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  1. Four More years Of This?
  2. Obama inauguration still big and flashy
  3. Obama's Second Term Agenda
  4. Obama's Prex limo will announce his agenda for his 2nd term, loud and clear
  5. Supreme Court: Military-style weapons are protected by 2nd amendment
  6. Irony presented by Obama
  7. President G.W. Bush record
  8. It's a compromise
  9. Ammo
  10. New gun control edicts and government stockpiling ammo--for what?
  11. Liberals Going Nuts Over NRA Ad
  12. Our Massive Deficit "Isn't a Product of Spending"
  13. Newsfluenza Outbreak
  14. Did “gun map” lead to burglary?
  15. New Video Game Allows Players to Murder NRA President
  16. Nebraska is second state to propose state income tax repeal
  17. A Weapon Guide for the Uninformed
  18. Obama’s DOE now making “investments” in algae
  19. Disarming Americans, Arming Terrorists!!!!!
  20. White House releases videos of young kids asking Obama for more gun control
  21. New York forgot to exempt cops from its new ban on high-capacity magazines
  22. More People Buying More Guns Thanks To Obama's War on the Constitution
  23. Dennis Kucinich working for FOX
  24. Too Many Laws!!
  25. No one listened
  26. Disgraced Journal News Removes Gun Owner Map
  27. Obama’s Inauguration Is ‘The Second Coming’
  28. Despite Media Outcry, Romney's 'Lie of the Year' Was True
  29. 'Obama Can Only Cement His Legacy If He Destroys the GOP
  30. 2nd amendment wasn't about the right to bear arms
  31. Try another diner
  32. A Case For Not Having Gun Locked Away
  33. What did you call me?
  34. The Latest Rampage Shooting: New Mexico
  35. Tianannen Square Survivor Speaks Out For 2nd Amendment Rights
  36. Those Who Shouldn't Carry
  37. Pastor Goes Off on 'Enemies,' Leads Chants of 'Forward' With Obamas in Attendance
  38. As Inauguration Commences, Obama Ignores Jobs Council, Late Drafting Budget Proposal
  39. Expect "More Revenues" In Senate Dem Budget
  40. Premiums set to rise this year in run-up to ObamaCare tax on insurance industry
  41. Obama's first term -- by the numbers
  42. Tee'd Off Over TAxes
  43. Racsim: The Eternal Whine
  44. Anyone Watching the Obama Inauguration?
  45. To Thinking Philosophically Regarding The Future
  46. Stop the takers from voting
  47. Another 'Thought Piece' That Goes Beyond The Cliché
  48. Sarah Palin Predicted Obamacare Would Attack Gun Rights
  49. Obama 2nd Inaugural Akin to Gettysburg Address .
  50. Is Government deteriorating into a "race to get and give more favors"?
  51. Scalia's Headgear At Inauguration
  52. President Macunaíma ?
  53. Republicans Set to Vote on Debt Ceiling Legislation
  54. Colin Powell uses inauguration to attack the GOP
  55. What Was the Most Nauseating Moment Of Inauguration Coverage?
  56. Hillary, Benghazi, and what the liberal media saw
  57. Hillary on the Murder of 4 Americans - So What?
  58. We're in a Recovery
  59. Union membership lowest since 1930s
  60. Kerry: 'Do what we must' to stop Iran on nukes
  61. Rand Paul to Hillary Clinton: I would have relieved you of your post
  62. Bring back the "noisy filibuster"
  63. So How Is Scott Walker Doing In WI?
  64. Reporter: Obama’s Press Corps Can’t Help But ‘Lose Their Minds’ and ‘Swoon’
  65. Man Who Used Gun to Save Kid from Dog Mauling May Be Charged
  66. Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby
  67. The Worst Five Years
  68. Obama recess appointments unconstitutional, court
  69. Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
  70. David Mamet: Damn Brilliant
  71. Look! The Emperor Is Naked!
  72. Rahm Emanuel to banks: Hey, how about you stop serving firearms manufacturers?
  73. Running On Empty
  74. Medicare improperly paid $120M to illegal immigrants, inmates
  75. Obama to cut healthcare benefits for active duty and retired US military
  76. Ultimately, why did you choose your party?
  77. To Those 'Outraged' At Obama & Co
  78. why not just let these heal health sinners die?
  79. If assault weapons are bad, why does DHS want to buy 7,000 of them
  80. "Guns don't keep us safe."
  81. Consumer alert: new health care markets on the way
  82. Obama: 'I Go Shooting All the Time'
  83. Obama going to another fundraiser in Las Vegas Tuesday, Jan. 29
  84. Can Tea Partiers put Democrat money in McConnell's column?
  85. Remember This? No More Revolving Door!
  86. A New Decade of War? The Obama Way
  87. Where We Are Going
  88. Repeat of 1986: Citizenship to Come First, Border Security Later
  89. The quiet liberal plans for entitlement reform
  90. Yes, Obama Really Does Believe Media Are Too Nice to Republicans
  91. Obama’s Having a Hard Time Finding Anyone to Serve on Death Panel
  92. Our nation's founding and this warning..
  93. Funny but accurate
  94. Ode to John Kerry
  95. Networks Silent as Obama Gives Up on Closing Guantanamo, Previously Praised Obama
  96. MSNBC Busted Again This Time Editing Footage of Sandy Hook Fathers Comments
  97. citizenship....
  98. Chicago honor student who performed in Obama inauguration, shot dead near her school
  99. Discussion with my uncle
  100. NAACP President: Blacks "are doing far worse" under Obama administration
  101. Obama Administration To Busy To Enforce Background Check Liars
  102. Pro-Gun Woman Scolds Dem Senator
  103. Obama's Second Term Logo
  104. New York State Senate: A Den of Thieves
  105. NRA President David Keene predicts victory in gun debate after Senate hearing
  106. A Moral President?
  107. Biden: New gun controls likely won't end shootings
  108. Union Leaders Shocked Obamacare Is Going to Drive up Their Costs
  109. Tawana Brawley Served With Court Order To Pay Lawsuit
  110. Ed Koch Dead
  111. Student opens fire at middle school, one wounded before armed adult disarms shooter
  112. Ten years ago today
  113. Obama Waives Bush' s Law Banning Child Soldiers.
  114. Filibuster Vs. tyranny of the mob.
  115. Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage
  116. El Commando-obama says he will -INSIST- that Congress votes on his bill.
  117. Murder Statistics New York City: 2003-2011
  118. On What The Fed Does Well and Not So Well Regarding Education
  119. Anyone Else Believe This Shouldn't Be Happening?
  120. Explaining Libertarianism
  121. College Loans and the Sub-Prime Markets
  122. Tenn. State Senator - Homosexuality is dangerous
  123. woman dead from abortion
  124. Is The Government Buying Up Ammo?
  125. Boneheaded Regulations
  126. Twittering for Obama
  127. IRS: Cheapest qualifying family health-insurance plan will be $20K
  128. Economy Lost 2.84 Million Jobs in Jan?
  129. Obama admin issues 160-page edict on healthy school snacks
  130. 100th Anniversary of the Income Tax
  131. ObamaCare Tax Causes Additional Layoffs
  132. Skeet Shooting Photo Real or Fake?
  133. Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
  134. Obama misses Federal budget deadline - for the fourth time in five years
  135. Not Enough Birth Control?
  136. Bad news: That payroll tax cut expiration might not do much for the economy
  137. California: Sitting atop black gold, forgoing for the green?
  138. Killer Says He Shot 3 White Women Because of Ideas Learned at University
  139. Milwaukee Sheriff trys to set Piers Morgan strait
  140. Sandyhook Dad Is For Gun Rights
  141. Day in my life in the Soviet Union or was it really the Soviet Union?
  142. Got a Gun? Get Insured, Dems Say
  143. This is where Liberal Government and Union Jobs will get you....
  144. Massachusetts wants to hike taxes on heels of $30 million welfare fraud
  145. Hmmm Hagel Vote Postponed
  146. FBI Focusing On Menedez
  147. Chris Rock: Listen To Your Daddy
  148. Gas Prices Surge
  149. Armed 86-Year-Old Woman Takes a Stand Against Burglar
  150. CBO: Debt Spiral Deepening, Health Costs Soaring
  151. about cutting spending.....
  152. Tough Times for California Bashers
  153. Tiarht and Gun Trafficking
  154. Dr. Carson spanks Obama
  155. Oh, good: ObamaCare may help raise supermarket prices
  156. MSNBC: Damn These Conservatives for Trying to "Kill the Post Office"
  157. Goodbye, Prius?
  158. Jesse Jackson Jr. signs plea deal, reportedly faces 'significant' jail time
  159. 3 years ago, North Carolina town banned guns because of snow storm. NE towns too now?
  160. Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law
  161. Gun Confiscation Bill Proposed in California
  162. So God Made a Liberal
  163. National Organizations with an Anti-gun agenda
  164. No more Beverly Hillbillies coming!
  165. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
  166. Hmmm, A Gun Manufacturer That Adheres To 2nd Amendment
  167. Nine dead in big Northeast storm. Ummm, this is news why?
  168. Question on prisons
  169. Gang Member Orders Hit on a NYPD Precinct Boss
  170. Obama weighing executive actions on housing, gays and other issues
  171. Reagan vs. Obama: The record
  172. What Was Obama Doing While Americans Were Dying in Benghazi?
  173. Say, where are those ObamaCare premium price cuts?
  174. What should happen to U.S. children of illegal alien couple being deported?
  175. The SOTU Speech Or Obama Promisies More Free Shit
  176. 11,629 people go on food stamps every day
  177. Criminals can always get guns by theft,unless they're 100% confiscated from EVERYBODY
  178. How come tax hikes always make taxes go up,but spending cuts never make spdg go down?
  179. Which State is the most free?
  180. Debate on gun control should ask whether Congress has power to regulate
  181. Scanner transcripts: LAPD cops burned down cabin with Dorner in it - and should have.
  182. 58 trillion dimes
  183. Low-Info Crowd Thinks They Know It All
  184. What if gun legislation were on the other foot?
  185. Congress starts to demand Obama classify Fort Hood attack as terrorism
  186. To Democrats (those who love freedom ought to also comment)
  187. Trade deficits are ALWAYS detrimental to their nation’s GDPs.
  188. You may as well see what Buffet is claimed to have done
  189. Hausers law and why you need to know it
  190. 4 People Shot After Obama's Anti Gun Speech
  191. Do tax increases kill jobs? Minn. soon to find out
  192. Jesse Jackson Jr. had some cash flow problems
  193. Dems: Obama Doesn’t Need Congress For Immigration Reform
  194. Obama Demands Minimum Wage Increase
  195. whats going on in America today?
  196. Richest American presidents
  197. Seldom mentioned velocity of money
  198. Haven't seen this talked about yet, but a vote one way would be epic.
  199. Still Bailing Our The Banks and Undermining The Economy
  200. How long before Democrats declare Dr. Ben Carson to be stupid, heartless, a rube, etc
  201. Young adults face “rate shock” because of ObamaCare
  202. Your Tax Dollars At Play
  203. While Left And Right Fight, Power Wins
  204. Why should Insurance cos, in particular, have to cover pre-existing conditions?
  205. My take on the Rubio water bottle thingy
  206. With Sequestration looming on the horizon, Obama takes a 3 day golf vacation
  207. Let’s Just Force Gun Owners to Surrender, Destroy Their Weapons
  208. Inside the Beltway: Dawdling Democrats
  209. Trojan Elephant?
  210. Capturing the Reagan center : by Dick Morris
  211. Gimbel giving Macy company management advice
  212. Hey Kids: Tonight You're Young, Tomorrow You're Unemployed
  213. Once is not enough
  214. What will get cut if sequestration happens? Obama told us today
  215. DHS supplier provides shooting targets showing ordinary American gun owners
  216. This Global warming is killing us I tell ya
  217. A Different Tale Of Clarence Thomas
  218. Funny they are not trying to ban certain cars, isn't it?
  219. Detroit Might Be Forced To Declare Bankruptcy
  220. Bodily Functions and Call Boxes, Not a Gun, Will Save Women From Rape
  221. MSNBC Panel Sits Around and Tells Race Jokes On the Air
  222. A different take on gun control
  223. Then and Now
  224. Credit card companies increase all prices.
  225. Rules for Government -- their rules for us
  226. An Unarmed Public Is a Tyrant’s Playground
  227. Obamacare Strikes Again! Part Time Workers To Lose Current Coverage
  228. Taxpayers Helping China's Economy to Grow
  229. Ohio woman claims voting for Obama got her fired
  230. Ghetto Lottery Ghetts A New Twist
  231. Make ya take stock I bet. (If you have a brain.)
  232. Little Girls Forced To Fight
  233. I am ashamed of my country
  234. Rothenberg: Democrats' Economic Narrative Still Trumps GOP's
  235. Obama’s sequester deal-changer
  236. Vital book to read
  237. Pothead "Conservative" Infiltrators
  238. More "advice" to Macy from Gimbel
  239. Islamists threaten to kill French kidnapped in Cameroon.
  240. Democrats in Black-face
  241. Sequestration doesn't cut anything! We will INCREASE spending 7% instead of 9%.
  242. Milton V Donahue (economics you can understand)
  243. First Lady? First Embarrassment
  244. Team obama makes another mistake.
  245. 'We Have Evolved to Need Coercion'
  246. Cool quote from Henry Ford
  247. Good analogy
  248. Why does Federal Spending automatically go up 6 - 9 percent or more every year?
  249. White House: Obama knew nothing about release of illegal alien prisoners
  250. site showing police brutality