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  1. FBI Labeled Antifa Domestic Terrorism... (10 replies)
  2. Congress job approval at 8% (4 replies)
  3. Trump will donate $1 million to Harvey relief (21 replies)
  4. Eleminate food-inspections; eliminate the FDA (1 replies)
  5. It's Not Just The Press Distancing From Antifa (13 replies)
  6. Dr. Kelli Ward jumped to a 25 point lead (6 replies)
  7. Activist Criticized for Grifting for Fake Hurricane Harvey Charity (3 replies)
  8. Mike Lee: If Republicans Fail on Tax Reform, We're Dead (0 replies)
  9. Trump bashed for hurricane attire (14 replies)
  10. Trump haters really are morons (5 replies)
  11. Texans ‘Deserve’ Harvey Because They Voted For Trump (10 replies)
  12. Hillary to go on "why I lost" book tour. (4 replies)
  13. Who Knows, Maybe No Korea Will Save the US (14 replies)
  14. I Do Think This Illustrates The Differences (0 replies)
  15. Interesting To Me (25 replies)
  16. "Big" Story Today, Though Not Sure Why (15 replies)
  17. I May Not Like Trump, But Can Agree With This (11 replies)
  18. My DISGUST With This Man is COMPLETE (12 replies)
  19. Pro-Trump Rally Cancelled Due To Violent Threats (1 replies)
  20. Here’s The Real Reason Trump Is Angry With McConnell And Ryan (2 replies)
  21. Nancy Pelosi's father helped dedicate Confederate monument (1 replies)
  22. Hurricane Harvey Narrative Already Set: Trump Failed (58 replies)
  23. What has Donald Trump done since he has been in office… (1 replies)
  24. TRUMP tells Mattis to indefinitely ban transgender recruits (26 replies)
  25. Trump pardons Arpaio (95 replies)
  26. The Tax Plan Cometh Soon or Something (4 replies)
  27. Web hosting company ordered to turn over information on anti-Trump website (6 replies)
  28. What Does the Second Amendment Mean To You? (20 replies)
  29. Job growth slower than past 4 years (5 replies)
  30. First MUSLIM Governor? (44 replies)
  31. Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a 'major gift to the right' (7 replies)
  32. Today Trump Talks "Unity" With Vets (3 replies)
  33. Clinton, in book, says Trump's debate stalking made her skin crawl (47 replies)
  34. Don't mention any names (29 replies)
  35. Breitbart editor pledges to do 'dirty work' for Bannon, smears Ivanka (14 replies)
  36. put-aside your emotions, does 'controlling lawful gun ownership' work to save lives? (1 replies)
  37. More Leftist Anarchist Attempted Violence... (2 replies)
  38. Could Bannon fill the void left by oreilly and other fox hosts ? (22 replies)
  39. Put the Democratic Party in a museum? (29 replies)
  40. Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History (1 replies)
  41. CNN caves in to Antifa (3 replies)
  42. The Ever-Burgeoning House Democrat IT Scandal (3 replies)
  43. former Neo-Nazi POV (2 replies)
  44. Violence Against The Far-Right Is ‘Not A Crime' (6 replies)
  45. Why It's Called FAKE NEWS... (0 replies)
  46. Will Boston Be Next? (0 replies)
  47. Bannon: The Trump presidency is 'over' (22 replies)
  48. Charlottesville A Strategic Mistake By The Alt-Right? (25 replies)
  49. The New Four Party Politics (57 replies)
  50. Finally Something You're Going To Like (13 replies)
  51. This Is Why Trump Is Failing (49 replies)
  52. Matt Drudge Rarely 'Speaks' Bannon Out (14 replies)
  53. Worse Than Losing The Legitimacy Of The Business and Arts Advisers (4 replies)
  54. This Would TRULY Spark a Second Civil War (50 replies)
  55. Is a second civil war brewing? (96 replies)
  56. Charlottesville rally co-organizer disgusted with Trump (2 replies)
  57. Trump Disbands The Two Business Boards He Set Up (107 replies)
  58. Antifa are Patriots (6 replies)
  59. Eyewitnesses in Charlottesville (6 replies)
  60. Hillary’s Campaign Spokesman Compares D-Day Soldiers To Antifa (2 replies)
  61. This Is Why I Registered As an Independent Long Ago... (5 replies)
  62. DNC hack not a hack at all? (0 replies)
  63. Next They Came for Teddy…. (14 replies)
  64. Trump lashes out at 'alt-left' in Charlottesville (2 replies)
  65. Trump - and not calling out the KKK, Duke and others (1 replies)
  66. Texas Gov. Abbott Permanently BANS Taxpayer Funded Abortions (0 replies)
  67. Hate on display at Trump Tower (0 replies)
  68. Breaking News: Donald Trump Is President (7 replies)
  69. I'm About Ready To Live OFF THE GRID... (45 replies)
  70. More about the Google Engineer's Pro-Diversity Memo (0 replies)
  71. Progressives/Leftists Decry science because it hurts feelings... (0 replies)
  72. MALHE - Make a Liberal's head explode - with this pic (0 replies)
  73. Is Kneeling/Sitting During the National Anthem Disrespectful to Our Flag/Nation? (61 replies)
  74. Antifa Says Fighting Alt-Right is “Defensive” (4 replies)
  75. Hundreds Protest Wall In Texas (26 replies)
  76. DC hasn’t come to grips with Trump’s presidency (1 replies)
  77. FULL: Trumps Press Conference speech about events in Charlottesville. (79 replies)
  78. Susan Rice: Strategy on North Korea Nukes Buildup was a ‘Failure’ (0 replies)
  79. US is becoming NK under Trump (30 replies)
  80. More liberal hypocrisy (0 replies)
  81. Governor of Guam Praises President Trump (0 replies)
  82. Keith Ellison: Gorsuch Is ‘Illegitimate’ SC justice (0 replies)
  83. Emanuel would rather posture for liberals than enforce the law - or fix his city (7 replies)
  84. Dem Rep: ‘NO WAY IN HELL’ Do We Win in 2018 With ‘Obstacle’ Pelosi (4 replies)
  85. Chelsea Handler calls for military coup (6 replies)
  86. Trump Bounce Back? New Rasmussen Poll Says So (4 replies)
  87. Liberal Hypocrisy (4 replies)
  88. We'll always be nearly brothers (open letter to the American people from Russia) (1 replies)
  89. Is James Damore justified in suing Google? (3 replies)
  90. One example of how Liberals are retarded (1 replies)
  91. Giant "Trump Chicken" appears at White House (12 replies)
  92. Because Libs are f'ing mental midgets: more tax = fewer sales. Philly is the worst. (1 replies)
  93. Miami Is No Longer a Sanctuary City (2 replies)
  94. To learn how do well as a man in a feminist society, visit a Communist country (0 replies)
  95. How Democrats keep measures-for-protection out of the poor's hands (0 replies)
  96. Kudlow: ‘Trump Factor’ Is Powering Strong Economic Gains (2 replies)
  97. I Think He's Onto Something Here (0 replies)
  98. Former FBI Official Reveals DOJ Refused to Prosecute Lawmakers Leaking intel (2 replies)
  99. The Senate Confirmed a Heck of a Lot of Nominees Yesterday (1 replies)
  100. Ryan to GOP: If We Don't Do Our Jobs, Voters Won't Show Up in 2018 (6 replies)
  101. We’re On Track To Create 25 Million New Jobs Under Trump (0 replies)
  102. Maxine Waters Is Encouraging More People to Leak Confidential Info From the WH (16 replies)
  103. "When We Finish With Trump, We Have to Go and Get’ Pence" (3 replies)
  104. Jeff Sessions Expected to Remain Attorney General (0 replies)
  105. Jeff Sessions Orders Look into ‘DOJ Slush Fund’ Payments to Leftists (0 replies)
  106. Reagan Cut Taxes, Revenue Boomed (0 replies)
  107. Even Republicans don't like Congress anymore (0 replies)
  108. Diamond and Silk offer help to Megyn Kelly (0 replies)
  109. Lawyers Say Comey’s FBI Lied About Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting (2 replies)
  110. Krauthammer Warns: ‘Some Republicans’ Want Trump ‘Taken Out Of Office’ (1 replies)
  111. US Created 209,000 Jobs in July, Crushing Expectations (2 replies)
  112. West Virginia Governor Switching to GOP (1 replies)
  113. Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe (12 replies)
  114. Sessions Barring Sanctuary Cities From Crime-Reduction Program (3 replies)
  115. Robust Economy, Stocks Will Mean 'Trump's Going to Win Again' (5 replies)
  116. McMaster... Israel, and more... (19 replies)
  117. CNN wrong again (1 replies)
  118. Someone Leaked Classified Transcripts Of Trump’s Phone Calls With Foreign Leaders (5 replies)
  119. Gingrich: Gorsuch Appointment 'May Have Justified the Whole Presidential Campaign' (2 replies)
  120. Immigration: How Trump Derangement Syndrome Dumbs Down the Press (0 replies)
  121. Obama Holdovers Gain Ground in Trump’s National Security Council (2 replies)
  122. Trump Boom: Dow Jones Hits 22,000 for First Time (0 replies)
  123. Interesting About 'Never Trumpers'' and The Senate (0 replies)
  124. Pass GOP tax cuts by Thanksgiving or get ready for Speaker Pelosi (0 replies)
  125. Trump is finally getting his White House in order (3 replies)
  126. Trump Has Quietly Accomplished More Than It Appears (3 replies)
  127. Harry Reid Says ‘No Sane Country’ Rewards Illegal Aliens With Citizenship (3 replies)
  128. White House Announces Major Overhaul to U.S. Immigration System (24 replies)
  129. Ben Rhodes Now a “Person of Interest” In House Intel Unmasking Investigation (0 replies)
  130. Refugee Admissions Under Trump: More Christians, Fewer Muslims (5 replies)
  131. Christopher Wray confirmed for FBI Director (0 replies)
  132. Typical liberal tolerance (5 replies)
  133. This is how you clean your woman (4 replies)
  134. Paul Ryan Releases Video Promoting POTUS’s Border Wall (0 replies)
  135. Five accomplishments of Scaramucci's brief tenure (1 replies)
  136. Can Kelly Quell The Chaos? (6 replies)
  137. Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’ (0 replies)
  138. Nikki Haley Nails It on the UN and North Korea (0 replies)
  139. San Diego : DHS Issues Environmental Waivers To Build Wall (4 replies)
  140. Not Smart To Dictate For Son (9 replies)
  141. Hmm (0 replies)
  142. Scaramucci Out As Communications Director (12 replies)
  143. Justice Kennedy (30 replies)
  144. HC Insurance A Proposal? (0 replies)
  145. Obama Official Made ‘Hundreds’ Of Suspicious Unmasking Requests (0 replies)
  146. Trump’s 'America First' vs. McCain’s 'America Last' (0 replies)
  147. Did the Dems do the collusion with Russia (19 replies)
  148. Scaramucci collects another scalp as Trump dumps Priebus (15 replies)
  149. Trump to police - "I want to say Thank You" (6 replies)
  150. Gun Prosecutions Up 23 Percent (0 replies)
  151. Scaramucci Salary (0 replies)
  152. McConnell Should Step Down as Majority Leader If Obamacare Isn’t Repealed (7 replies)
  153. Now a special counsel for Comey? (3 replies)
  154. trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron? (198 replies)
  155. Russia Russia Russia... MSM crazy train of lies. (5 replies)
  156. John McCain (28 replies)
  157. College Kids Hate Trumps 100 day accomplishments...but there's a catch (6 replies)
  158. Couldn't Pass The 'Skinny Repeal' (4 replies)
  159. Is The Administration Blowing Up? (22 replies)
  160. Anyone ever heard of FUSION GPS? (0 replies)
  161. Just Another Day In This Administration (1 replies)
  162. Is Breitbart turning on Trump (2 replies)
  163. Trump and Andrew Jackson (1 replies)
  164. State Department Openly Hostile to Trump Administration Agenda (0 replies)
  165. House Republicans seek to dodge border wall vote (0 replies)
  166. Trump Says Transgender People Will Not Be Allowed in the Military (148 replies)
  167. Trump Is For MSNBC What Obama Was For Gun Sales (1 replies)
  168. McCain Speaks To The Senate (1 replies)
  169. They Passed The MTP (0 replies)
  170. Is Showdown Coming With Trump/Sessions? (2 replies)
  171. Rush Limbaugh: GOP Runs Show, Needs to Act Like It (1 replies)
  172. Rand Paul To Vote For HC Repeal? (4 replies)
  173. Now THIS Is Good News! (5 replies)
  174. Wasserman Schultz IT aide, arrested and more... (41 replies)
  175. Getting On Message (2 replies)
  176. Senator Asks DOJ About Democrats’ Work With Ukraine To Smear Trump Campaign (5 replies)
  177. Yes, a President May Be Indicted … and May Pardon Himself (1 replies)
  178. Early Poll: Kid Rock Up 4 Points On Stabenow in Michigan Senate Race (3 replies)
  179. 'Trump Signed a Global Death Warrant for Women' (3 replies)
  180. Lying to Congress can put you in jail, even if you're not under oath (1 replies)
  181. Schumer: Democrats, Not Russia, To Blame For Election Loss (11 replies)
  182. Scaramucci: 'I Will Take Dramatic Action to Stop Those Leaks' (2 replies)
  183. 62+ million racists voted for Trump (0 replies)
  184. Mueller and Trump Prepare for War with America the Loser (0 replies)
  185. Rand Paul - Porkfest in health bill (1 replies)
  186. MSM Still ‘Licking Their Wounds’ from Beatdowns (0 replies)
  187. Biden deflects question on 2020 run (8 replies)
  188. Voter Fraud? How can this be? (0 replies)
  189. Busy Tweeting Day (1 replies)
  190. Trump May Yet Become a Terrific President (3 replies)
  191. Crime Or Not, Appearances To Have Consequences (5 replies)
  192. Scaramucci Tames The Media In ‘Smooth’ First Press Conference (0 replies)
  193. Nearly Half of Liberals Feel Disdain for Trump Supporters, Cons Far More Tolerant (1 replies)
  194. Minneapolis News Conference Overtaken By Protestors (3 replies)
  195. BROKE: New FEC Report Shows DNC Finished June $3.3 Million in Debt (8 replies)
  196. Judicial Watch: Mueller Probe is a Political Effort to Jail Trump and His Family (0 replies)
  197. Spicer Resigns? (40 replies)
  198. Clinton Campaign Never Bought ‘Carbon Offsets’ To Atone For Hillary’s Private Jet (0 replies)
  199. Networks Spend 55% of Time Covering Russia-Trump (1 replies)
  200. Cryin’ Chuck Schumer Sinks to LOWEST Approval Rating EVER in New York (5 replies)
  201. Now McMasters? (1 replies)
  202. Sen. Rand Paul Agrees: Russia Investigation a 'Witch Hunt' (2 replies)
  203. Rand Paul: I Want a 'Clean Repeal' Amendment on Healthcare Bill (0 replies)
  204. Crazy Congresswoman Sparks Speculation Frenzy With Event In New Hampshire (1 replies)
  205. Complete List of President Trump’s Major Accomplishments in His First Six Months (5 replies)
  206. Linda Sarsour’s ‘Jihad and Allah’ Speech Blows Up Her Political Support (2 replies)
  207. Should Jeff Sessions Resign? (62 replies)
  208. McCain Has Brain Cancer (5 replies)
  209. Think The New Civil Forfeiture Rules Are Great? (27 replies)
  210. Russians I Met With Today Want Their $500K Back for Bill Clinton’s Speech (1 replies)
  211. Mitch McConnell and Speaker Ryan SHOULD BE GONE After Obamacare Failure (3 replies)
  212. Boost economy with ‘very large’ tax cut — or ‘real danger of Speaker Pelosi’ (11 replies)
  213. Maine Now Offering In-State Tuition Discounts to Illegal Immigrants (0 replies)
  214. Medicare in the health bill - just fix it!! (2 replies)
  215. Most unproductive Congress in 164 years (4 replies)
  216. Wish everyone understood this (1 replies)
  217. six minutes to explain Collusion. (0 replies)
  218. Trump donor 'kills himself' (0 replies)
  219. Be careful when you follow the masses. (0 replies)
  220. Trump Jr Is It A Nothing Burger? (137 replies)
  221. CNN Is Destroying Its Own Reputation In Freakout (5 replies)
  222. Greta fired from msnbc; trump reacts. (5 replies)
  223. Auntie’s Off Her Meds Again (8 replies)
  224. Will everyone now condemn CNN (5 replies)
  225. 700 billion will be uninsured (5 replies)
  226. Now it's the NY Times doing the retracting (0 replies)
  227. Another promise on way to being kept (10 replies)
  228. Profs gather to ‘fight the right’ at Socialism 2017 conference (1 replies)
  229. Trump tweets shocking assault on Brzezinski, Scarborough (8 replies)
  230. PJW - Truth behind CNN (and be extension Liberal-centric Media) (1 replies)
  231. Feel Good video of the day (1 replies)
  232. Dem: Citing Uncomfortable Data Is White Privilege (3 replies)
  233. Susan Rice Blames Racism, Sexism for Unmasking Backlash (6 replies)
  234. Circa's Got Another McCabe Story (0 replies)
  235. Dems' Extreme Healthcare Rhetoric (0 replies)
  236. Charlie Daniels on term limits (5 replies)
  237. Senators Send Questions to Loretta Lynch (1 replies)
  238. Gingrich: Congress Should Call on Obama to Testify Under Oath (0 replies)
  239. New Study Out On Effects Of New Minimum Wages-Not Pretty (33 replies)
  240. Senate Healthcare Vote Delayed Until After The 4th (3 replies)
  241. HUUUGE non story on foxnews about obama (9 replies)
  242. The Hits Keep Coming For CNN (5 replies)
  243. FBI Retaliation Of Flynn? (4 replies)
  244. CNN: Resignations Accepted By Three Involved In Retracted Story (2 replies)
  245. Butthurt Marxist Phil Donahue On Why Trump is President (6 replies)
  246. Trump support goes nuclear on Maxine Waters (5 replies)
  247. SCOTUS Reinstates Key Parts of Trump's Travel Ban (23 replies)
  248. The Antithesis of Obstruction (0 replies)
  249. Congress Needs to Forget Trump and His Tweets and Pass the Big Bills (0 replies)
  250. Chuck Schumer a liar too? (6 replies)