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  1. Bernie Sanders: Beneificary of the Left's spreading "Anybody But Hillary" sentiments? (0 replies)
  2. Simple question complex issue... (7 replies)
  3. A Few Thoughts (244 replies)
  4. Donald Trump on ISIS: 'I would knock the hell out of them,' and then 'I'd take the oi (26 replies)
  5. Marco Rubio (7 replies)
  6. Ted Cruz (16 replies)
  7. Ben Carson (36 replies)
  8. Scott Walker (44 replies)
  9. Fox and Trump Truce? (2 replies)
  10. Things The GOP Candidates Could Talk About (2 replies)
  11. Imagine If This Had Happened In Republican Admin (4 replies)
  12. This Trump-Megyn Kelly thang (65 replies)
  13. Donald Trump Still in the Lead After Debates (6 replies)
  14. Trump Makes Liberal Magazine Look Like Idiots After They Release His Phone Number (6 replies)
  15. Megyn Kelly's reasonable explanation (24 replies)
  16. Is the mattress industry an example of capitalism run amok ? (8 replies)
  17. What a wimp (16 replies)
  18. Trouble With Trump Campaign? (6 replies)
  19. Most important concern: Can a candidate get conservative ideas enacted into LAW? (0 replies)
  20. Comparing Perot voters to Trump voters (1 replies)
  21. Carly Fiorina (44 replies)
  22. This Is Not A Conspiracy? (0 replies)
  23. Do NOT Read This If For Trump and Are Male (24 replies)
  24. Trump Disinvited To Red State Gathering (140 replies)
  25. Limbaugh rips Fox News for 'war on women' question (48 replies)
  26. Remaining GOP Debates (13 replies)
  27. Should a person be held responsible for their brother's actions? (33 replies)
  28. *Trump....Watch the video and Listen.. (14 replies)
  29. Trump and Bill Clinton Talked Before Announcement (6 replies)
  30. Schumer To Vote Against Iran 'Deal' (22 replies)
  31. Fox News Republican Debate (Top 10) (174 replies)
  32. Three things that would convince me Obama is the AntiChrist... (25 replies)
  33. Cool Davy Crockett quote (3 replies)
  34. A Sure Sign You're a Lying Loser (28 replies)
  35. Hitler Less Bad Than Liberals (105 replies)
  36. Those White Women (2 replies)
  37. A Preview Of Thursday's Debates-Monday's NH Program (2 replies)
  38. Hillary Has A Legal Problem (5 replies)
  39. Where Will Hillary! Be in 2017 — the White House or the Big House? (8 replies)
  40. Human Trafficking And US State Department Hanchos (1 replies)
  41. We Are Moving Into Election Year (0 replies)
  42. Gotta Love PJ O'Rourke (1 replies)
  43. 2016 Presidential Race & SUmmer Olympiics (0 replies)
  44. Utility Rates Too High (11 replies)
  45. Bullypulpit - executive orders (70 replies)
  46. EXCLUSIVE: Video shows Hillary Clinton boarding private jet just hours after launchin (0 replies)
  47. Donald Trump: P.T. Barnum With Bad Hair (20 replies)
  48. Trump Makes Epic Announcement About Sarah Palin (20 replies)
  49. Clinton marriage a sham (8 replies)
  50. July 29: House Judiciary Committee releases Article of Impeachment against President (2 replies)
  51. Temperature fraud at NOAA (1 replies)
  52. Ridding Ourselves of Disease and Crime (32 replies)
  53. Racism Debate (14 replies)
  54. DNC speaks to empty College Democrat event - in Washington DC! (1 replies)
  55. A Reason Now Is The Time For Iran Deal (9 replies)
  56. Still Fronting for Fidel at the New York Times (1 replies)
  57. Undefined Topic (18 replies)
  58. Obama: Gun control is my biggest frustration (8 replies)
  59. Obama gives 'exclusive' BBC interview ... (7 replies)
  60. What I Want To Hear (0 replies)
  61. Some Good News On Hillary, Trump (8 replies)
  62. Will The GOP Capitalize? (3 replies)
  63. State of GOP presidential candidates (42 replies)
  64. Dem apologizes for saying "All lives matter" (3 replies)
  65. Does Africa Need Oil for us to Care? (1 replies)
  66. The 22 Scandals HILLARY doesn't want anyone to Remember... Oh My! (0 replies)
  67. Mexicans more conservative than liberal (12 replies)
  68. Said about John McCain: "As far as I'm concerned, he sat out the war." (1 replies)
  69. Trump: I Don't Need To Be Lectured (1 replies)
  70. New "White Privilege Tax" for all White People Supported by Minorities Experiment (2 replies)
  71. Half the drivers licenses issued in Calif in 2015 have been given to illegal aliens (6 replies)
  72. It Would Be Nice To Hear More (1 replies)
  73. WaPo Op-Ed Sorta Agrees With Gunny and Jeff (0 replies)
  74. Collecting Racial Data Throughout The Country (0 replies)
  75. John McCain said that his own war actions weren't particularly heroic (26 replies)
  76. If Congress Does Not Act, the Ultimate Destruction of Our Liberty Will Be Clinched (0 replies)
  77. How the GOP avoids extinction (4 replies)
  78. Americans Paying More Attention To Muslims Than Thought (4 replies)
  79. Democrats Supporting Unions While Stiffing Veterans (0 replies)
  80. How did the Tennessee gunman KNOW he could blast away with impunity? (13 replies)
  81. Safe Space Donated To University (1 replies)
  82. Chattanooga attacks on U.S. Military personnel (44 replies)
  83. Here is why So Many INFORMED??? Americans will vote for Hillary. (9 replies)
  84. U.S. signs nuke deal with Iran (13 replies)
  85. Should there be a law against public institutions that lie for money? (14 replies)
  86. Independent Trump. (9 replies)
  87. Dems Are Terrified of Scott Walker-They Should Be (9 replies)
  88. Politically Correct DUKES OF HAZARD.....Enjoy. (5 replies)
  89. More indication Hillary donor Trump is a plant (9 replies)
  90. Here is something ALL OF US should compare to Obama's/Hillary's plan for America (0 replies)
  91. Obama admin on the verge of signing a nuke agreement with Iran (1 replies)
  92. Ginsburg: Liberal Justices Make A Point To Speak With One Voice (0 replies)
  93. Perry On Illegals and Obama's Divisiveness (1 replies)
  94. Yup (7 replies)
  95. Judge Refuses To Perform Gay Marriage (45 replies)
  96. Our Progressive: Socialist Racists (0 replies)
  97. NYT Emphasizes It's Bias (1 replies)
  98. Tried To Get 'Every Lie' From Hillary Since March (13 replies)
  99. Red States/Blue States (2 replies)
  100. Americas-ruling-class-and-perils-revolution (0 replies)
  101. When arresting the mexican illegal - guy has a neat shirt (5 replies)
  102. Judge To Homeland Sec: "Show Up or Be In Contempt" (1 replies)
  103. Some Republicans starting to see the light (10 replies)
  104. Carson V Hillary? (0 replies)
  105. O'Reily NAILED it with this Op/Ed...on how SF mayor/Govt responsible for a murder (0 replies)
  106. Gee, what's that behind Hillary? (10 replies)
  107. Media: "Trump is rude, offensive!". Has anyone mentioned that he is also RIGHT? (1 replies)
  108. Cal Thomas: Evangelical Culture War Was a Mistake (0 replies)
  109. Tapper: "I Can't Help It If Entire Democrat Field Is White" (4 replies)
  110. If Donald Trump Were "A Democratic Mole Placed To Disrupt Things," (10 replies)
  111. The Hill: Why Trump Is Surging (15 replies)
  112. Two kinds of leftists (1 replies)
  113. Hey Politicians: Time To Study The Declaration of Independence! (3 replies)
  114. Young Black Woman Issues Blistering Takedown of George Takei & Other ‘Leftist Racists (7 replies)
  115. Which party/candidate do you REALLY support? (72 replies)
  116. What exactly ARE we celebrating this year? (7 replies)
  117. Awesome - First Amendment Defense Act (1 replies)
  118. Adjusted net worth of American presidents (1 replies)
  119. Together, these sum it up nicely (0 replies)
  120. Fags (39 replies)
  121. Polygamous Montana trio applies for wedding license for husband and his two "wives" (5 replies)
  122. America Is Not Racist (2 replies)
  123. Freedom (2 replies)
  124. More Hillary/WH lies, they're adding up (3 replies)
  125. Splitting the Difference (2 replies)
  126. Feds predicted surge of illegals (2 replies)
  127. Greece's liberal govt is reaping what it sowed: Can't pay its debts, banks closing (1 replies)
  128. On Confederate Flag Brouhaha (0 replies)
  129. All Greek banks to close? (0 replies)
  130. Democrats can't even give away tickets to Hillary Clinton speech - 80% of seats empty (0 replies)
  131. Easy solution to the immigration problem (0 replies)
  132. Baltimore cop revealing things he saw on the job (8 replies)
  133. Obama complains yet again about feigned "gun violence", this time at SC church funera (2 replies)
  134. Torn (11 replies)
  135. Missing Clinton emails likely to raise new questions (1 replies)
  136. House bill would force the Supreme Court to enroll in ObamaCare (0 replies)
  137. The Hated White Race (25 replies)
  138. The Political Goddess (8 replies)
  139. Supreme Court rewrites Obamacare yet again... without sending back to Congress (0 replies)
  140. Should The Jefferson Memorial Go Too? (23 replies)
  141. Confederate Flag... WHY (78 replies)
  142. Let's Go Rev ... Civil War ... No cut n paste (10 replies)
  143. Hillary and Confederate flag (12 replies)
  144. Finally, a list of Hillary's accomplishments! (14 replies)
  145. Why aren't we talking about the mental illness (15 replies)
  146. SCOTUS Predictions (22 replies)
  147. Supremes strike down govt confiscation of raisin crops as unconstitutional (8 replies)
  148. Rove: Only Way To Stop The Violence Is To Repeal Second Amendment (23 replies)
  149. Merging of the left and the right (0 replies)
  150. Ex-Clinton aide provides new emails on Benghazi (1 replies)
  151. John Oliver: Gov't Surveillance Snowden interview (comedy/serious) (0 replies)
  152. Juries (41 replies)
  153. Fox News v CNN v MSNBC (62 replies)
  154. Jobs Lost (1 replies)
  155. Racial Epithet (10 replies)
  156. Hillary Clinton Wants Americans To Show Respect For Our Enemies, Especially ISIS (11 replies)
  157. Fed-Up Charlie Daniels Confronts Obama in Scathing Open Letter (0 replies)
  158. DOJ tries to learn identities of internet commentators (1 replies)
  159. BTW, does anybody think Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is actally a woman? (71 replies)
  160. Foot Ulcer (1 replies)
  161. Told ya so... (30 replies)
  162. How incompetent and inept is Baltimore's state attorney? (5 replies)
  163. Just the usual leftist double-standards in media reporting...... (0 replies)
  164. A New Dark Age? (9 replies)
  165. The gun-controllers' War on Women (5 replies)
  166. Perry presents himself well (5 replies)
  167. Big Government vs Efficient/Powerful Government (6 replies)
  168. 29 mind-blowing photos that show you how badly liberalism has ruined Detroit (15 replies)
  169. Jimmy Carter Sounds Off on Americans' 'Racist Tendencies' (42 replies)
  170. Two Actual Everyday Americans Walk Into A Hillary Clinton Event… (0 replies)
  171. The Duggars (1 replies)
  172. US Border Patrol helicopter shot down, fired at from Mexico over US ranch (0 replies)
  173. 2015 Congressional Pig Book says DOD spending accounts for much of ‘pork’ (0 replies)
  174. Republicans: Listen, we might temporarily extend those health care subsidies (0 replies)
  175. Hillary Camp to Media: 'Her Speech Will Be Her Interview' (0 replies)
  176. Major Scandal: Rubio and Wife Have Received 17 Traffic Tickets Since 1997 (8 replies)
  177. The Success of Obamacare Continues (1 replies)
  178. Hillary’s new pitch: It’s time for automatic voter registration (2 replies)
  179. Disney - Training Immigrants to take over your job (0 replies)
  180. EPA managers let workers get away with timesheet fraud, watching porn at work (1 replies)
  181. House Flipping With Lizzy (0 replies)
  182. George W. Bush outpolls Barack Obama (79 replies)
  183. Nearly 8-In-10 Americans Support Voter ID (10 replies)
  184. Know Your Place Peon (8 replies)
  185. Federal officials voiced growing alarm over Clinton’s compliance (2 replies)
  186. Cash for Slackers (12 replies)
  187. Health insurers seek big premium hikes for ObamaCare plans in 2016 (0 replies)
  188. Perianne, This One Is For You (1 replies)
  189. The Kremlin was reluctant to initiate the lifting of sanctions (0 replies)
  190. Western Isolation of Moscow Helps Putin, Opens New Opportunities for Russia (3 replies)
  191. 18 More Months! (10 replies)
  192. The Patriot Act's broadest surveillance powers have expired. (0 replies)
  193. Internal emails show Clinton got detailed intel on 'planned' Benghazi hit (1 replies)
  194. Martin 2016 (0 replies)
  195. Why Hillary? (5 replies)
  196. Doesn't it seem that someone got mad? Or Impunity generates permissiveness. (0 replies)
  197. My foracst for fightng. (0 replies)
  198. Russia and China Create Their Own Payment Systems. (15 replies)
  199. America’s Days as a Global Superpower Are Numbered. Now What? (11 replies)
  200. Who will be the next? (6 replies)
  201. Who are you, Mr. Putin and where did you appear from? (2 replies)
  202. New Crime Wave (1 replies)
  203. Saw This, Thought of Tyr- (1 replies)
  204. Contrary to April reports, U.S. economy contracted 0.7% in 1Q (1 replies)
  205. Russian "troll factory" flooding the internet with propaganda (81 replies)
  206. A Personal Message (52 replies)
  207. Questions of Russian. Elections in the USA. (2 replies)
  208. Why You Should Vote For 'This Candidate' In GOP Primary (5 replies)
  209. Wow, An Argument For Rev (14 replies)
  210. American Exceptionalism: Is it a fact or a myth? (21 replies)
  211. One to one challenge to Tyr-Ziu Saxnot (7 replies)
  212. The Nasty and complete GREED of America's Poor. (6 replies)
  213. Is Healthcare a Right? (40 replies)
  214. Stance (1 replies)
  215. On a reliance of media and Google information (0 replies)
  216. Seriously: WH Suggests More Gun Control In Strict Baltimore After Bloody Memorial Day (4 replies)
  217. Where do I stand in American politics (6 replies)
  218. Federal Court Rules Against Immigration Plan (2 replies)
  219. Decisions (5 replies)
  220. The Trade Deal (58 replies)
  221. Hellow from Russia (320 replies)
  222. The problem with Islam . . . (28 replies)
  223. Gov. Christie learns the power of not giving a shit (8 replies)
  224. On modern social liberal elites (7 replies)
  225. The problem with ideologies (29 replies)
  226. Al Pacino nearly perfectly describes Washington and the White House thinking. (2 replies)
  227. The Progessive Diaries. Laws from the hopes and dreams of Liberals/Progressives. (1 replies)
  228. Ferguson Had Fake Protestors (7 replies)
  229. ****just watch this 2 minute video..... (6 replies)
  230. Hilarious: Hillary now claims she wants her emails released "quickly" (16 replies)
  231. Fake Data: Changing Minds Regarding Gay Marriage (60 replies)
  232. Infrastructure (0 replies)
  233. District court smacks DC govt, yet again, for failing to issue gun permits (1 replies)
  234. Two Americas (20 replies)
  235. Proportional fines (29 replies)
  236. Too Many Black Students Suspended Leads Oakland Schools To Stop Punishment (3 replies)
  237. Govt orders Amtrak to use train-control system to slow trains in Philly crash area (2 replies)
  238. Republicans and Flat Tax (51 replies)
  239. Pay attention to history (3 replies)
  240. Clintons report making $25M for speeches since Jan. '14 (1 replies)
  241. As always, liberals depend on changing human nature for their agenda to work (5 replies)
  242. I Sent a Letter to Senator McCain (21 replies)
  243. Amtrak train was traveling "over 100mph" into 50mph curve? (13 replies)
  244. Obama: people who earn a lot are merely "Society's lottery winners" (2 replies)
  245. Teachers Union Survey Shows Teachers Union MASSIVELY FAILS Teachers (3 replies)
  246. Law forbidding Hillary from erasing emails, also bans her from office if she violates (12 replies)
  247. After finding that Hillary's emails do exist, judge accepts lawsuit to get them (1 replies)
  248. Progressive rioters attempt to destroy another city, deface women's WWII memorial (10 replies)
  249. Skewering Racist Mark Halperin (0 replies)
  250. Changes (1 replies)