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  1. do you think msnbc is a far left media network or is bill oreilly wrong about msnbc (22 replies)
  2. 'Public' online spaces don't carry speech, rights (4 replies)
  3. Prediction (1 replies)
  4. Libertarianism in a Nutshell II (20 replies)
  5. 2008 Election result predictions (0 replies)
  6. Libertarian candidate a good alternative (12 replies)
  7. Clinton Voters May Offset The Libertarian Voters (3 replies)
  8. Bush Reduced To Child's Play. How's This Gonna Play In 2008? (19 replies)
  9. Says It All About Obama (67 replies)
  10. How did you figure out what political philosphy to believe in (26 replies)
  11. Just In Case Any Of You Aren't Sure About Obama The Spender (0 replies)
  12. What is your POLITICAL Theme Song and why (3 replies)
  13. I hate the federal government (6 replies)
  14. Obama: the strawman (1 replies)
  15. America will not be here in 50 years: NOT because of global warming (51 replies)
  16. Iraq is not the lesson (5 replies)
  17. what determines your politics and why (6 replies)
  18. Love America (8 replies)
  19. Obama is an idiot, but the lib MSM loves him (68 replies)
  20. "Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. (32 replies)
  21. Hate America (48 replies)
  22. Liberals Livid At Obama's Right Turn (126 replies)
  23. Pew Poll - Oil Drilling Favored Over Conservation (0 replies)
  24. Is it partisanship or racism? (17 replies)
  25. Repeal the 2nd Amendment (16 replies)
  26. Why The GOP Is Doomed (35 replies)
  27. Philly Inquirer: No 4th For You, America is Evil, (57 replies)
  28. Obama Got Discount on Home Loan (12 replies)
  29. July 1 Poll: Obama 46%, McCain 43% (31 replies)
  30. I can't bring myself to vote for McCain... (35 replies)
  31. McCain Game Plan Worries Insiders (0 replies)
  32. I think the democratic party is racist (48 replies)
  33. Obama Unleashes First Political Suicide Bomber On McCain (0 replies)
  34. This Is Just Too Funny (2 replies)
  35. It Should Be Fun To Hear From The Libs On This (34 replies)
  36. The War on Drugs: Statistically shown to be failing (15 replies)
  37. Joe Leiberman to Choose McCain as Running Mate (2 replies)
  38. why i might not vote for mccain (66 replies)
  39. Obama: Do not devalue mccain's service for politics (10 replies)
  40. Romney tops McCain's list for VP (27 replies)
  41. do you suffer from conserv-aphobia? (4 replies)
  42. why is the media so intent on showing acceptance of homosexuality down my throat (21 replies)
  43. McCain Says Obama's Word `Cannot Be Trusted' (0 replies)
  44. So, you want to spend $40K a year to send your kid to college (70 replies)
  45. McCain endorsed anti-Viet Nam war book (4 replies)
  46. how does this democrat idea work? (3 replies)
  47. al gore is the 21st century version of barnum and bailey (6 replies)
  48. Possible VP for the Obamessiah? (2 replies)
  49. Obama Supporters Take His Middle Name as Their Own (3 replies)
  50. Obama, McCain spar over immigration (3 replies)
  51. McCain meets with Iraq president (0 replies)
  52. NRA sues to overturn S.F. gun ban in city housing (0 replies)
  53. David Addington: 'al Qaeda May Watch C-SPAN' (2 replies)
  54. Tony Perkins Asks Barack Obama: When Does Life Begin? (1 replies)
  55. How Can a 'Fellow Black American' Oppose Obama? (17 replies)
  56. an e-mail I just received...... an eye opener. (4 replies)
  57. Obama's wife says he'll fight for gay equality (13 replies)
  58. Help Hillary Keep Hope Alive (0 replies)
  59. fundamental choices.... (27 replies)
  60. Lets tear this FUCKER a new asshole! (6 replies)
  61. Bolton thinks Israel is waiting for outcome of US election to invade Iran (31 replies)
  62. only in ASS-achusetts (1 replies)
  63. Justice Antonin Scalia: Al Gore to blame for 2000 US election mess (8 replies)
  64. Obama lies about stance on gun control (4 replies)
  65. The dark side of John McCain (8 replies)
  66. how to speak democrat (7 replies)
  67. I found obama's father! (2 replies)
  68. how would you describe obama (2 replies)
  69. I found obama's running mate in 08 (0 replies)
  70. why im glad most young people dont vote (3 replies)
  71. Gallup Daily: Obama, McCain Tied at 45% (29 replies)
  72. Dems craft a populist summer plan (2 replies)
  73. If You Can't Beat Them - Silence Them (72 replies)
  74. McCain heading for huge butt kicking in November (19 replies)
  75. Obama's Racism - In His Own Words (2 replies)
  76. Obama's Proposals (8 replies)
  77. GOP campaign strategy (14 replies)
  78. How about a McCain-Clinton ticket? (13 replies)
  79. Is McCain really that stupid? (3 replies)
  80. Some Ron Paul Supporters See No Liberty In Bob Barr. Why Are They Wrong? (0 replies)
  81. Even John McCain hates America, well sorta (4 replies)
  82. Barack Obama: "Friends" (100 replies)
  83. Bush 'war crimes conference' to convene in Mass (14 replies)
  84. post any quote by any president (11 replies)
  85. Gas could fall to $2 if Congress acts, analysts say (40 replies)
  86. I just dont believe that a woman has a right to murder her un-born child (46 replies)
  87. whats wrong with civil unions? (50 replies)
  88. what should obama's slogan really be? (6 replies)
  89. An American Energy Initiative for the 21st Century - Part II (3 replies)
  90. The Elitist playing with the Presidential Seal (169 replies)
  91. Obama's intellectual dishonesty (0 replies)
  92. Obama's many lies (3 replies)
  93. Will McCain address his collaboration with N. Viet Nam? (29 replies)
  94. Socialism, Marxism, Communism & Obama (48 replies)
  95. Obama Moves To Reintroduce Himself to Voters (69 replies)
  96. You take the high road and I'll.... (25 replies)
  97. An American Energy Initiative for the 21st Century - Part I (0 replies)
  98. Obamanomics (4 replies)
  99. Proof MSM is Conservative (15 replies)
  100. Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear (157 replies)
  101. FISA Bill Finally Passes (0 replies)
  102. Who Pays Taxes (43 replies)
  103. Obama's Propagandistic Iconography: the Making of a Messiah (10 replies)
  104. West Answers Obama:Run as a Man and Leader (5 replies)
  105. A New Social Contract (1 replies)
  106. McCain's energy policy gets it! (8 replies)
  107. The Osama and Saddam legacy, as seen from the world (2 replies)
  108. Less Driving = 'Bad News' of Lower Gas Tax Receipts (30 replies)
  109. The skeletons in McCain's closet (5 replies)
  110. What McCain and the GOP stand for (24 replies)
  111. Osama: give bin laden a fair trial (82 replies)
  112. as i was reading another post, i had a thought (2 replies)
  113. Obama the racist brought race FIRST again (6 replies)
  114. The Greatest Document Ever Written In DP (11 replies)
  115. Obama Considering Gates As Defense Secretary? (18 replies)
  116. Hagel is an idiot (29 replies)
  117. McCain: Having Failed History He Is Doomed To Repeat It (8 replies)
  118. Chicago Tribune Using Obama Teeshirts to Sell Subscriptions (2 replies)
  119. War - the political and reality (11 replies)
  120. Barack Obama: A Man of His Word... (2 replies)
  121. Obama could win vote, lose election (6 replies)
  122. Are Democrats Dumber than Dolphins? (39 replies)
  123. "It's not good for Muslim Americans to be associated with Obama" (15 replies)
  124. Gore's Home Energy Use Climbs 10% Over Last Year (5 replies)
  125. The Bush Legacy, As Seen From London (161 replies)
  126. Obama advisor: Looking to Pooh (5 replies)
  127. obama naive when it comes to war on terror (53 replies)
  128. Obama promises and stereotypes black voters (6 replies)
  129. Im voting for them! (1 replies)
  130. The U.S. government: working hard for India, china & saudi arabia & mexico (5 replies)
  131. US soldier refuses to report for active duty in Iraq (39 replies)
  132. Ex GOP Boss Admits Oral Sex With Sleeping Man (13 replies)
  133. McCain Renews Support For Brazil. Is Hugo Chavez Next? (0 replies)
  134. Get Osama Before I Leave Office, orders gwb (2 replies)
  135. Clean Out The Congressional Asylum (1 replies)
  136. Typical (1 replies)
  137. A 7-year-old evaluates the candidates! (19 replies)
  138. Has Congress Gone To Far? (5 replies)
  139. Perception Is Reality and Reality Bites (2 replies)
  140. Obama wants payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 (45 replies)
  141. what does being a conservative really mean? (7 replies)
  142. Obama Fatigue (6 replies)
  143. Fox News outclasses itself again (63 replies)
  144. My gosh, have you heard of any of these parties? (34 replies)
  145. Ethics war heats up as key Obama advisor resigns (8 replies)
  146. Stimulus payments result in record May deficit (8 replies)
  147. Republicans for Obama Website...Hmm... (9 replies)
  148. California Senate to Consider Sweeping Restrictions on Ammunition Sales! (8 replies)
  149. Osama VP former military???? (12 replies)
  150. Obama the smoker (9 replies)
  151. Obama Could Debunk Some Rumors By Releasing His Birth Certificate. (17 replies)
  152. 5% are screwed! (4 replies)
  153. Obama is a Muzzy and Unamerican!!!!! (3 replies)
  154. the DNC convention: a train wreck ??? (35 replies)
  155. Barack Obama sets up internet 'war room' (8 replies)
  156. what political party do you belong too or agree with (2 replies)
  157. McCain is an Alcoholic, Child-Molesting Leprechuan (15 replies)
  158. U.S. to erect more "virtual" border fences (0 replies)
  159. How Can ANYONE Vote for Obama?!?!? (17 replies)
  160. Political Issues (13 replies)
  161. McCain, Obama on the issues (8 replies)
  162. Viet Nam veterans against McCain (20 replies)
  163. Why McCain will get the young male vote (9 replies)
  164. Obama is a 'mack daddy' (1 replies)
  165. my vote (6 replies)
  166. Obama (24 replies)
  167. McCain's support of terrorism (11 replies)
  168. The Wife John McCain Dumped (96 replies)
  169. Ternment is too largehe Libertarian Party (6 replies)
  170. Obama-Carter and the Military (18 replies)
  171. Obama First in More Ways Than Any U.S. Presidential Candidate (4 replies)
  172. Is Obama an enlightened being? (18 replies)
  173. Is anyone really qualified? (13 replies)
  174. Where Obama stands on abortion.... (19 replies)
  175. Dems to push Obama's goals with bills in Congress (0 replies)
  176. im officially an independent Voter (0 replies)
  177. Latino voters favor Obama (22 replies)
  178. CBS: Obama’s ‘Fist Bump’ With Michelle ‘Is Generating A Lot of Buzz’ (1 replies)
  179. EDITORIAL: Barack Obama in his own words (3 replies)
  180. McCain or Obama? Obama or McCain? (31 replies)
  181. Unveiled: Democrats’ Racist Past (21 replies)
  182. The Obama Rally, from Two Angles (13 replies)
  183. Obama campaign rep STUMPED on legislative accomplishments (1 replies)
  184. the most important issue..... (23 replies)
  185. The true conservatives come out (11 replies)
  186. Thomas Sowel article on Obama's record (6 replies)
  187. Bush misused Iraq intelligence: Senate report (3 replies)
  188. Obama Scriptures for June 5, 2008. (2 replies)
  189. Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter Signs Transgender Bill (3 replies)
  190. the dead still vote (15 replies)
  191. what will you do? (26 replies)
  192. Just 17% Say Federal Government Represents Will of the People (2 replies)
  193. We're gonna make some money, We're gonna make some money (14 replies)
  194. Barack and Hillary: History In The Living (4 replies)
  195. offficial: Clinton Will Drop out (0 replies)
  196. Barry's Friend Rezko GUILTY!!! (4 replies)
  197. California court says gay marriages can proceed (5 replies)
  198. Hillary, Obama's Supreme Court Pick? (17 replies)
  199. So who's out? (23 replies)
  200. Obama on gun control (22 replies)
  201. Time for a change (79 replies)
  202. Photo quiz (0 replies)
  203. A Disaster, Getting Worse (16 replies)
  204. Obama Clinches (16 replies)
  205. Dream ticket in the making???? (35 replies)
  206. Clinton never loses (25 replies)
  207. Pres Bush To Veto Global Warming Bill (5 replies)
  208. What I'm Hoping For... (37 replies)
  209. Fairfax County VA welcomes illegals, but threatens to sue the Army (0 replies)
  210. McCain opposed gay marriage amendment (12 replies)
  211. Obama's homosexual partner Larry Sinclair (40 replies)
  212. Klansman Hospitalized (23 replies)
  213. Lieberman-Warner’s Window Dressing Reveals Largest Pork Bill in U.S. History (1 replies)
  214. Liberals Like To Cheat On Their Taxes (35 replies)
  215. Hate and Racism Run Deep in Obama Church (25 replies)
  216. Study shows Republicans love ketchup (21 replies)
  217. Bill Clinton: 'This May Be the Last Day I'm Ever Involved in a Campaign of This Kind' (21 replies)
  218. Hillary Supporter Yells "GD the Democrat Party" (46 replies)
  219. Fears grow that Obama can't win (25 replies)
  220. Bill Klinton stuck on his self (1 replies)
  221. Did Michelle Obama Rail Against "Whitey" (21 replies)
  222. Clinton's backers: We won't 'roll over' (11 replies)
  223. NY Issues Tax Warrent Against Keith Olbermann (5 replies)
  224. This Woman Is Pissed! (6 replies)
  225. Obama Resigns Church Membership (80 replies)
  226. Delegates seated, given half a vote (2 replies)
  227. 2008 Libertarian Platform (27 replies)
  228. My my.... the DNC is imploding.... (62 replies)
  229. John McCain: Seriously Impaired? (8 replies)
  230. Hillary's Hundred Hussy Hullabaloo (1 replies)
  231. Race and Politics (3 replies)
  232. How Smart Is Obama? (0 replies)
  233. Clinton Supporters To Protest In DC (0 replies)
  234. Political correctness allows gay couple to molest boys (10 replies)
  235. Obama's Church: Hillary Cried Because White Supremacy Failed (56 replies)
  236. Barack Obama’s Unlikely Supporter: Rupert 'Fox News' Murdoch (26 replies)
  237. I need your help (35 replies)
  238. Hardball Obama (1 replies)
  239. Obama Supporters - Don't Count Every Vote (2 replies)
  240. obama v mccain (10 replies)
  241. The Method to Hillary's Madness (4 replies)
  242. Woman suffering from housing Crisis. (9 replies)
  243. The Violent Folly of Humanitarian Interventionism (4 replies)
  244. Dems Seek To Avoid Meltdown (0 replies)
  245. Can Obama Revive the Dead Horse of Socialism? (7 replies)
  246. How Proud The Dems Must Be....... (36 replies)
  247. Scott McClellan: traitorous surrender monkey! (114 replies)
  248. Typical liar obama (4 replies)
  249. Dubya a political albatross (12 replies)
  250. Pork Projects Thrive in Democrats' Spending Scam (2 replies)