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  1. Romney Family Gets Security Sweep (3 replies)
  2. Ron Paul CNN American Morning 08/28/2008 (0 replies)
  3. Wealth? (20 replies)
  4. Obama's plan to disarm U.S.! (2 replies)
  5. Dem. Party Chairman Says Americans are Selfish and Against 'The Least Among Us' (0 replies)
  6. Tonight it is The Temple Of Obama (5 replies)
  7. Another Obama Attempt To Silence Critics (17 replies)
  8. bill clinton's speech....... (12 replies)
  9. Obama says not about 'dirty' campaigning, but chooses attack dog (13 replies)
  10. Just Dumb (5 replies)
  11. McCain Plan Moves Some Out of VA Care! (31 replies)
  12. Ooooops (3 replies)
  13. vp kay......... (24 replies)
  14. Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow, Fair Hillary (0 replies)
  15. Pretty good summary of Hillary's speech (0 replies)
  16. OKAY Libs, How much do you give? (10 replies)
  17. Olbermann Insults Matthews On Air (3 replies)
  18. CNN’s Liberal Talking Heads Caught Dancing to Dems’ Music (0 replies)
  19. Liberal Media Wants "Red Meat" (2 replies)
  20. Democratic Convention Ratings Fall From 2004 (0 replies)
  21. can't america do better than 4 more years... (2 replies)
  22. She rolled her eyes! (15 replies)
  23. Well, Hillary's first speech of her "Hillary 2012" campaign starts tonight (0 replies)
  24. George W.'s War (1 replies)
  25. I will miss the Bush administration (52 replies)
  26. He Just Can't Keep His Big Mouth Shut (0 replies)
  27. Obama Getting Desperate? (9 replies)
  28. Yeah, I Watched The Convention Coverage (2 replies)
  29. Michelle O:'I love this country' (20 replies)
  30. Does the 2nd amendment allow for "reasonable restrictions"? HOW? (84 replies)
  31. The Boss, Bon Jovi headed for Obama's acceptance speech at Invesco Field (3 replies)
  32. Why bring out Jimmy Carter? (40 replies)
  33. Praying For Rain (9 replies)
  34. Time for Some Campaignin - LOL (Jibjab) (0 replies)
  35. Obama praises China as "Vastly superior" (47 replies)
  36. Hillary's Pumas Meet JFK's Ghost at the Democratic Convention (0 replies)
  37. Michelle Obama / Laura Bush (0 replies)
  38. how does one distinguish between personal attack & legitimate political issue/questio (7 replies)
  39. Party Unity Tops Agenda For Democrats (6 replies)
  40. Yippe Libertarian Party (4 replies)
  41. Racism - The Only Reason Obama Will Lose (40 replies)
  42. Party ID Moving (0 replies)
  43. What Biden Brings Obama (3 replies)
  44. Happy Days Ahead (16 replies)
  45. Let Me Introduce You To The Next President.... (11 replies)
  46. can we have an honest debate about... (4 replies)
  47. finally someone in california doesn't have their head up their ass (17 replies)
  48. Clinton Supporters Split Over Biden As VP (15 replies)
  49. Celebrity Kicks Off Show With McCain, Hitler and Mugabe (11 replies)
  50. Lawsuit Claims Obama not a US Citizen (13 replies)
  51. Obama sued by Clinton supporter (0 replies)
  52. Michelle Obama's Hospital Shuns Uninsured Poor People (24 replies)
  53. Bounce? (3 replies)
  54. McCain 12 - Obama 0 (16 replies)
  55. Obama Pulling Ads From 'Red States' (7 replies)
  56. John McCain: Confused About Putin (15 replies)
  57. The Ridiculous Cost Of A Presidential Election (1 replies)
  58. There Is Real Hope (0 replies)
  59. Obama & ACORN (0 replies)
  60. John McCain: Thug (29 replies)
  61. Clinton supporter sues to prevent Obama from nomination (0 replies)
  62. McCain's response to houses (23 replies)
  63. Prediction: (7 replies)
  64. Good People (20 replies)
  65. Obama makes VP selection (3 replies)
  66. McCain not sure how many houses he has (55 replies)
  67. Giuliani and Romney Crash DNC (0 replies)
  68. Coming To Denver (2 replies)
  69. Now Comes Election Projection (5 replies)
  70. Poll: McCain holds edge on patriotism (0 replies)
  71. Hillary Clinton Creates 'whip team' (2 replies)
  72. Since you offered Obama, I challenge your patriotism. (18 replies)
  73. "Three Emails" Why I'll Vote For McCain (2 replies)
  74. CNN Producer Pitched 'Video Strategy' to Obama Campaign, Got Job (0 replies)
  75. Pelosi's Spatula (22 replies)
  76. Words Biden Would Like To Forget (0 replies)
  77. Inflated Expectations, and Ego, Hurting Obama (0 replies)
  78. Lieberman to Speak at GOP Convention (1 replies)
  79. Biden is Democratic favorite for Obama's No. 2 (38 replies)
  80. Republicans who still don't accept McCain (7 replies)
  81. Lieberman Was A Democratic VP Prick: AP (4 replies)
  82. Buyer's Remorse and The Democratic Convention (1 replies)
  83. 25 signs you might be a liberal (3 replies)
  84. Group Wants To Make 9-11 a Campaign Free Day (8 replies)
  85. McCain 5 Point Lead (38 replies)
  86. What Else Is Above Obama's Pay Grade? (6 replies)
  87. MSNBC Moves Further Left (30 replies)
  88. 200-plus years of campaign dirty tricks (2 replies)
  89. Lieberman as a Rep. VP. (0 replies)
  90. Chicago: It's Different Here (6 replies)
  91. Calling Sandy Berger! (5 replies)
  92. Obama's VP Choice (11 replies)
  93. Election year raises House earmarks (0 replies)
  94. Hillary Still Working On Delegates (0 replies)
  95. For Obama, Taxes Are About Fairness (2 replies)
  96. Freedom of Speech? (4 replies)
  97. Lessons From The Depression (18 replies)
  98. McCain's VP choice (17 replies)
  99. DNC Convention Credentials Feature Upside-Down Flag (33 replies)
  100. Pelosi Praises Obama As God's Gift to AmeriKKKa (5 replies)
  101. The argument against domestic oil exploration (66 replies)
  102. Why Is The Election So Close? (40 replies)
  103. McCain reopens the national security gap (8 replies)
  104. Cue Hillary - Exit Stage Left? (0 replies)
  105. Despite Assurances, McCain Wasn’t In A ‘Cone Of Silence’ (113 replies)
  106. No More Hugs As Obama Tears Into McCain (4 replies)
  107. 2 Quizzes (1 replies)
  108. Why the backtracking? (6 replies)
  109. Long Term Saddleback (0 replies)
  110. video-The Chronicles Of The Obamessiah, Volume I: The Adulteress (0 replies)
  111. if you couldnt vote for no-change obama or half-way mc-cain who would you vote for ? (6 replies)
  112. Obama Meets With 'Swift Boats' Bankroller T. Boone Pickens (0 replies)
  113. Obama's Problem With Illinois Legislation (0 replies)
  114. "Experience" A Word NOT To Use (19 replies)
  115. Saddleback: The Contrast (6 replies)
  116. Wesley Clark Goes Under The Bus (6 replies)
  117. A question for Republicans (18 replies)
  118. It's above my paygrade (140 replies)
  119. A Militia? A Force? (4 replies)
  120. “Diversity” in Howard Dean’s Democrat Party (7 replies)
  121. Is The NY Times Turning On Obama? (5 replies)
  122. Pelosi Flip Flops On Drilling But Only If Taxes Are Raised (23 replies)
  123. Unfortunate New Meaning for BDS (0 replies)
  124. Rev. Jeremiah Wright has 'October surprise' for Obama (0 replies)
  125. Some Are "Gaffes", Some Are Lessons Mislearned (0 replies)
  126. Rep.: Half of House Dems may vote Hillary at DNC (7 replies)
  127. Kerry For Vice President? (0 replies)
  128. McCain: Buying American is disgraceful. (13 replies)
  129. Let's talk about gaffes then (27 replies)
  130. video-Traitor Howard Dean calls GOP the "White" party (19 replies)
  131. Democrats need support (2 replies)
  132. Study: Troops Deployed Abroad Gave Six Times More To Obama Than To McCain (21 replies)
  133. McCain Says "Gotta Keep Your Sense Of Humor" About Anti-Obama Book (0 replies)
  134. McCain's foreign policy gaffes (45 replies)
  135. Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes (1 replies)
  136. video-Barack Obama: The Taxman Cometh (0 replies)
  137. Dangerous Times In Georgia Demand Serious Leadership (30 replies)
  138. Barack Obama blinks in Hillary face-off (6 replies)
  139. "In the 21st century, nations don’t invade other nations." (14 replies)
  140. Obama's Radical Roots And Rules (1 replies)
  141. Pelosi: Lieberman's Obama remarks 'irresponsible' (0 replies)
  142. Another Pirouette? Obama As Rudolf Nureyev (1 replies)
  143. The Obama Prayer (3 replies)
  144. Hillary Clinton's name to be placed in nomination (6 replies)
  145. Reasons not to vote for McCain (5 replies)
  146. Corsi, Swift Boats, Obama, The Enquirer, and Smears (0 replies)
  147. To aid Obama, Kerry takes on an old foe (1 replies)
  148. McCain opposed 2004 "swift boat" campaign (1 replies)
  149. Cindy McCain's glass house (7 replies)
  150. Clinton Rallies Planned for Convention (2 replies)
  151. Obama and Cocaine: This Is Your Brain (0 replies)
  152. Pretty good bumper sticker (2 replies)
  153. McCain picks up a key endorsement (13 replies)
  154. Pelosi and Pickens Picking the Taxpayer's Pockets (17 replies)
  155. Required To Volunteer? (48 replies)
  156. City readies warehouse for mass DNC arrests (3 replies)
  157. Obama's problem with white, male voters (85 replies)
  158. Politics of the Race Card (15 replies)
  159. Since RSR won't do it I will. (12 replies)
  160. New documents show Obama cover-up on born-alive survivors bill (67 replies)
  161. Mistake: McCain Would Back Georgia In Nato (12 replies)
  162. I Don't Care For Obama, BUT (21 replies)
  163. Backers want Clinton nominated at convention (0 replies)
  164. MSM: Headlined McCain, Meme Is Obama (1 replies)
  165. Pelosi Changing Stance On Drilling? (8 replies)
  166. How Is John McCain's Affair Different from John Edwards'? (45 replies)
  167. Dem VP to speak on national security (17 replies)
  168. Obama's fake birth certificate forged from original of a woman (43 replies)
  169. Obama Executes Another Pirouette Regarding Georgia (4 replies)
  170. Obama close to VP choice (5 replies)
  171. Obama Is the Anti-Christ? (10 replies)
  172. McCain Being McCained (0 replies)
  173. Obama Supports Union Ploy to Drop Secret Ballots (1 replies)
  174. Dick Cheney: RNC Convention-Bound (2 replies)
  175. Tenn. Democrat Beats Lawyer Who Linked Him To KKK (0 replies)
  176. Supremacists Hope For Boost From Obama Win (19 replies)
  177. GOP Warned: Swiftboaters Will Be Exposed As The Liars They Are (119 replies)
  178. Cindy Sheehan On The Ballot!!!!!!!!!!!! (14 replies)
  179. McCain the Antichrist? (36 replies)
  180. Better for the Dems to lose? (18 replies)
  181. Watch the Ego, Obama (3 replies)
  182. Atlantic Monthly To Publish Clinton Memos (0 replies)
  183. Group Plans Campaign Against G.O.P. Donors (1 replies)
  184. On Friday, Where We Are Today (11 replies)
  185. 7 year Old Tells Michelle Obama to "Finish What We Started In Iraq" (42 replies)
  186. McCain Catches On: It's All About Obama (0 replies)
  187. video-Michelle and Barack Obama INSULT America (1 replies)
  188. Democratic jitters as Obama heads home (0 replies)
  189. The Democrat Plan for Losing (7 replies)
  190. VP Cheney WILL Speak At GOP Convention (2 replies)
  191. Racism and the Media (3 replies)
  192. A Drilling Plan Full of Holes (70 replies)
  193. Ooops On Exxon For Obama (6 replies)
  194. ABC Snubbed As Mods For Debates (8 replies)
  195. Pres Bush Isn't The Bad Guy (45 replies)
  196. What A Difference A Month Makes (2 replies)
  197. One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute (14 replies)
  198. Post a video/song and tell us which politician it represents (0 replies)
  199. Cool!!! (13 replies)
  200. Federal Officers to Obama: We’re No Terrorists (7 replies)
  201. Al Gore As Head OF EPA? (15 replies)
  202. Obama tells 7-year-old America not so great (89 replies)
  203. Gee, Will This Ad Be Labeled 'Racist'? (5 replies)
  204. Hurricane Hillary (1 replies)
  205. Al Gore, the Oilman Who Hates Oil (8 replies)
  206. Uh, America Has Gone Downhill? It Used To Be Better? (1 replies)
  207. What Goes Around Comes Around (5 replies)
  208. Which Party Would This Be? (42 replies)
  209. Recycling Jimmy Carter (0 replies)
  210. Obama's Abstract Patriotism (0 replies)
  211. Could Obama still lose the nomination? (0 replies)
  212. Preemptive? (5 replies)
  213. An Interesting Question (4 replies)
  214. Ted Poe for President (3 replies)
  215. Voter Drive In Milwaukee Runs Into Problems (3 replies)
  216. video--Son of a Beach (0 replies)
  217. Democrats Increasingly Frustrated with Edwards (14 replies)
  218. Obama shows more signs of hypocrisy (10 replies)
  219. New Conservative Info Site (6 replies)
  220. Pawlenty is not looking like a good choice to me (0 replies)
  221. I still think this is one of the ... (0 replies)
  222. Topless Biker Babes and Touchy Tire Gauges (1 replies)
  223. Obama Does Not Like Questions During Interviews (22 replies)
  224. The Media Is Growing Concerned (4 replies)
  225. Gallup: Congress as Much to Blame for Oil Prices as Gouging (6 replies)
  226. 48% polled tired of hearing about Obama (14 replies)
  227. Sean Hannity Challenges Barack Obama (36 replies)
  228. Obama stalls in public polling (4 replies)
  229. GOP to Pelosi: Open These Doors So We Can Vote (12 replies)
  230. Obama site: Jews must be 'burned' (86 replies)
  231. Obama Plays Ignorant Card (3 replies)
  232. Pelosi On The Ropes (0 replies)
  233. It's Still Obama's To Lose (3 replies)
  234. US top court refuses to halt Mexican's execution (1 replies)
  235. Paris Responds (17 replies)
  236. Nancy's Cynical Summer - The Speaker's Energy Obstructionism (9 replies)
  237. Another Reason To Ban Knives (4 replies)
  238. the best reason yet to vote mccain.... (13 replies)
  239. Obama Is 'Post Modernist' Reason Us Oldsters Don't Get Him? (16 replies)
  240. An Invite To House Democrats (0 replies)
  241. Mike Gravel Beyond Weird (8 replies)
  242. McCain Should Not Fear A 'Bush Clone' Label (0 replies)
  243. Implossion: Why Obama Can't Win From Huffington (0 replies)
  244. TIME Defends Obama's Tire Inflation Energy Plan (29 replies)
  245. An Open Letter To Obama In 'The Nation' (4 replies)
  246. Critical of McCain, Obama quiet on own energy vote (1 replies)
  247. There Must Be A Snowball In Hell (2 replies)
  248. Falling oil prices: The downside (10 replies)
  249. video-Confronting Rep. William Jefferson about ethics in Congress (4 replies)
  250. Mr. Obama, Welcome to the NFL! (0 replies)