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  1. Best way to keep turtles away from airport runways (0 replies)
  2. U.S. Vice President: "Don't come to me if you voted Republican, you're on your own" (1 replies)
  3. Michele Bachmann/Herman Cain? (1 replies)
  4. A classic (2 replies)
  5. The Unseen War on America's Small Farms (1 replies)
  6. White House: No point in discussing Natl Debt with Republicans (14 replies)
  7. Calif tax hikes chase yet another major company out of the state (11 replies)
  8. Where's the anger, liberals? (40 replies)
  9. Love: Worse than Murder? (9 replies)
  10. Why is European broadband faster and cheaper? Blame the government (1 replies)
  11. Planned Parenthood of Indiana Admits to Undercover Callers That Women Don’t Need Them (3 replies)
  12. Ohio Appeals court 3-judge panel rules Obamacare OK (5 replies)
  13. Bin Laden Winning (0 replies)
  14. Major Corporations To Hide Income Disparity (1 replies)
  15. July 4, 1776: The original Revolution against the Elite ruling over the people (20 replies)
  16. Only govt agents should be trusted with guns (3 replies)
  17. Report: Obama Films Campaign Ad In White House, Possibly Violating FEC Laws? (0 replies)
  18. The American Police State is the 'New Normal' ? (1 replies)
  19. Blago found guilty of 17 charges incl. selling Obama's Senate seat (6 replies)
  20. Obamacare: Govt agents will pose as patients to monitor doctors (2 replies)
  21. Bachman expected to announce today.... (0 replies)
  22. Harlequin novel, updated 2011 version (2 replies)
  23. Is DeMint’s 'Cut, Cap, Balance' Pledge a stunt? (2 replies)
  24. Geithner: We must hike taxes on small businesses so that government won't shrink (3 replies)
  25. Obamas thank the media for their "support and kindness" during the election (1 replies)
  26. Yes, Some Transparency Needed On The Debt Ceiling Talks (5 replies)
  27. Obama discusses 10th Mtn Division's CMOH winner with them... and gets it wrong (8 replies)
  28. After Senate defeats DREAM Act, Obama enacts it anyway by Executive Order (60 replies)
  29. Studies cite CEO pay as significant cause of wealth inequality (1 replies)
  30. Wisconsin Defies the Left (0 replies)
  31. Jon Huntsman: Can a Nice Guy Finish First? (3 replies)
  32. Jeannie Mexico Sues Georgia Over Immigration Law (0 replies)
  33. White House Won't Say if War Powers Resolution is Constitutional (6 replies)
  34. Thomas's ethical problems in the spotlight (3 replies)
  35. A Constitutional Convention Is a Dangerous Idea (22 replies)
  36. Americans Becoming More Liberatarian In Their Thinking (17 replies)
  37. Tsa (7 replies)
  38. Occi College releases Obama transcript... and it shows he got foreign-student grant (4 replies)
  39. What is Texas Gov Rick Perry's record? What has he DONE? (22 replies)
  40. "Fast and Furious" (51 replies)
  41. Senate Repubs: "Short" debt limit hike possible. And if you believe that...... (3 replies)
  42. More Jacksonian, Not Isolationist (1 replies)
  43. McCain rips Republican candidates for "isolationism" (23 replies)
  44. ‘Obama’ Stuns Crowd at Republican Event (12 replies)
  45. Ron Paul Wins New Orlean Straw Poll. (116 replies)
  46. Romney: Govt disaster relief is immoral and should be privatized. Is he right? (19 replies)
  47. We Hated Reagan A memoir of ignorance. (4 replies)
  48. 6.1 Billion Hours Spent Complying With Federal Tax Code (7 replies)
  49. $5 Raffle Ticket Buys Dinner With Obama (12 replies)
  50. How Miserable? Index Says the Worst in 28 Years (0 replies)
  51. Why Aren't You Speaking In English? (15 replies)
  52. People Signed Petition To Ban ATM Machines (7 replies)
  53. Florida unemployment rises to 10.6 percent in June (2 replies)
  54. Netroot Kooks Looking For More Handouts and Have Turned on Obama (0 replies)
  55. The trend in modern liberalism (0 replies)
  56. Weiner Gets A Job Offer (6 replies)
  57. Questions for RSR (8 replies)
  58. How desperate has the liberal media become? (1 replies)
  59. Another great Obama accomplishment - transparency my ass! (12 replies)
  60. Carter or Hoover? (4 replies)
  61. Gee, Wonder Why Congress Doesn't 'Work' With Him? (0 replies)
  62. Top Barack Obama donors net government jobs (39 replies)
  63. Obama - I'm a One Termer (0 replies)
  64. Poll Which One Is Better? Bush's Recession or Obama's Recovery? (8 replies)
  65. Housing Crash Worse Than Great Depression (0 replies)
  66. The extreme nutcase world of Michele Bachmann (17 replies)
  67. Would you support the fair share balanced budget amendment? (2 replies)
  68. A Shovel-Empty Waste Of $787 Billion (8 replies)
  69. CNN Calls Those Opposed to Raising Debt Ceiling Wingnuts (0 replies)
  70. Obama Blames ATMs for High Unemployment (5 replies)
  71. Obama Is 0-for-4 on ‘Extremely Important’ Issues (0 replies)
  72. The GOP Debate (10 replies)
  73. Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstates Gov. Walker's collective bargaining law (1 replies)
  74. Obama campaign - what a bunch of lying shitheads (13 replies)
  75. Hey, how's that hopey changey stimulus doing for the jobs? (2 replies)
  76. Boehner gives Obama Friday deadline on Libya (60 replies)
  77. Housing price collapse is now worse than Great Depression (5 replies)
  78. Federal judge to decide Calif same-sex "marriage" case today (8 replies)
  79. David Limbaugh - Spot on about Obama again (1 replies)
  80. Ad - Bumps In the Road (2 replies)
  81. Thoughts on the Republican Debate? (4 replies)
  82. Herman Cain misrepresented the truth about the fairtax while on FoxNews! (17 replies)
  83. Why do some people want INSURANCE companies to cover "pre-existing" conditions? (24 replies)
  84. Washington Post In Panic Mode Over Economy and Obama's Re-election (6 replies)
  85. Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz, Israel tell Weiner he should resign (33 replies)
  86. Federal budget deficit on track to eclipse $1 trillion for third year (0 replies)
  87. What The Next Election Will Be About (3 replies)
  88. Why Can't the Pro-Abortionists be Honest? (329 replies)
  89. ya know? Texas? (3 replies)
  90. NY Times Asks Readers To Help Dig Up Dirt On Sarah Palin (125 replies)
  91. Restaurant Cited by Obama as Auto Bailout Beneficiary Closing (0 replies)
  92. "Debbie Downer" (1 replies)
  93. Michelle Obama's Version of Shared Sacrifice (2 replies)
  94. List of support...sign if you wish (29 replies)
  95. Obamacare back in court again today (2 replies)
  96. Government's mountain of debt (0 replies)
  97. The Economy Is Worse Than You Think (2 replies)
  98. Poll: Romney, Palin See Boost; Obama Vulnerable (8 replies)
  99. Comic hints at assassinating Palin if she were president (15 replies)
  100. Dems and the Culture of Erection (15 replies)
  101. Long-term effects of the Weiner disaster for the Left (115 replies)
  102. Texas Gov. Rick Perry wants you to fast and pray for his nomination (34 replies)
  103. Carville: Unemployment’s about to cause “civil unrest (2 replies)
  104. Historians Agree: Palin Was Right About Revere (50 replies)
  105. Poll: Obama hits new lows on economy (13 replies)
  106. US house price fall 'beats Great Depression slide' (2 replies)
  107. US Supreme Ct supports PA law banning employers from hiring illegal aliens (1 replies)
  108. 30% of companies to drop health coverage because of Obamacare (2 replies)
  109. This Is What Obama Will Have To Run On In 2012 (21 replies)
  110. Living The Obama Budget Plan! (1 replies)
  111. It Is All About Obama (0 replies)
  112. Good News, I Hope (1 replies)
  113. Don't Worry The Economy Is Doing Fine (32 replies)
  114. McDonalds Accounts For Half Of The Jobs Created Last Month (1 replies)
  115. Congress Insider trading Fagitaboutit (3 replies)
  116. But I have to give up my light bulbs (9 replies)
  117. Obama Offical If You Don't Like Mandate Earn Less Money (3 replies)
  118. Scandal in the Big Apple – Pizzagate (16 replies)
  119. If Tea Party Is Racist, Why Is Cain Rising? (105 replies)
  120. Obama Demands More Bad Loans For ‘Poor’ (1 replies)
  121. Taxpayers will lose $14 billion of auto bailout funds (0 replies)
  122. Rand Paul VS Obama Energy Official (5 replies)
  123. There Will Be No Harm If Debt Limit Is Not Raised (1 replies)
  124. NM Supreme Court rules cops can take away guns during routine traffic stops (23 replies)
  125. Weinergate Rolls On (28 replies)
  126. A Tale Of Two Job Reports (0 replies)
  127. Sarah treating LSM like paparazzi?? (64 replies)
  128. Memorial Day - Obama plays golf? (43 replies)
  129. Food stamps up 39% with Obama in office - record numbers (25 replies)
  130. Will Obama Sink the Democrats? (0 replies)
  131. Obama and Dems Want a 62% Top Tax Rate (89 replies)
  132. Sarah Palin gets it right (47 replies)
  133. Obama Sits in Front Row and Chews Gum at Joplin Memorial Service (15 replies)
  134. Pro-Obama Media Always Shocked by Bad Economic News (2 replies)
  135. DNC Chair Defends Illegals Breaking the Law (3 replies)
  136. Obama's Millions for Fannie, Freddie Execs (0 replies)
  137. More Liberal Compaasion for Trig Palin (13 replies)
  138. Republicans like Herman Cain? That's racist! (64 replies)
  139. Your Tax Dollars Will Sponsor a Gay Film Festival in Bulgaria (0 replies)
  140. British Justice Secretary Snoozes While Obama Speaks (5 replies)
  141. DNC chairwoman doesn't drive American (1 replies)
  142. Seismologists being tried for manslaughter for not predicting earthquake (4 replies)
  143. Obama Gets It On High Gas Prices (3 replies)
  144. $500 Million Obama Administration Program Will Help Kids 'Sit Still' in Kindergarten (0 replies)
  145. GOP Senate to Obama - Prepare for a $2.6 Trillion Budget (0 replies)
  146. U.S. Supreme Court upholds Arizona illegal-immigration law (23 replies)
  147. Obamanomics Chalks Up More Results (3 replies)
  148. Obama: I am working on gun control under the radar” (57 replies)
  149. Bill Clinton to Paul Ryan Dems Need To Do Something About Medicare (5 replies)
  150. Ryan 40: Obama 0 (61 replies)
  151. Rush Limbaugh Talks to Obama Supporter (2 replies)
  152. Did Edwards Use Campaign Money To Pay Off Mistress? (26 replies)
  153. Hey, let’s spend millions to save $116,000 (14 replies)
  154. Obama botches toast to the queen (89 replies)
  155. 34 years ago today (7 replies)
  156. House of Reps' War on Women (36 replies)
  157. Ideas for a Middle East Plan (23 replies)
  158. Obama Has No Idea What Year It Is (2 replies)
  159. IRS staff committed tax credit fraud (2 replies)
  160. Yet ANOTHER Dem congressman flees his state - but officially this time (7 replies)
  161. Richard Milhouse Obama? (1 replies)
  162. Stimulus recipients owe $750 million in taxes (5 replies)
  163. High Gas Prices are a good thing!? (0 replies)
  164. It was inevitable: Obama establishes "Ministry of Truth" in White House (4 replies)
  165. Time for America to Roll Back Its Borders (0 replies)
  166. Obama's Stealth Tax Hike (0 replies)
  167. College Grads Dumping Obama (0 replies)
  168. Herman Cain is as alarming as the mark of the Beast in Revelations! (10 replies)
  169. Carter: I’m the superior former President (0 replies)
  170. A Tragic Irony: Tax The Rich, Hurt The Poor (2 replies)
  171. Brief background to Obama's bizarre request that Israel return to pre-67 borders (0 replies)
  172. OMB Employees to Push to Unionize (8 replies)
  173. AARP Gets an Obamacare Waiver (4 replies)
  174. Thirty-six Reasons to Vote Democrat (2 replies)
  175. Senate Democrats will not release their spending plan (4 replies)
  176. A Shovel-Empty Waste Of $787 Billion (0 replies)
  177. Obama: "Back to 1967 borders." Netanyahu: "Not going to happen. Indefensible." (260 replies)
  178. Who the heck in Tim Pawlenty? (1 replies)
  179. Liberal Civility Comes to Medicare Debate (52 replies)
  180. Are You Ready to Pay $50 for a 100-Watt Bulb? (32 replies)
  181. National Debt limit is $14.3 trillion, current debt subject to limit is.............. (3 replies)
  182. God tells Huckabee not to run in 2012 (3 replies)
  183. Government will hit the Debt Ceiling today (3 replies)
  184. Is Obama Worse Than Carter? (38 replies)
  185. Border Community Organizing Petition to Protest Obama's Immigration Speech (0 replies)
  186. Tea Party Patriots, please do not fall for the fake balanced budget amendment trick. (70 replies)
  187. Well, Romney nuked himself last night (1 replies)
  188. House approves bill to lift drilling moratorium (2 replies)
  189. Philandering Newt announces candidacy (8 replies)
  190. A return to the gold standard? (12 replies)
  191. More Gutsy Calls from Obama! (0 replies)
  192. So Obama's Approval Number Is At 60% Eh? (7 replies)
  193. Obama's teachers against his actions re B. Manning (8 replies)
  194. The Nerve Of Boeing Wanting To Make A Profit!!! (8 replies)
  195. NewSpeak Dictionary gets another entry: China's party is now the "Community Party" (0 replies)
  196. Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal immigration (5 replies)
  197. We don't need Immg "Reform" (amnesty), we need to start obeying present laws (17 replies)
  198. People Are Giving Up On Hope and Change (6 replies)
  199. Doing Away With Separation Of Powers (7 replies)
  200. How many of wish for a return of Reaganomics? (30 replies)
  201. Democrats Announce New Assault On Small Business (4 replies)
  202. Obama's Worst Enemy Is Obama (0 replies)
  203. On Spending Cuts, Democrats Give Voters the Brush Off (3 replies)
  204. Divided GOP finding it difficult to follow up on 2010 (0 replies)
  205. Pulling the plug on Obamacare (0 replies)
  206. Gutsycall.com? (1 replies)
  207. Therapy for the Left (0 replies)
  208. Why Obama's Polling Bounce is So Anemic (2 replies)
  209. Time For Conservatives to Focus on Obama's Performance in Office (15 replies)
  210. Good Feeling Gone, in Congress, Anyway (0 replies)
  211. Prophetic (0 replies)
  212. The top six reasons we got Osama bin Laden (2 replies)
  213. What's this tripe about "The dangers of releasing THE PHOTO"??? (10 replies)
  214. Will The Dems and Liberal Media Be Outraged OBL Was Unarmed When He Was Shot? (4 replies)
  215. Nancy Pelosi - Then and Now (0 replies)
  216. Back to reality: Inflation is coming (14 replies)
  217. New Appointments, Release of BC. Now Osama Killed (4 replies)
  218. One Promise Obama Has Kept (3 replies)
  219. Black Chamber of Commerce Head - Obama is a Marxist (0 replies)
  220. Students Refuse to Sign Pledge to Pay Individual Share of the National Debt (105 replies)
  221. Wisconsin Witch Hunt Goes National (0 replies)
  222. Change: Obama’s polling hits new low on economy (0 replies)
  223. Top 10 reasons why a bag of dog turds is like having Obama for president (0 replies)
  224. If, if, if (4 replies)
  225. A modest proposal (2 replies)
  226. Beware of the Huckabee/Herman Cain “fairtax“! (65 replies)
  227. The value of the U.S. dollar’s a matter of opinion. (3 replies)
  228. Trump unable to produce his certificate (0 replies)
  229. WH Releses Long Form BC (72 replies)
  230. The Man Behind Obama's 2008 Election Win Dead at Age 91 (12 replies)
  231. Former Air America Host Arrested at Town Hall (13 replies)
  232. Americans depend more on federal aid than ever (12 replies)
  233. Anti-Obama Sentiment is Profound (0 replies)
  234. Bush's war becomes Obama's albatross (34 replies)
  235. Obama's Reelection Staff - People Do Not Like Him Because He Is Black (39 replies)
  236. New Law Requires Photo ID, Proof of Citizenship to Vote in Kansas (0 replies)
  237. Obama's Awful '70s Show Echoes Jimmy Carter (0 replies)
  238. Obama's Easter Sunday Paster Railes Against "Racist" Talk Radio (0 replies)
  239. What Will Obama Do With The Money? (6 replies)
  240. Liberal Media - Gas Prices Are A Problem Because It Hurts Obama's Reelection Chances (1 replies)
  241. Hannity - Behind The Bias (0 replies)
  242. The Future: Tea party gets involved in local school board elections (15 replies)
  243. U.S. borrowing already above the debt limit... except technically not (2 replies)
  244. If i become willing to give up my freedom for safety put a bullet thru my head please (10 replies)
  245. What would it take for the U.S. to go fully "green"? (21 replies)
  246. Make it in America.. Can it be again (1 replies)
  247. Ryan's response to Obama's speech (44 replies)
  248. Obamacare's requirement for 1099 reporting of every $600 purchase, has been repealed (1 replies)
  249. "Obama speech most dishonest in decades" (20 replies)
  250. US deficit skyrockets 15.7% in first six months of fiscal 2011 (9 replies)