. Video: Dems won’t act even at $10 per gallon (0 replies)
  47. McCain will win in November - taking bets! (13 replies)
  48. Obama wants $1000 "energy rebates" for all (2 replies)
  49. Obama Is The Next Carter (2 replies)
  50. Pelosi Tries To Pass The Buck (4 replies)
  51. Obama plays race card (34 replies)
  52. The Two Most Vicious Cartoons of the Campaign...So Far (2 replies)
  53. What's Up With This? Given: Obama Wins (8 replies)
  54. McCain Gaining? (50 replies)
  55. video-Leave Barack Alone! (0 replies)
  56. Why McCain is Wrong on Iraq (25 replies)
  57. Presidential candidates agree to trash Constitution! (20 replies)
  58. Congres Ready To Go On Vacation - Nothing On Drilling Thus Far (10 replies)
  59. Johnny Lib To Jump In Bed With Nancy If Elected (0 replies)
  60. Edwards ending college program (0 replies)
  61. Obama’s Answer to Drilling Debate: Inflate Your Tires (87 replies)
  62. McCain Gains on Obama in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania (50 replies)
  63. Where We Are Now In Iraq (0 replies)
  64. Obama wants to pay reparations (18 replies)
  65. Real Hope... Real Change (17 replies)
  66. Obama Is Smart Enough (0 replies)
  67. Fairness Doctrine Vote Not Happening, House Majority Leader Says (293 replies)
  68. The Democrats 'Presumptious Nominee' (1 replies)
  69. Rush vs Al Gore 1992 (1 replies)
  70. Conservatives and the Crucible - Republican Expectations of an Obama Admini (1 replies)
  71. Barr more qualified! (11 replies)
  72. 3 West Coast governors oppose new offshore oil drilling (7 replies)
  73. Obama and Gov. Arnold Whats a n*gger (64 replies)
  74. Obama the rock star, but not a leader (42 replies)
  75. McCain Campaign California Earthquake and Media Warning Press Release (0 replies)
  76. mccain is in pander mode or is he a mole (2 replies)
  77. Ludacris video (6 replies)
  78. Wexler speaks up on residency (3 replies)
  79. Indictment Opens Up GOP Race for Senate, pollsters say (30 replies)
  80. Obama tied to Iraqi government fraud? (1 replies)
  81. City Democrats To Attend McCain Fund-Raiser (5 replies)
  82. Democratic Party maybe presumes too much - about women (4 replies)
  83. McCain A Social Liberal (2 replies)
  84. 8 Reasons I Won't Vote For John McCain (17 replies)
  85. All Politicos Must Die (1 replies)
  86. Your DNC at Work (2 replies)
  87. McCain Backs Off His No-New-Tax Pledge (17 replies)
  88. I just dont get it (10 replies)
  89. Democrats Fail to Overcome Senator’s Grip on Bill (40 replies)
  90. Two former Bush Advisers Now Advising Obama (8 replies)
  91. Why should I vote for Obama? (43 replies)
  92. Barr on "Conservative Values" (0 replies)
  93. Deficit to Reach $490B in 2009 (13 replies)
  94. Obama to Run for President of Europe (8 replies)
  95. Another right winger acts out Chairman Rush's message (98 replies)
  96. Obama's Global Tax Bill Coming Soon (5 replies)
  97. New Democrat Thoroughbred, Or Just Another Jackass? (1 replies)
  98. Driver told FBI agents U.S. could have killed bin Laden (3 replies)
  99. On Berlin and Obama (1 replies)
  100. Under Obama, Problems With UK/USA Alliance? (0 replies)
  101. School Choice: On This One, McCain Has It Right (2 replies)
  102. Hold Off On That Crown For Just A Moment, Please. (0 replies)
  103. The Bill of Rights Blackout (4 replies)
  104. john bolton's view of obama's speech (0 replies)
  105. A New Outrage from McCain (12 replies)
  106. the democratic platform (101 replies)
  107. Denver expects 20,000 to 50,000 protesters (9 replies)
  108. Obama's Newest Comment On Blackwater (1 replies)
  109. One world? Obama's on a different planet (1 replies)
  110. Democrats oust delegate for supporting McCain (37 replies)
  111. Osama down plays rock & roll tour (6 replies)
  112. One Night in Baghdad (Shanklin Parody via Rush) (0 replies)
  113. Germans Discover Secret To Obama's Success (1 replies)
  114. Glenn Beck on Obama's Speech (53 replies)
  115. Obama's world tour gives McCain edge (10 replies)
  116. ABC News' Jake Tapper Pulls Back the Curtain on Obama's Enormous Ego - Video 7/24/08 (7 replies)
  117. Most Americans See Obama Win (27 replies)
  118. Already Hitting The Wall In Europe (0 replies)
  119. Obama Snubs Injured Soldiers for a Workout (23 replies)
  120. Remake the world (9 replies)
  121. Obama plasters campaign signs on Judiasms holiest site (27 replies)
  122. Poll - 55% Think Obama Riskier Choice Than McCain (110 replies)
  123. Pittsburgh cancer center warns of cell phone risks (0 replies)
  124. Gingrich to House GOP: Stay on Message (10 replies)
  125. Obama Get's Support From Murderer Before He Gets The Big SeeYa (0 replies)
  126. Should someone be anti-gun because of personal experiences? (6 replies)
  127. Do We Really Need to Vote? (3 replies)
  128. Why you want this tax hike (0 replies)
  129. Next stop, Germany: Ich bin ein beginner! (3 replies)
  130. Harsh Warning To Obama Supporters On Iraq (68 replies)
  131. No Bias, Move Along (4 replies)
  132. Senator O'Dreamy's Magical Media Tour (2 replies)
  133. Who is the real Sen. Obama? (2 replies)
  134. Dems "Scrambling to Run Down the Clock" on GOP Solutions to Help Lower Gas Prices (17 replies)
  135. Another illegal immigrant offender flees (0 replies)
  136. A Little Feller In East Texas (1 replies)
  137. Bad press on MSNBC Hardball (5 replies)
  138. The Greatest Threat America Has Ever Faced: the GOP? (16 replies)
  139. DNC Staff Gets Gas Tax Free In Denver (22 replies)
  140. Dems Want To Riase Gas Tax (2 replies)
  141. The Media Gets a Tingling Up Its Leg (33 replies)
  142. Signs Of The Times (2 replies)
  143. America has gone completely insane! (3 replies)
  144. obama is going to be president longer than the 8 years allowed (10 replies)
  145. November 8th, 2008. 4:13am (11 replies)
  146. McCain ad- video-Obama Love V2 (6 replies)
  147. Obama ban: What not to wear where? (1 replies)
  148. Priceless (4 replies)
  149. Conservative Energy Policy (16 replies)
  150. Bob Barr - Al Gore makes sense (8 replies)
  151. Obama Web site removes `surge' from Iraq problem (5 replies)
  152. The Obama World Tour t-shirt finalists (3 replies)
  153. The Sad Road To Soclialism (0 replies)
  154. Poll - 36% feel Obama Will Not Be Effective As CIC (49 replies)
  155. Drudge On NYT and Obama/McCain (38 replies)
  156. Crazy Train McCain and Rightwing Talking Points (26 replies)
  157. McCain to speak at Sept. 11 forum on volunteerism (3 replies)
  158. McCain and Obama Agree to Attend Megachurch Forum (4 replies)
  159. Obama flip flops on iraq (28 replies)
  160. Knives should be banned (37 replies)
  161. McCain Backs Timeline to Get Obama Out of Iraq (13 replies)
  162. Obama Must Hope His Supporters Support Him Where More Than Their Mouths Are (1 replies)
  163. What Obama Meant About 'Civilian National Security Force' (5 replies)
  164. Puffin For Obama (1 replies)
  165. What has Obama done? (17 replies)
  166. Ford v. Carter? Some Advice for McCain (5 replies)
  167. No free ride for Europe, says top Barack Obama aide (9 replies)
  168. Well It's Over For The Libs (109 replies)
  169. The Audacity of Vanity (10 replies)
  170. who needs facts when talking about the poor? (0 replies)
  171. Pelosi: Bush a 'total failure' (48 replies)
  172. Obama On Iraq, 2003 and Since (1 replies)
  173. Old Friends... (6 replies)
  174. Michelle To Stay At Home (65 replies)
  175. Pelosi Fight Against Offshore Drilling (18 replies)
  176. Nat Hentoff: Disillusioned about Barack Obama (3 replies)
  177. Judges Are No Reason to Vote for McCain (23 replies)
  178. Media Stars Will Accompany Obama Overseas (30 replies)
  179. It's time for some campaigning (3 replies)
  180. House Passes CIA Contractor Ban Over Veto Vow (10 replies)
  181. How dumb can we get? (18 replies)
  182. Obama Promises To Nationalize Education In America (62 replies)
  183. Dems Will Literally Do Anything For A Vote (0 replies)
  184. Obama Backers Beg For Clarity (0 replies)
  185. Obama Still Losing White Vote (60 replies)
  186. Good Interview w/ Mitt Romney (0 replies)
  187. Video- Republican Song (0 replies)
  188. Turbans, AK-47s and Cigarettes, Oh My!! (2 replies)
  189. Time to vote Libertarian (6 replies)
  190. A Video Portrait Of Barack Hussein Obama (1 replies)
  191. Surge's Success Puts Obama on Defensive (4 replies)
  192. Obama admits not experienced enough to be president (29 replies)
  193. Libertarianism. Anyone! Let's go! (89 replies)
  194. GWB News Conference 7-15-08 (70 replies)
  195. Obama alters website to reflect progress in Iraq (4 replies)
  196. Obama Capital Gains Tax Hike Would Hit N.Y. Hard (2 replies)
  197. Obama tells NAACP blacks must take responsibility (1 replies)
  198. I still believe... (25 replies)
  199. 50% of Sequoia Voting Machines Flawed (31 replies)
  200. democratic food fight???? (0 replies)
  201. Huckabee seeking the spotlight (3 replies)
  202. Jefferson on the People (2 replies)
  203. Bush message to global environment: "Screw you!" (30 replies)
  204. Osama slams mag for cover image (47 replies)
  205. Clinton Diehards Want Convention Vote (2 replies)
  206. Brokow Takes Meet The Press To The Left (2 replies)
  207. The Left Get Funnier Every Day! (8 replies)
  208. Green Party Believes They Are A Viable Party (3 replies)
  209. Osama: no public military meeting (13 replies)
  210. Dems May Kick Sen Lieberman Out Of The Party (186 replies)
  211. Better Banking By Chucky Schumer (1 replies)
  212. Libertarianism (5 replies)
  213. Newsweek Puzzled Over Obama's Drop In Poll (2 replies)
  214. 2 million angry Democrats reject Obama (0 replies)
  215. Jesse is nuts for Obama (2 replies)
  216. Another poem (0 replies)
  217. Political Poem (1 replies)
  218. Charlie Rangel Rents 4 Apartments at Bargain Rates (35 replies)
  219. Barr polling at 5% or better in 26 states (2 replies)
  220. Bob Barr = Ron Paul (5 replies)
  221. Proof Obama is the messiah (0 replies)
  222. Report: Judiciary may hold hearings on impeachment (41 replies)
  223. offensive KKK fliers not a crime (8 replies)
  224. Obama's Liberal Shiver (2 replies)
  225. Senate Approves Terror Surveillance Bill With Immunity (21 replies)
  226. Jesse Jackson Insults Obama (56 replies)
  227. liberal bias (99 replies)
  228. Obama flips flops on FISA (shocked) (60 replies)
  229. McCain to vets: eat shit and die (17 replies)
  230. Iran: Time for a smackdown? (15 replies)
  231. Top 1% of Taxpayers Pay Almost 40% of All Taxes (101 replies)
  232. Obama Embarrassed Americans Cannot Speak French (307 replies)
  233. We'll See More of the Obama Pivot On Iraq (4 replies)
  234. McCain jokes about killing Iranians with cigarettes (3 replies)
  235. Remember the Story About Food and DNC? Gets Better (17 replies)
  236. McCain's VP Pick Revealed (19 replies)
  237. Obama statement (30 replies)
  238. mccain goes to lulac convention (3 replies)
  239. 143 (23 replies)
  240. Panel calls for new war powers legislation (8 replies)
  241. does anyone notice barrack is flubbing some of his words (2 replies)
  242. President Obama's Great Expectations (6 replies)
  243. Congress is at 9% approval rating (78 replies)
  244. Is the human race in serious trouble? (66 replies)
  245. Obama begins his natl campaign - and tells a real whopper (3 replies)
  246. How Not to Win Votes and Influence Conservatives (15 replies)
  247. July 7 Zogby: Obama 44%, McCain 38%, Barr 6% (0 replies)
  248. Obama's "change" (53 replies)
  249. McCain: "I've never requested an earmark in my career" (5 replies)
  250. Deconstructing Barack Obama (6 replies)