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  1. Trump and a supporter from Colombia (1 replies)
  2. If Obama has Roberts in his back pocket..... (1 replies)
  3. McCarthy withdraws from speaker race, vote postponed (7 replies)
  4. Democrats desperately pushing the fallacy, govt can do something about mass shootings (14 replies)
  5. Why We're Still Debating Guns In 2015 (4 replies)
  6. Donald Trump Declares War On Obamatrade (1 replies)
  7. Joe Biden's rough weekend (4 replies)
  8. An idea for a campaign prop (0 replies)
  9. Chaffetz announces bid for Speaker (5 replies)
  10. 50 Years (1 replies)
  11. Secret Service agents: Hillary is a nightmare to work with (3 replies)
  12. Undocumented immigrants should benefit from Obamacare (2 replies)
  13. Hillary trying to change her image... again (1 replies)
  14. Romney isn't running. (1 replies)
  15. Nutcase shoots dozens in Oregon community college (76 replies)
  16. Fiorina on what she would do if Trump won the nomination (3 replies)
  17. New Speaker vote on Oct. 8th (1 replies)
  18. The Democrat Party, of course, is the party of the KKK (5 replies)
  19. Hillary lashes out at staff over gay-friendly passports (4 replies)
  20. Planned parenthood hired protesters to throw condoms at Carly Fiorina. (15 replies)
  21. Fetal Tissue Research (14 replies)
  22. Trump in New Hampshire (5 replies)
  23. Russia begins air strikes in Syria; Obama admin concedes they have a legitimate role (16 replies)
  24. Trump should go on the Megyn File. (0 replies)
  25. BTW, the Natl Debt hasn't increased since March 2015 (0 replies)
  26. If trump drops out tomorrow.... (7 replies)
  27. Donald Trump's tax plan (21 replies)
  28. Fiorina defends CIA waterboarding (112 replies)
  29. Media thumps Trump, but polls show he's winning big (11 replies)
  30. Trump Vs. the Pope (18 replies)
  31. No Free Stuff (16 replies)
  32. Abortion Barbie makes her life's work defending Planned Parenthood (0 replies)
  33. Do you support candidate who wants Constitution superseded by religion of Liberalism? (13 replies)
  34. Breaking: Boehner To Resign From Congress (38 replies)
  35. Candidates that should drop (17 replies)
  36. Trump announces "boycott" of Fox News (45 replies)
  37. My Point on Pundits and Journalism (2 replies)
  38. Is this the "real" Carly Fiorina? If so.... (36 replies)
  39. Is being the early frontrunner the kiss of death? (13 replies)
  40. Would YOU support a Pres candidatewho says Sharia Law superseded the US Constitution? (13 replies)
  41. Left Turns Fire At Fiorina (15 replies)
  42. Perry and Walker Out-Who Will Be Left? (2 replies)
  43. Megyn Media Ho (32 replies)
  44. Walker Out (0 replies)
  45. Walker is done, drops out of race (14 replies)
  46. Walker plummets to bottom of GOP list (52 replies)
  47. GOP candidate Carson: Muslim shouldn't be elected president (2 replies)
  48. Kristol 3rd party ticket: Cheney/Cotton if Trump wins nomination (6 replies)
  49. GOP candidate Carson: Islam inconsistent with Constitution (98 replies)
  50. Hillary and Sanders (6 replies)
  51. Trump Leads But Falling: CNN (9 replies)
  52. Jeb Right On Trump and FL Casino (0 replies)
  53. I guess there IS that. (0 replies)
  54. Can you list your Presidential preferences in order? (16 replies)
  55. Presidential plans - specifics (2 replies)
  56. Third Time's the Charm: Federal Appeals Ct Voids Provisions of DC Gun Control again (1 replies)
  57. Anchor babies (2 replies)
  58. Carson edges Trump (14 replies)
  59. Trump not even fit to be a DP member! (191 replies)
  60. 9/16 Republican Debate (top 11 candidates) (65 replies)
  61. 'Cuckservatives' ... real, or imaginary ? (77 replies)
  62. Trump in Dallas (31 replies)
  63. Dem fringe candidate talks gun control (1 replies)
  64. Latest Propaganda-Du-Jour, courtesy of George Soros.... (0 replies)
  65. A Florida gun shop owner marked the anniversary of September 11 Friday by offering cu (5 replies)
  66. Hillary Campaign Caught Committing Felony On Camera (2 replies)
  67. What's the difference between Trump and Westboro Baptist? (0 replies)
  68. Lib Walking : Manhattan Moonbats & Iran Deal (2 replies)
  69. PA Senate Race Shotgun Gay Wedding? (0 replies)
  70. AP sources: Perry to exit 2016 Republican presidential race (0 replies)
  71. "Something's wrong": Military-report-altering extends up into Obama's inner circle (15 replies)
  72. Feeding Failure by Ben Carson (0 replies)
  73. US Marines test all-male squads against mixed-gender squads: results are bleak (0 replies)
  74. One of my fave people with a great quote (3 replies)
  75. The Conundrum that is Trump (93 replies)
  76. Missing From August Job Report (2 replies)
  77. Federal Judge Rules US House Can Sue Over Obamacare (0 replies)
  78. Hillary Clinton Makes Voters Sign Loyalty Pledge Before Entering Event (7 replies)
  79. Hillary's fashion choices (10 replies)
  80. Fiorina: Defund Planned Parenthood (7 replies)
  81. Bergdahl Case Finally Moves? (9 replies)
  82. Sanders opens up 9 point lead in NH (5 replies)
  83. Trump supports Planned Parenthood (2 replies)
  84. LIBERAL WOMEN: Replace JESUS’ Name In Chorus With This NASTY Politician Read more at (4 replies)
  85. Democrat Insiders Predict Biden Won't Run (3 replies)
  86. Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head (10 replies)
  87. The Commie-crat party (0 replies)
  88. Votes you regret (8 replies)
  89. Taxpayers Fleeing Democrat-Run States for Republican Ones (2 replies)
  90. Funny irony... Clinton: Officials should 'uphold the law' (1 replies)
  91. Why Hillary can't tell if her emails are classified (0 replies)
  92. Has Hell Froze Over????? (11 replies)
  93. Trump hits 30 percent in new poll (1 replies)
  94. Scam Artist Seeks $500k For Cache Of 32,000 Clinton E-Mails (3 replies)
  95. Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer? (0 replies)
  96. Trump signs loyalty pledge to Republicans (15 replies)
  97. Black Lives Matter Some (37 replies)
  98. Not Being Manipulated (0 replies)
  99. How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016? (7 replies)
  100. Bush: "Trump no es conservador" (10 replies)
  101. I Love Dick Cheney (15 replies)
  102. Jewish Obama voters (7 replies)
  103. Accumulative Polling (16 replies)
  104. Suggested Hillary Campaign Song (0 replies)
  105. Donald Trump: U.S. Treats Illegals Better than Vets (2 replies)
  106. We should pray for Obama... (12 replies)
  107. Political Acrimony (0 replies)
  108. Well, Jeff (4 replies)
  109. Trump wants to raise taxes (30 replies)
  110. Yay! Ben Carson Ties Donald Trump in Iowa Poll (3 replies)
  111. Fiorina fends off attacks from both sides (0 replies)
  112. Walker would consider a wall on Canadian border (17 replies)
  113. Trump’s Answer On What To Do about Guns Will Upset A Lot Of People (6 replies)
  114. Democrat desperation: "Clinton for Prison" signs keep getting stolen in the Hamptons (1 replies)
  115. Carson closing on Trump in Iowa (6 replies)
  116. Lindsey Graham FIRST to drop out of race? (1 replies)
  117. A thought about gun violence (0 replies)
  118. O' Malley says debates are rigged (5 replies)
  119. Trump: I’m winning because Americans are 'tired of being the patsies' (2 replies)
  120. Top Jeb fundraisers leave campaign amid troubling signs (0 replies)
  121. You are entitled to one question says the Hillabeast (8 replies)
  122. Obama to trespass in Alaska (13 replies)
  123. Will Hillary stop Biden before he gets off the ground? (3 replies)
  124. If Obama ran could he win again?!!? (12 replies)
  125. Should Images Of Obama Be Banned? (4 replies)
  126. Trump vs Biden (21 replies)
  127. Hellary compares GOP candidates to Terrorists (22 replies)
  128. Charitable Donations Mishandled (0 replies)
  129. Trump fires up his fan base (1 replies)
  130. TV reporters murdered on air, Gov calls for restrictions on law-abiding gun owners(?) (24 replies)
  131. Will Trump Hurt Senate Majority? (6 replies)
  132. LIBERAL WRITER: Trump’s Border Wall Would be DANGEROUS for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (10 replies)
  133. Watch: Jorge Ramos Escorted Out of Trump’s Iowa Presser (43 replies)
  134. Ann Coulter joins Trump in epic smackdown (7 replies)
  135. Why Do The Dems Have So Much Trouble With Emails? (5 replies)
  136. What Happens When CIC Doesn't Want Certain News (13 replies)
  137. The Donald Drops New Ad: Barbara Bush Doesn't Think Jeb Should Be President Read more (6 replies)
  138. PPP : Trump at 35% in NH (37 replies)
  139. Bernie Sanders may run Independent / Socialist Party? (15 replies)
  140. What Could Go Wrong In Ferguson? (1 replies)
  141. Former Attorney General says Email Scandal Disqualifies Hillary Clinton from Office (4 replies)
  142. Ah The Democrats Picks Make Me Feel Young! (0 replies)
  143. Just 3 Weeks (1 replies)
  144. Feel Good Poll News (0 replies)
  145. Consumer Confidence UP; Economic Confidence Not So Much (0 replies)
  146. Merry Christmas, Mr. Trump (15 replies)
  147. Well Gallup Is Biased? (17 replies)
  148. Mitt romney to jump in race, challenge trump? (7 replies)
  149. State Dept Circling The Wagon (0 replies)
  150. Will The GOP Split? Or A Few Thoughts II (30 replies)
  151. Perhaps Trump does have a great chance to win (12 replies)
  152. Did a Hacked Hillary E-mail Result in the Ambush of Ambassador Chris Stevens? (17 replies)
  153. Grainy Video Reveals Hillary Plotting With a Known Group of Racists (0 replies)
  154. Biden Warren Meeting (8 replies)
  155. HS Band Benched; Crowd Sings (14 replies)
  156. EPA Mine Blow Out Gets Worse (0 replies)
  157. Trump: I will get Mexico to pay for a border wall (65 replies)
  158. While The Administration and Most Media Tries To Divide (4 replies)
  159. Props to Jesse Jackson on the N word (0 replies)
  160. Detroit Police Chief A Reversal Of Big City Mayors (0 replies)
  161. Biden/Warren? (8 replies)
  162. This graphic is pretty close to my opinion of the candidates (3 replies)
  163. Why Trump won't win (23 replies)
  164. Reuters: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start (3 replies)
  165. Bobby Jindal (3 replies)
  166. Black Lives Matter (0 replies)
  167. The more things change, the more they stay the same (1 replies)
  168. Hillary learned her craft from Karl Rove (5 replies)
  169. Ayn Rand - Thoughts? (28 replies)
  170. Registerd Democrat's last request: In Lieu of Flowers, Just Don't Vote for Hillary (1 replies)
  171. Hillary broke 2 national security laws (16 replies)
  172. Deez Nuts in NC (6 replies)
  173. Obama And Hillary (4 replies)
  174. Hanson: Obama, Appeasement and The Strong Men (1 replies)
  175. Fiorina Still May Not Get In (6 replies)
  176. Michelle Obama to jump in race for president? (22 replies)
  177. Donald Trump: Simply unstoppable (4 replies)
  178. Fears in Mexico Grow Over a Trump Presidency (0 replies)
  179. Who needs Trump when you can support one of these guys? (0 replies)
  180. Lastest Horror Show Video Planned Parent hoods (9 replies)
  181. Hysterical pundit misquotes Trump,claims he said "14th amendment is unconstitutional" (0 replies)
  182. State Dept. Can’t Find Clinton Aides’ Blackberries (8 replies)
  183. UN agrees to let Iran inspect its own nuclear site (1 replies)
  184. Birth Citizenship, and Trump smokes crack (203 replies)
  185. "Tallying Trump's tab": The liberals suddenly care about excessive spending (4 replies)
  186. Dropping Out (23 replies)
  187. One positive side effect of the Trump surge (0 replies)
  188. Got that right (6 replies)
  189. I'll start - list your fave candidates in order (92 replies)
  190. Forum for 2016 election (0 replies)
  191. Failed Leadership (6 replies)
  192. Black Nominees (4 replies)
  193. Marco Rubio on immigration (10 replies)
  194. Ted Cruz on immigration (9 replies)
  195. Why Do Conservatives Trust Trump? (28 replies)
  196. Jeb Bush's personal e-mail servers (1 replies)
  197. Hillary ran servers in bathroom (0 replies)
  198. What the GOP Could Be Addressing RE Immigration/US Jobs (1 replies)
  199. Trump On Affirmative Action (1 replies)
  200. Hillary for Prison Signs Exploding in Popularity! (9 replies)
  201. Political Newbies (0 replies)
  202. Transformational (3 replies)
  203. dress codes (49 replies)
  204. Trump on immigration (13 replies)
  205. Emails grow to 305 (2 replies)
  206. Rubio slams Obama on day of embassy re-opening (4 replies)
  207. Ann Coulter, just wow. (19 replies)
  208. Still think Trump's not a fake? He supported DeBlasio. (0 replies)
  209. Mark Cuban on why the GOP won't win the White House (1 replies)
  210. Jeff Flake "No" On Iran Deal! (5 replies)
  211. When cops murder too (5 replies)
  212. 70th anniversary of VJ Day: Thank the atomic bomb for saving millions of lives (3 replies)
  213. Fits board sentiments pretty well (3 replies)
  214. I am calling out BALU... One on one.. (36 replies)
  215. When Police Hesitate (0 replies)
  216. Joe Biden (0 replies)
  217. Whole Foods Co-Founder Speaks On Free Markets (3 replies)
  218. Dream Team (18 replies)
  219. To those who admire Trump for his arrogance and toughness.... (2 replies)
  220. A Marine And Classified Information (0 replies)
  221. One major advatage if Trump is elected President (7 replies)
  222. Krauthammer's Updated Cheat Sheet For Betting (3 replies)
  223. Where'd they go? (5 replies)
  224. Is Gov. Hickenloopy the 21st Century "Colonel Flagg"? (0 replies)
  225. DHS Targeting James O'Keefe? (0 replies)
  226. Hillary Clinton Candidate (12 replies)
  227. National Debt levels off, doesn't increase for 5-1/2 months??? (3 replies)
  228. Remember When Obama "Joked" About IRS Audits? (0 replies)
  229. Non-Politicians Rising On The Right (2 replies)
  230. Administration Threatens States (0 replies)
  231. Reagan's crystal ball in 1961 (1 replies)
  232. Sen. McCaskill brags about interfering in GOP primary (1 replies)
  233. Should Have Thought Of This (3 replies)
  234. Nailed (15 replies)
  235. The Left's New Target-Free Speech (9 replies)
  236. Jeb Bush (15 replies)
  237. Trump On Fox (12 replies)
  238. Bernie Sanders (6 replies)
  239. 54% of Trump supporters say they will vote for him even if he runs 3rd party (11 replies)
  240. If I Were President. (37 replies)
  241. Hillary Email Problems/News (70 replies)
  242. Trump - 3rd Party (9 replies)
  243. omg, I heart this so much (19 replies)
  244. The Good Planned Parenthood Does (13 replies)
  245. Iowa: Debate Influences (0 replies)
  246. Bernie Sanders: Beneificary of the Left's spreading "Anybody But Hillary" sentiments? (0 replies)
  247. Simple question complex issue... (7 replies)
  248. A Few Thoughts (244 replies)
  249. Donald Trump on ISIS: 'I would knock the hell out of them,' and then 'I'd take the oi (26 replies)
  250. Marco Rubio (7 replies)