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  1. Putting Politics First (30 replies)
  2. video-THE NEW CONGRESS: Barney Frank on Economic Justice (0 replies)
  3. The Dems must be so proud... (21 replies)
  4. Worst financial crisis since the Great Depression (3 replies)
  5. Bill Clinton: McCain acted on 'good faith' in debate delay... (15 replies)
  6. Thank God McCain is an idiot...thank God Palin is so transparently incompetent (20 replies)
  7. Video: Fox News hammers Democrats again for Fannie/Freddie mess (0 replies)
  8. The Liberty Bell Rang for Liberty and Equality; Does Obama? (2 replies)
  9. Some thoughts/questions about abortion (8 replies)
  10. Probe for Obama's $100K Garden of Weeds & Garbage (3 replies)
  11. They gave your mortgage to a less qualified minority (15 replies)
  12. McCain Doesn't Grasp Cause of Finance Crisis (16 replies)
  13. Race Card Played On Gov Palin (10 replies)
  14. Subject: Cynthia McKinney Ready to take McCain’s Podium at Friday’s Debate (1 replies)
  15. Tancredo Tells United Nations to Get Out (5 replies)
  16. Al Gore Weighing In, Anarachy Of Course (9 replies)
  17. McCain to Bush: Thanks for screwing me over (14 replies)
  18. Barack Obama's "Freedom of Choice Act" Would Mean 125K More Abortions (1 replies)
  19. Biden lied - Troops died (6 replies)
  20. Analysis: Fact-Checkers Fall Short in Criticizing NRA's Anti-Obama Ads (0 replies)
  21. Sarah Palin parody of "I Kissed a Girl" (2 replies)
  22. Fox’s Megyn Kelly vs. Obama Spokesman on NRA Ads (0 replies)
  23. McCain suspending his campaign (163 replies)
  24. New McCain ad: “The Coal Miner” (0 replies)
  25. Biden, Obama helped keep 'Bridge to Nowhere' alive (0 replies)
  26. Obama Up By 9% In WP Poll?????? (33 replies)
  27. Community Organizers Try To Steal Election In Michigan (3 replies)
  28. Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire (1 replies)
  29. Have You Ever Heard Obama Supporters Say Something Positive About America? (6 replies)
  30. The Truth About Sarah Palin (26 replies)
  31. McCain has a high IQ (13 replies)
  32. Libertarians Lose Election Legal Battle (0 replies)
  33. Palin's Troopergate Moves Getting Bad Reviews in Alaska (10 replies)
  34. Polls: the two out of three problem (11 replies)
  35. Palin's Preferred Probe Requires Utmost Secrecy (4 replies)
  36. Biden's Been Busy, But Will We See These In the NYT? (0 replies)
  37. What political party is this? (0 replies)
  38. Obama/Joe Biden "No Coal Plants Here in America" (1 replies)
  39. Further example(s) of Democrats going insane? (4 replies)
  40. FBI Investigating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (21 replies)
  41. Pick your Barry Obama Excuse for November! (21 replies)
  42. Bill Clinton says he understands Palin's appeal (2 replies)
  43. What happened to President Hoover? (13 replies)
  44. On the Second Amendment, Don’t Believe Obama (2 replies)
  45. Who Is The Real Barack Obama? (0 replies)
  46. Osama's Anti-Poverty Program (2 replies)
  47. Dissecting the Palin Rumor Mill (4 replies)
  48. Lauer picks Obama apart.. leaves only bones behind (5 replies)
  49. video-Obama/Joe Biden "No Coal Plants Here in America" (10 replies)
  50. NRA Drops the bomb on Obama! - Love it! (1 replies)
  51. Is Joe Biden getting ready to fall on the sword?? (9 replies)
  52. Fannie Mae CEO addresses Black Caucus(including OBAMA) in 2005 (0 replies)
  53. Obama says... (0 replies)
  54. Now Student and Car Loans Added to Bailout Plan (10 replies)
  55. Obama's Tax Cut Is Income Redistribution (0 replies)
  56. All Liberal Hell Will Break lose If Obama Loses (103 replies)
  57. Biden "forced" copter landing (308 replies)
  58. Connecting the Dots of Obama & Ayers (8 replies)
  59. ...ad that mocked McCain was 'terrible' (10 replies)
  60. This Bud's For You, Senator Obama! (0 replies)
  61. Biden: Plagiarist and Liar (2 replies)
  62. McCain: NYT's In The Tank For Obama, Drop Pretense (1 replies)
  63. Is the Left losing its mind over Sarah Palin? (15 replies)
  64. A Question For Obama Regarding 'Graham's Bill' (0 replies)
  65. Albright & Powell See Possible War With Russia (3 replies)
  66. Obama's Social Security Whopper (5 replies)
  67. The 50 Richest Members of Congress - John Kerry #1 (7 replies)
  68. What`s your take on Obama`s $845 BILLION Global Poverty Act? (22 replies)
  69. A Black preachers opinion on Obamas' momma and Palins daughter. (0 replies)
  70. video-Obama yells at an elderly woman questioning him about national security. (42 replies)
  71. If there were three equal parties! (4 replies)
  72. Hillary's Dilemma (0 replies)
  73. Why is McCain's campaign now running Alaska? (5 replies)
  74. LOL! SNL Does McCain (4 replies)
  75. WaPo Cartoon Features A Cursing God, Ridicules Palin's Religion (3 replies)
  76. Rangel: hoof and mouth disease (3 replies)
  77. Seven Deadly Sins of Deregulation -- and Three Necessary Reforms (3 replies)
  78. Obama in the mud: So much for honesty (16 replies)
  79. Obama proves all too human (0 replies)
  80. Obama's "church" (0 replies)
  81. IRS Threat Led To Palin UN Snub (5 replies)
  82. AOL Straw poll (0 replies)
  83. 7 1/2 Years Of Bush (5 replies)
  84. Austin music "support" for Palin (3 replies)
  85. When Karl Rove Says Your Sleazy Its Time To Take A Step Back And Ponder (5 replies)
  86. All You Need To Know About John And Sarah's Habitual Lying (117 replies)
  87. video-White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need (4 replies)
  88. Obama Is Not Anti-War (6 replies)
  89. Patriotism, Charity, Altruism, Paying Taxes (0 replies)
  90. Obama May Lose Due To Racists-Democrats (4 replies)
  91. McCain & Limbaugh Brings Us Obama & Wright (2 replies)
  92. Obama's "Universal" Service Plan - Part 1 (0 replies)
  93. Clinton praise for McCain..Obama..not so much (0 replies)
  94. Would John McCain's Election Really Represent a Third Bush Term? (12 replies)
  95. More Obama Ties to US Financial Issues (0 replies)
  96. Is McCain Stupid? (19 replies)
  97. Who said it? (2 replies)
  98. Anyone ready to listen yet? (21 replies)
  99. Rangel pays IRS, says he is target of GOP 'guerrilla war'Story Highlights (1 replies)
  100. ASTONISHING: Rep. Rangel Calls Palin 'Disabled' (6 replies)
  101. White Privilege (32 replies)
  102. Obama is a wussy (3 replies)
  103. Why are the Democrats so afraid of Palin and her popularity? (2 replies)
  104. CBC Now Attacks Gov Palin (2 replies)
  105. Mortgage Crisis: Blame Bush (42 replies)
  106. videos-Obama attacks abortion survivor Gianna Jessen in ad (3 replies)
  107. Blacks Against Obama’ Interrupt Campaign Rally (2 replies)
  108. Sandra Bernhard: Palin Would Be Gang-Raped By Blacks in Manhattan (15 replies)
  109. Paying Taxes is Not Patriotism (19 replies)
  110. Marx Leads the Way (24 replies)
  111. What IF The American People Care About Iran? (2 replies)
  112. How The Sarah Palin Pick Trumps Obama-biden (6 replies)
  113. Sarah Palin Interview w/ Sean Hannity Pt.2 (1 replies)
  114. 143 days (1 replies)
  115. Libertarian Law suit to keep Obama & McCain off the Ballot in Texas (2 replies)
  116. guess who's coming to dinner?? (32 replies)
  117. *SHOCK* Palin Email Hack - traced back to the Dems. (72 replies)
  118. Rangel's Parking Violation (2 replies)
  119. Two Democrats on an escalator (2 replies)
  120. Fox’s Megyn Kendall rips into Canadian Journalist over Palin Criticism (0 replies)
  121. A Remake of Psalm 23 (0 replies)
  122. Obama Got Major Campaign Donations From Fannie Mae/Mac? (5 replies)
  123. Another Lie From Obama (6 replies)
  124. New York Times 2003: Dems Oppose Bush Plan To Rein in Fannie and Freddie (11 replies)
  125. Do Nothing Congress Does Nothing Again (4 replies)
  126. Everything you need to know about Democrats in one video (1 replies)
  127. many new state polls released.... (21 replies)
  128. Where Is Chucky? (0 replies)
  129. Biden calls paying higher taxes a patriotic act (4 replies)
  130. Obama lies big time (3 replies)
  131. The High Cost Of Racial Hype (0 replies)
  132. So Which Do YOU Trust With Today's Economy? (15 replies)
  133. Sarah Palin Interview with Sean Hannity Pt.1 (0 replies)
  134. How private is computer data? (0 replies)
  135. Universal Housing? (12 replies)
  136. Excerpts from Palin’s Hannity Interview — Part I (0 replies)
  137. Obama: Lucifer Is My Homeboy (0 replies)
  138. McCain will be more like Reagan than Bush ever was (4 replies)
  139. Obama Can’t Be Trusted on National Defense (0 replies)
  140. Republican ticket builds up in key swing state (0 replies)
  141. Op-Ed Writer: Trig Palin a Financial Burden Who Should Have Been Aborted (28 replies)
  142. Hacker’s target Palin’s Email Account (3 replies)
  143. Breaking news: Obama is half-black (0 replies)
  144. More Liberal Media Bias Against Gov Palin (11 replies)
  145. CNN: If Obama loses, it’s because of racism (6 replies)
  146. Stephanie Curcio: Palin puts career before children (5 replies)
  147. Prominent Clinton backer and DNC member to endorse McCain (0 replies)
  148. Democrats’ Lead Falls to Six on Generic Congressional Ballot (0 replies)
  149. video ad-Disgrace! Obama discourages troop negotiations for personal political gain (13 replies)
  150. Member of DNC Platform Committee Endorses McCain (2 replies)
  151. A Question For Obama Supporters (8 replies)
  152. Why Experience Matters (23 replies)
  153. Exclusive: DOJ will not conduct witch hunts for Obama (49 replies)
  154. Biden elitism - Obama too smart & well educated for you to relate to (7 replies)
  155. The trillion dollar bank shakedown that bodes ill for cities (0 replies)
  156. Palin Tanking (24 replies)
  157. Stop The Presses! Palin Bought A Tanning Bed (29 replies)
  158. The Palin Effect Hits NJ (12 replies)
  159. Fatimah Ali: 'Race war' in America If Obama Loses (10 replies)
  160. Candidates follow a visionary leader.... (0 replies)
  161. What if taxes went up to over 90%? (42 replies)
  162. On Sex-Ed Ad, McCain Is Right (1 replies)
  163. Democrats helping the disadvantaged ????????????? (18 replies)
  164. Minnesota Man Asks Donors to "Help Obama's Brother" (because Barack won't) (0 replies)
  165. Palin Hits Back: Trooper Gate Likely Suffers Fatal Blow (0 replies)
  166. 2008 Presidential Candidate Comparison Talking Points (0 replies)
  167. Obama takes his pacifier (teleprompter) on the trail (1 replies)
  168. Ayers & Dohrn Receive Rings Of Solidarity From North Vietnamese (2 replies)
  169. Obama's teleprompter hits the trail (2 replies)
  170. Democrats’ latest idea: gas stamps (35 replies)
  171. Sunday Funnies: 'The Lying King' Exposes Media's Palin Attacks (1 replies)
  172. Plea: McCain, Please Don't Be Stupid! (1 replies)
  173. video ad-BornAliveTruth.org Gianna ad (25 replies)
  174. Again The Left and The First Amendment (1 replies)
  175. From An Obamanite (2 replies)
  176. IF NY Is In 'Play", McCain Will Win In A Landslide (4 replies)
  177. Inside the Obama War Room (3 replies)
  178. SNL does Sarah/Hillary (3 replies)
  179. McCain, Palin on economy: It’s time for some real reform (0 replies)
  180. Obama spokesman won’t deny he knew McCain’s injuries limited his computer use (10 replies)
  181. Obama down to 5pt lead in NEW YORK!! (0 replies)
  182. A letter to America: You Cannot be Serious (25 replies)
  183. Records show McCain more bipartisan (1 replies)
  184. Majority of Voters Say Only McCain, Biden Prepared To Be President (0 replies)
  185. Mean, But Worth Talking About (5 replies)
  186. Obama Tried to Stall GI's Iraq Withdrawal (1 replies)
  187. Obama: Here Comes Another "One" Just Like Another One... (3 replies)
  188. NYT Calls On Rangel To Step Down From Ways & Means (8 replies)
  189. Garrison Keillor : The 'Bums' Try For An End Run (8 replies)
  190. Look For Links To Obama's Team and Fannie/Freddie Problems (8 replies)
  191. Interesting info on Hillary... (0 replies)
  192. Palin/Hilary SNL Skit (2 replies)
  193. Obama Aide: McCain Campaign 'Sleaziest' In Modern History (15 replies)
  194. Clinton Fulfilling New Role With Gusto (13 replies)
  195. Barack's Bumper Sticker Slogan (4 replies)
  196. Pro-Hillary group endorses McCain/Palin (15 replies)
  197. October Surprise..Obama/Biden (16 replies)
  198. Charlie Gibson Goes From Most Respected Anchor to Foolish Disgrace (1 replies)
  199. Seeing through Obamanomics (0 replies)
  200. The MSM, Celebreties, and Foreign Leaders Helping McCain (0 replies)
  201. Someone Bringing Up Chicago, Though NOT MSM (0 replies)
  202. A MSM Article Tells Truth On Obama-Alas, It's From the UK (13 replies)
  203. 5 reasons why McCain has pulled ahead (0 replies)
  204. I Think His Knuckles Are Bleeding (0 replies)
  205. Evidence of Miss Wasilla's Toxicity: Character Flaws (9 replies)
  206. The NYT Just Can't Seem To Stop Themselves (30 replies)
  207. Change? It's No Longer Resonating (3 replies)
  208. Biden Gave Less than 1%, McCain Gave 26% (113 replies)
  209. Obama Waffles! (0 replies)
  210. video-Democratic Party War Room (0 replies)
  211. Gibson Didn’t Pound Edwards in 2004; Asked Him If GOP Attacks Made Him Mad (0 replies)
  212. She’s Not Ready (5 replies)
  213. Charlie Gibson Wrong on the Bush Doctrine (3 replies)
  214. Did Gibson have a double standard for Palin? (1 replies)
  215. Final Palin / Gibson Interview (1 replies)
  216. Pam Anderson tells Palin to suck it (11 replies)
  217. ABC Edits Palin Interview - Viewers don't get full context (15 replies)
  218. Evidence of Miss Wasilla's Ignorance: Foreign Policy (23 replies)
  219. Gloves Come Off (3 replies)
  220. McCain Barbs Stirring Outcry As Distortions (28 replies)
  221. Two Very Different Interviews (Charlie Gibson w/Obama vs. Charlie Gibson w/Palin) (5 replies)
  222. Alaska Lawmakers Vote To Subpoena Todd Palin (2 replies)
  223. Hey ABC, your extreme bias is showing for all to see (2 replies)
  224. McCain Fumbles Palin’s Record On Earmark Requests (35 replies)
  225. Obama`s two faces, maybe three, and the fairness doctrine! (1 replies)
  226. Delawarians arrested for pushing bags of "Obama" (1 replies)
  227. Whoops! Obama On McCain Lack of Emails (17 replies)
  228. Do You Really Want Small Government? (8 replies)
  229. Federal Drug War Rethought (32 replies)
  230. How many Libs would freak out over President Washington's Inauguration? (3 replies)
  231. Who Hates Sarah Palin? (30 replies)
  232. What Did the New York Times Say About Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 (2 replies)
  233. Whoopi is an idiot. (27 replies)
  234. New Ad takes "Aim" at Sarah's "Savagery" (2 replies)
  235. Sarah Palin would never be on her own in the White House (3 replies)
  236. New Ohio Poll Shows McCain Leading Obama (6 replies)
  237. Biden, "Palin's good looking...." (5 replies)
  238. Palin and Alaska's Muslim Population (13 replies)
  239. Biden on VP....Hillary better choice (0 replies)
  240. Obama gets tough questions on experience: chokes (13 replies)
  241. Biden is the new Dan Quayle..... (34 replies)
  242. How do you think this guy really feels? (0 replies)
  243. Obama and South Chicago Slum Developers (0 replies)
  244. Palin Popularity Trickles Down For GOP (6 replies)
  245. Dear Mr. Obama (1 replies)
  246. A Mighty Wind blows through Republican convention (6 replies)
  247. EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin (56 replies)
  248. "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor" (38 replies)
  249. Captain Earmark twice sought millions in pork for nonprofit chaired by top fundraiser (0 replies)
  250. Obama - I don't want my daughters "punished with a baby" (142 replies)