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  1. I almost agree with Dems on free $$ for illegals and education (7 replies)
  2. Liberals, Media Types Lose Their Marbles (6 replies)
  3. FBI - Judicial Watch - more Hillary emails found (4 replies)
  4. Trump To Designate Mexican Drug Cartels As Terrorist Groups (1 replies)
  5. Liberals and SJW now call "Black Friday" sale is racist and offensive! (1 replies)
  6. Bloomberg comes storming into race! (0 replies)
  7. Obama says will intervene if Sanders starts leading (1 replies)
  8. How awesome is that!?!? (1 replies)
  9. It would be a shame if people shared this clip of Barack Obama soliciting a quid pro. (1 replies)
  10. Democrats, Media Look To Chief Justice Roberts To Unblock Trump Admin. Witnesses (0 replies)
  11. But there is Resistance the other half of the country rises up in defense of liberty` (2 replies)
  12. President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Sunrise, FL 11/26/19 TONIGHT (3 replies)
  13. “The Fraud Squad’s” Ilhan Omar Now Facing Up To 40 Years In Prison & Deportation I... (4 replies)
  14. Broadcast Networks Refuse to Cover Record-High Stock Market (0 replies)
  15. The Bidens don't get a free pass (5 replies)
  16. Obama Tells Terror-Tied, Jew- Hating Congresswoman “I Am Proud Of You” (4 replies)
  17. Supreme Court blocks Trump’s financial records from release..... (1 replies)
  18. Joe Biden Campaign’s Senior Latina adviser Quits (2 replies)
  19. Video: President Trump honors hero dog that helped corner al-Baghdad....... (2 replies)
  20. Ilhan Omar Accused of Being a Paid Agent of Qatar... info relayed to Iran (3 replies)
  21. Latest Polls Show Schiff Show Trials Backfired BIGLY (3 replies)
  22. Sen. Tim Scott Says Trump ‘Innocent,’ ‘No Way’ Senate Convicts (0 replies)
  23. Senators Grassley & Johnson jump on hunter Biden and Burisma too (2 replies)
  24. Black Support for President Donald Trump HITS 34% in BOTH Emerson and Rasmussen Polls (9 replies)
  25. A Split Decision From Congress Will Leave Voters With Final Say on Trump (2 replies)
  26. What? Schiff is nuts! (4 replies)
  27. CNN: Trump a ‘Destructive Cult’ Leader Using ‘Mind Control’ on Supporters (7 replies)
  28. ‘They’re Going to Try to Kill Me’ – Rudy Giuliani (0 replies)
  29. What We Learned From Two Weeks of Impeachment Hearings (0 replies)
  30. Will the Democrats move forward with impeachment? (2 replies)
  31. ‘The Squad’ Is Mired In Campaign Finance Scandals (0 replies)
  32. Michael Bloomberg Launches Democrat Presidential Bid (0 replies)
  33. Schiff Refuses to Commit to Testifying in Senate Impeachment Trial (0 replies)
  34. Schiff: Dems Wanted ‘Whistleblower’ to Testify Until Trump Put ‘Life in Danger’ (0 replies)
  35. Mike Pence surprises troops in Iraq with an early Thanksgiving........... (0 replies)
  36. NEVER, EVER, forget that it was......................... (0 replies)
  37. Nunes to Sue CNN, Daily Beast over Fake News Attacks.... (2 replies)
  38. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Admitted to Hospital After Suffering Chills and Fever.. (4 replies)
  39. Stefanik Raises over $500K in Under Two Hours amid Fight Against Schiff! (0 replies)
  40. `If we haven’t yet reached peak stupid, then we are assuredly about to ......` (1 replies)
  41. Opposition to Impeachment Grows Among Independents (1 replies)
  42. Responding to Lt. Col. Vindman about my Ukraine columns … with the facts (1 replies)
  43. DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa Behind Trump-Russia Hoax.. linked to... (2 replies)
  44. Lawmaker Proposes Statewide Ban on Gender Reassignment Surgery for Minors... (3 replies)
  45. Elizabeth Warren Calls for a ‘Full-Blown National Conversation About Reparations’ (6 replies)
  46. Donald Trump: I Want a Senate Impeachment Trial - and Schiff testimony (2 replies)
  47. 'Historic' Durham Investigation Will Implicate Obama in Spygate (3 replies)
  48. Lindsey Graham Launches Senate Probe into Bidens’ Burisma Actions (2 replies)
  49. FBI Lawyer Accused of Altering Document to Obtain a FISA Warrant (0 replies)
  50. ......The Constitution wins again (thank God). (0 replies)
  51. Attorney General Bill Barr: "This is not decay. This is organized destruction." (1 replies)
  52. Game on>>FBI official under investigation after allegedly altering documents ........ (4 replies)
  53. Screw You All Sorry AZZ Crooked Democrats...Karmas Coming Soon!! (10 replies)
  54. Dems Continue to Strike Out With Middle America on Impeachment.......... (0 replies)
  55. Mark Your Calendars, the 'Damning' FISA Abuse Report Is Coming Soon! (1 replies)
  56. MR VINDMAN Blows a Gasket Over Someone's OPINION of Him... (8 replies)
  57. 8 Things the Media Don’t Want You to Know About Gordon Sondland’s testimony (0 replies)
  58. Democrats Not Trump Got ‘Caught’ Seven Times (2 replies)
  59. Liz Warren Claims Abortions Are ‘Human Rights' (1 replies)
  60. Take Bumbling Biden or Suffer a Rust Belt 'Blowout'! (1 replies)
  61. Unhinged Joy Reid: Screw ‘Uniting’ the Country! ‘Trump Is Dangerous’ for Minorities! (1 replies)
  62. Who’s your daddy? ...... (0 replies)
  63. Ken Starr: Republicans may push Trump to resign (3 replies)
  64. Is America ready for a gay president? (2 replies)
  65. Ben Carson on Maxine Waters and her district (2 replies)
  66. Head of Burisma Holdings Indicted in Ukraine... (2 replies)
  67. Another day, another nothingburger (2 replies)
  68. Liberal Law Professor on Trump and impeachment (0 replies)
  69. The left own themselves (4 replies)
  70. "looks like an inside job" (4 replies)
  71. Impeachment... Gordan Sondland lined up.. (21 replies)
  72. Now Vindman commits perjury (2 replies)
  73. *unleash stefanik** (2 replies)
  74. Impeachment public inquiry day 3 (3 replies)
  75. Hannity Destroys Democrats: 'They Have Utter Contempt for Us Smelly Walmart Shoppers' (1 replies)
  76. House Republicans Demand ABC News Explain 'Quashed' Jeffrey Epstein Story (1 replies)
  77. What Will Post-Trump Republican Voters Want? (2 replies)
  78. Pelosi has gone full coup coup in Trump impeachment push (0 replies)
  79. Pete Buttigieg Puts Out List of 400 South Carolina Black Supporters (0 replies)
  80. Weekend impeachment update (3 replies)
  81. Impeachment Cost (1 replies)
  82. Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript (1 replies)
  83. Is Former CIA Director John Brennan the Leader of the Coup Against Trump? (0 replies)
  84. Obama Warns Democratic Candidates (3 replies)
  85. The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate (0 replies)
  86. Nikki Haley: Opposing Trump Would Run Afoul of Constitution, Voters (1 replies)
  87. George Conway, Trump Jr. Twitter Rumble During Impeach Hearing (3 replies)
  88. Jim Jordan Says Schiff is Hiding 4 Transcripts to Prevent Republicans from using them (0 replies)
  89. Unconstitutional, No Crimes and 73% of Americans don't trust.... (0 replies)
  90. Democrat Disaster in the media and minorities (0 replies)
  91. ‘Our Indulgence Wore Out With You A Long Time Ago’ (1 replies)
  92. Yovanovitch: Burisma Probe Open when Biden Pressured Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor (1 replies)
  93. Obama State Dept. Worried About Potential Hunter Biden Corruption With Burisma (0 replies)
  94. Republicans Know the President's a 'Classic Scumbag' (1 replies)
  95. Rep. Steve Scalise: Trump impeachment – America must hear from whistleblower (2 replies)
  96. Trump just know when to STFU (13 replies)
  97. Rep. Nunes: Democrats ‘Are Blind to the Blaring Signs of Corruption.. Hunter Biden (2 replies)
  98. Impeachment, day 3 updates (9 replies)
  99. Roger Stone guilty on all 7 charges! (4 replies)
  100. Rashida Tlaib Begged Campaign for Personal Money, Possibly Violating the Law (0 replies)
  101. Some Would Be Taxed Over 100% Under Elizabeth Warren's Plan (0 replies)
  102. This is the sort of Democrat that insists that Trump is a criminal who needs to be (6 replies)
  103. LIVE: TONIGHT>>> President Donald Trump Holds KAG Rally in Bossier City, LA 11/14/19 (0 replies)
  104. quid pro quo, then bribery/extortion, now attempted crimes (13 replies)
  105. AG William Barr - report on FISA abuses - origins of Russia probe imminent (6 replies)
  106. Trump Campaign Raises $3.1 Million in Small Donations During Impeachment Hearings (0 replies)
  107. 2 sides of the aisle (8 replies)
  108. Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s Office - millions funneled to Biden AND Kerry (1 replies)
  109. Impeachment, day 2 in house (3 replies)
  110. Facebook Sued for ‘Censoring’ Posts Naming the Trump Whistle-Blower (9 replies)
  111. Grassley Sounds the Alarm... (0 replies)
  112. Just a 'little more' on whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella (5 replies)
  113. The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far (0 replies)
  114. Newt Gingrich: House Dems' Case to Impeach Trump Is 'Garbage' (2 replies)
  115. COULTER SNAPS: DACA Kids Can Stay, Trump ‘Must Go’ (2 replies)
  116. DACA's days may be numbered (0 replies)
  117. Hillary facing "enormous pressure" - never say never (1 replies)
  118. CNN: Country is Divided Because Republicans Moved To the Far Right (11 replies)
  119. Few impeachment updates - day before D day (4 replies)
  120. San Francisco’s New DA: Public Urination ‘Will Not Be Prosecuted’ (5 replies)
  121. Ocasio-Cortez - 'directly combat white supremacy' (0 replies)
  122. Liberals Demand Conservative Justices Recuse Themselves From LGBT Cases (1 replies)
  123. PolitiFact: Who are You Gonna Believe — Us or Your Lyin' Eyes? (0 replies)
  124. The building information on this whistleblower (0 replies)
  125. Horowitz Report on FISA Abuse Will be Damning, Expected to Contain Several Criminal.. (0 replies)
  126. Democrats Shift from ‘Quid Pro Quo’ to ‘Bribery’ and ‘Extortion’ (1 replies)
  127. Ilhan Omar Calls Evo Morales Resignation A ‘Coup,’ Sides With Cuba, Venezuela (1 replies)
  128. SCOTUS To Begin Hearing Arguments Over DACA Program This Week (5 replies)
  129. Why Impeachment Will Stay Partisan (1 replies)
  130. “Is There Any Possibility There Was an Impeachable Offense? The Answer Is No!… (0 replies)
  131. Hold your breath for Hillary (1 replies)
  132. University of Virginia Cancels 21-Gun Salute (1 replies)
  133. "Your statement is defamatory" (6 replies)
  134. Protesters Chant ‘Lock Him Up’ During President Trump’s Veterans Day Speech (0 replies)
  135. ‘Undermining a President Is Dangerous’, Goes ‘Against the Constitution’ (3 replies)
  136. Trump Accuses Adam Schiff Of Releasing ‘Doctored Transcripts’ (14 replies)
  137. Brian Stelter Hides ABC’s Jeffrey Epstein Scandal from CNN Viewers (0 replies)
  138. A little more on Mark Zaid, WB attorney (1 replies)
  139. Impeachment ‘Is Dead On Arrival’ If Senate Doesn’t Talk To Whistleblower (0 replies)
  140. American Nostradamus (0 replies)
  141. AOC brings star power to Iowa for Sanders (0 replies)
  142. Trump Has Big Plans For Hero Dog! (1 replies)
  143. Fight Climate Change By ‘Combating White Supremacy’ (3 replies)
  144. Liberal Media Still Rooting Against Strong Trump Economy (3 replies)
  145. Sen. Paul: Americans See Through Inquiry Hypocrisy (0 replies)
  146. Schiff Witness Vindman Testified that He “Thought” President’s “Policy”... (0 replies)
  147. Police Arrest Man For Allegedly Slashing ‘Baby Trump’ Balloon (0 replies)
  148. ‘This Thing’s Going to Stink to High Heaven’ (0 replies)
  149. McCarthy: This Is a ‘Calculated Coup’ Orchestrated by Adam Schiff (1 replies)
  150. The Coup Klutz Klan (1 replies)
  151. Amy Klobuchar: ‘No Reason’ Hunter Biden Should Testify (9 replies)
  152. Schiff Rejects GOP Request for ‘Whistleblower’ Testimony... (7 replies)
  153. Investigating your opponent (1 replies)
  154. Statue of Ronald Reagan Unveiled (3 replies)
  155. Recession Fears Are Fading—and So Are Democrats' 2020 Prospects (3 replies)
  156. WB attorney calls for a coup, and also helped pedophiles (3 replies)
  157. Trump approval ratings in 4 battleground states (0 replies)
  158. Joy Reid: I'll Explain Impeachment Simply So Even Trump Supporters Can Understand (1 replies)
  159. What is Michael Bloomberg thinking? (5 replies)
  160. Sanctuary County Ignores ICE and Releases Pedophile... (1 replies)
  161. Now it's Facebook's turn for insanity of the day (1 replies)
  162. WashPost Writer Claims Republicans Have a Problem Accepting Election Results (1 replies)
  163. YouTube Blocks Judicial Watch Video on Alleged Whistleblower E*** CIA******* (5 replies)
  164. “I Caught the Swamp. I Caught Them All. Let’s See What Happens!” (1 replies)
  165. Nikki Haley Blasts Impeachment: ‘I Don’t Know What You Would Impeach Him On’ (11 replies)
  166. Nunes Formally Calls On Adam Schiff To Testify (5 replies)
  167. House Minority Leader Appoints Jim Jordan to ‘Impeachment Committee’... (6 replies)
  168. Twitter is in cuckoo mode (0 replies)
  169. NJ Muslim Mayor Who Cried 'Islamophobia' Has History of Jihad Support (0 replies)
  170. The Whistleblower Complaint Has Largely Been Corroborated. Here's How. (14 replies)
  171. Demanded Justice - Justice Served (0 replies)
  172. Eight Times The Obama Administration Put Conditions On Foreign Aid (0 replies)
  173. If he’s a racist, he’s an awfully bad one (0 replies)
  174. Pentagon: Syria Oil Secured by U.S. Forces Will Go to Kurds (4 replies)
  175. Rand Paul Is Right, Whistleblower Can Be Revealed, and Will Be, If Trump Is Impeached (7 replies)
  176. Chris Wallace: Impeachment Probe ‘An Utterly Polarized, Utterly Partisan Exercise' (0 replies)
  177. Hypocrisy from the left (8 replies)
  178. Dismantle ICE, Dismantle Border Patrol, let in 50k illegals per year (0 replies)
  179. You're not allowed to defend yourself (1 replies)
  180. McConnell Tells Trump What HE Must Do to Gain Support from GOP Senators... (0 replies)
  181. Trump Has Appointed 25% Of All Circuit Court Judges (3 replies)
  182. Trump’s Favorability Higher than 2020 Democrat Candidates — During Impeachment (0 replies)
  183. Dem Staffer Exchanged Private Emails with Yovanovitch... (5 replies)
  184. Michael Bloomberg Is Preparing To Enter The Democratic Presidential Race (3 replies)
  185. A Note to Progressives: Tell Me How This Ends (1 replies)
  186. CNN Frets: Trump Success Keeping Illegal Immigrants in Mexico (0 replies)
  187. Trump’s impeachment trial hinges on McConnell and Schumer (2 replies)
  188. Leftists Protest Melania Trump While She Cuddles Sick Babies (3 replies)
  189. Amy Berman Jackson Who Should be Disbarred and Indicted... (1 replies)
  190. IG report is going to ruin careers (1 replies)
  191. Liberal media concerned safety of WB - but never cared bit Trump supporters (1 replies)
  192. So much for the anonymity! Schifty Schiff messes that one up! (0 replies)
  193. Jim Jordan: Republicans Will Subpoena ‘Whistleblower’ for Public Testimony (1 replies)
  194. California Voters Would 'Vote for a Bowl of S**t' if It Had A 'D' Next to It (0 replies)
  195. Whaddya Know: Whistleblower Has Ties to Biden, Schiff (0 replies)
  196. ‘We Do Not Have a Nation If We Do Not Have Borders’ (3 replies)
  197. Fox News Management Forbids Hosts from Using Alleged Name of Ukraine ‘Whistleblower’ (21 replies)
  198. Trump Celebrates 157 Judges, Restoring the Constitution (2 replies)
  199. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Announce Alabama Senate Bid (1 replies)
  200. Lets do it!!!>>>President Donald Trump Rally LIVE TONIGHT in Monroe, LA 11/6/19 (1 replies)
  201. Hillary has went over the edge (7 replies)
  202. Whistleblower’s Attorney Targeted Trump In Old Tweets (24 replies)
  203. Choices Or None (1 replies)
  204. Students Can’t Name a Single Democratic Accomplishment (3 replies)
  205. Media Triggered After Don Jr. Tweets About Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ (3 replies)
  206. Still Vote For Trump If He Shot Someone (0 replies)
  207. This "whistleblower" and anonymity (0 replies)
  208. 'Dilbert' Creator: History Will Show Trump Tweets a Good Idea (2 replies)
  209. America's First Black Billionaire Gives Trump an A+ (0 replies)
  210. 'Whistleblower' must testify under oath and in person: Rep. Jim Jordan (0 replies)
  211. House Votes to 'Enhance the Border Security' (1 replies)
  212. Schumer: No One Knows Who Whistleblower Is, ‘If You Do, You Should Let Me Know’ (0 replies)
  213. Rand Paul Says He Will Probably Disclose Whistleblower’s Name (6 replies)
  214. Tucson voters soundly reject 'sanctuary city' initiative (1 replies)
  215. Unbelievable (2 replies)
  216. Who Will Win The Democratic Primary? The Latest On 2020 (0 replies)
  217. Another gem from Joy Behar "The View" (1 replies)
  218. How much more would this have harmed Hillary in 2016 (0 replies)
  219. Sen. Rand Paul: 'Subpoena Hunter Biden and Subpoena the Whistle-Blower' (0 replies)
  220. Democrats release some transcripts; Volker, Yovanovitch (4 replies)
  221. 10 Years Ago (3 replies)
  222. Will Hurd Announced His Retirement After Term (1 replies)
  223. Political Surveys (1 replies)
  224. Crowds getting bigger and bigger>>LIVE President Trump Rally LIVE in Lexington, KY (0 replies)
  225. A Good Story (1 replies)
  226. Democrats Want to Limit Free Speech, Regain an Iron Grip on 'The Narrative' (1 replies)
  227. Joy Behar Of ‘The View’ Says Trump Rallies Are Full Of Paid Actors (7 replies)
  228. Growing Indicators of Brennan’s CIA Trump Task Force (3 replies)
  229. Bridget Phetasy on Centrism. (1 replies)
  230. Ted Malloch: No more Mr. nice guy (0 replies)
  231. Former Czech Ambassador spills beans on 2016 (1 replies)
  232. Fox News Polls Show 49% Of Americans Want Impeachment... (8 replies)
  233. Greta Thunberg stranded (9 replies)
  234. NeverTrumpism Is a Mental Illness (4 replies)
  235. Where is Elizabeth Warren Going to Get $20 Trillion in New Taxes? (0 replies)
  236. With Joe as President, You Won't 'Turn the Channel,' You'll Call Kids in the Room (2 replies)
  237. >>>>> TONIGHT...President Trump Rally LIVE in Tupelo, MS 11/1/19- RSBN Coverage!!! (1 replies)
  238. Tulsi Gabbard Spoiler? (9 replies)
  239. Media, the Left Have Pushed Trump Impeachment for 35 Months, Even Before Inauguration (3 replies)
  240. RCI Suggests ‘Whistleblower’ Likely 33-Year-Old CIA Analyst Eric Ciaramella (23 replies)
  241. Pompeo: Obama/Biden must answer about Ukraine (2 replies)
  242. Democrats and media are delusional (0 replies)
  243. Ukraine Whistleblower Is a Biden, Schiff, and DNC Errand Boy (1 replies)
  244. Found this during the last hour,Wed night Oct. 30, 2019 (2 replies)
  245. Good Night Patriots .... (11 replies)
  246. Democrats kept in dark about Baghdadi (11 replies)
  247. Trump's latest commercial? (1 replies)
  248. Nadler and Schiff - hypocrites (5 replies)
  249. Omar and Tlaib (4 replies)
  250. Unintended Consequences (1 replies)