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  1. Huckabee's Amazing Coincidences (4 replies)
  2. The 2008 primaries -- who really cares? (6 replies)
  3. Thompson not endearing himself with people (6 replies)
  4. Huckabee: Playing both sides of the pulpit (9 replies)
  5. A Hunter endorsement (7 replies)
  6. Voter ID (297 replies)
  7. Paul: Country is moving toward fascism (19 replies)
  8. Obama says he'll make toys safer (0 replies)
  9. is any of this true? (0 replies)
  10. ok white liberals explain this away, hate crimes against white committed by blacks (29 replies)
  11. What tough measures do you recommend to stop illegal aliens (0 replies)
  12. Its time for tough measures to stop illegal immigration (6 replies)
  13. A Visit from St. Nick (and the Candidates) (1 replies)
  14. A Reason for Hope (66 replies)
  15. Clinton Stretches Lead To Double Digits In Iowa With Week Left (54 replies)
  16. Cindy Sheehan Calls on Reyes to Subpoena Pelosi for Role in CIA Torture Tape Destruct (18 replies)
  17. Dying Iowa voter confronts candidates (3 replies)
  18. Who Said THAT? (1 replies)
  19. The Rule of Law (175 replies)
  20. More Problems For Hillary (17 replies)
  21. Clinton urges people to vote for her (2 replies)
  22. Huckabee Angers some Catholics (4 replies)
  23. Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa (41 replies)
  24. The End of America As We Know It (71 replies)
  25. More voters trust Republicans than Democrats. McCain backed off support for amnesty. (0 replies)
  26. Bill Clinton - Savior or Saboteur (5 replies)
  27. Arguments for longer campaign cycles (1 replies)
  28. Sioux City Journal endorses Romney (1 replies)
  29. I Never Thought I'd Be Entertained By Maureen Dowd (0 replies)
  30. 11,900 earmarks in 2007, 65% for democrats, 35% for republicans... (39 replies)
  31. AP Whining Over Dem Failures - Attacks Republicans (168 replies)
  32. Pimpin' For Paul (3 replies)
  33. Huckabee's favorite author (3 replies)
  34. Video: Special Christmas Holiday Message..Fred Thompson (5 replies)
  35. Pres Bush Has Had A Good 2007 (36 replies)
  36. Vote Real Conservatism (81 replies)
  37. Can Huckabee Survive Rush? (49 replies)
  38. now this is an interesting Huckabee response (0 replies)
  39. The Mitt Romney Deception (14 replies)
  40. Hot Air Video: A very Hillary Christmas (3 replies)
  41. President Hillary Clinton (58 replies)
  42. McCain 'Surging'; Guiliani 'Falling (5 replies)
  43. It Is Starting Early With the Liberal Media (7 replies)
  44. A Problem Like Bill (12 replies)
  45. Bush hits Congress' continued pork (62 replies)
  46. baptists not on board with Huckabee (2 replies)
  47. Pat Buchanan's take on the election (2 replies)
  48. Guiliani's Christmas ad (1 replies)
  49. new Republican candidate poll (60 replies)
  50. Hillary's Wrapping Presents (13 replies)
  51. Does a politician want to work for you, or rule you? (4 replies)
  52. Liberal Media Upset With Dems (0 replies)
  53. Guiliani hospitalized with flu like symptoms (16 replies)
  54. Cynthia McKinney announces presidential bid (13 replies)
  55. Voter PME (0 replies)
  56. Senate to stay in session to thwart Bush (61 replies)
  57. Video-Happy Holidays from Hillary.. (2 replies)
  58. job creation.... (13 replies)
  59. I may not agree with his policies, but Ron Paul has balls. (4 replies)
  60. Mitt's reaction to Time's person of the year (29 replies)
  61. Ann Coulter: Huckabee Like GOP Jimmy Carter (4 replies)
  62. They are out to get Huckabee (9 replies)
  63. Breaking News: Tancredo might be out (24 replies)
  64. New Romney ad (10 replies)
  65. Dems at work to undermine the will of the people (2 replies)
  66. Cross in Huckabee ad (27 replies)
  67. Teddy had it right (1 replies)
  68. Reid - "The People Are Losing" (12 replies)
  69. Obama fights his own 'axis of evil' (0 replies)
  70. Duncan Hunter (3 replies)
  71. Huckabee makes a lot of sense (8 replies)
  72. GHWB Shoots Down Clinton Ambitions (0 replies)
  73. Huckabee's Christmas ad (4 replies)
  74. Uh-oh Edwards! (25 replies)
  75. The most important question this election (12 replies)
  76. Resonating (8 replies)
  77. Republican preference: few weeks out (6 replies)
  78. Hillary Is Winning the Anti Vote (2 replies)
  79. Clinton Tries To Soften Image (16 replies)
  80. Peete to report to prison Jan. 3 (0 replies)
  81. Border Fence Crisis Emergency Petition (0 replies)
  82. Video: Fred on Fox & Friends (0 replies)
  83. ACTION ALERT...time to take action.. (6 replies)
  84. The history of global "warming": Has Al Gore seen this chart? (4 replies)
  85. End of the Huckaboom? (0 replies)
  86. Magic Johnson to campaign for Hillary Clinton (8 replies)
  87. Hillary Clinton Vows Not To Quit (0 replies)
  88. Libertarians Rising (0 replies)
  89. Democrats Assess Hill Damage, Leadership (52 replies)
  90. National Review Endorses Romney (45 replies)
  91. Lieberman To Endorse McCain (4 replies)
  92. A Few Reasons Why I will Never Support Mike Huckabee (3 replies)
  93. Bill Clinton: Hillary needs a 'miracle' (6 replies)
  94. I'm King of the World (10 replies)
  95. Senator McCain Gets Two Major Endorsements (12 replies)
  96. Justice Clinton? (2 replies)
  97. Bush's Budget Wins PO The Liberal Media (0 replies)
  98. has anyone heard of congressman weldon (7 replies)
  99. The Iowa Register's caucus endorsements: McCain, Clinton (2 replies)
  100. For anyone thinking Huckabee is not running on religion (0 replies)
  101. Huckabee's Foreign Policy (0 replies)
  102. Clips from the debate (1 replies)
  103. Another man from Hope (0 replies)
  104. I am reading Huckabee's bio (0 replies)
  105. The Holiday Inn express candidate (15 replies)
  106. Hillary’s Radical "Middle Class Express" (0 replies)
  107. How long will democracy last? (28 replies)
  108. Huckacide (13 replies)
  109. Thompson apologizes to Huckabee (0 replies)
  110. Gee... Look At The HOT BABE Caucasing For Obama Bin Laden... (11 replies)
  111. Wyo. Dem chief: Clinton Would Hurt Party (0 replies)
  112. Hillary needs to schedule foot surgery (2 replies)
  113. Glenn beck confronts Huckabee (0 replies)
  114. Huckabee's theology degree (5 replies)
  115. if legal alien latinos wont support the u.s. effort against illegal immigration... (160 replies)
  116. Talking politics with Ozzy Osbourne (20 replies)
  117. The Brothers Karamazov (115 replies)
  118. Big Surprise Democrats Call for Higher Taxes on Rich (15 replies)
  119. Democrats Blaming Each Other For Failures (8 replies)
  120. According to the cdc 53% of all new hiv cases (2 replies)
  121. I hate the aclu (16 replies)
  122. Veto coming? (5 replies)
  123. The 10 minute video all Americans should watch (56 replies)
  124. Inevitably, NYT says shootings were Bush's fault, and gun's fault (7 replies)
  125. Immigration reshaping politics everywhere (2 replies)
  126. *cwn Approved Presidential Hopeful Fred Wins Debate Nobody Saw* (18 replies)
  127. No firewall in NH for Hillary (2 replies)
  128. Senate vote calls candidates out of Iowa (2 replies)
  129. Poll finds rebound in Bush approval numbers (0 replies)
  130. Vote for Hillary, get Bill free! (10 replies)
  131. *Is There Anything Wrong With The Mormon Religion That *CWN* To Take A Look At?* (3 replies)
  132. Huck Attack (10 replies)
  133. why do we allow mexican consulate to do this? (4 replies)
  134. Michael Novak endorse Romney (0 replies)
  135. Alan Keyes might be mentally retarded (30 replies)
  136. Minutemen Endorse Huckabee (9 replies)
  137. LIVE Republican Debates On CNN Right NOW! (20 replies)
  138. Bill vows to ‘keep his mouth shut’ during Hill presidency (2 replies)
  139. Harry Reid Finds Real Power Elusive (0 replies)
  140. Pelosi vows more civil approach — next year (2 replies)
  141. Liberal views could haunt Obama (2 replies)
  142. Code Pink Goes To War (3 replies)
  143. Dems see Huckabee as an easy kill (0 replies)
  144. Clinton, Buffett Denounce Income Gap (55 replies)
  145. Romney's plan to end illegal immigration (27 replies)
  146. The Mitt-Mike religious war (5 replies)
  147. Reid In Trouble In NV (29 replies)
  148. Dems Admit Paygo Was A Farce (2 replies)
  149. Offical Language of America (4 replies)
  150. BRAND NEW - Republican/Democrat Immigration Issue Scores (12 replies)
  151. *Huckabee Makes Sense: CWN APPROVED* (53 replies)
  152. Huckabee's fair tax (8 replies)
  153. Huckabee stands by Aids statement (7 replies)
  154. Tancredo: GOP Candidates 'Pandering' At Spanish-Language Debate (10 replies)
  155. Undocumented Contractors vs Undocumented Aliens (4 replies)
  156. Senator McCain promises to ‘get’ Bin Laden (2 replies)
  157. Schilling Officially Endorses McCain (33 replies)
  158. The Huckabee Contradiction (16 replies)
  159. Dems For Waterboarding, Until They Were Against It (7 replies)
  160. Actor Sean Penn tells S.F. State students not to 'sell out' (5 replies)
  161. Senator McCain has earned my vote.......... (4 replies)
  162. Hillary Clinton Sucks! (20 replies)
  163. Rudy vows to serve US public, not New York Yankees (0 replies)
  164. Racist Populism (3 replies)
  165. The intell community has broken ranks (4 replies)
  166. The Immigration Issue Re-visited (0 replies)
  167. America’s Standing In The World (22 replies)
  168. Should FDR Have Chosen A Japanese-American Cabinet Member? (0 replies)
  169. 36% of verterans families support the war. (43 replies)
  170. Moving the US Government into the 21st Century (0 replies)
  171. Mitt's hour of power (12 replies)
  172. Iran, Iraq, and 2008 (4 replies)
  173. Being From Illinois Means Never Saying Anything (0 replies)
  174. The Next President is Muslim (13 replies)
  175. Electing this congress was a mistake (2 replies)
  176. Hillary fired a senior Iowa campaigner (0 replies)
  177. Bill Clinton: I'd Sit in on Hillary's Cabinet Meetings 'Only If Asked' (2 replies)
  178. Media fails to mention Omaha mall's Gun-Free-Zone rule (17 replies)
  179. Dem Congress not funding DoD, consequences coming soon... (3 replies)
  180. Great story about the passage of gun "control" laws in the U.S. (5 replies)
  181. im watching Romney's speech on religion (45 replies)
  182. Why Speak English in America? (16 replies)
  183. Immigration roils Dems (5 replies)
  184. The Flaws In the Iran Report (3 replies)
  185. Yesterday Harry Reid said Republican Senators were Bush's Puppets (5 replies)
  186. Norman Hsu indited (1 replies)
  187. Glenn beck monologue on faith in politics (2 replies)
  188. Your Tax Dollars At Work (8 replies)
  189. Bush holds strong hand in Hill showdowns (0 replies)
  190. Who are Carol Sue Shields and Sara Andrasek? (51 replies)
  191. Immigration Boils Over (3 replies)
  192. Romney fires landscaper (2 replies)
  193. Hillary Perspective? (1 replies)
  194. Politicians never miss the chance to ask for money (1 replies)
  195. Baby Boomers owe America's young people an apology (11 replies)
  196. 22 Ways TO BE A GREAT DEMOCRAT (41 replies)
  197. Romney and Huckabee - Washington Post article (6 replies)
  198. New sex scandal (28 replies)
  199. The Last 2 Republican Presidents (15 replies)
  200. Democrats: who is your second choice for the nomination? (7 replies)
  201. Huckabee Admits To Supporting Illegal Children (26 replies)
  202. Mike Huckabee...The Huckster (33 replies)
  203. What Is A Conservative? (64 replies)
  204. John Kerry: Unfit, period. (10 replies)
  205. *Hillary Says For Now, She's For Illegal Immigration* (1 replies)
  206. Giuliani and Huckabee agree to pull punches (15 replies)
  207. Me And Chester (1 replies)
  208. Tancredo Hires Illegals for Home Renovation (35 replies)
  209. Oh Brother Where Art Thou? (1 replies)
  210. Duncan Hunter asks Romney to oppose partnership with Chinese company (12 replies)
  211. *More Fall-Out Over YOUTUBE Debate* (0 replies)
  212. Is the republican party imploding? (10 replies)
  213. Edwards: Garnish Wages If Needed to Cover All (7 replies)
  214. Clinton Denies Role in Gays-in-Military Debate Question (4 replies)
  215. an open invitation for Ron Paul (0 replies)
  216. Hunter to Hillarry: Send more "plants" (15 replies)
  217. Report: Republicans in much better mental health, than others... (39 replies)
  218. Congress Democrats to Implode by Christmas (46 replies)
  219. Interesting blog about Romney (5 replies)
  220. Huckabee is courting the born-again vote (19 replies)
  221. Death, Taxes and Mrs. Clinton (0 replies)
  222. Muslim YouTube questioner was former CAIR Intern (23 replies)
  223. *Is The Devil The One Putting Politicians Into Power?* (38 replies)
  224. Blogtalk: CNN Debate Under Fire (1 replies)
  225. video ad of Fred Thompson.. (1 replies)
  226. Glenn beck post debate interview with Romney (0 replies)
  227. How Do You Catch Wild Pigs? (7 replies)
  228. who won last nights debate? (34 replies)
  229. Mitt wins poll on the biggest issue this election (0 replies)
  230. *THUNDER PRICK: Sounding More Like He Is Running* (7 replies)
  231. youtube debate tonight (27 replies)
  232. CNN Planting "undecided voter," No Wonder Feel Like This... (0 replies)
  233. Should people on welefare work or be schooled? (16 replies)
  234. End the war it costs too much! (11 replies)
  235. Does Universal Health require an amendment? (2 replies)
  236. Interview: Glenn Beck and Pat Buchanan (3 replies)
  237. As Hillary continues to fall behind, will she go negative? (1 replies)
  238. The world doesn't hate America, the Left does (57 replies)
  239. Oprah Winfrey to Stump for Obama (4 replies)
  240. *Polls Killing Hillary: Listen If Neo~Lib Media Reports It* (16 replies)
  241. *Obama Slaps Hillary Around Again* (5 replies)
  242. Huckabee Calls Saudis To Task Over Rape Victims Punishment* (1 replies)
  243. *Fred Blasts FOXNEWS NETWORK: Take No Prisoners* (10 replies)
  244. How Libertarian Are You? (33 replies)
  245. Interesting website on our fallen heroes since the beginning of time (0 replies)
  246. *Fred Blasts Rudy: Gloves Come Off!* (2 replies)
  247. Ron Paul Expects Big Fourth Quarter (5 replies)
  248. destroying the environment? You mean destroying the Universe (4 replies)
  249. Republicans Know What They Want in a Presidential Candidate (1 replies)
  250. Would you not vote for someone due to religion? (16 replies)