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  1. Spitzer scandal seen as setback for climate change reforms (8 replies)
  2. GOP Aims To Force Immigration Debate (35 replies)
  3. "If Obama Was A White Man, He Would Not Be In This Position." (60 replies)
  4. The Red Phone in Black and White (2 replies)
  5. *Clinton's Been Spitzered: Pay Back!* (0 replies)
  6. Hate Groups in America Surging (29 replies)
  7. Democrat Delegate Count (0 replies)
  8. House sues ex-White House staffers (0 replies)
  9. The left doesnt get it (3 replies)
  10. Obama rejects being Clinton's No. 2 (4 replies)
  11. The House Budget's $3,000-per-Household Tax Increase (1 replies)
  12. Email Rep. Couch on his anti privacy measures (0 replies)
  13. *The Odassity Of DaHildabeast* (25 replies)
  14. Down with America (19 replies)
  15. San Francisco May Welcomes Illegal Immigrants! (2 replies)
  16. Another one bites the dust: Tucker (2 replies)
  17. *Clinton Super Delegate: Caught Red Handed In Sex Tang* (1 replies)
  18. Socialist, Socialist, or wanna be (18 replies)
  19. Clinton ad "baby" is backing Obama (3 replies)
  20. Montana to secede from the Union (49 replies)
  21. What do you want? (35 replies)
  22. Father/Daughter Talk (2 replies)
  23. From Apathy back into Bondage (4 replies)
  24. Kentucky lawmaker wants to make anonymous internet posting illegal (8 replies)
  25. The Real Barack Obama ~ An Excellent Article (23 replies)
  26. Multiculturalism will be your downfall.... (24 replies)
  27. McCain Must Convince Skeptical Conservatives By Deeds, Not Words (9 replies)
  28. Dem. wins election to fill Hastert seat (4 replies)
  29. Bill's nose is getting longer by the day (3 replies)
  30. Wayne Root - Libertarian Candidate for President (24 replies)
  31. what do you think? (0 replies)
  32. clinton ad of phone ringing at 3 am (0 replies)
  33. President Bush Veto's Bill Banning Waterboarding (63 replies)
  34. McCain's Honor Politics (1 replies)
  35. Why Juan McAmnesty must not become Commander in Chief (80 replies)
  36. Changing Our National Priorities (13 replies)
  37. Glenn Beck Interviews Wayne Allyn Root (0 replies)
  38. The NAACP is a hate group (3 replies)
  39. Obama's Bible Defense of Same-Sex Unions Wrong, Experts Say (2 replies)
  40. Demand an apology from him (0 replies)
  41. this is what the black community needs (0 replies)
  42. Confession (22 replies)
  43. Who should pay for it? (87 replies)
  44. McCainanomics....Are We Having Fun Yet? (3 replies)
  45. The top nine "changes" Barack Obama would make as President (6 replies)
  46. not being honest about the illegal alien debate and employers role/government role (14 replies)
  47. why is compassion replacing common sense in the illegal alien debate? (101 replies)
  48. Senate Republicans (3 replies)
  49. what is the worst liberal blog (0 replies)
  50. The Electoral College and DNC Superdelegates (22 replies)
  51. RP, Come and get some (36 replies)
  52. Hillary Obama ticket (5 replies)
  53. *It Pays To Advertise* (12 replies)
  54. Paul beats his challenger (1 replies)
  55. It's Bush's fault that Iran hates us (5 replies)
  56. POWs label McCain as "songbird" (3 replies)
  57. Controversial Clinton Guest: 'Osama for Obama' (2 replies)
  58. The Candence Canidate (3 replies)
  59. We have a winner (4 replies)
  60. Ohio GOP voters show their smarts (11 replies)
  61. Does McCain still hate "gooks"? (31 replies)
  62. Making the Texas caucus scene (6 replies)
  63. Obama for Che Guevara? (13 replies)
  64. Hoa Tran for President! (4 replies)
  65. McCain wins nomination (73 replies)
  66. Texas and Ohio (9 replies)
  67. Change vs Experience (5 replies)
  68. Questions Raised Whether Hillary Ad Darkened Obama (17 replies)
  69. In praise of a liberal political candidate (0 replies)
  70. Who's nominations system is more fair? (9 replies)
  71. Extending Voting Hours for Ohioans? (16 replies)
  72. Clinton/Obama - Today's election results (11 replies)
  73. Patient Conyers hopes to move slavery bill during an Obama administration (15 replies)
  74. White Men Seen All Wrong (1 replies)
  75. *Big Obama Bomb Set To Go Off Soon* (13 replies)
  76. Clinton says momentum on her side despite losses (1 replies)
  77. Obama & the press ... Terror friends forgotten (31 replies)
  78. Some Good News Regarding Obama (4 replies)
  79. Obama and JFK, Alike? (0 replies)
  80. People seem to forget (22 replies)
  81. Obama--the Jewish angle (3 replies)
  82. Look -He turned into a Mexican!! (9 replies)
  83. video-Hillery (0 replies)
  84. Bush & Rove's Political Prisoner: Don Siegelman (9 replies)
  85. The Phoenix: John McCain in 2008! (148 replies)
  86. McCain Refuses To Pander (51 replies)
  87. Tax plan for businesses (26 replies)
  88. Mukasey refuses probe of Bush aides (10 replies)
  89. why should we... (5 replies)
  90. Six Big Lies About John McCain (34 replies)
  91. Mccain is a pussy (13 replies)
  92. Maybe they think they have a chance with obama ;) (0 replies)
  93. M. Obama - Don't go into corporate america (0 replies)
  94. McCain calls himself a liberal (3 replies)
  95. Illegal immigration momentum up or down (1 replies)
  96. *Hussein Or Not To Hussein: That Is The Question* (59 replies)
  97. this is what all white liberals and whites need to see (5 replies)
  98. bill running for a third term (4 replies)
  99. The Hillary Clinton Myth Unravels At Last (7 replies)
  100. Middle-name calling is way over the line (63 replies)
  101. Obama the nominee? Let the backpedalling begin! (2 replies)
  102. The real Barack Obama (1 replies)
  103. McCain’s Extra-Territorial Birth Raises Questions About Ability to Become President (3 replies)
  104. Democrats answer: Tax the rich (28 replies)
  105. I've got some news for Obama... (73 replies)
  106. Is McCain Eligible? (12 replies)
  107. Irresponsibility Can't Be Solved By Bigger Gov't (2 replies)
  108. Barack Hussein Obama (62 replies)
  109. politics and religion (59 replies)
  110. Senator apologizes for Obama comment (1 replies)
  111. House OKs $18B in New Taxes on Oil Companies (22 replies)
  112. Obama: More Taxes, Rights for Bin Laden (0 replies)
  113. Craig Williams for Congress (1 replies)
  114. Louis Farrakhan The Head Of The Nation Of Islam Endorses Obama (60 replies)
  115. Clinton / Obama debate (17 replies)
  116. Senate advances bill to cut Iraq funding (1 replies)
  117. video...HE PLANS ON DISARMING AMERICA (234 replies)
  118. She speaketh more truly than she knows (0 replies)
  119. Good summary of Hillary's "experience" (3 replies)
  120. Texas GOP voters rush to oppose Hillary (31 replies)
  121. What of the 300+ Mich/Florida delegates? (54 replies)
  122. Congress Showdown (0 replies)
  123. The death penalty and abortion. (31 replies)
  124. Obama Worked with Terrorist, Expert Says (31 replies)
  125. McCain's character (27 replies)
  126. how is this an issue? (2 replies)
  127. The fairness doctrine (0 replies)
  128. Stubborn things (0 replies)
  129. what with the political age discrimination (0 replies)
  130. what quotes or silly sayings or thoughts have you come up with (0 replies)
  131. Political mental illness (0 replies)
  132. Pelosi And Her Goons Are Trying To Undue The Secure Fence Act (3 replies)
  133. Question for Iraq war supporters (86 replies)
  134. Obama photo stirrs up some heat in Dem race. (49 replies)
  135. The many flip-flops of John McCain (10 replies)
  136. Barack Obama: Liar? (8 replies)
  137. History could be made this November! (17 replies)
  138. Who from the opposing side, Clinton or Obama would bring you to go & vote 4 McCain? (11 replies)
  139. Obama didn't see Constitutional Conflict in sweeping DC gun ban (17 replies)
  140. John McCain is beating both Dem candidates, Rasmussen... (47 replies)
  141. why do we pick an choose which parts of the constitution are valid and which are not (56 replies)
  142. Obama: hope, change, (0 replies)
  143. *Billy C. Getting Desperate: *Force 1*, Looking Farther Away Now More Than Ever* (0 replies)
  144. President Bush, His Globalist Agenda, and The North Atlantic Union (30 replies)
  145. Ralph Nader Enters Presidential Race (16 replies)
  146. Forced Acceptance is akin to intellectual rape (26 replies)
  147. Mike Huckabee on SNL Weekend Update (1 replies)
  148. From Elections to Shootings: America Is Broken (41 replies)
  149. Twelve Reasons to Vote for Ralph Nader (24 replies)
  150. Is Obama race neutral... black identity divisive (17 replies)
  151. Ohh those evil lobbyists... (4 replies)
  152. True to our Native Land (404 replies)
  153. Clinton says Obama's campaign mailings are "Wrong" (1 replies)
  154. Artist commits suicide after abortion (19 replies)
  155. Shooting from the lip (16 replies)
  156. why cant we get the government out of healthcare? (5 replies)
  157. can someone tell me the benefits of privatizing social security (7 replies)
  158. why is there no school choice (32 replies)
  159. Many Blacks Worry About Obama's Safety (147 replies)
  160. What do you think of american businesses (8 replies)
  161. should we end tax breaks for business that ship job overseas, and give tax breaks for (33 replies)
  162. Obama and McCain - "Clueless on WOT" - exCIA (1 replies)
  163. Rush, as always, is thinking ahead (0 replies)
  164. How (illegal) immigration and inflation are linked (5 replies)
  165. Michelle, Before She Was 'Obama' (3 replies)
  166. Condoleeza Rice not interested in VP.... (0 replies)
  167. Elitists, Does It Matter If Black or White, Yale or Harvard? (7 replies)
  168. this is very interesting (10 replies)
  169. jobs v. campaigns (23 replies)
  170. Funny Dilemma for Democrats (0 replies)
  171. Peter Paul V Clinton (2 replies)
  172. anyone remember what bush did in 2003..... (22 replies)
  173. *Dead Locked, WTF? Obama Has Been Mopping the Floor With Da Hildabeast* (1 replies)
  174. Obama supports indiv gun rights - except where they conflict with DC's total gun ban (1 replies)
  175. McCain's (alleged) Affair (183 replies)
  176. Obama Youtube Videos (16 replies)
  177. Here Comes McCains Swiftboat !! (25 replies)
  178. Conservatives & Republicans: Would you vote for this guy? (16 replies)
  179. Jill Derby Plans Another Run Against Congressman Heller (2 replies)
  180. Can You Win A War By Using Morals & Taking The High Ground (11 replies)
  181. Why does Obama "resonate with so many voters"? (23 replies)
  182. Dem state Senator lists Obama's accomplishments on national TV (15 replies)
  183. Healthcare reform (47 replies)
  184. Who will the talking heads support now? (18 replies)
  185. *Anyone Listen To Rush Limbaugh Today: Was Attacking Hope; Bad Idea.* (35 replies)
  186. *Da Hildabeast, Is Getting Her Horns Pulled Out* (5 replies)
  187. facts your liberal friends need to know (25 replies)
  188. Summary of voting trends (0 replies)
  189. Becoming disillusioned with Hillary (9 replies)
  190. In election 2008, don’t forget Angry White Man (9 replies)
  191. When the Magic Fades (0 replies)
  192. Here Is One Group Nobody IS Pandering To (0 replies)
  193. System Worries Clinton Backers (5 replies)
  194. Does Change Matter? (4 replies)
  195. Can you name anything your favorite candidate has done... (1 replies)
  196. Poor Hillary (6 replies)
  197. Hillary4U&Me (1 replies)
  198. Summary of Obama's Ties to Socialism... (38 replies)
  199. Compromise? (56 replies)
  200. How Hillary Could Still Win (17 replies)
  201. We need to re-focus our thinking (3 replies)
  202. Quelling the McCain Mutiny (2 replies)
  203. A President for Middle East (3 replies)
  204. Clinton recalls hunting with her father as a youth (35 replies)
  205. *Voting Fraud: Obama Being Denied In NY* (9 replies)
  206. Obama the new age Hitler (30 replies)
  207. Hillary And Bill’s Fans Swoon, Too - Dammit (0 replies)
  208. Top psychiatrist concludes liberals are nuts! (13 replies)
  209. Let's stop calling Democrats liberals (65 replies)
  210. Is Barack Obama Orchestrating Fake Fainting Spells At Campaign Stops? (5 replies)
  211. Charles Barkley-"Conservatives are fake Christians" (54 replies)
  212. Let's see how good Obama's word is (8 replies)
  213. Who casued the Sub prime mess? (80 replies)
  214. Dems To Bring Back Old Energy Tax Plan (0 replies)
  215. Fair Tax (30 replies)
  216. A paid political announcement from Barack Obama (3 replies)
  217. *Non~Candidate McCain: How Does It Feel To Have No Chance?* (4 replies)
  218. Obama As Olmert (1 replies)
  219. *Maybe She Should Hurry And Come Right Out And Say It: Bill for VP.* (14 replies)
  220. Obama supports individual rights to bear arms (4 replies)
  221. "Public" Presidential Debate in Texas not so public (0 replies)
  222. hillary's foreign policy off to a good start (6 replies)
  223. Bush I to endorse McCain (8 replies)
  224. Dems Let Survillance Law Lapse (69 replies)
  225. Ron Paul being challenged for his seat in the primary (19 replies)
  226. Seeking Superdelegates (1 replies)
  227. Change Obama can believe in: Socialism? (2 replies)
  228. Black lawmakers rethink Clinton support (2 replies)
  229. Romney To Endorse Senator McCain This Afternoon (15 replies)
  230. American workers blown to pieces (166 replies)
  231. Oil Energy Policy (8 replies)
  232. Hillary's Bleak Outlook (24 replies)
  233. AP Writer List Groups Unhappy With Bill and Hillary (0 replies)
  234. Obama's Foreign Policy Too Homeopathic (0 replies)
  235. Bill Clinton Pleads Pro-Obama Bias, 'Cruel' Sexism Against Hillary (0 replies)
  236. Transcript: A Declaration of Independence for the Conservative Movement (2 replies)
  237. Vice President Condeleeza Rice (108 replies)
  238. Guess Who Voted Against The Ban On Waterboarding? (30 replies)
  239. John McCain funded by Soros since 2001 (61 replies)
  240. 'Conventional Wisdom' Bites The Dust (4 replies)
  241. The 10 Most Powerful People in Congress (1 replies)
  242. John McCain Praises Pro-illegal Protests (6 replies)
  243. Obama Proposes $210 Billion for New Jobs (7 replies)
  244. Presidential Preference Primary results in my county (0 replies)
  245. Democrates trying to cheat??? (5 replies)
  246. Name one accomplishment by Hillary or Obama? (26 replies)
  247. Not sure who to vote for....... (20 replies)
  248. Pres Bush Wins Another One Over The Dems (5 replies)
  249. Real Conservatives Do Win - Even In Blue States (0 replies)
  250. Congress and Baseball (12 replies)