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  1. Life in a Parallel Universe (30 replies)
  2. Sarah Palin Is No Lauren Upton (3 replies)
  3. What a touching moment (62 replies)
  4. Deer in the Headlights response. (0 replies)
  5. 51% Say Reporters Are Trying To Hurt Palin; 39% Say She Has Better Experience Than Ob (1 replies)
  6. Sarah Palin "winged" her speech when teleprompter malfunctioned (5 replies)
  7. Communist guru Saul Alinsky’s son: “Obama learned his lesson well” (4 replies)
  8. Palin Nabs Highest '08 Broadcast TV Convention Ratings (2 replies)
  9. Cokehead community organizer who supports infanticide to run for President (0 replies)
  10. Will Newsweek Eat This Headline? 'Why Sarah Palin Is Likely to Belly-Flop' (2 replies)
  11. Rudy's speech (5 replies)
  12. John McCain's Mom and Daughter Abused by Leftist (1 replies)
  13. Sarah Palin's Speech to Nowhere (19 replies)
  14. Sarah Palin: Deeply Threatening to the Left? (5 replies)
  15. Biden: Obama may seek prosecution of Bush (8 replies)
  16. The End result.....Election 2008 (1 replies)
  17. Hot Mic Picks Up Noonan and Murphy Dishing on Palin (59 replies)
  18. Watching the convention (31 replies)
  19. Top shrink concludes liberals clinically nuts (27 replies)
  20. 300 arrested at RNC (2 replies)
  21. Unanswered questions.....#3 (113 replies)
  22. McCain Camp Knocks Down Enquirer’s Palin Rumor (18 replies)
  23. Newsweek praised Palin Oct 2007 (2 replies)
  24. The first to call Palin the contender???? (1 replies)
  25. Unanswered questions.....#2 (48 replies)
  26. Unanswered questions...#1 (85 replies)
  27. Women hating on their own (8 replies)
  28. Left wing slap down! (4 replies)
  29. Palin, McCain have matching bad tempers (11 replies)
  30. US women voters turned off by Palin's pick: poll (16 replies)
  31. Susan Estrich Predicts 30% of Clinton Supporters Will Go McCain (6 replies)
  32. Senator Lieberman (4 replies)
  33. Obama To Appear On O'Reilly Thursday Night (69 replies)
  34. Mccain Takes Back The Race With An Inspired, Maverick Selection (16 replies)
  35. Joe Lieberman: The Last Straw? (2 replies)
  36. Ron Paul (4 replies)
  37. McCain Strategist Blasts Media (1 replies)
  38. The Irony of Hope (0 replies)
  39. fred thompson's speech....... (15 replies)
  40. Obama, Biden's Son Linked by Earmarks (1 replies)
  41. the candidate...... (4 replies)
  42. BREAKING: Democrats Release Sarah Palin's Social Security Number (93 replies)
  43. For The Libertarians (9 replies)
  44. Becoming President (9 replies)
  45. Is Obama Finished? (2 replies)
  46. Sarah Palin: Earmark Queen (16 replies)
  47. Oh those peace-loving democrats... (0 replies)
  48. Liberals, who do you really want to be president? (0 replies)
  49. Conservatives, Who do you really want to be president? (15 replies)
  50. Obama's bounce small and fading (63 replies)
  51. Sarah Palin, meet the tabloid media (11 replies)
  52. Fatimah Ali: We need Obama, not 4 more years of George Bush (38 replies)
  53. A remarkably thin biography (1 replies)
  54. Libs Turn Back The Clock On Women (72 replies)
  55. Palin The $10 Million Women (16 replies)
  56. Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama (0 replies)
  57. VP: Cheney heads to ex-Soviet nations in show of support (0 replies)
  58. Let's have a little fun! (0 replies)
  59. Glen Beck for president (17 replies)
  60. Hey Joe and Gabby, you should be happy (15 replies)
  61. Palin's flip-flop on "Bridge To Nowhere" (15 replies)
  62. Obama Offers a Beautifully Packaged Lie (0 replies)
  63. Yet another Palin scandal (11 replies)
  64. Obama admits affair!!!!! (45 replies)
  65. I am voting for Obama (2 replies)
  66. Dems don't want "evidence" of 'troopergate' given to defense counsel (1 replies)
  67. Do Libs Love Violence: Violent Protesters Try To Spread Peace (35 replies)
  68. Sarah Palin / every latest post (3 replies)
  69. More poetry anyone? (9 replies)
  70. Miss Wasilla: Not So Bright (8 replies)
  71. Miss Wasilla's Daughter Pregnant (120 replies)
  72. Some questions for the left and Democrats (15 replies)
  73. Palin lies to cover up daughter's pregnancy (38 replies)
  74. The Coming Trials of Sarah Palin (13 replies)
  75. Sarah Palin Vs. Barack Obama (21 replies)
  76. Interesting Bit of Info On Alaska's Governors (8 replies)
  77. A poem for Joe Biden (1 replies)
  78. Obama Should Answer (1 replies)
  79. Jimmy Carter Calls Barack Obama A Black Boy (25 replies)
  80. barrack is the messiah and all who oppose him shall perish (1 replies)
  81. Biden is a racist (0 replies)
  82. McCain's foreign policy ambitions (2 replies)
  83. A poem for Sarah (8 replies)
  84. McCain is an idiot and a fool (111 replies)
  85. P. Diddly video---McCain is bugging the F*** (16 replies)
  86. John McCain: Hurricane Hunter (19 replies)
  87. This video proves why Sarah should be VP! :) (0 replies)
  88. McCain Picked Mrs. Wasilla Solely Because She's Hot (151 replies)
  89. Michael Moore: Hurricane Coming During GOP Convention 'Proof There Is a God (17 replies)
  90. Zogby: McCain VP Pick Destroys Obama DNC Bounce (7 replies)
  91. Maher: Matthews and Olbermann 'Were Ready to Have Sex' w/ Obama (2 replies)
  92. Colbert King Implies PUMAs Are Racist (0 replies)
  93. McCain's Desperation (8 replies)
  94. Palin v Obama (31 replies)
  95. Camille Paglia is reeling at the possibilities Palin Represents (75 replies)
  96. San Francisco: The Liberal Idea (0 replies)
  97. A Brilliant Trap Makes Dems The Male Chauvinists (68 replies)
  98. 6 things the Palin pick says about McCain (3 replies)
  99. Desperate Democrats: On The Palin Pick (8 replies)
  100. Lmao! (18 replies)
  101. Change? Not When It Comes To Dirty Tricks (0 replies)
  102. Sarah Palin Laughs at Attack on Cancer Survivor (12 replies)
  103. Obama's Birth Certificate? (5 replies)
  104. Sarah Palin: Another Abuse of Power (6 replies)
  105. Could McCain’s VP Pick De-Fang Biden? (15 replies)
  106. Gov. Palin: The Most Experienced on Energy Policy? (2 replies)
  107. Meet Todd Mitchell Palin (0 replies)
  108. Do you think McCain made the right choice with Palin? (38 replies)
  109. John McCain & Sarah Palin on Shattering the Glass Ceiling (0 replies)
  110. Presidential Votes (2 replies)
  111. Palin supports Obama (1 replies)
  112. Changes in Politics (4 replies)
  113. Sarah Palin: Grandmother? - Merged w/ Daily KOS thread (174 replies)
  114. McCain's Lack of Judgment (37 replies)
  115. Defending Against the First Attacks on Sarah Palin (9 replies)
  116. Sarah Palin (3 replies)
  117. Barack Obama: He Completes Us (0 replies)
  118. Mccain Takes In $3 Million Today (0 replies)
  119. Obama Incapable of 'Getting" (0 replies)
  120. Welcome to the "Bigs", Sarah! (0 replies)
  121. Sarah smile.... (1 replies)
  122. non-partisan thread (4 replies)
  123. Little Known Sarah Palin Facts (0 replies)
  124. Gov Palin Gets Pipline Approved (32 replies)
  125. Senator McCain, May I Buy You A Busch? (0 replies)
  126. Calling Stephanie & Night Train! (16 replies)
  127. Harriet Myers and Sarah Palin (75 replies)
  128. Sarah Palin Video thread...... (3 replies)
  129. Obama's Neimanesque Masterpiece (1 replies)
  130. And Libs Call Republicans Fear Mongers (2 replies)
  131. Tea Leaves: Is It Sarah Palin? (281 replies)
  132. Should Republicans Delay Convention Due To Gustav (35 replies)
  133. Qualifications for President (0 replies)
  134. ABC's short slide show of the realities behind the scenes at the DNC. (0 replies)
  135. Obama seeks to silence the opposition. (1 replies)
  136. pat buchannan on msnbc... (21 replies)
  137. obama's speech.... (73 replies)
  138. Help! (3 replies)
  139. Obama’s Campaign tries to silence talk radio show! (1 replies)
  140. Todays Sch. of Events....Don't miss it... (0 replies)
  141. Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African Americans (0 replies)
  142. Romney Family Gets Security Sweep (3 replies)
  143. Ron Paul CNN American Morning 08/28/2008 (0 replies)
  144. Wealth? (20 replies)
  145. Obama's plan to disarm U.S.! (2 replies)
  146. Dem. Party Chairman Says Americans are Selfish and Against 'The Least Among Us' (0 replies)
  147. Tonight it is The Temple Of Obama (5 replies)
  148. Another Obama Attempt To Silence Critics (17 replies)
  149. bill clinton's speech....... (12 replies)
  150. Obama says not about 'dirty' campaigning, but chooses attack dog (13 replies)
  151. Just Dumb (5 replies)
  152. McCain Plan Moves Some Out of VA Care! (31 replies)
  153. Ooooops (3 replies)
  154. vp kay......... (24 replies)
  155. Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow, Fair Hillary (0 replies)
  156. Pretty good summary of Hillary's speech (0 replies)
  157. OKAY Libs, How much do you give? (10 replies)
  158. Olbermann Insults Matthews On Air (3 replies)
  159. CNN’s Liberal Talking Heads Caught Dancing to Dems’ Music (0 replies)
  160. Liberal Media Wants "Red Meat" (2 replies)
  161. Democratic Convention Ratings Fall From 2004 (0 replies)
  162. can't america do better than 4 more years... (2 replies)
  163. She rolled her eyes! (15 replies)
  164. Well, Hillary's first speech of her "Hillary 2012" campaign starts tonight (0 replies)
  165. George W.'s War (1 replies)
  166. I will miss the Bush administration (52 replies)
  167. He Just Can't Keep His Big Mouth Shut (0 replies)
  168. Obama Getting Desperate? (9 replies)
  169. Yeah, I Watched The Convention Coverage (2 replies)
  170. Michelle O:'I love this country' (20 replies)
  171. Does the 2nd amendment allow for "reasonable restrictions"? HOW? (84 replies)
  172. The Boss, Bon Jovi headed for Obama's acceptance speech at Invesco Field (3 replies)
  173. Why bring out Jimmy Carter? (40 replies)
  174. Praying For Rain (9 replies)
  175. Time for Some Campaignin - LOL (Jibjab) (0 replies)
  176. Obama praises China as "Vastly superior" (47 replies)
  177. Hillary's Pumas Meet JFK's Ghost at the Democratic Convention (0 replies)
  178. Michelle Obama / Laura Bush (0 replies)
  179. how does one distinguish between personal attack & legitimate political issue/questio (7 replies)
  180. Party Unity Tops Agenda For Democrats (6 replies)
  181. Yippe Libertarian Party (4 replies)
  182. Racism - The Only Reason Obama Will Lose (40 replies)
  183. Party ID Moving (0 replies)
  184. What Biden Brings Obama (3 replies)
  185. Happy Days Ahead (16 replies)
  186. Let Me Introduce You To The Next President.... (11 replies)
  187. can we have an honest debate about... (4 replies)
  188. finally someone in california doesn't have their head up their ass (17 replies)
  189. Clinton Supporters Split Over Biden As VP (15 replies)
  190. Celebrity Kicks Off Show With McCain, Hitler and Mugabe (11 replies)
  191. Lawsuit Claims Obama not a US Citizen (13 replies)
  192. Obama sued by Clinton supporter (0 replies)
  193. Michelle Obama's Hospital Shuns Uninsured Poor People (24 replies)
  194. Bounce? (3 replies)
  195. McCain 12 - Obama 0 (16 replies)
  196. Obama Pulling Ads From 'Red States' (7 replies)
  197. John McCain: Confused About Putin (15 replies)
  198. The Ridiculous Cost Of A Presidential Election (1 replies)
  199. There Is Real Hope (0 replies)
  200. Obama & ACORN (0 replies)
  201. John McCain: Thug (29 replies)
  202. Clinton supporter sues to prevent Obama from nomination (0 replies)
  203. McCain's response to houses (23 replies)
  204. Prediction: (7 replies)
  205. Good People (20 replies)
  206. Obama makes VP selection (3 replies)
  207. McCain not sure how many houses he has (55 replies)
  208. Giuliani and Romney Crash DNC (0 replies)
  209. Coming To Denver (2 replies)
  210. Now Comes Election Projection (5 replies)
  211. Poll: McCain holds edge on patriotism (0 replies)
  212. Hillary Clinton Creates 'whip team' (2 replies)
  213. Since you offered Obama, I challenge your patriotism. (18 replies)
  214. "Three Emails" Why I'll Vote For McCain (2 replies)
  215. CNN Producer Pitched 'Video Strategy' to Obama Campaign, Got Job (0 replies)
  216. Pelosi's Spatula (22 replies)
  217. Words Biden Would Like To Forget (0 replies)
  218. Inflated Expectations, and Ego, Hurting Obama (0 replies)
  219. Lieberman to Speak at GOP Convention (1 replies)
  220. Biden is Democratic favorite for Obama's No. 2 (38 replies)
  221. Republicans who still don't accept McCain (7 replies)
  222. Lieberman Was A Democratic VP Prick: AP (4 replies)
  223. Buyer's Remorse and The Democratic Convention (1 replies)
  224. 25 signs you might be a liberal (3 replies)
  225. Group Wants To Make 9-11 a Campaign Free Day (8 replies)
  226. McCain 5 Point Lead (38 replies)
  227. What Else Is Above Obama's Pay Grade? (6 replies)
  228. MSNBC Moves Further Left (30 replies)
  229. 200-plus years of campaign dirty tricks (2 replies)
  230. Lieberman as a Rep. VP. (0 replies)
  231. Chicago: It's Different Here (6 replies)
  232. Calling Sandy Berger! (5 replies)
  233. Obama's VP Choice (11 replies)
  234. Election year raises House earmarks (0 replies)
  235. Hillary Still Working On Delegates (0 replies)
  236. For Obama, Taxes Are About Fairness (2 replies)
  237. Freedom of Speech? (4 replies)
  238. Lessons From The Depression (18 replies)
  239. McCain's VP choice (17 replies)
  240. DNC Convention Credentials Feature Upside-Down Flag (33 replies)
  241. Pelosi Praises Obama As God's Gift to AmeriKKKa (5 replies)
  242. The argument against domestic oil exploration (66 replies)
  243. Why Is The Election So Close? (40 replies)
  244. McCain reopens the national security gap (8 replies)
  245. Cue Hillary - Exit Stage Left? (0 replies)
  246. Despite Assurances, McCain Wasn’t In A ‘Cone Of Silence’ (113 replies)
  247. No More Hugs As Obama Tears Into McCain (4 replies)
  248. 2 Quizzes (1 replies)
  249. Why the backtracking? (6 replies)
  250. Long Term Saddleback (0 replies)