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  1. Make it in America.. Can it be again (1 replies)
  2. Ryan's response to Obama's speech (44 replies)
  3. Obamacare's requirement for 1099 reporting of every $600 purchase, has been repealed (1 replies)
  4. "Obama speech most dishonest in decades" (20 replies)
  5. US deficit skyrockets 15.7% in first six months of fiscal 2011 (9 replies)
  6. 50 years ago today (3 replies)
  7. So what, exactly, got reduced by $37.8 billion? (2 replies)
  8. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll (3 replies)
  9. I've been gone 10 days, what's happening in the world? (11 replies)
  10. Who will take Glenn Beck's time slot @ FOX NEWS? (2 replies)
  11. Taking A Look (3 replies)
  12. Rush to Use Crops as Fuel Raises Food Prices and Hunger Fears (91 replies)
  13. DONATELLI: Obama’s ‘smart’ campaign (3 replies)
  14. Prosser: Looks Like He Won After All (6 replies)
  15. D.C Delegate to Congress: "Go straight to hell" (6 replies)
  16. Obama: "I Remember What It Was Like Pumping Gas" (3 replies)
  17. Conservative Dad, Liberal Daughter (5 replies)
  18. Obama Is In Big Trouble (13 replies)
  19. Rachel Maddow rips on obama (4 replies)
  20. Bumper sticker I just saw & liked (2 replies)
  21. Libya Nails Obama As Wilsonian (8 replies)
  22. Obama Most 'Transparent' President? (4 replies)
  23. For those who thought liberals had principles (4 replies)
  24. Quinnipac: Obama's Worse Approval Rating (0 replies)
  25. Who is Ron Paul??? (4 replies)
  26. AP Fact Checks Obama's Libya Speech (1 replies)
  27. Schumer: Yes, I’ve been robotically programmed to call Republicans “extremists” (2 replies)
  28. Special offer: Sign up for Satellite TV, get a free gun (3 replies)
  29. New rules shift burden of proof, to the accused??? (Is this a joke?) (1 replies)
  30. Donald Trump On Obama's Birth Certificate (61 replies)
  31. Media Matters' war against Fox (8 replies)
  32. Voting with Their Feet (1 replies)
  33. Why Liberals Hate Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin (0 replies)
  34. It's All Clear, Except the Goals and Exit Strategy (1 replies)
  35. Name That War contest (15 replies)
  36. So, whatever happened to Judge Vinson's 1-week stay of his Obamacare ruling? (0 replies)
  37. Bill Maher vulger insult (33 replies)
  38. Income Tax premium is unjustified (3 replies)
  39. Dividend incomes’ tax discount is unjustified. (24 replies)
  40. BTW, *Indiana* Democrats who fled their state last month, are still out (6 replies)
  41. Obama fires first shot at Qaddafi (19 replies)
  42. NY Times kicks (conservative) political books off its Bestseller List (10 replies)
  43. War with Libya? (10 replies)
  44. A glowing report on radiation (0 replies)
  45. How much nuclear radiation do you NORMALLY get? (20 replies)
  46. When will WI Democrats get back from fleeing to Illinois........ (1 replies)
  47. How much have Democrats changed in 50 years? (1 replies)
  48. Run, Democrats, run (0 replies)
  49. How many nuke plant disasters would be needed to equal deaths from coal, oil etc.? (33 replies)
  50. The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits (7 replies)
  51. Idaho legislature restricts govt-employee union power, phases out tenure (1 replies)
  52. WI Republicans strip out spending, pass bill reducing unions to wage bargaining only (6 replies)
  53. Wishful-thinking kooks all sound alike nowadays (0 replies)
  54. No Way Out" of Debt Trap (0 replies)
  55. Burglar calls 911 fearing homeowner might have a gun (4 replies)
  56. Welfare State: Govt handouts make up 1/3 of U.S. Wages (1 replies)
  57. Union myths (3 replies)
  58. A proposal to end the impasse between govt and govt unions (6 replies)
  59. INSANE: Democrats want to meet Gov. Walker at "neutral site" along Wisc-Ill border??? (5 replies)
  60. Martin, This Is An Example of Chicago "Thuggery" (0 replies)
  61. WI Thugs Leave Behind Massive Clean Up Bill to Be Paid By Taxpayers (2 replies)
  62. Only 281 Chevy Volts, 67 Nissan Leafs sold in February (86 replies)
  63. Obama Says Race a Key Component in Tea Party Protests (0 replies)
  64. Judge orders Obama admin to appeal Unconst Obamacare ruling within 7 days (2 replies)
  65. On the Budget, Obama simply lies (1 replies)
  66. Reporter interviews actual protestors on the street in Madison, WI (1 replies)
  67. Obama seems to’ve screwed up the affair of Gaddafi's assets (1 replies)
  68. Why should Democrats be funded by taxpayers? (0 replies)
  69. Billions in Bloat Uncovered in Beltway (3 replies)
  70. This Had To Hurt (0 replies)
  71. Has anyone ever seen Charlie Sheen and Moammar Qaddaffi in the same room? (0 replies)
  72. College scholarship offered for white male students only (5 replies)
  73. Some Democrats Shifting on Drilling? (49 replies)
  74. After 2 years - Here is Your Change (47 replies)
  75. Obama backtracks, allows states to REQUEST opt-out from Obamacare earlier (19 replies)
  76. Texas Demographer: 'It's Basically Over For Anglos' (11 replies)
  77. Tea Parties Anniversary Of A Sort (0 replies)
  78. More Liberal Civility From the Union Thugs (7 replies)
  79. Hitchens On How Obama Admin Has Contributed To Global Instability (1 replies)
  80. Make The Fed As Innocuous As Possible To The States (2 replies)
  81. NEA to Double Member Dues Contribution to Political War Chest (0 replies)
  82. Gov't Psyop, fake social media (4 replies)
  83. Is what the Indiana and Wisconsin Democrats are doing, fundamentally wrong? (26 replies)
  84. DOMA, DOJ, Executive Power Grab (53 replies)
  85. The Absolute Gall of This Woman Disgusts Me!!! (35 replies)
  86. 3 Fed judges find Obamacare legal, 2 find it unconstitutional (18 replies)
  87. One year ago today (1 replies)
  88. Death Panel: Canadian judge orders family to remove son's breathing tube (10 replies)
  89. A 3rd District Court judge says Obamacare mandate doesn't violate Constitution (8 replies)
  90. How to talk like a Liberal Democrat (1 replies)
  91. another example of liberal tolerance compassion (6 replies)
  92. Wisconsin state Republicans now voting on other bills: Voter-ID etc. (1 replies)
  93. Truant WI Dem Senators' paychecks being withheld (2 replies)
  94. Now **Indiana** Dem legislators are fleeing their state to disrupt its voting too! (1 replies)
  95. Police arrest, cuff, and haul away 11-yr-old for drawing stick figure with "gun" (10 replies)
  96. Strange interview on Fox News with WI Democrat state senator in "undisclosed location (2 replies)
  97. Gallup poll: Ronald Reagan greatest President (10 replies)
  98. One Wisconsin industry running stronger than ever (0 replies)
  99. Fresh CIA scandal in Argentina (0 replies)
  100. Peggy Noonan Finally Writes A Column I Agree With (1 replies)
  101. How Gullible Are You? (0 replies)
  102. Obamacare Requires New IRS Army Of 1,054 (0 replies)
  103. Racism from where??? (3 replies)
  104. 15 Tax Increases In Obama's Budget (30 replies)
  105. Im not for banning words but (15 replies)
  106. meet the press is a joke (2 replies)
  107. are we the u.s. over populated (38 replies)
  108. Budget Forecasts Bigger 2011 Deficit (5 replies)
  109. AMazing Tax TAX and Budget chart (1 replies)
  110. If Romney gets Republican nomination, will he renounce Mass version of Obamacare? (8 replies)
  111. Liberal Media Giddy Over Egypt And The Aftermath (3 replies)
  112. Oprah wants 'respect' for Obama (11 replies)
  113. CBO - Obamacare Will Kill 800,000 jobs (13 replies)
  114. Republicans making wonderful cuts in budget - or are they? (3 replies)
  115. The Severity of Proposed Obama Budget Cuts (7 replies)
  116. Senate Dems fear abortion vote (26 replies)
  117. Obama to Chamber of Commerce: Learn to share (1 replies)
  118. New Threat To Obamacare Is Senate Democrats (0 replies)
  119. States declaring Obamacare null and void? Good. It’s about freaken time! (15 replies)
  120. The "Judicial Activism" ploy (20 replies)
  121. Despite contempt ruling, Obama admin will keep implementing Obamacare (8 replies)
  122. EPA to regulate milk spills as oil spills? (0 replies)
  123. My View: Michelle Obama, butt out (48 replies)
  124. Real Anarchy is Real Pacifism (5 replies)
  125. Egypt's 3AM CAll Went To The Answering Machine (17 replies)
  126. Liberal Caller Leaves Rush Limbaugh Sputtering Like A Fool (1 replies)
  127. Palin: America Out Of Step With Reagan's Values (3 replies)
  128. Black American Dreads Black History Month (54 replies)
  129. O’Reilly set for ‘most watched interview in history’ (10 replies)
  130. Labor fumes over Dems' Charlotte pick (2 replies)
  131. Reid Calls 1% Spending Cut Draconian and Unworkable (32 replies)
  132. Journolist 2.0 Liberal Reporters Rush to Defend Planned Parenthood (2 replies)
  133. Ron Reagan: Palin has nothing in common with my dad (23 replies)
  134. Rewriting Ronald Reagan (5 replies)
  135. Sec of State John F Kerry? (12 replies)
  136. Senate Dems Seal Their Fate For 2012 (0 replies)
  137. since when is it couldve been worse a defense (0 replies)
  138. GE Gets Waiver Over Greenhouse Gas Regulation (0 replies)
  139. Civil Libs Call For The Murder of Justice Thomas abd Duel Glenn Beck (52 replies)
  140. Now THAT'S incredible (0 replies)
  141. WOW!! 36,000 Jobs Added In January (5 replies)
  142. BREAKING: Federal Court rules Obama administration in contempt of court (19 replies)
  143. Bill to repeal Obamacare narrowly defeated in Senate (22 replies)
  144. Are Republicans Fed Up With The Tea Party? (27 replies)
  145. Senator Dick Durbin to hold hearing on constitutionality of Obamacare! (31 replies)
  146. Did Judge Vinson order the Govt to stop Obamacare immediately? Answer: YES. (55 replies)
  147. If govt doesn't file for stay of Obamacare-Unconst ruling,are they in contempt of Ct? (84 replies)
  148. Kid Rock (1 replies)
  149. Tea Partay Recruitment Jamm (Funny) (1 replies)
  150. 26 states prevail: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by Fed judge (48 replies)
  151. Sen Schumer's Three NEW Branches of Government (2 replies)
  152. Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt (40 replies)
  153. Atlas Mooched (65 replies)
  154. Hope and Change Slogan Now Tossed Aside? (7 replies)
  155. Rick Ungar’s big lie: Founders mandated health insurance in 1798! (1 replies)
  156. The 'Your Money Is Not Yours' Crowd (10 replies)
  157. One Investigation Worthy: DOJ (2 replies)
  158. Rand Paul Is On The Right Track (0 replies)
  159. Liberal Civility Continues (5 replies)
  160. Biggest Pussy Award (1 replies)
  161. School defends experiment to separate black students from whites (9 replies)
  162. The Anti-GOP Threat in Maine You Didn’t Hear About (5 replies)
  163. Aides: Obama will use Arizona shootings to push for more gun restrictions (6 replies)
  164. Democrat tries to boot Giffords from committee assignment (8 replies)
  165. What A Shocker! Social Security Is Broke (1 replies)
  166. Sarah Palin on Obama's Speech - WTF Fits (51 replies)
  167. Will Obama's call to cut corporate taxes materialize? (26 replies)
  168. Time to go lobby (18 replies)
  169. 13 years ago today (7 replies)
  170. McConnell - We’ll have a repeal vote (26 replies)
  171. Want to cut Fed spending? Here are the programs you can choose from (8 replies)
  172. Individualism & Collectivism at their Extremes... (1 replies)
  173. Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostility (5 replies)
  174. Should Rahm Emanuel be allowed to run for mayor? (9 replies)
  175. Matthews Uses Crosshairs Symbol To Attack Republicans (1 replies)
  176. Krugman Admits Economic Boom in the 90's Had Nothing To Fo With Bill Clinton (0 replies)
  177. Making Laws ``necessary and proper``, our Founder`s meaning! (27 replies)
  178. Should Obama have cut taxes? (11 replies)
  179. AZ Pima Country Sheriff Dupnik's retired deputy calls Rush Limbaugh (6 replies)
  180. Astounding event at state dinner for China's Hu Jintao (8 replies)
  181. Jon Stewart on Civility (0 replies)
  182. Income tax's dedutions per taxpayers and dependents (7 replies)
  183. Mandating individuals' health insurance purchases (29 replies)
  184. Palin and the Tucson murders: The Left's dress rehearsal for Obama re-election 2012? (8 replies)
  185. Judge blocks Calif state handgun ammunition law (1 replies)
  186. Obama announces China will let U.S. keep pandas for five more years (5 replies)
  187. Liberal Columnist Slams Parents of Rep. Giffords Doctor for Supporting Tea Party (0 replies)
  188. Mud Libel (0 replies)
  189. House repeals Obamacare 245-189, Dem Rep calls Republicans "Nazis" on House floor (10 replies)
  190. 55% of American Voters Think "Socialist" Describes Obama "Very Well" or "Well" (4 replies)
  191. 35 percent blame Palin for Tucson shooting (6 replies)
  192. Why cant we defend out borders? (0 replies)
  193. When did we stop educating people? (10 replies)
  194. Why cant we say islamic terrorists, or even jihadists? (0 replies)
  195. Many surveillance videos show the Tucson shooting "in detail", but concealed by FBI (7 replies)
  196. another shooting (9 replies)
  197. Chris Matthews Celebrates MLK Day by Vilifying Whites (5 replies)
  198. Pelosi On High Gas Prices (1 replies)
  199. Sharpton and MSNBC Deutsch - Should AZ Secede From The Union? (2 replies)
  200. Death Panels Return - Again (0 replies)
  201. Heeeeere we go! (3 replies)
  202. The Left's Version of Civility (16 replies)
  203. Should Parties Sit Together During State of the Umion Speech? (6 replies)
  204. Tucson Shooting Survivor Arrested For Issuing Death Threat to Tea Party Member (10 replies)
  205. Americans View Sarah Palin as more Sincere and Believable after Watching Speech (45 replies)
  206. Can The GOP Finally Defund NPR? (14 replies)
  207. Pelosi Calls AZ Shooting A Tragic Accident (2 replies)
  208. Liberal Media Telling Obama How To Gain Politically From AZ Shooting (0 replies)
  209. Wellstone Memorial 2.0 (5 replies)
  210. Mark Levin Threatens to Sue Anyone Tying Him To AZ Shooting (1 replies)
  211. Time for the 112th Congress to repeal Obamacare and why! (40 replies)
  212. Why the Left Lost It (14 replies)
  213. Meanwhile... the Fed gets off scot free (0 replies)
  214. Arizona Republicans Resign (48 replies)
  215. A less moderate liberal viewpoint (1 replies)
  216. Palin: "Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own" (11 replies)
  217. Poll Shows 57% Do Not Buy Liberal Media Spin On Shooting (16 replies)
  218. Jerry Brown will disconnect 48,000 cell phones (9 replies)
  219. When will Gabrielle Giffords be transferred to a hospital in Cuba or Canada? (74 replies)
  220. you cant ban stupid (1 replies)
  221. Progressive Hate (34 replies)
  222. Dem Congressmen Wants To Ban Symbols (17 replies)
  223. Ten bucks (via Paypal) to first person to have CIVIL 1-on-1 debate with me (42 replies)
  224. contact the az sheriff, and let him know what a schmuck you think he is (0 replies)
  225. Can this solve Congress's fundamental problem? (3 replies)
  226. Remember When the Liberal Media Urged Caution After the Ft Hood Shootings? (6 replies)
  227. Leftist congressmen, not letting crisis go to waste, rush out new gun restrictions (3 replies)
  228. Socialist United States (32 replies)
  229. Liberals Making Shooting a Political Issue Is Disgusting But Nothing New For Them (28 replies)
  230. Chris Matthews - Lets Compromise and Grant Amnesity to Illegals (0 replies)
  231. Obama On Economy - Don't Ask Me I Only Work Here (2 replies)
  232. Glenn Beck may have missed why 3/5th clause was not read in the House! (5 replies)
  233. High Gas Prices Is A Good Sign (15 replies)
  234. Howard Dean: Obamcare Unconstitutional? Who Cares? (0 replies)
  235. Corporate Tax : Rates vs Loopholes (25 replies)
  236. "Don't raise Fed debt ceiling" means "Balance the Fed budget INSTANTLY" (12 replies)
  237. Sarah Palin Proven Right On Death Panels By the NY Times (4 replies)
  238. Union Boss Admits The Real Purpose Of Unions (3 replies)
  239. Dean calls tea party as the “last gasp” of old, white folks afraid of change (1 replies)
  240. This explain a lot... (0 replies)
  241. Haven't Seen Bully Pulpit, But About Signing Statements... (6 replies)
  242. Breaking: Gibbs to leave WH (4 replies)
  243. House GOP Health Care Repeal Could Pick Up a Few Dem Votes (1 replies)
  244. Poll: would you vote for the constitution AS IS today? (6 replies)
  245. Freedom Watch: raise nat'l debt? - Death panels? etc (0 replies)
  246. This Is What We Are Up Against (33 replies)
  247. Obama Was Against Raising the Debt Ceiling Before He Was For It (5 replies)
  248. If this happens, it will prove our president is stupid - Daley for Commerce Cec?? (10 replies)
  249. DNC Chair Obama To Busy With Obamacare To Worry About Jobs (9 replies)
  250. FJ1200 Defends Abortion on Demand (41 replies)