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  1. Urine and Blood Planned for Democrat Convention (21 replies)
  2. Obama's secret weapon: the media (0 replies)
  3. Abandon ship (0 replies)
  4. Obama '08 Looks Like Kerry '04 (0 replies)
  5. None Of The Above Campaign (7 replies)
  6. why rural Americans might be bitter (34 replies)
  7. "We like Mr.Obama"-Hamas leader (5 replies)
  8. Purpose of taxes? (44 replies)
  9. Rep. Requests State Dept. Revoke Carter's Passport (2 replies)
  10. Welcome to 2008, Everyone's Miserable (22 replies)
  11. Dean: I need a decision 'now' (21 replies)
  12. The Debate Was About Convincing Superdelegates (2 replies)
  13. Obama Shaken, Rattled, and Rolled (6 replies)
  14. The racist apple doesn't fall far from the tree (3 replies)
  15. Obama:'No more debates for me' (91 replies)
  16. Left Wing Blogs Upset Over Debate Questions (23 replies)
  17. Obama-Clinton Debate in Philadelphia Spawns Weird Economics (2 replies)
  18. Romney - "Top Ten Reasons I left the Campaign" (6 replies)
  19. Renaming Things (1 replies)
  20. Why Hillary won't get the nomination (13 replies)
  21. Barry Obama Has A Bad Night (0 replies)
  22. Debate #2,492 (3 replies)
  23. Hillary On Southern Working Class Whites In 1995: "Screw 'Em" (55 replies)
  24. Who should rule test? (21 replies)
  25. Is that a Twisted Sister pin... (9 replies)
  26. Obama criticizes Carter...kind of... (0 replies)
  27. McCain not fit to be president (67 replies)
  28. Tax day: It's all in the eyes of the beholder (1 replies)
  29. Obama's Feet of Clay (0 replies)
  30. Another Emmett live survey (31 replies)
  31. McCain: Hero or Traitor? (14 replies)
  32. Clinton losing ground in Penn., Indiana (20 replies)
  33. How real is freedom (70 replies)
  34. If he were white, he wouldn't be where he is... (28 replies)
  35. Want cheaper drugs, that are safe? you found them here (0 replies)
  36. Is Barack Obama A Marxist Mole? (53 replies)
  37. PA Rep proposes voluntary 'Tax Me More' fund (4 replies)
  38. Obama slipping in polls? (47 replies)
  39. Muslim Americans for Obama Video - Weird and Angry (1 replies)
  40. Rangel slams Mississippi (41 replies)
  41. Costs soar for Mass Health Care Plan (18 replies)
  42. Female Voters Confront Obama Worship (29 replies)
  43. Off-the-Record Obama (0 replies)
  44. Code Pink 'Bundles' for Barack (0 replies)
  45. Barack Obama's Bitter Liberalism (20 replies)
  46. Dems Have to Repackage Michelle Obama (17 replies)
  47. When Did Liberalism Become Socialism? (31 replies)
  48. Pelosi and Dems Out To Do Nothing on Illegals (20 replies)
  49. Meet Obama's Circle: The Same Old America-hating Left (2 replies)
  50. Obama's Switcheroo (10 replies)
  51. 12 reasons 'bitter' is bad for Obama (6 replies)
  52. Pennsylvania Divided - The War Goes On (0 replies)
  53. A Presidential Science Debate (7 replies)
  54. Awesome Political Test (6 replies)
  55. Questions for conservatives (61 replies)
  56. Yeah, their called liberals (5 replies)
  57. Trent Lott: Man of the People, Fledgling Lobbyist (4 replies)
  58. Obama: Not 'Any' Politician? (0 replies)
  59. Slavery: for board discussion (3 replies)
  60. Obama Insults PA Voters (587 replies)
  61. The Conservative Nanny State (43 replies)
  62. sI wonder if ted (i drink too much) kennedy is... (2 replies)
  63. Obama is a lying sack of.... (6 replies)
  64. Obama's Questionable Judgment (10 replies)
  65. *Change Is Over~Rated: Jimmy Carter Used It First* (0 replies)
  66. What Obama Failed to Mention: Racist Black Grandfather (176 replies)
  67. Does anyone remember Jesse Dirkhising? The gay community doesn't want you to. (0 replies)
  68. If This Were The Democratic Platform, I'd Vote Democrat (0 replies)
  69. Obama supports BAN of ALL semi-automatic weapons (28 replies)
  70. Video- on Barak Obambam (2 replies)
  71. Bob Barr for President! (17 replies)
  72. President Bush addresses the nation on Iraq (2 replies)
  73. Obama to end don't ask - don't tell (112 replies)
  74. Elections Come Down to Leadership (0 replies)
  75. Obama No Longer the Anointed Savior (8 replies)
  76. Ann nails it again (2 replies)
  77. "Monkey" woman is delegate for Obama (15 replies)
  78. Obama raised funds for Palestinians. (36 replies)
  79. Democrat Version Of Bipartisanship (56 replies)
  80. Obama's Weakness is Weakness (2 replies)
  81. "We Need More White People" (15 replies)
  82. Oprah Missed Phil's Demise? (0 replies)
  83. Worst candidate (10 replies)
  84. Falling Out of Love With Bill (0 replies)
  85. Democrats Play Politics with Trade (0 replies)
  86. Obama Is No MLK (0 replies)
  87. Iraq debate will generate sound and fury, but not much change (1 replies)
  88. Are we racists (64 replies)
  89. Condi Rice 'actively campaigning' to be VP (7 replies)
  90. Should I vote for Hillary? (83 replies)
  91. No campus surge for Obama in Pa. (0 replies)
  92. Obama's Gun Dance (0 replies)
  93. Greenspan Endorses McCain (0 replies)
  94. An estimated 30660 Americans Murdered by Illegal aliens since 9/11 (26 replies)
  95. A documentary about women raping women, and the police not taking it seriously (4 replies)
  96. 2008 State of the Union address (2 replies)
  97. Lies, damn lies and G.W. Bush (1 replies)
  98. I know y'all are gonna get mad, but i really believe this. (7 replies)
  99. John McCain is a nazi (6 replies)
  100. America's Fifth Column (2 replies)
  101. The Ideological Animal (2 replies)
  102. bob barr is may run as a libertarian (18 replies)
  103. List of cities most vunerable to terrorist attack in u.s. (4 replies)
  104. Hillary still pushing Florida and Michigan (17 replies)
  105. Obama's 'Strike Force'? (4 replies)
  106. Clinton Charitable Giving is to Clinton Charity (2 replies)
  107. Third Party: Now is the time (16 replies)
  108. Some Superdelegates More Super Than Rest (119 replies)
  109. How John McCain Could Seal His Victory... (20 replies)
  110. lIBERAL LEVEL PLAYING FIELD (16 replies)
  111. Clinton: ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Pledged Delegate’ (10 replies)
  112. Obama Gets the Coveted Jane Fonda Endorsement (21 replies)
  113. Obama Pledges to Fight Special Interests...at AFL-CIO Rally (0 replies)
  114. The Beast on Leno (1 replies)
  115. Viet Nam Vets Against McCain (5 replies)
  116. Dubya's continuing crock of shit (10 replies)
  117. America needs more boobs in the White House (0 replies)
  118. Lies and Corruption: the career of John McCain (2 replies)
  119. Hillary owned by CBS News footage (18 replies)
  120. Typical White Person: Stereotype? (97 replies)
  121. what is the most patriotic state in the u.s.a. (15 replies)
  122. ‘Air America’ Host Randi Rhodes Suspended for Calling Clinton ‘F****** Whore’ (74 replies)
  123. Rev. Wright defendable? (11 replies)
  124. Democrats: The fix is on (8 replies)
  125. Obama Listening To A Loser (2 replies)
  126. The Year That Wasn't (141 replies)
  127. Obama on "soft"ball (0 replies)
  128. Democrats have kept racism alive (12 replies)
  129. Judge kicks whites out of court (23 replies)
  130. Donner Party Democrats (2 replies)
  131. Obama and 'Big Oil' (1 replies)
  132. Obama and the 'L' Word (11 replies)
  133. Entitlement Mentality Will Ruin America (45 replies)
  134. More Lies & Deception From The Man Of Change (13 replies)
  135. And the winner is... (10 replies)
  136. Sexism and Homophobia in Scarborough Country (2 replies)
  137. Hitchens takes Hillary to task... (2 replies)
  138. McCain's best chance to win? (11 replies)
  139. Who's Behind (14 replies)
  140. Congress questions "Big Oil" (42 replies)
  141. 22 Questions That Obama Should Answer (1 replies)
  142. As Rivals Battle, McCain Builds November Machine (64 replies)
  143. Pastor preached what Obamas believe (16 replies)
  144. Barack Obama, our new appeaser (75 replies)
  145. Can't Get More Biased Than TIME on Lieberman (2 replies)
  146. Where No Republican Would Choose To Cross (0 replies)
  147. *This Is How You Stiff America* (2 replies)
  148. The best for America (7 replies)
  149. Chelsea Surprised By Sexist Comments (2 replies)
  150. Why Are Conservatives Proud of McCain? (25 replies)
  151. What Are Liberals Proud OF? (398 replies)
  152. Another Unconservative Moment from John McCain (15 replies)
  153. Sheila Jackson Lee at odds with constituents (0 replies)
  154. Thinking Out Loud (120 replies)
  155. Race Is On To Define McCain (6 replies)
  156. It"s Obama Who Does Not Get It (8 replies)
  157. Clinton: In The Race For The Long Run (1 replies)
  158. What a surprise (0 replies)
  159. Limbaugh safe from voter-fraud charges (4 replies)
  160. Is This The Republican Ticket? (15 replies)
  161. Condi's interested in the Veep! (85 replies)
  162. Obama: Might nearly double Capital Gains Tax (0 replies)
  163. Hillary's litany of lies becoming almost Nixon-esque (0 replies)
  164. Bipartisan group hopes to improve political climate in Calif. (3 replies)
  165. US: Saddam paid for lawmakers' Iraq trip (96 replies)
  166. McCain speech on foreign policy (3 replies)
  167. Getting to know Obama (12 replies)
  168. Clinton voters go for McCain (9 replies)
  169. Mondale worried about super-delegate vote (4 replies)
  170. Hillary Clinton: Combat Veteran (6 replies)
  171. Bush, Kerry, Dick Cheney, Barrack Obama, and Brad Pitt COUSINS!!! (3 replies)
  172. What Barack Ought To Be Thinking About (3 replies)
  173. My thoughts on blacks* (8 replies)
  174. DNC Official: Clinton Pursuing 'The Tonya Harding Option' (2 replies)
  175. Hillary finally comments on Obama speech (71 replies)
  176. Ohio officials want to indict Rush, conservatives. (57 replies)
  177. Top Clinton official refuses to apologize for calling Richardson "Judas" (15 replies)
  178. Group: Martin Luther King Was a Republican (3 replies)
  179. Obama supporter references Clinton and the 'blue dress' (5 replies)
  180. the culture of corruption.... (9 replies)
  181. Another Democrat with zipper problems (2 replies)
  182. Rezko and the Illinois Combine (4 replies)
  183. flashback-Obama: Bush Ignoring Blacks' "Quiet Riot" (2 replies)
  184. Joe Liberman VP....! (18 replies)
  185. Oil/Gas taxes (6 replies)
  186. Obama Struggles To Limit Damage In Pastor Row As WHITE VOTERS Slip Away (141 replies)
  187. Civil War: Split Decision Divides Democrats (18 replies)
  188. Looks Like Clinton Is Done For (39 replies)
  189. Huckabee announces candidacy for American Idol (0 replies)
  190. How Barack Obama learned to love Israel (0 replies)
  191. Black writers oppinion of Obama speech (8 replies)
  192. Huckabee On Wright (7 replies)
  193. Group Looks To Re-Create Bloody 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention In Denver (11 replies)
  195. State to adjust test immigrants must take (4 replies)
  196. McCain staff racists (0 replies)
  197. Richardson Endorses Obama (15 replies)
  198. O8 Election could cause a third party (16 replies)
  199. Obama Speech Causes Mass Weeping Epidemic in Leftwing Blogosphere (20 replies)
  200. Obama stereotypes white people... (84 replies)
  201. Your vote counts dems --- not (2 replies)
  202. What Obama really meant... (12 replies)
  203. Kerry: Obama Could Help US Relations with Muslim Nations 'Because He's a Black Man' (6 replies)
  204. Obama supports segregation (1 replies)
  205. Economic facts (6 replies)
  206. From my heart (117 replies)
  207. Wright's Rantings Won't Sink Obama (13 replies)
  208. Is There A Possible McCain/Romney Ticket? (4 replies)
  209. Hussein O's Poll Numbers Seriously Dropping! (445 replies)
  210. I've Been SPAMMED By John McCain... (2 replies)
  211. Obama's Church and Past Ties to Socialism/Marxism TIED TOGETHER (7 replies)
  212. To Vote or Not to Vote (16 replies)
  213. Why black people vote for dems at a 90% rate (155 replies)
  214. Cheney does it again (46 replies)
  215. For truthmatters, who loves the polls! (101 replies)
  216. The Political Perspective of the Democratic Socialists of America (64 replies)
  217. 350,000 fine.... (2 replies)
  218. Mr. Obama’s Profile in Courage (6 replies)
  219. Jeb Bush amused by ‘irony’ of Florida Democrat delegate dilemma (29 replies)
  220. Some words from the son of a religious right leader (14 replies)
  221. Obamas church (20 replies)
  222. Obama grabs race issue (0 replies)
  223. how do you describe yourself (25 replies)
  224. Obama and His 'White Grandmother' (91 replies)
  225. Obama talks with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (3 replies)
  226. The Afro American block vote trap (31 replies)
  227. Blacks need to stop whining (32 replies)
  228. How many here will sit down and read the Obama speech? (265 replies)
  229. McCain leads in new poll (0 replies)
  230. *Obama About To Give Speech Over His Pastor: Is Bus Wheels In It?* (8 replies)
  231. Phony black friends ditch Clinton (0 replies)
  232. Alan Keyes leave Republican party (19 replies)
  233. The McCain-Hagee Connection (21 replies)
  234. no mulligan in florida (6 replies)
  235. Hey Ron Paul supporters, and others (12 replies)
  236. At least he got one right (0 replies)
  237. Obama losing superdelegates due to his prolonged assocn with hatemongering Pastor? (85 replies)
  238. Mark Steyn: Obama's pastor disaster (49 replies)
  239. flashback....'Call to Renewal' Keynote Address (0 replies)
  240. *Obama Says He Didn't Know His Pastor Was Saying What He Said* (74 replies)
  241. Obama Web Site 'Disappears' Radical Pastor (3 replies)
  242. Losing Faith in America’s Political System (8 replies)
  243. Martin's Personal Political posts - Enter At Your Own Risk (2 replies)
  244. Obama's Senate Experience (Or Lack Thereof) (12 replies)
  245. Obama Voted Against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (22 replies)
  246. Obama's pastor "formally" leaves Obama campaign position (7 replies)
  247. Old polarities persist in Dem race (1 replies)
  248. Poor Obama: Now It's Rezko Blowing Up (4 replies)
  249. assholes-of-the-world Funny Video (1 replies)
  250. Obama Denounces Pastor's Inflammatory Statements (70 replies)