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  1. Vulnerable Democrats duck public events (0 replies)
  2. Remember In November - 9/12 Rallies Today Across America (1 replies)
  3. Now Some On The Left Say 9/11 Shouldn't Be Commemorated (17 replies)
  4. Obama Supports Drilling Moratorium But Loans Mexico $1 Billion for Their Oil Drilling (1 replies)
  5. Obamas White House Employees owe IRS over $800,000 (0 replies)
  6. Bush's Best Moment - Bullhorn Speech at Ground Zero (15 replies)
  7. Obama Stands For Freedom For Muslime But Not For Americans (37 replies)
  8. My point, that you people arent getting (1 replies)
  9. He says exactly what im thinking (1 replies)
  10. I believe ..... (27 replies)
  11. Obama's News conference (6 replies)
  12. Obama's Toxic Agenda (2 replies)
  13. Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work (22 replies)
  14. Homebuyer tax credit: 950,000 must repay (2 replies)
  15. Koran burning cancelled, because Imam Rauf agreed to move Ground Zero mosque (11 replies)
  16. Terry Jones, the Quran, and Obama (2 replies)
  17. Short Term Business Venture (OT) (2 replies)
  18. Where were the Koran-burning protestors when people here were burning American flags? (3 replies)
  19. Why Is It OK To Burn Bibles, Yet Not The Koran? (3 replies)
  20. Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than ALL Presidents Wash-Reagan (1 replies)
  21. Republicans Contract With America 2.0 (53 replies)
  22. Sarah Palin needs to exit stage left (19 replies)
  23. Inoculating Prior To Rout? (7 replies)
  24. Chicago: Emanuel For Mayor? (5 replies)
  25. im not gay (0 replies)
  26. Obama proclaims "The buck stops here", but still blames all problems on George W Bush (39 replies)
  27. Dims Busted Over Fake Tea Party (4 replies)
  28. Poll After Poll... (62 replies)
  29. Psychology of money and taxation (345 replies)
  30. Democrat Bailout Baloney (0 replies)
  31. Opponents of Illegal Immigration, Follow the Laws Consistently! (46 replies)
  32. An Open Letter To Obama (34 replies)
  33. DOJ May Be Stepping In It (3 replies)
  34. I dont get it (24 replies)
  35. Public Policies (1 replies)
  36. As Earl approaches, NC governor suspends gun rights (4 replies)
  37. Saboto's Crystal Ball (3 replies)
  38. Obama and Iraq withdrawal (2 replies)
  39. Obamas NOAA chief pushes for governmental control of New England fisheries (39 replies)
  40. Obama Iraq speech (17 replies)
  41. Capital gains income’s tax discount is unjustified (51 replies)
  42. Agnapostate Talks to the Everyday Anti-Immigrant (32 replies)
  43. Why I Feel There's Less Than A Nickel's Difference Between GOP and DNC (1 replies)
  44. Fair tax (1 replies)
  45. Obama admin halts prosecution of USS Cole bomber (31 replies)
  46. "Lives Touched" ?? President's Administration is lead by mentally-challenged. (1 replies)
  47. *BINGO* Ron Paul: Without Hate For Islam Our Aggressive Foreign Policy Couldn’t Conti (2 replies)
  48. The Obama Birth Controversy from America.gov (9 replies)
  49. Morgan Stanley: Government defaults are inevitable (1 replies)
  50. Largest tax hikes in U.S. history coming soon, in "three great waves" (4 replies)
  51. Happy Cost Of Government Day, 19 Aug 2010 (1 replies)
  52. Now you too can be a professional illiterate: Justice Dept to hire "Ebonics experts" (9 replies)
  53. The Death of the United States of America (47 replies)
  54. Why I (yes, I) am pissed with Obama (63 replies)
  55. Asshole of the Month - August 2010 (21 replies)
  56. 9th Circus Court of Appeals bans Calif same-sex marriage pending appeal (10 replies)
  57. Tax Reform- How We Can Save Our Country (22 replies)
  58. So, what SHOULD we do about the soon-to-be-bankrupt Social Security? (6 replies)
  59. Unemployed Protest For MORE Jobless Benefits (21 replies)
  60. Even the poor are abandoning Obama (17 replies)
  61. Sen. Schumer: Sour electorate reluctant to give Democrats credit (0 replies)
  62. Is Rangel Simply Guilty of Business as Usual? (4 replies)
  63. Video: I am willing to take a chance on something different” (3 replies)
  64. So you still think obama is for the little guy (5 replies)
  65. NH Dem Wishes Sarah Palin Had Died in Plane Crash (5 replies)
  66. What's wrong with this picture? (1 replies)
  67. Ben Quayle - Right on the money (19 replies)
  68. Federal Union Buys Radio Ads To Counter Rush Limbaugh (3 replies)
  69. Everyone a bigot? (47 replies)
  70. Dems Biting Dems (1 replies)
  71. I like this ad (1 replies)
  72. Reid - I don't know why any Hispanic would be a Republican (31 replies)
  73. John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation (0 replies)
  74. $26 Billion Bailout to Unions and Government Workers (0 replies)
  75. Robert Gibbs Attacks Liberals (4 replies)
  76. The Economic Genius of Barney Frank (0 replies)
  77. Why I'm not hiring (90 replies)
  78. A Rose By Any Other Name.... (3 replies)
  79. When is enough enough? (2 replies)
  80. Go Arizona! (0 replies)
  81. 'Recovery Summer' vs. 'Mission Accomplished' (11 replies)
  82. Dem leadership : Don’t talk about our “accomplishments” on the trail (0 replies)
  83. Unemployment: Is Barack Obama a Racist? (2 replies)
  84. New NRSC Ad Uses Obama’s Words on “The View” Against Him – Video (1 replies)
  85. Economy loses 131,000 Jobs and Dems Ready To Spend More (0 replies)
  86. Dem Pat Caddell Sees a 'Tidal Wave' Election in November (6 replies)
  87. Dem Panic Attack Over Economy (0 replies)
  88. A Hint Towards November? (0 replies)
  89. Lindsey Graham: My vote for Kagan was inspired by Jesus (4 replies)
  90. Signs Of Desperation (3 replies)
  91. Senate confirms Kagan as 112th justice (2 replies)
  92. Not Ready For Prime Time Is Right (1 replies)
  93. An August Surprise from Obama? (2 replies)
  94. privacy? cameras and smart cards in china MADE in the USA (3 replies)
  95. 65 years ago today (3 replies)
  96. Your Tax Dollars At Work (0 replies)
  97. Gallup: Blacks and Whites Continue to Differ Sharply on Obama (0 replies)
  98. Black caucus reels from ethics, (16 replies)
  99. another apology ??? (9 replies)
  100. Justice Brennan's footnote gave us anchor babies (0 replies)
  101. Fed judge to rule on whether Calif same-sex couples can call their union a "marriage" (1 replies)
  102. Missouri Voters Reject Obamacare (21 replies)
  103. More Pete Stark: Refusing to hire illegals might be unconstitutional (23 replies)
  104. Question For Pelosi: Did Jesus have a right to life from the moment of conception? (12 replies)
  105. USA Today poll puts Obama approval at 41% (4 replies)
  106. U.K. cuts back in Gov't HealthCare... thinking of Decentralize it. (0 replies)
  107. Jane Harman's New Propaganda Machine, Newsweek? (4 replies)
  108. The Soak-the-Rich Catch-22 (0 replies)
  109. The Four D's Of The Democrat Party (1 replies)
  110. Sgt Schultz Says We will Not Vote In November (4 replies)
  111. The Tea Party VS The Ant-War Movement (0 replies)
  112. Ethics Panel Files Charges Against Rep. Waters (2 replies)
  113. Pete Stark (D) - Federal Government Can Do Anything (38 replies)
  114. Virginia AG: Virginia will enforce Immigration laws (1 replies)
  115. Ethics cases raise racial questions (12 replies)
  116. Required Viewing Before The November Election (6 replies)
  117. 10 Reasons Dems Are Toast (0 replies)
  118. Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution? (3 replies)
  119. Leahy Denies Senate Inquiry Into New Black Party DOJ Treatment (0 replies)
  120. Flagrant racism at Tea Party event - from pro-illegal counterprotesters (0 replies)
  121. Woman Convicted of Drug Fraud Is Used As Exemple To Extend Unemployment Benefits (83 replies)
  122. Chris Matthews - Dems Have To Find Ways To Suppress Voter Turnout (10 replies)
  123. SEIU Video - AZ Law like The Berlin Wall and Japanese Internment Camps (2 replies)
  124. Charges Against Rangel (0 replies)
  125. The fall of the Republic - a MUST SEE for EVERY American (2 replies)
  126. Do not vote for my dad! (3 replies)
  127. Felons Should Have Their Votes Counted, Not Those In Military (10 replies)
  128. Pork bombs (8 replies)
  129. Judge Bolton blocks most of Arizona's SB1070 illegal-alien law (16 replies)
  130. The cat is out of the bag: CBO says debt unsustainable, hiking taxes makes it worse (0 replies)
  131. Obama and Racial Divisiveness (6 replies)
  132. Rendell: Obama Primaried For 2012? (3 replies)
  133. Rangel Trying To Make Deal On Ethics Charges (9 replies)
  134. Obama Snubs Boy Scouts' 100th Anniversary in Favor of 'The View' (23 replies)
  135. Now John Kerry Joins The Ranks of Dem Tax Cheats (16 replies)
  136. Boxer: serving in the military is like being a member of Congress (15 replies)
  137. How smart are we? (4 replies)
  138. Dems fear GOP oversight of Obama administration (0 replies)
  139. Santelli: Tea Party More a 'Philosophy' Than a Party (5 replies)
  140. Paul Ryan Takes Chris Matthews To School (0 replies)
  141. Journolist debates making its coordination with Obama explicit (1 replies)
  142. The Democratic Fisc (8 replies)
  143. Chris Wallace Educates Howard Dean (7 replies)
  144. Obamacare - The Rationing Begins (2 replies)
  145. Illegal aliens flee Arizona ahead of crackdown (2 replies)
  146. Runaway Slave: The Documentary (1 replies)
  147. Nobama Clock (0 replies)
  148. N. Korea Threatens 'Physical Response' to U.S. Drills (5 replies)
  149. Bush tax cuts extended for wealthy? (17 replies)
  150. JournoGate Continued: Pouncing On Palin (8 replies)
  151. Arizona does not border Mexico????? Seriously???? (9 replies)
  152. Reid Abandons Cap & Trade in Face of Bipartisan Opposition (2 replies)
  153. Rangel charged w/ ethics violations (17 replies)
  154. NAACP'ers and Teabaggers and racists, oh my... (1 replies)
  155. Professional courtesy? (0 replies)
  156. Here is how your opinions and beliefs are decided for you. (11 replies)
  157. Unemployment Is Now A Welfare Benefit (9 replies)
  158. Official to Resign Over YouTube Clip was the Right Call (49 replies)
  159. Rev Wright cover up by news media (4 replies)
  160. The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit (15 replies)
  161. Tea Parties Are Racist Filled? (6 replies)
  162. Liberal Media Ignores Racism From Elected Dem at NAACP Meeting (51 replies)
  163. Biden: Failed stimulus all GOP’s fault (8 replies)
  164. Immigration Gumballs (2 replies)
  165. Best Article I've Seen In Ages (32 replies)
  166. Spector to Obama - Can I Have A Job? (2 replies)
  167. Obama: 'I expect to be held accountable' on jobs - but blame Bush (9 replies)
  168. Iowa politics... (5 replies)
  169. Europe Warns Obama: This Relationship Is Not Working (4 replies)
  170. Bush Tax Cuts Did NOT Cause Deficits or Recession (0 replies)
  171. Annual Deficit Hits $1 Trillion With 3 Months To Go (0 replies)
  172. Carville: Democrats better start praying (4 replies)
  173. Harry Reid: No Illegals in Nevada Construction Industry (6 replies)
  174. NAACP Says Tea Party Tolerates Racism (9 replies)
  175. AL Qaeda Now In Trouble For Racist Policies (3 replies)
  176. Video: Don’t put it on our tab (0 replies)
  177. Democrats fundraising in Canada (4 replies)
  178. And Now Comes The CBS Poll (8 replies)
  179. Fiorina Leads Boxer for First Time in California Senate Race (1 replies)
  180. Signs of the Times (0 replies)
  181. Harry Reid’s delicate dance with the issues (7 replies)
  182. Another Dem Loses it at Town Hall (5 replies)
  183. Asshole of the Month (32 replies)
  184. 55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama? (3 replies)
  185. Debt commission leaders paint gloomy picture (2 replies)
  186. Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in MN (44 replies)
  187. H.R. 4972 To Repeal Obamacare Has 108 Signatures (4 replies)
  188. Obama: I will not rest..... (3 replies)
  189. IRS: We don’t have the resources to handle ObamaCare (1 replies)
  190. Dem Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration (0 replies)
  191. George Will - Obama Is An Expert At Snake Oil (0 replies)
  192. Obama On Sale (2 replies)
  193. 6 Doctors, 4 Speech Writers, and 12 Teleprompters (14 replies)
  194. Carville Poll Not Boding Well For Dems (1 replies)
  195. The rest of the story (0 replies)
  196. Holder to look at Oakland verdict!! (1 replies)
  197. Liberalnomics - Pay More In Welfare Or Become Third World Country (0 replies)
  198. Panther leader blames Fox for voter scandal (12 replies)
  199. KKK member: "Want freedom? Kill some n*ggers!" (14 replies)
  200. Of the Bill of Rights? (346 replies)
  201. Spending stimulus cash on signs? (3 replies)
  202. Reid Sets Up FAke Web Site - Then Forced To Take It Down (6 replies)
  203. Obama Bypasses Dem Run Senate To Name Health Offficial (10 replies)
  204. Andrew Wilkow, anyone? (2 replies)
  205. Justice Department Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law (24 replies)
  206. "Obama on collision course with Supreme Court"... oh, really? (7 replies)
  207. Doj wont pursue cases against white victims (14 replies)
  208. I have found DP's newest political idol! (14 replies)
  209. Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance (2 replies)
  210. Gallup: How the Tea Party sees America (12 replies)
  211. this really is starting to feel like 1932 (0 replies)
  212. job creation chart (1 replies)
  213. Political Question thread (1 replies)
  214. Barack Obama: The great jobs killer (0 replies)
  215. CBS Upset Dem Congress 'Paralyzed' Over 'Fear of the Deficit' (6 replies)
  216. Barack Obama: The great jobs killer (0 replies)
  217. Obamacare Claims 1.500 Jobs In PA (14 replies)
  218. GOP still lacks leadership (5 replies)
  219. Premiums for new "high risk" pool could be steep (3 replies)
  220. GOP tries to nationalize elections; Dems resisting (11 replies)
  221. NBC Poll - More Bad News For Obama (8 replies)
  222. Democrats refuse compromise that would extend unemployment benefits (2 replies)
  223. Obama's Plan To Fix Unemployment (5 replies)
  224. WH Enacts Rules To Limit Media Coverage of Oil Spill (10 replies)
  225. Obama The Can't President (3 replies)
  226. Wtf? (61 replies)
  227. Barack Obama's Signature Has Some... Irregularities. (1 replies)
  228. Democrats "deem" faux $1.12 trillion Budget to be passed... without even writing one! (8 replies)
  229. Chicago defies Supreme Court, enacts ever more bizarre gun restrictions (7 replies)
  230. Havana Daydreamin' In Washington (3 replies)
  231. Will New York State Income Tax Cost the Knicks LeBron James? (4 replies)
  232. Obama: American citizenship “not a matter of blood or birth” (1 replies)
  233. Schwarzenegger orders state workers' pay reduced to minimum Fed wage (1 replies)
  234. Former DOJ Attorney Makes Explosive Accusations (2 replies)
  235. Why does anyone think we need "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"??? (31 replies)
  236. Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs (21 replies)
  237. The greatest threat to America in the 21st century is 'Domestic Marxism'. (26 replies)
  238. Obama aide 'forgot' 37G in union pay (4 replies)
  239. Obama on Unemployment At Least It's Not "12 or 13 or 15" Percent (15 replies)
  240. Did the 2nd amendment originally apply to the Fed govt only... or not? (10 replies)
  241. Wrong Track Distress (1 replies)
  242. White House Downplays Russian Spy Plot, Says Obama Knew Before Medvedev Visit (1 replies)
  243. "Reporters" Caught On Open Mic Mocking Sarah Palin (19 replies)
  244. Pete Stark: “Our borders are quite secure, thank you” (2 replies)
  245. Why Obamcare Is Getting More Unpopular (8 replies)
  246. Democrats: The Missing Years (3 replies)
  247. The Second Amendment, Incorporated (7 replies)
  248. Gun Control Laws (Thomas Sowell) (0 replies)
  249. Brewer to Obama (0 replies)
  250. A Conservative Kid Tries To Survive In California Schools (10 replies)