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  1. Ivanka Trump harassed on Jetblue (3 replies)
  2. Artists demand Ivanka take down art (3 replies)
  3. Question for Jim (24 replies)
  4. Mississippi church member charged in 'Vote Trump' arson (0 replies)
  5. Carl Icahn - Special advisor on regulatory reform (1 replies)
  6. Liberals Are Buying Guns Under Trump (0 replies)
  7. The Double Standard on Election Acceptance (1 replies)
  8. Sarah Palin criticizes Black Santa (1 replies)
  9. The Media’s 10 Most Mortifying Moments of 2016 (0 replies)
  10. 'Refugee' resettlement accelerates in Obama's final months (0 replies)
  11. California has new embassy in Moscow (0 replies)
  12. Tools of Terror: Vehicles (0 replies)
  13. Elector Gets The Boot After Defying Colorado Law (4 replies)
  14. Why 'truly' did Hillary lose the election? (31 replies)
  15. VDH : The Animal Cunning and Instinct of Donald Trump (2 replies)
  16. Illegal Immigration 1,574 per day (9 replies)
  17. Trump officially over 270 (15 replies)
  18. VA Secretary (0 replies)
  19. Washington state electors go rogue. (15 replies)
  20. Obama Pardons and/or Commutes (5 replies)
  21. Secretary of the Army (6 replies)
  22. Trump Versus The Green Blob: The Battle That Will Define His Presidency (0 replies)
  23. The countdown has started (1 replies)
  24. Hillary Clinton supporters need to quit whining about the Electoral College (24 replies)
  25. If Bernie hadn't let Hillary off the hook re her emails..... (6 replies)
  26. Skowhegan-area propane dealer won’t deliver to Trump voters (4 replies)
  27. Judge Jeanine: I'll tell you what hope is, Michelle (3 replies)
  28. Wikileaks Figure Says 'Disgusted' Democrat Leaked Clinton Campaign Emails (0 replies)
  29. Electoral College Is Racist (4 replies)
  30. Priebus to intelligence :'Stand in front of a camera' (11 replies)
  31. Obama Civil Rights Commission (3 replies)
  32. Month to go in presidency - I need a vacation? (8 replies)
  33. New AG Can ‘Flip the Switch’ To Stop Funding Sanctuary Cities - Day 1 (3 replies)
  34. Trump - Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem (1 replies)
  35. Donald Trump's Kleptocratic Kakistocracy (12 replies)
  36. Yup (26 replies)
  37. Ivanka is the wild card of the Trump presidency (17 replies)
  38. The 5 Biggest Liberal Freak-Outs (1 replies)
  39. Obama's year-end message: I did it right (5 replies)
  40. Activist Larry Lessig Concedes Electoral College... (2 replies)
  41. Carly Fiorina for Director of National Intelligence (7 replies)
  42. CNN's Rye: ‘That Guy Is Not My President’ (1 replies)
  43. Obama - Electoral College - Vestige of an ‘Earlier Version’ of America (9 replies)
  44. Michelle Obama says America is entering a time of hopelessness (9 replies)
  45. "Fake News" and Facebook (2 replies)
  46. GW Bush goes to bat for Rex Tillerson (4 replies)
  47. Krugman Goes Full-On Conspiracy Theory (19 replies)
  48. Hillary is an IDIOT (1 replies)
  49. DHS Cyber Attacks On States? (3 replies)
  50. Rocky going to Washington? (1 replies)
  51. Here's your chance, Mrs. Obama (0 replies)
  52. PolitiFact Is Unqualified to Label ‘Fake News’ (5 replies)
  53. Trump's Mandate is a myth (55 replies)
  54. Erick Erickson: I'm gonna give Trump a chance (no, I'm not a sellout) (0 replies)
  55. Whiteness Of Trumpistan (2 replies)
  56. Obama, Hillary, liberals - why the delay in complaints about hacking? (3 replies)
  57. Up to 20 Republican Electoral College Members Will Vote Against Trump (30 replies)
  58. Excellent op/ed from Rand Paul (4 replies)
  59. Drill baby drill! (0 replies)
  60. FCC to be a majority GOP (0 replies)
  61. Obama Admin. Enacts Rule Preventing States from Defunding Planned Parenthood (0 replies)
  62. Sore Loser Celebrities Beg Electors to Vote Against Trump (39 replies)
  63. Now I REALLY have heard it all (4 replies)
  64. Victor Davis Hanson : Trump's Generals (0 replies)
  65. Oops! Recount Bid Backfires! (4 replies)
  66. Ann Coulter: Throwing the Baby out with the Bongwater (1 replies)
  67. Press Secretary (6 replies)
  68. 10 Childish Behaviors from the Left (11 replies)
  69. Why did Hillary Clinton lose? (0 replies)
  70. Whitewashing the Black President's Legacy (4 replies)
  71. Listening to People Who Did Not Vote for Him (0 replies)
  72. Trump and tech industry leaders (0 replies)
  73. Planned Parenthood - possible prosecution? (39 replies)
  74. Old Time When Administrations Were All White (3 replies)
  75. Gay Milo beats up on a leftist (0 replies)
  76. Navy Seal vet for Dept. of Interior (1 replies)
  77. IBM CEO : Invest $1 Billion & Hire 25,000 Americans (30 replies)
  78. Angry White Trump Voters love Putin (1 replies)
  79. Top 10 MSM #FakeNews Stories (5 replies)
  80. alt-right defined (14 replies)
  81. White males dominate Trump cabinet (3 replies)
  82. Judge says electors must vote for statewide winner (1 replies)
  83. Tillerson Pick: ‘Massive Improvement’ from Mitt Romney (0 replies)
  84. Looking Into Those Michigan Votes... (2 replies)
  85. 897 hours (15 replies)
  86. Russian hacks ‘prioritized’ Democrats (6 replies)
  87. Pelosi's daughter (17 replies)
  88. Dreamers just like Jesus? (0 replies)
  89. Trolling level: grand master (19 replies)
  90. Trump victory tour is "menacing" (23 replies)
  91. Meet Gen. John Kelly (7 replies)
  92. CIA’s ‘Russian Hacking’ Story is Left-Wing ‘Fake News’ (1 replies)
  93. Green Party's Pennsylvania recount case - rejected (2 replies)
  94. Obama Clemency -More Than Last 3 Presidents Combined (2 replies)
  95. Bad for Democrats Now? Wait 'Til You See 2018 (6 replies)
  96. Trump's Generals (0 replies)
  97. Fearing Trump crackdown, "dreamers" advised to end travel (6 replies)
  98. Five Actions President Trump Can Take to Save 2nd Amendment (0 replies)
  99. Trump-Putin administration or Putin-Trump administration (3 replies)
  100. Election Therapy From My Basket of Deplorables (4 replies)
  101. Trump's Kleptocracy (14 replies)
  102. Donald Trump Should ‘Kill Himself Immediately’ (14 replies)
  103. And the Secretary of State is.... (66 replies)
  104. New Bi-Partisan Bill For 'Dreamers' (2 replies)
  105. The Apprentice (26 replies)
  106. CIA concluded Russia worked to elect Trump (27 replies)
  107. Federal Judge Ends Michigan Recount (5 replies)
  108. Breitbart reporter planted hecklers at Clinton rallies (1 replies)
  109. Perhaps Trump is smarter than we think (1 replies)
  110. Global Warming Decimates Glaciers - In 1910 (153 replies)
  111. Marine Gen. John Kelly - Homeland Security (18 replies)
  112. Ivanka Trump is VERY COMMITTED to a sensible climate policy, says AL GORE (2 replies)
  113. Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union (17 replies)
  114. Trump: Japanese mogul pledges $50 billion US investment (3 replies)
  115. Merkel to ban the burqa? (5 replies)
  116. Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark (13 replies)
  117. Someone's Time in the NFL is coming to a halt! (3 replies)
  118. Nancy Pelosi Calls Ben Carson ‘Disturbingly Unqualified’ (7 replies)
  119. Pelosi Clings to Power - Says Everything Is Just Fine (6 replies)
  120. Gingrich - successful President-elect before he is even sworn in (6 replies)
  121. Carson for HUD Secretary (23 replies)
  122. Mark Levin TORCHES Trump for his ‘economic authoritarianism’ (7 replies)
  123. Carrier - a tale of 2 stories (0 replies)
  124. Activist gives Trump a Twitter beatdown (11 replies)
  125. Palin, Coulter lash out at Trump "sell out" (45 replies)
  126. Draining the swmp? (71 replies)
  127. CNN Apologizes to Trump (15 replies)
  128. Trump's Rally... (10 replies)
  129. Love me some Betty Bowers. But the humor will be lost on Trump Troglodytes. (14 replies)
  130. A Video (0 replies)
  131. Recount (7 replies)
  132. All trump supporters are bigots. (23 replies)
  133. Secretary of Defense : General Mad Dog Mattis (13 replies)
  134. The Art of the Carrier Deal (86 replies)
  135. Tired Dem donors feel like their money got burned (0 replies)
  136. Donald Trump understands about the politics of jobs (11 replies)
  137. Real Election Fraud (8 replies)
  138. The Common Core Catastrophe, and Trump’s Duty to Roll It Back (3 replies)
  139. If only Hillary had won... (8 replies)
  140. Jewish #NeverTrump Site Defends Bannon (0 replies)
  141. ‘Sarah Palin under Consideration for Secretary of Veterans Affairs’ (54 replies)
  142. Pelosi continues as leader (6 replies)
  143. Obama to Send More Senior Reps to Castro Funeral than to Thatcher’s (5 replies)
  144. Donald Trump Vows to Step Down from His Company to Focus on Presidency (1 replies)
  145. Dem Sen Coons: Regrets 'no filibuster' speed bump (9 replies)
  146. What Is Pelosi’s Argument for Being Leader? (10 replies)
  147. White House Aide Ben Rhodes Will Attend Fidel Castro’s Memorial (2 replies)
  148. Obama admin ships 6,051 illegal-alien kids to American communities in October alone (1 replies)
  149. Leftists use OSU knife attack to demand gun cntrl laws - are these people even sane?? (2 replies)
  150. Trump picks new HHS Secretary: Vocal Obamacare critic Tom Price (2 replies)
  151. AP Unintentionally Applauds The Electoral College and Decentralized Voting (4 replies)
  152. "Butt-Hurt"...? Not even close you great, bloody trogs. (38 replies)
  153. Trump Victory Provides NRA Historic ‘Moment to Go on Offense’ (40 replies)
  154. MILO: Hollywood Leftists, Stop Being Racist and Move to Cuba (8 replies)
  155. Well, this is interesting (2 replies)
  156. What will we conclude from the Ohio State attacks? (47 replies)
  157. Cause and Effect? (9 replies)
  158. Donnie's reaction to recount efforts... (9 replies)
  159. Will Trump make it to Inauguration Day? (8 replies)
  160. Ronnie Raygun Was A Lib (0 replies)
  161. Trump's NEW view on torture? (68 replies)
  162. Liberals without power (2 replies)
  163. Jill Stein Demands Recount in Wisconsin (84 replies)
  164. Abolishing the EPA (9 replies)
  165. Speaking the Truth about What, and Who We are as Real Americans. One Nation Under God (7 replies)
  166. Drain The Swamp: A Place To Start? (0 replies)
  167. Just Wishing (2 replies)
  168. Remember 2012? (7 replies)
  169. Alt-right dismayed by Trump rejection (157 replies)
  170. WHite voters in economically depressed regions are in for a big surprise. (81 replies)
  171. Eight years ago, Jim was extremely gracious in defeat (7 replies)
  172. More about Bannon (22 replies)
  173. Gabby - see this (5 replies)
  174. Trump is guilty (12 replies)
  175. I AM Waiting (3 replies)
  176. Trump, nepotism and conflicts of interest (4 replies)
  177. And you thought Hillary was crooked... (11 replies)
  178. Busy Morning For Trump and NYT (3 replies)
  179. Squeezing Sanctuary Cities (20 replies)
  180. Make America Great...Again? (29 replies)
  181. Trump On 100 Days (48 replies)
  182. Conway: No Pursuit of Charges Against Clinton (35 replies)
  183. 'I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed, (24 replies)
  184. More Electoral-College electors get death threats from Hillary voters (12 replies)
  185. Harrassment! (2 replies)
  186. Not Going Quietly (0 replies)
  187. Predictions for Trump's presidency (45 replies)
  188. Trump to visit Queen Elizabeth (8 replies)
  189. Disgraceful (7 replies)
  190. What's with Trump's bromance with Sen. Chucky-Schmucky Schumer? (5 replies)
  191. Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes (2 replies)
  192. "Mad Dog" Mattis (13 replies)
  193. Faithless electors...? (19 replies)
  194. Listen and learn... (58 replies)
  195. The open source community is the new H1B and offshoring (5 replies)
  196. Pence Posse On Broadway Not Welcome (14 replies)
  197. How will Trump enforce his new immigration policies? (31 replies)
  198. Republicans Endorse Pelosi for House Minority Leader (3 replies)
  199. Donald Trump Selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney General (18 replies)
  200. Suspended for Telling Protesters Trump Will Deport Them (3 replies)
  201. Trump backtracks on Muslim registry (27 replies)
  202. Sen. Lindsey Graham: Cruz Would 'Fill the Bill' in Replacing Scalia (24 replies)
  203. Krauthammer: Trump Can, Should Stop Funds to Sanctuary Cities (0 replies)
  204. 58 Percent of Hispanic Voters Back Donald Trump’s Immigration Policies (9 replies)
  205. NightTrain, Grab Something To Calm Down (10 replies)
  206. The Challenge Facing Donald Trump and Republicans: Hold That Majority! (4 replies)
  207. Should Trump Continue to deport Vets? (15 replies)
  208. UK: our crying liberals may soon be your new neighbors!! LOL (13 replies)
  209. Some changes on potential cabinet picks? (49 replies)
  210. This forum for the election only - 2016 Presidential Election - thoughts? (10 replies)
  211. Jesse Jackson: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton (5 replies)
  212. Hatch: "Protect The Filibuster" (1 replies)
  213. For those who believe our nation is done because of Trump. (0 replies)
  214. 169 House Dems Send Letter to Trump Asking Him to Replace Bannon (8 replies)
  215. Jim Is Going To Wish He Wrote This (2 replies)
  216. Law school ain't what it used to be (2 replies)
  217. While A Whine, At Least She Gets Realistic Politically (5 replies)
  218. Seems true (10 replies)
  219. Indiana Voter Fraud (4 replies)
  220. Speculation On Appointments: Cruz? (5 replies)
  221. A Parody? Nope. (6 replies)
  222. Revoke Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize - Petition (1 replies)
  223. Seriously, Take Away His Twitter Ability (26 replies)
  224. Time to pause, reflect — and stop predicting (3 replies)
  225. Illegals demand last minute pardons (6 replies)
  226. Internalized misogyny (20 replies)
  227. FBI: Legit Hate Crimes More Prevalent in Blue States (1 replies)
  228. Anti-Trumpers didn't even vote (9 replies)
  229. Sarah Palin: ‘Steve Bannon - Defender of Freedom’ (74 replies)
  230. So How Do We Roll Now? (17 replies)
  231. Sowell: Dodged A Bullet (17 replies)
  232. Fund: Sidney Blumenthal, Birtherism, and the Law of Unintended Consequences Read mor (1 replies)
  233. Question: Trump Presidency human relations (3 replies)
  234. Democrat Vote Fraud in Vermont (1 replies)
  235. Unintended Consequences (0 replies)
  236. Alt-Left: Where Are The Headlines? (1 replies)
  237. How Complete Was The Fall Of Obama? (76 replies)
  238. SCOTUS Appointments (4 replies)
  239. Three words you will never have to hear. (4 replies)
  240. Crying Hillary Voters Compilation (9 replies)
  241. Chinese Flag-Maker Flooded With Orders in Wake of Trump Win (0 replies)
  242. Jim, You'll Enjoy This (7 replies)
  243. Trump supports same sex marriage (16 replies)
  244. Podesta's 'Buddy' At DOJ Also Tied To IRS Targeting Cover-Up (2 replies)
  245. Pete311 (17 replies)
  246. Sources: Priebus and Bannon (2 replies)
  247. Safety pins (33 replies)
  248. Ryan Has ‘No Concerns’ with Bannon as Trump Chief of Staff (8 replies)
  249. The Trump offspring that you may not know (14 replies)
  250. No Words (9 replies)