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  1. McConnell Should Step Down as Majority Leader If Obamacare Isn’t Repealed (7 replies)
  2. Now a special counsel for Comey? (3 replies)
  3. trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron? (198 replies)
  4. Russia Russia Russia... MSM crazy train of lies. (5 replies)
  5. John McCain (28 replies)
  6. College Kids Hate Trumps 100 day accomplishments...but there's a catch (6 replies)
  7. Couldn't Pass The 'Skinny Repeal' (4 replies)
  8. Is The Administration Blowing Up? (22 replies)
  9. Anyone ever heard of FUSION GPS? (0 replies)
  10. Just Another Day In This Administration (1 replies)
  11. Is Breitbart turning on Trump (2 replies)
  12. Trump and Andrew Jackson (1 replies)
  13. State Department Openly Hostile to Trump Administration Agenda (0 replies)
  14. House Republicans seek to dodge border wall vote (0 replies)
  15. Trump Says Transgender People Will Not Be Allowed in the Military (148 replies)
  16. Trump Is For MSNBC What Obama Was For Gun Sales (1 replies)
  17. McCain Speaks To The Senate (1 replies)
  18. They Passed The MTP (0 replies)
  19. Is Showdown Coming With Trump/Sessions? (2 replies)
  20. Rush Limbaugh: GOP Runs Show, Needs to Act Like It (1 replies)
  21. Rand Paul To Vote For HC Repeal? (4 replies)
  22. Now THIS Is Good News! (5 replies)
  23. Wasserman Schultz IT aide, arrested and more... (41 replies)
  24. Getting On Message (2 replies)
  25. Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign (5 replies)
  26. Yes, a President May Be Indicted … and May Pardon Himself (1 replies)
  27. Early Poll: Kid Rock Up 4 Points On Stabenow in Michigan Senate Race (3 replies)
  28. 'Trump Signed a Global Death Warrant for Women' (3 replies)
  29. Lying to Congress can put you in jail, even if you're not under oath (1 replies)
  30. Schumer: Democrats, Not Russia, To Blame For Election Loss (11 replies)
  31. Scaramucci: 'I Will Take Dramatic Action to Stop Those Leaks' (2 replies)
  32. 62+ million racists voted for Trump (0 replies)
  33. Mueller and Trump Prepare for War with America the Loser (0 replies)
  34. Rand Paul - Porkfest in health bill (1 replies)
  35. MSM Still ‘Licking Their Wounds’ from Beatdowns (0 replies)
  36. Biden deflects question on 2020 run (8 replies)
  37. Voter Fraud? How can this be? (0 replies)
  38. Busy Tweeting Day (1 replies)
  39. Trump May Yet Become a Terrific President (3 replies)
  40. Crime Or Not, Appearances To Have Consequences (5 replies)
  41. Scaramucci Tames The Media In ‘Smooth’ First Press Conference (0 replies)
  42. Nearly Half of Liberals Feel Disdain for Trump Supporters, Cons Far More Tolerant (1 replies)
  43. Minneapolis News Conference Overtaken By Protestors (3 replies)
  44. BROKE: New FEC Report Shows DNC Finished June $3.3 Million in Debt (8 replies)
  45. Judicial Watch: Mueller Probe is a Political Effort to Jail Trump and His Family (0 replies)
  46. Spicer Resigns? (40 replies)
  47. Clinton Campaign Never Bought ‘Carbon Offsets’ To Atone For Hillary’s Private Jet (0 replies)
  48. Networks Spend 55% of Time Covering Russia-Trump (1 replies)
  49. Cryin’ Chuck Schumer Sinks to LOWEST Approval Rating EVER in New York (5 replies)
  50. Now McMasters? (1 replies)
  51. Sen. Rand Paul Agrees: Russia Investigation a 'Witch Hunt' (2 replies)
  52. Rand Paul: I Want a 'Clean Repeal' Amendment on Healthcare Bill (0 replies)
  53. Crazy Congresswoman Sparks Speculation Frenzy With Event In New Hampshire (1 replies)
  54. Complete List of President Trump’s Major Accomplishments in His First Six Months (5 replies)
  55. Linda Sarsour’s ‘Jihad and Allah’ Speech Blows Up Her Political Support (2 replies)
  56. Should Jeff Sessions Resign? (62 replies)
  57. McCain Has Brain Cancer (5 replies)
  58. Think The New Civil Forfeiture Rules Are Great? (27 replies)
  59. Russians I Met With Today Want Their $500K Back for Bill Clinton’s Speech (1 replies)
  60. Mitch McConnell and Speaker Ryan SHOULD BE GONE After Obamacare Failure (3 replies)
  61. Boost economy with ‘very large’ tax cut — or ‘real danger of Speaker Pelosi’ (11 replies)
  62. Maine Now Offering In-State Tuition Discounts to Illegal Immigrants (0 replies)
  63. Medicare in the health bill - just fix it!! (2 replies)
  64. Most unproductive Congress in 164 years (4 replies)
  65. Wish everyone understood this (1 replies)
  66. six minutes to explain Collusion. (0 replies)
  67. Trump donor 'kills himself' (0 replies)
  68. Be careful when you follow the masses. (0 replies)
  69. Trump Jr Is It A Nothing Burger? (137 replies)
  70. CNN Is Destroying Its Own Reputation In Freakout (5 replies)
  71. Greta fired from msnbc; trump reacts. (5 replies)
  72. Auntie’s Off Her Meds Again (8 replies)
  73. Will everyone now condemn CNN (5 replies)
  74. 700 billion will be uninsured (5 replies)
  75. Now it's the NY Times doing the retracting (0 replies)
  76. Another promise on way to being kept (10 replies)
  77. Profs gather to ‘fight the right’ at Socialism 2017 conference (1 replies)
  78. Trump tweets shocking assault on Brzezinski, Scarborough (8 replies)
  79. PJW - Truth behind CNN (and be extension Liberal-centric Media) (1 replies)
  80. Feel Good video of the day (1 replies)
  81. Dem: Citing Uncomfortable Data Is White Privilege (3 replies)
  82. Susan Rice Blames Racism, Sexism for Unmasking Backlash (6 replies)
  83. Circa's Got Another McCabe Story (0 replies)
  84. Dems' Extreme Healthcare Rhetoric (0 replies)
  85. Charlie Daniels on term limits (5 replies)
  86. Senators Send Questions to Loretta Lynch (1 replies)
  87. Gingrich: Congress Should Call on Obama to Testify Under Oath (0 replies)
  88. New Study Out On Effects Of New Minimum Wages-Not Pretty (33 replies)
  89. Senate Healthcare Vote Delayed Until After The 4th (3 replies)
  90. HUUUGE non story on foxnews about obama (9 replies)
  91. The Hits Keep Coming For CNN (5 replies)
  92. FBI Retaliation Of Flynn? (4 replies)
  93. CNN: Resignations Accepted By Three Involved In Retracted Story (2 replies)
  94. Butthurt Marxist Phil Donahue On Why Trump is President (6 replies)
  95. Trump support goes nuclear on Maxine Waters (5 replies)
  96. SCOTUS Reinstates Key Parts of Trump's Travel Ban (23 replies)
  97. The Antithesis of Obstruction (0 replies)
  98. Congress Needs to Forget Trump and His Tweets and Pass the Big Bills (0 replies)
  99. Chuck Schumer a liar too? (6 replies)
  100. Julian Assange Destroys the Democrat Party (0 replies)
  101. No celebrating Ramadan in the White House (0 replies)
  102. Judge Jeanine: The Left’s Hate Is a ‘Danger to Us All’ (0 replies)
  103. Breitbart lies? (0 replies)
  104. Report: Justice Kennedy Contemplating Retirement (4 replies)
  105. And Kelo Grows (0 replies)
  106. NYT Trump Lies List (20 replies)
  107. Senate announces probe of Loretta Lynch behavior in 2016 election (0 replies)
  108. ‘A Complete Fabrication’: FCC Blasts The Washington Post (0 replies)
  109. Avik Roy: Senate Healthcare Bill is Actually Pretty Awesome (7 replies)
  110. Trump Trolls Media: Unanswered questions about Russia (0 replies)
  111. Democrat Official: "I'm glad he got shot" (4 replies)
  112. The Crazies Keep Coming (12 replies)
  113. Who Does The FBI Work For? (3 replies)
  114. GOP Senators: Healthcare Bill ‘Definitely Not Repealing Obamacare’ (3 replies)
  115. Southern politics for conservatives (0 replies)
  116. New billboard (3 replies)
  117. What to do with a broken Illinois: Dissolve the Land of Lincoln (9 replies)
  118. This is next Prof that needs to go (5 replies)
  119. Kellyanne rubs it in a tad? (3 replies)
  120. Gowdy Destroys Jeh Johnson (0 replies)
  121. Racist professor suspended indefinitely (4 replies)
  122. Perhaps One Good Thing Coming Out Of Divisiveness (0 replies)
  123. Handel defeats Ossoff (4 replies)
  124. The New Transparency Evident In Health Care Vote (0 replies)
  125. Krauthammer: Iran Aims to Fill the ISIS Vacuum in Syria (1 replies)
  126. The Current Atmosphere in This Nation Is Unsustainable (0 replies)
  127. Data on 198M voters exposed by GOP contractor (1 replies)
  128. Why are U.S. citizens ignoring the 6% gain on GDP, by not nationalizing health care? (10 replies)
  129. Baseball Shooter Had A Hit List (0 replies)
  130. Ann Coulter Is Slightly Pissed With Trump (0 replies)
  131. Take away the MSM - Trump reaches 50% approval (0 replies)
  132. Jarrett: Mueller Needs to Resign (2 replies)
  133. Rosenstein Blasts Anonymous Sources (6 replies)
  134. Karen Handel Confirms She Received Suspicious Substance Package (0 replies)
  135. Top 6 Media Lies That Radicalized the Violent Left (0 replies)
  136. DHS Ends DAPA (1 replies)
  137. Megyn Kelly and NBC busted (14 replies)
  138. Congressional Ball Game (0 replies)
  139. Camille Effing Paglia, She gets It... (1 replies)
  140. Some democrat hypocrisy & lies & other fun stuff (0 replies)
  141. City of Seattle Government is a shit-show (7 replies)
  142. Wow, I agree with Nancy Pelosi!! (4 replies)
  143. 15 Times Celebrities Envisioned Violence Against Trump and the GOP (1 replies)
  144. ‘I Don’t Agree with States’ Rights’ Because Trump Does (0 replies)
  145. Dems quickly calling for gun control (7 replies)
  146. Steve Scalise, House Majority Whip Shot (21 replies)
  147. Uh oh (3 replies)
  148. Jeff Sessions - Senate intelligence committee (2 replies)
  149. GHWB turns 93 (1 replies)
  150. Pressured to drop investigation? (1 replies)
  151. Dianne Feinstein Calls For Investigation (1 replies)
  152. Economy emerges as bright spot for Trump (1 replies)
  153. Just the facts....Honest facts... (0 replies)
  154. Angela Merkel Says Border Walls Won't Solve Immigration Issues (19 replies)
  155. Another Dem on Russian collusion (0 replies)
  156. Donna Brazile: Democrats (0 replies)
  157. Corruption and Collusion (4 replies)
  158. Person of the Day (5 replies)
  159. I Didn't Realize This (3 replies)
  160. Trump Just Said He Supports Article V (1 replies)
  161. You Have Been Exposed for the Liars You Are (5 replies)
  162. Moments after questioning Trump's mental health, Pelosi has senior moment (2 replies)
  163. Trump Legal Team to File Complaint Over Comey Memos (5 replies)
  164. Coal miners cheer as new coal mine opens (4 replies)
  165. Poll on Trump's travel ban (0 replies)
  166. Is The Obama Administration Being Investigated? (1 replies)
  167. 9 of 38 State ‘Leaks’ Linked to James Comey (0 replies)
  168. Comey ‘Showed Clearly Why He Was Not Fit’ for Job (5 replies)
  169. CNN issues correction after Comey statement contradicts reporting (3 replies)
  170. Dershowitz: Comey confirms that I'm right (0 replies)
  171. Merkel/Trump: Leader of the free world (8 replies)
  172. James Comey: Loretta Lynch Tried to Influence Statements (0 replies)
  173. Comey's Senate Testimony (31 replies)
  174. 11 Judicial Nominees (1 replies)
  175. Comey's prepared testimony to Congress (3 replies)
  176. Everyone needs to watch BOTH sections of this Video. (1 replies)
  177. What Next? (0 replies)
  178. Trump To Give Speech During Comey Testimony (0 replies)
  179. One Leaker Charged (14 replies)
  180. About Those Political Appointments (31 replies)
  181. A Little Help? (10 replies)
  182. 8 Things that Liberals think there is an Endless Amount Of (2 replies)
  183. Sarah Palin on Kathy Griffin (1 replies)
  184. Another cyber attack on Wasserman Schultz? I don't think so (8 replies)
  185. Trump Signs Bills For Law Enforcement, Vets (0 replies)
  186. Larry Kudlow: Trump Is Right to Withdraw From Climate Deal (0 replies)
  187. Unmasking (7 replies)
  188. Ken Jennings (8 replies)
  189. Promise Kept: POTUS Withdraws USA from Global Warming Deal (56 replies)
  190. Megyn Kelly, new show, first interview: Vladimir Putin (8 replies)
  191. 5 big myths about the US Constitution (0 replies)
  192. Trump Hails Deals Worth 'Billions' With Vietnam (0 replies)
  193. White House grants 14 ethics waivers to staff (1 replies)
  194. Politico: Russian Escalates Spy GameIn the throes of the 2016 campaign, the FBI found (0 replies)
  195. Why DC is leaking like a sieve (11 replies)
  196. Clinton: "I was the victim' of high expectations" (15 replies)
  197. Paris Agreement. Exxon and Conoco want to stay. (6 replies)
  198. Some Dems in crazy land! (4 replies)
  199. Hillary Clinton Is Now Blaming Inept DNC For Election Loss (1 replies)
  200. Leaking Classified Info to Media Is an ‘Act of Treason’ (13 replies)
  201. Border Wall finalists to meet in June (3 replies)
  202. Clinton CIA director on Jared Kushner (1 replies)
  203. Trump remains worried about negative press covfefe (17 replies)
  204. I'll take one order of "Strong", please... (18 replies)
  205. Kathy Griffin (32 replies)
  206. SCOTUS 8-0 For The Police (10 replies)
  207. Inside Obama’s "Secret" Outreach to Russia (9 replies)
  208. Public Getting Weary that Trump Not Impeached Yet (32 replies)
  209. Democrats, Spooks and Media Have Most to Fear (5 replies)
  210. Trump Tells 'Confidants' US Will Leave Paris Climate Deal (12 replies)
  211. Trump’s War on Regulations (6 replies)
  212. How Team Obama tried to hack the election (0 replies)
  213. 3 anti-Trump leakers identified, to be fired (2 replies)
  214. Ted Lieu Bashes Trump's 'Inappropriate' Ramadan Message (0 replies)
  215. Hillary has yet ANOTHER excuse (13 replies)
  216. Trump ignores listening to Italian translation, no respect! (2 replies)
  217. Jared Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Russia (86 replies)
  218. The US Late To Wars (17 replies)
  219. Larry Kudlow on Trump's budget (0 replies)
  220. Candidate for Montana House seat attacks reporter (33 replies)
  221. Dem. Suspected of Security Breach Protected By Pakistan?? (10 replies)
  222. California Single Payer Healthcare - $400 Billion Idea (1 replies)
  223. 3 White House Leakers Identified (4 replies)
  224. Trump’s Islam Speech Was Better Than Obama’s (1 replies)
  225. Trump Budget Defunds Planned Parenthood (4 replies)
  226. San Francisco's Higher Minimum Wage Costing Hundreds of Jobs (1 replies)
  227. Budget Cuts Entitlements $1.7 Trillion, Slashes EPA 30% (51 replies)
  228. Black Colleges Are Surprised: Trump Better Than Obama For Them (12 replies)
  229. Trump Becomes First Sitting US President to Visit Western Wall (0 replies)
  230. Sarah Netanyahu and Melania Trump (0 replies)
  231. Trump: "Islam is one of the world's great religions" (51 replies)
  232. The Coming 2nd Civil War (12 replies)
  233. Dershowitz on Trump Flynn Comey (0 replies)
  234. From The (IMO) Most Unlikely Trump Supporter (1 replies)
  235. Feinstein: Still Have No Evidence Of Russia-Trump Collusion (4 replies)
  236. It’s Evident Trump Is Under Attack From His Own Staff (5 replies)
  237. Dems Called For Last 4 GOP Presidents To be Impeached (0 replies)
  238. Unlike Obama, Trump doesn’t bow (0 replies)
  239. Trump reaps $110 billion dollar arms deal (10 replies)
  240. Presidents, Kings and Simpering Buffoons (1 replies)
  241. Democracy Is Not Your Plaything (4 replies)
  242. BREAKING=>Lindsey Graham: I Have Reason to Believe Clinton Camp and DOJ Colluded on H (2 replies)
  243. Before Trump left on his trip. The LEAK in the WHITE HOUSE was exposed. (14 replies)
  244. Why There Won’t Be Any Evidence Of Russian ‘Collusion,' (42 replies)
  245. Trump’s 2018 Budget Request Seeks $2.6 Billion For Border Infrastructure (0 replies)
  246. Trump told Russians Comey is 'nut job,' report says (18 replies)
  247. Krauthammer: 25th Amendment Would Be A Coup (20 replies)
  248. Paying for illegals without your consent (2 replies)
  249. Special Counsel May Be The Break Trump Needed (1 replies)
  250. Huh? (3 replies)