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  1. Here is something EVERYONE here needs to read...and compare to Today's Democrats (0 replies)
  2. Joe Biden Mask Tweet Riles Republican Lawmakers (8 replies)
  3. Maricopa County Audit (4 replies)
  4. Russia Is Moving Up On The Radar (0 replies)
  5. AG and Homeland Will Be in Your Social Media (1 replies)
  6. Transfag in the Olympics. What Happened to the Women's Lib/ERA Types? (9 replies)
  7. Has the debt economy reached its limit? Solutions? Fascism? War? (7 replies)
  8. GOP Should Be Grateful That Biden Sucks (4 replies)
  9. Democrats Should Be Grateful For Trump/Cheney (2 replies)
  10. House Republicans File Ethics Complaint Against Democrats (9 replies)
  11. 44 Attorneys General Urge Mark Zuckerberg Not to Release Instagram for Kids (0 replies)
  12. 'Not enough elected officials believe big tech is a problem' (3 replies)
  13. Useful Idiots (3 replies)
  14. Mandate First, Worry After (5 replies)
  15. 5 of Big Tech’s Most Serious Acts of Censorship (2 replies)
  16. Economic predictions off by 1 million jobs (1 replies)
  17. Rep. Liz Cheney could lose GOP leadership role over her criticism of Trump. (51 replies)
  18. Trump and new Social Media website (8 replies)
  19. CNN’s Cuomo: Gaetz Would ‘Be a Dead Man on the Left’ (3 replies)
  20. Fox News bows to pressure (1 replies)
  21. Is Coke Rethinking Woke? (12 replies)
  22. Manchin says he does not support D.C. statehood bill (4 replies)
  23. Biden polls better than Trump in first 100 days (13 replies)
  24. Bidens handlers want to destroy America in a war against Russia? (3 replies)
  25. I just made myself SICK... (6 replies)
  26. A Bit Of Sun (11 replies)
  27. Kamala Harris Defends Handling of Immigration (10 replies)
  28. Democrats Sue To Stop Maricopa County Ballot Audit (3 replies)
  29. Race To LCD (5 replies)
  30. First Earth Day Predictions!! (5 replies)
  31. LeBron James is a Woke sellout (5 replies)
  32. Jury Fear, not due process, lead to Chauvin verdict (16 replies)
  33. Corona Virus manipulation at Wuhan Lab - discussed in 2019 (6 replies)
  34. Biden Admin Announces ‘Strong Support’ For DC Statehood Bill (2 replies)
  35. The Real Danger Of Court-Packing Proposals Is That They Will Intimidate Supreme Court (1 replies)
  36. Maxine Waters - "get more confrontational" (10 replies)
  37. Dear God, Please Help Me to Hate Whit People (0 replies)
  38. FBI Director Wray says ANTIFA is real (0 replies)
  39. House Will Vote on Whether to Make Washington D.C. a State Tuesday (5 replies)
  40. Sympathy for the families of Ashli Babbitt and Ahmaud Arbery (8 replies)
  41. B.l.m = s.c.a.m (0 replies)
  42. Kamala giggling again (2 replies)
  43. Pelosi Reportedly Blasted ‘The Squad’ And Mocked AOC In New Biography (0 replies)
  44. CNN director admits network engaged in propaganda... (3 replies)
  45. House Republicans On Doctors Caucus Demand Answers From Fauci (0 replies)
  46. Rand Paul: Anthony Fauci Acting as a ‘Petty’ Tyrant (2 replies)
  47. Tolerant Utopia?? (0 replies)
  48. Squad member Rashida Tlaib calls for the ABOLISHMENT of police (0 replies)
  49. Tucker Carson on the dem party bringing in replacement voters-the illegal invasion (5 replies)
  50. Fresh Prince to Stay in Bel-Air: Will Smith Pulls Film out of Georgia Over Voter Law (0 replies)
  51. Joe Biden & Stacey Abrams - Stop Lying! (2 replies)
  52. Levin: Biden is a 'chameleon' who doesn't have a 'principle bone in his body' (0 replies)
  53. Grown people - learned people - in Oregon debating whether or not Trees are racist. (3 replies)
  54. Warning. People in the Biden administration are pushing for a major war (8 replies)
  55. Biden Giving Federal Employees Paid Leave to Help Border Crossers (1 replies)
  56. Putting Biden's Gun Control Claims to the Truth Test (0 replies)
  57. ‘Like The Wild, Wild West’ - ‘Southern Border Is Not Under Control. It’s A Mad House’ (2 replies)
  58. Joe Biden’s Trojan horse presidency (3 replies)
  59. Matt Gaetz is going to be history (0 replies)
  60. Nearly 50% of Americans want Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to run for president (4 replies)
  61. Biden unveils commission to study possible expansion of Supreme Court (0 replies)
  62. Biden administration spending $60 million per week to shelter unaccompanied minor (1 replies)
  63. Is This What You Voted For? (1 replies)
  64. BOMBSHELL: The Dirty Secrets on Hunter Biden's Laptop Have Been Revealed (2 replies)
  65. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Mocked For Trying To Redefine ‘Infrastructure' (1 replies)
  66. Migrant Apprehensions Jump 72 Percent in One Month (2 replies)
  67. Simply being white (0 replies)
  68. New California Governor (4 replies)
  69. Disgraced ’60 Minutes’ Stands by Its Debunked Ron DeSantis Hoax (2 replies)
  70. Rand Paul on Georgia vs. Coca-Cola, MLB, Delta (4 replies)
  71. Texas, like Florida, bans any vaccine passport (4 replies)
  72. Hypocrisy over photo ID in Georgia (6 replies)
  73. Hunter Biden Admits He Smoked Parmesan Cheese After Mistaking It for Crack (3 replies)
  74. ‘Low IQ Race-Baiter’ AOC (2 replies)
  75. If true, Matt Gaetz is history (1 replies)
  76. MLB, Delta, American Airlines ‘Have No Problem’ with Customers Having to Show ID (5 replies)
  77. City council member in Seattle - hopefully being tossed (1 replies)
  78. Who qualifies for vaccine next? (17 replies)
  79. College Course: Democratic Strategies 101 (1 replies)
  80. Video of idiot Biden saying the N- WORD! (2 replies)
  81. Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib (9 replies)
  82. Suppressing votes in Georgia (4 replies)
  83. Washington Post Gives Biden Four Pinocchios (5 replies)
  84. Taxes? (1 replies)
  85. Another foreigner speaks more truth about Biden than MSM (3 replies)
  86. Maxine Waters: Police Believe Their Job ‘Is to Keep Black People in Their Place’ (5 replies)
  87. Cuomo now has 9 accusers - this one claims photo evidence (0 replies)
  88. ‘You Are Being Less Transparent Than The Trump Administration’ (0 replies)
  89. Biden Staffer Blocks Cruz From Taking Video at Migrant Facility (2 replies)
  90. Life as an illegal migrant in one's own country (0 replies)
  91. Digital Passports start... (4 replies)
  92. Geraldo Rivera: Biden Was NOT the ‘Pathetic, Senile, Incomprehensible Old Fool (6 replies)
  93. Is Ted Cruz Trolling The Cuban Communists? (1 replies)
  94. The disgrace that was the Biden press conference (4 replies)
  95. Punishments of being white (4 replies)
  96. Biden - running again in 2024 (9 replies)
  97. "You're welcome to step away if you like" (18 replies)
  98. When will we finally be free of Fauci? (0 replies)
  99. Another day, another scandal for Cuomo (0 replies)
  100. Biden's 1st press conference - 64 days in (1 replies)
  101. Joe.."just dropped in to see what my condition was in......" (8 replies)
  102. Hey..Yup..it dont fit the Narrative (0 replies)
  103. Hey Gabby (10 replies)
  104. Hey CNN are you ever going to cover this story...? (1 replies)
  105. Ha ha ha ha ha ! (3 replies)
  106. Joe Biden Under Investigation for Order to Block Wall Construction (1 replies)
  107. Behar offers her wisdom on guns (4 replies)
  108. College course: Democratic Debating101 (3 replies)
  109. One of my wife's favorite videos about capitalism (subtitles available) (1 replies)
  110. Sidney Powell admits lying about Dominion (11 replies)
  111. Biden hiding from the public? (2 replies)
  112. Project Veritas brings us border photos (1 replies)
  113. Biden's false "Anti Asian Hate" narrative about the Atlanta killings (4 replies)
  114. There's a five-alarm crisis on the border — and Team Biden imposes a media blackout (1 replies)
  115. What should happen at border? (2 replies)
  116. Cuomo's threats (0 replies)
  117. More violence again - which leads to violence, correct? (3 replies)
  118. Citizens suffer, struggle to pay rent buy food--Free hotel rooms! (3 replies)
  119. Karma...The most hilarious part of the BidenFall is `his` own words.... (1 replies)
  120. Current Cuomo aide Alyssa McGrath accuses governor of sexual harassment (2 replies)
  121. Democrats Vote to Give “Dreamer” Amnesty to Millions of Illegals (1 replies)
  122. FBI Probing Whether Andrew Cuomo’s Staff Provided False Nursing Home Data (1 replies)
  123. Texas has a higher unemployment benefit than California (1 replies)
  124. ......Is Biden admin trying to start a war NK? (0 replies)
  125. Solid Gold Illegal Aliens? (2 replies)
  126. Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire (0 replies)
  127. Joe Biden Breaks Promise to Not Raise Taxes on ‘Anybody’ Making Less Than $400K (2 replies)
  128. Now I've seen it all - Biden photochopping video (1 replies)
  129. Bubble Biden clearly not up for tough questions — or the job (1 replies)
  130. Why HR1 Threatens Election Integrity (0 replies)
  131. Border in Crisis (3 replies)
  132. The Trump hatred continues (4 replies)
  133. Portland mayor says city is "sick and tired" of violence (1 replies)
  134. ‘Life-Changing’: Schumer Urges Biden To Pay Out $50,000 In Debt For Students (0 replies)
  135. The media fact-checkers finally come for Joe Biden (6 replies)
  136. Midland leaders blindsided by arrival of migrants at holding facility (8 replies)
  137. "...If you think everything is fine, this video is not for You" (1 replies)
  138. Dems block amendment to notify ICE... (1 replies)
  139. “Help Has Arrived, America” (3 replies)
  140. Border Democrats Are Starting To Speak Up About Biden’s Immigration Policies (0 replies)
  141. Psaki Won’t Say Whether Biden Believes Cuomo Should Resign (0 replies)
  142. Portland Police Invisible as Antifa Renews Attacks on Federal Courthouse (17 replies)
  143. More allegations against Cuomo (8 replies)
  144. Fact-Checking Biden's Speech: Exaggerations (0 replies)
  145. Are these the same person? (1 replies)
  146. Transgender surgery now free - if in the military (3 replies)
  147. Biden first president in at least 100 years not to hold solo press conference 43 days (0 replies)
  148. Dozens of Democrats Demand Cuomo’s Resignation (1 replies)
  149. House Passes Democrat Bill Criminalizing Private Gun Sales (3 replies)
  150. COVID Bill ‘Largest Expansion of the Welfare State’ Since LBJ in the 60s (0 replies)
  151. Trifecta: Federal Taxes, Spending and Deficit All Set Records Through February (0 replies)
  152. Biden border crisis escalating (0 replies)
  153. Feds Bus Migrant Children to Texas Border Towns... (1 replies)
  154. Joe Biden Goes 48 Days Without a Press Conference (2 replies)
  155. SIXTH woman says Cuomo sexually harassed her (1 replies)
  156. First Cuomo, then Whitmer (1 replies)
  157. As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden (1 replies)
  158. FBI Hired Known Drug Addict Stefan Halper... (0 replies)
  159. President Trump Promises to Travel to Alaska (5 replies)
  160. It will be Vice (or) President Harris against Gov. DeSantis in 2024 — bet on it (1 replies)
  161. AP’s Pace: Biden Has No Border Plan — Migrants Think They Have An Open Invitation (2 replies)
  162. Now Former Press Aide Accuses Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Misconduct (3 replies)
  163. Bannon: Time To Prepare For Transition Of Power From Biden To Harris (3 replies)
  164. Cuomo is losing staff members (4 replies)
  165. Kayleigh McEnany Says Biden’s Staff Doesn’t Want Him To Hold A Press Conference (2 replies)
  166. Rashida Tlaib on Kyrsten Sinema’s ‘No’ Vote to Raise Minimum Wage (2 replies)
  167. Stimulus passed, for illegals too (14 replies)
  168. President Harris (7 replies)
  169. Biden Border Blowout: February Record Nearly 100,000 Illegals Detained Crossing (1 replies)
  170. Nancy's Election-Rigging Bill (1 replies)
  171. "Cuomo is a pig and a pervert" (15 replies)
  172. SCOTUS heard case re Arizona election laws (2 replies)
  173. Gov Abbott Lifts State Mask Restrictions (16 replies)
  174. Heat is on Cuomo - 'cept from his brother (4 replies)
  175. Delusional MSM (8 replies)
  176. European Union Officially Announces Vaccine Passport Scheme, UK May Join (3 replies)
  177. What if NYC finds illegal aliens at illegal parties? (1 replies)
  178. Trump to speak in 5 minutes form Now...3;35 pm.. (14 replies)
  179. Second accusation against Cuomo (5 replies)
  180. Petty and Vindictive Democrats Refuse to Honor Lawmaker’s Request (1 replies)
  181. Hypocrite in Chief speaks up about reparations (1 replies)
  182. 7 Radical Demands in the Equality Act (5 replies)
  183. China Mocks Biden Syria Bombing: ‘America Is Back’ (1 replies)
  184. Talk about ignorance (3 replies)
  185. Media Allies Making In Advance Excuses For The Dem Puppet (0 replies)
  186. A surprisingly truthful interview of Joe Biden... (2 replies)
  187. Trump tax returns now in the possession of NYC prosecutor (6 replies)
  188. Sean Hannity: Biden's cognitive problems are 'getting scary' (2 replies)
  189. Repeal The Constitution? Sure! Why Not?!?!? (4 replies)
  190. Biden putting kids in cages - can't make this crap up! (5 replies)
  191. Neera Tanden nominated for office of management and budget (2 replies)
  192. House Democrats Pressure TV Broadcasters To Deplatform Conservative Networks (5 replies)
  193. This is coming here... (0 replies)
  194. PROBLEM in Texas. Hint: It AIN’T Ted Cruz. (0 replies)
  195. Merrick Garland Declines to Say He Will Keep Special Counsel John Durham (4 replies)
  196. Another day, another lie brought to us (1 replies)
  197. U.S. Supreme Court allows release of Trump tax returns (51 replies)
  198. White House reiterates teacher vaccinations ‘not a prerequisite’ to reopening school. (1 replies)
  199. More Than One Million Migrants to Hit Border This Year (1 replies)
  200. Radio Executive Reveals 'The Rush Limbaugh Show' Will Go on, for Now..... (3 replies)
  201. Facebook Says It Will Fact Check Global Warming ‘Misinformation’ (5 replies)
  202. As Texas freezes in the dark, Ted Cruz takes his family to Cancun (39 replies)
  203. Likelihood that Trump or Pence could replace Rush Limbaugh (18 replies)
  204. The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot (4 replies)
  205. Radical Leftist Raphael Warnock Introduces Plan to Give $5 Billion to Black Farmers (3 replies)
  206. Cnn/NBC pay $35k apiece to John Sullivan (1 replies)
  207. Storm in Texas is God getting back at Cruz, Cornyn (10 replies)
  208. About A Turncoat, A Loathsome Little Worm (54 replies)
  209. COVID-19 Relief Bill might be funding Abortions (0 replies)
  210. ‘The Left Wants To Re-Write Our History’ (1 replies)
  211. Comey Purposefully Lied About the Steele Dossier (2 replies)
  212. Injured migrants say Border Patrol sent them back to Mexico (0 replies)
  213. Tapper Blasts Cuomo for Hiding Nursing Home Deaths (5 replies)
  214. Cuomo To Make Announcement In Minutes (3 replies)
  215. Impeachment Was About Democrats Framing 75 Million... (4 replies)
  216. Trump Attorney Van Der Veen RIPS CBS HACK (2 replies)
  217. Using Democrat Model, ‘I Don’t Know How Kamala Harris Doesn’t Get Impeached’ (1 replies)
  218. Pelosi crashes press conference to rage at 'cowardly' acquittal vote (6 replies)
  219. Biden closing Gitmo? (2 replies)
  220. Politico still pushing Trump-Russia nonsense (1 replies)
  221. I Will Take on Wall Street to Protect Alaska (3 replies)
  222. Senate acquits Trump (25 replies)
  223. Bette Midler: ‘Donald Trump Killed People at the Insurrection’ (3 replies)
  224. Does the lying ever end? (3 replies)
  225. Top NY Official Admits Cuomo Hid Nursing Home Data (2 replies)
  226. Biden Aide T.J. Ducklo Threatened to ‘Destroy’ Politico Reporter (2 replies)
  227. Trump Lawyers Present Video of Democrats Condoning Violence (0 replies)
  228. Tucker Carlson: Why the left wants to shut down FOX News (0 replies)
  229. A Case Of The Roaches Being Exposed.. (2 replies)
  230. WTF? When did this happen? (3 replies)
  231. 'Uncomfortable truth': The new push for a slavery reparations commission in Congress (1 replies)
  232. US Constitution (23 replies)
  233. Dems pull same crap at opening again (10 replies)
  234. Scarborough to Trump Supporters: ‘Your American Values Have Collapsed’ (9 replies)
  235. Is impeachment trial over yet? (5 replies)
  236. Absolute Proof (3 replies)
  237. Ilhan Omar has bill named after her (0 replies)
  238. Speaking of lying... Maxine Waters (8 replies)
  239. Pelosi the hypocrite needs to be fined (3 replies)
  240. Maybe build many banks and just print more money? (10 replies)
  241. Term Limits (14 replies)
  242. Biden's refugees (0 replies)
  243. Statues destroyed, school renaming & more (4 replies)
  244. Nancy Mace R SC (6 replies)
  245. Alexandria Ocasio Smollett (9 replies)
  246. Mexico Ends Trump-Era Border Cooperation (0 replies)
  247. Former Vice President Mike Pence Joins Heritage Foundation (0 replies)
  248. Liz Cheyney Retains Leadership Position (20 replies)
  249. Republicans call to remove Omar from committees now (2 replies)
  250. Democrats STILL lying about "kids in cages" (2 replies)